I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 178 Harry’s Birthday Party

It was impossible for Harry to call Louis in the middle of the night. After all, he knew that Louis was angry when he woke up. If he disturbed this guy, he might suffer some disaster.

The next morning, when Harry went downstairs for breakfast, he found that the three Dursleys were already sitting at the kitchen table, watching a brand-new television set to welcome him and Dudley. A gift bought for him when he went home for the summer vacation - at least that's what his uncle told him.

Dudley had been complaining loudly that the refrigerator in the living room was too far away from the TV. He spent most of the summer in the kitchen, staring at the TV screen with his greedy little eyes. He kept stuffing things into his mouth, and his five-layered jaw kept trembling.

Harry sat down between Uncle Vernon and Cousin Dudley. Uncle Vernon seemed to be a little fatter. It was really not easy to sit down between him and Cousin Dudley. Thanks to him Relatively thin.

There seemed to be something extra in breakfast today. When Harry looked carefully, he saw a blueberry pie and a few pieces of bacon, both of which were his favorite things.

"Happy birthday, Harry." Uncle Vernon's big palm patted his thin shoulder, almost knocking him and the stool apart.

Aunt Petunia also came over with a plate of sausages and joined Dudley in wishing him a happy birthday.

This made Harry somewhat flattered, after all, this was the first time in thirteen years that he had heard this family wish him a happy birthday.

"Thank you, thank you." Harry's eyes sparkled. This was once his most extravagant wish.

He took the plate of blueberry pie and saw Dudley's eager eyes. He hesitated for a moment and gave him half a piece.

"Thank you, Harry." Dudley was not too surprised. He knew that his little cousin was soft-hearted.

Harry took a bite of the blueberry pie and turned to look at the TV. The announcer was midway through reporting news about a fugitive criminal.

"The public must be aware that Blake is armed and extremely dangerous. We have set up a special hotline. Anyone who knows any sightings of Blake must report it immediately."

"Don't tell us he has bad intentions." Uncle Vernon snorted, glaring at the prisoner over the newspaper he was reading: "Look at his virtue, his dirty look, and his expression. , he is not a good person at first glance.”

Harry looked at the Black on the screen, and it was indeed true. His face was covered with unwashed dirt, his beard was not shaved clean, and his hair seemed to have not been washed for a long time and seemed to be tangled together.

The newscaster reappeared on the screen: "The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries will announce today -"

"Go on!" growled Uncle Vernon, staring furiously at the announcer. "You haven't told us where this madman escaped from! What's the use? The madman might be coming down the street. Got it!"

Harry knew that his uncle was quite afraid of death.

"Uh, Uncle Vernon..." Harry called out to his uncle at this time, watching with fear as he looked at him with anger on his face.

After all, no one will be happy if their anger is interrupted.

But Harry's next words caused Uncle Vernon's expression and attitude to make a 180-degree turn.

"Can I use the phone?" Harry asked with some confusion: "You know, today is my birthday, and my classmate Louis asked me if he could come to my birthday party..."

"Your classmate, Louis?" Uncle Vernon's voice rose an octave, like a cat whose tail has been stepped on: "Is it your highness? Then what are you waiting for? My Harry, please invite your classmates to your home for a birthday party But what we should do, you should call immediately!"

"Ah... I suggest you wait. Louis usually gets up late..." Harry reminded cautiously.

"Oh, I didn't think it through well, Harry." Uncle Vernon's eyes almost disappeared from laughter. He pinched Harry's face and said with a smile: "You are still thinking carefully, Petunia, today's dinner It must be rich, very rich..."

"Oh, by the way, uncle." Harry finally revealed the dagger hidden in his map of Yan Kingdom, which was the signature form for Hogsmeade, and handed it to Uncle Vernon: "The school said that third-year students can go here on weekends. Hogsmeade, but a guardian’s signature is required…”

Without saying a word, Uncle Vernon turned around and took out a ballpoint pen from a corner, and quickly signed his name on the application form.

"We should care about the growth of young people, shouldn't we?" The uncle laughed so hard that his eyes were gone, and then he stood up and said: "I'd better leave right away, Petunia, Maggie's train will arrive at ten o'clock. "

Harry was still immersed in the joy of getting the signature, but he couldn't help but startled when he heard this sentence, and returned to reality unpleasantly, "Aunt Maggie?" He blurted out: "She - uh, she is Want to come here?”

Maggie is Uncle Vernon's sister. Although she has nothing to do with Harry, according to the etiquette of relatives, Harry still calls her aunt. Aunt Marge lived in the country, with a big garden around the house where she kept dogs. She didn't come here often, but every time she came, it left Harry with terrible memories that stayed with him forever. It cast a big shadow on his little mind.

"Maggie will stay here for a week." Uncle Vernon looked indifferent, turned to look at Harry, and comforted him: "Don't worry, Maggie will only stay here for a few days, she will definitely not be too... It’s too difficult for you.”

Look at what he said, Harry wouldn't believe it to his death that Aunt Maggie, who had always looked down on him, would let him go.

After calling Louis, Harry sat there unhappily and emoticoned. He really didn't like Aunt Maggie.

But his emo moment didn't last long. After a while, Aunt Petunia called him and asked him to come downstairs to greet the guests.

After standing there for two or three minutes, there was the sound of pebbles being crunched. This was Uncle Vernon's car driving back to the driveway in front of the house, and then there was the sound of the car door closing, and Footsteps on the garden path.

Aunt Petunia opened the door, and Aunt Maggie stood on the threshold. She looked very much like Uncle Vernon, with a stocky figure, a thick purple face, and even a little stubble, but not as heavy as Uncle Vernon. She was carrying a huge suitcase in one hand and Lippi, an old, bad-tempered dog, tucked under her arm.

After making out with Dudley, he handed him a brand new twenty pound note. Harry took the heavy box and tried to take as long as possible to move it upstairs. His current mentality was like an ostrich. It would be good to sit with her later and chat.

But the happy time is always short-lived, and it is impossible for him to move for a day. When they returned to the kitchen, Aunt Maggie had already eaten fruitcake and drank tea, and Lippi was licking the food in the corner. Harry saw a flash of disgust in Aunt Petunia's eyes - her aunt was Those who hate all kinds of animals can be said to treat them equally.

But looking at Aunt Petunia's face, she seemed to be angry but afraid to speak out. This eldest aunt comes from a privileged family and often rides on her head to dominate her. Ever since she had Harry, she would not target her every time she came here. Thinking of this, she suddenly felt sad from the bottom of her heart. I felt a little sorry for Harry.

Harry felt better now. It turned out that his aunt was not targeting Hedwig...

As he sat down, Lippi began to bark, and Aunt Maggie turned her attention to Harry for the first time.

"So! You're still here, aren't you!" Aunt Maggie asked angrily.

"Yes," Harry replied flatly, adopting Snape's attitude in this sentence.

Harry swore to God, he felt that sometimes Snape's attitude was actually not bad, at least it would be too... to imitate him at this time.

It's so cool, Professor Snape, I, Harry Potter, want to kiss you in front of you!

"Don't say 'yes' in such a ungrateful tone!" Maggie snarled: "Vernon and Petunia took you in. They were really nice enough. What if I didn't do it? What if someone threw you in?" You would have entered the local orphanage directly at my front door.”

Harry thought it would be nice if I went to a fucking orphanage.

But his heart was numb, but he still had to smile, and Professor Snape's iconic smile once again appeared on his face.

"Don't fake smile at me!" Aunt Maggie said in a shocked voice: "I can see that you haven't made much progress since the last time I saw you. I hope the school can force you, an inhumane little beast, to learn some manners. ." At this point, she swallowed a big sip of tea, wiped her stubble, and said, "Vernon, I forgot again, where did you send him?"

"Royal Academy, Westminster," Uncle Vernon said immediately.

"Oh, Westminster Royal Academy..." Aunt Maggie repeated in a low voice, as if talking to herself, and then her voice raised an octave: "What? You actually sent him to Westminster?" St. Royal Academy? God..."

I thought Harry would be thankful to go to an ordinary public school. Who would have thought that he could go to such a good school? Still one of the best...

"Are you crazy, Vernon, for sending him to such a good school instead of letting my baby Dudley..." Aunt Maggie scolded Uncle Vernon with spittle.

Uncle Vernon endured his sister's lion's roar, and waited until she finally stopped before continuing: "Actually, Harry's father has a very close relationship with a certain His Highness. Not only Harry, but also our whole family." Thanks to his father, he made a lot of money..."

Aunt Maggie opened her mouth, but no words came out for a long time.

I thought Harry was nothing but an orphan whose parents both died, but then I thought he was the returning Dragon King?

Even Lipi, who was chewing meat and bones on the side, raised his front paws again and looked at the young man in front of him who he had bitten before and who seemed to have a promising future.

Just when the atmosphere suddenly fell silent, the doorbell rang suddenly, and Harry stood up as if he was being forgiven: "It seems that Louis is here. I'll open the door."

"Go quickly, go quickly, don't keep His Highness waiting..." Uncle Vernon said hurriedly, and urged everyone to get up quickly to greet the distinguished guests.

Maggie stood up reluctantly and asked Vernon quietly: "Vernon, the His Highness you are talking about is..."

"Oh my God, of course it's His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, His Majesty's nephew..." Aunt Petunia said quickly, with a hint of honor - this is my nephew's friend.

Harry opened the door and was pleasantly surprised to find that in front of him was not only Louis, but also classmates with whom he had a better relationship in Hogwarts, including Catherine, Hermione, Neville, and Hufflepuff's Hannah and Ravenclaw. Law's Justin, he even saw his arch-rival Malfoy.

"Happy birthday, Harry." everyone said in unison.

Harry was stunned for a moment, his eyes were red, tears welled up from his eyes, and fell to the ground.

"Damn it, Poit, why do you look like a woman..." Draco complained to Harry in disgust.

At this moment, even Draco was so cute in his eyes. He quickly greeted his classmates to come in. Fortunately, the originally spacious room seemed a little cramped due to the arrival of the classmates.

"Your Highness." The family saluted Louis and Diana. Aunt Maggie was originally unwilling to do so, but after seeing Diana, she still didn't hold back and began to salute hurriedly.

Looking at the busy living room, Aunt Maggie felt a strong dissatisfaction in her heart. She secretly poked Vernon and planned to leave here.

Seeing Harry living so well was even more uncomfortable than her sleeping in a pigsty.

Vernon was naturally unhappy. Since the conditions at home were getting better and better, he also didn't like his sister who was usually domineering just because she had money.

Who would be willing to endure such a bad temper if it weren't for the sake of relatives' etiquette?

After Maggie left, Harry had a happier smile on his face and became the heartless idiot in school again.

Foolish people are blessed, as the old saying goes.

The only regret was that the Weasley family was on vacation in Egypt and could not come here to attend his birthday party. If the Weasley twins were here, it would definitely be very lively.

From the corner of his eye, Harry also saw a big black dog standing by the window, staring at him intently. Yes, Harry felt that the big dog was staring straight at him.

really weird……

Before he could take a second look, the big dog was shot away by Aunt Petunia through the window.

He turned his head and found that Uncle Vernon was chatting enthusiastically with Louis. Thanks to Louis talking so much, he was able to continue chatting with him. Looking to the side, he saw Dudley looking at Hermione with confused eyes - this startled him. When he looked carefully, oh, what Dudley was looking at was not Hermione, but the cauldron cake in Hermione's hand. There is a licorice wand.

It turned out that when Louis and the others came, they brought a lot of snacks from the magical world. Harry saw Bibi's all-flavor beans placed aside, so he walked over, opened the beans, took out a handful of beans and handed them to Dudley.

"Cousin, would you like to try this delicious bean candy?"

Harry's smile changed from a big fool to a little fox in an instant. If Petunia saw it at this time, she might think of the funny James.

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