I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 179 There will be firebolts

"What is this?" Dudley's attention was immediately attracted, and his interest also increased. He was always very enthusiastic about food.

This would also explain why he is so fat now.

"Bibi's multi-flavor beans." Harry picked up a red bean and stuffed it into his mouth: "Each bean has a different taste, like mine... mine is strawberry flavored."

Harry suppressed the burning feeling in his mouth, the smell of strawberry fart, and the red thing on his mouth was obviously the devil's pepper.

At this moment, he was not fighting alone. James, Sirius, and the Weasley twins were possessed by their souls at this moment...

"Really?" Dudley looked at Harry's blushing face with some hesitation: "Then why is your face turning red?"

"Excited." Harry held it in for a long time, trying to make himself look less intimidating.

Dudley twirled a piece of brown beans doubtfully, closed one eye and looked carefully at the bean candy in his hand, and then looked at Harry, who was blushing like a monkey's butt. His intuition told him that Harry must not be holding anything back. But he didn't want to act cowardly in front of Harry.

After thinking about it for a long time, he finally made up his mind to eat the bean.

As soon as the beans entered his mouth, his face immediately turned bitter, but it was only for a moment, and Dudley immediately changed to a look of enjoyment.

"What did you taste?" Harry asked curiously.

"Chocolate, um, so sweet." Dudley replied immediately without thinking.

In fact, what he ate tasted like mud, so he knew that Bibi's multi-flavor beans were not a good thing, and his little cousin was trying to trick him.

Harry didn't believe in evil, so he picked up another purple piece, and after eating it, he told him that it tasted like blueberry.

The two cousins ​​were at loggerheads. You and I were eating Bibi's multi-flavored beans one bite at a time. Finally, Harry couldn't hold on any longer and turned around and ran away.

Seeing that Harry ran away first, Dudley stood up and followed him, shouting, "Wait for me!"

"They have a really good relationship, don't they?" Diana asked Penny with a smile as she looked at the two brothers running out.

Penny nodded repeatedly, as frequently as a sewing machine.

The big black dog was like a ghost, wandering back and forth near No. 4 Privet Drive. When Harry ran out to vomit, the big black dog even came over and sniffed the corner of his trouser legs.

Harry was a little afraid of dogs and stood there without daring to speak or move. At the critical moment, Dudley had the courage to drive the big black dog away.

"Thank you, Dudley." Harry swore that this was the first time in his life that he felt so pleased with Dudley.

Dudley laughed twice but said nothing.

"I think you should lose weight, cousin." Harry said for no reason, but Dudley held him under his arm and twisted the top of his head several times.

This time it's not like the pure bullying before, it's more of a joke now.

At least Harry wasn't as depressed as before and could still laugh heartlessly. The big black dog in the distance didn't intend to pounce on Dudley's fat ass.

Of course, it could also be because it’s too greasy, and the big black dog doesn’t want to be so fed up that he can’t eat mice for several days.

Today's party was pretty good, the Dursleys had spent a lot of money, and everyone was very satisfied, except Aunt Maggie who had returned to the farm.

The happy time is always short-lived. Before Louis left, he specifically asked Harry to wait for him at the Leaky Cauldron. After he finished handling the matter at hand, he would go there to find him.

Of course, Louis still has his own things to do. After all, Dai Ying’s national treasure has not been returned yet...

He took Napoleon to Buckingham Palace. Napoleon looked at this magnificent palace and suddenly had an unreal feeling.

"It seems that you have also achieved your dream back then, but in a different way." Louis teased from behind him, mercilessly piercing Napoleon's little heart.

Napoleon opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He wasn't nervous at all, she was just a queen. I wonder what Napoleon had never seen before? That Alexander I of Russia was infinitely taller than her...

Soon, after the waiter made the announcement, the two came to the living room, which was full of people. The aunt and her family were sitting on the sofa chatting, seemingly discussing the education of their eldest nephew.

Oh, no, Louis heard it, and it seemed that the eldest nephew had damaged the hat of Napoleon III in the royal collection.

The one who was captured alive by the Germans in Sedan.

"Hat, what's the big deal?" Louis interjected, taking off the hat on Napoleon's head and handing it to his eldest nephew: "Here, you broke the hat of Napoleon III. Uncle will give you a hat of Napoleon I. I just took it off." Coming down…”

The eldest nephew looked at Louis, then at Napoleon, and said curiously: "Oh my god, your eyes are so red...have we met somewhere?"

Napoleon looked at his innocent and lovely nephew, bent down and touched his little fat face and replied kindly: "Maybe it's in your history book, little guy."

At this time, people in the living room also reacted. Aunt pointed at Napoleon and said nothing for a long time. Louis thoughtfully took out three British treasures and put them aside. He chuckled and said, "I'm here to return your treasures, Auntie."

The aunt did not answer, but asked: "This...is this Napoleon...your majesty?"

"Ah, you mean him?" Louis turned back and pointed at Napoleon, who was still having fun with his eldest nephew: "Yes, that's him."

The first to stand up were his cousin and uncle, and they both greeted Napoleon: "Hello, Your Majesty."

"I have abdicated. There can only be one Your Majesty in this room." Napoleon also made a small joke.

After carefully talking about Napoleon's affairs with her family, my aunt immediately said that she would definitely give Napoleon a British nationality.

Originally, his aunt wanted to give him a knighthood, but Napoleon refused. What he meant was that he was born as a Frenchman and died as a French ghost, and his integrity was strictly controlled.

However, he happily accepted his uncle's invitation to stay at Buckingham Palace for a while and to popularize history and military knowledge.

Men always yearn to command thousands of troops, and my uncle is not immune to this.

Grandpa came here that night and scolded Louis hundreds of times on the spot, claiming that he was an unfilial child and that such a big figure as Napoleon didn't recommend him first. It was really asking for a beating.

Even though grandpa really commanded thousands of armies, he still longed for Napoleon, the ever-victorious general.

While Louis was busy in the palace, Harry also left the Dursleys and embarked on the road to the Leaky Cauldron. Fortunately, Hermione was also going to the Leaky Cauldron with him, so she didn't leave when the party was over. Instead, she stayed at the Dursleys' house to help him pack his luggage.

Uncle Vernon happily drove Harry and Hermione to the Leaky Cauldron. He no longer hated the wizarding world as much as before - after all, pounds were obviously more important than personal emotions.

Who can have trouble with the pound?

The days in the Leaky Cauldron were great. He could sleep whenever he wanted and eat whenever he wanted. Harry experienced this kind of freedom for the first time. Now he could go wherever he wanted.

In the morning, he came down from upstairs and had breakfast in the Leaky Cauldron. He liked to sit in the corner and observe the other residents - even though he had entered the magical world for two years, he still couldn't help but be curious about the magical world. .

The guests were always talking loudly about a man who seemed to be called Sirius Black. Harry was very curious. It was said that this man was a ruthless gangster who escaped from Azkaban. He knew that Azkaban was a place where all kinds of vicious prisoners were imprisoned. Anyone who could escape from this place would definitely not be someone to deal with.

I hope he won't meet him, Harry prayed.

Since he didn't know when Louis would arrive, Harry and Hermione discussed it and decided to go for a walk in Diagon Alley and buy some gadgets along the way.

As a woman with a Union Jack in old London, Hermione was naturally not short of money. At least her family could provide her with a few hundred gold galleons in pocket money. You know, dentistry is a very profitable profession, especially in big cities. The bigger the city, the more profitable dentistry is.

Now the two of them were sitting in the bright sunshine outside Florin's Cold Drink Shop, finishing all their papers.

Logically speaking, Hermione should have completed all her homework at this time, but since she had been on vacation in France during the summer, her homework had been accumulated and she had no time to do it until now.

The bonus, though, is that the pair sometimes get guidance from Florin himself, who, in addition to his extensive knowledge of medieval witch burnings, also provides Harry and Hermione with a free box every half hour. ice cream.

The two of them spent a lot of effort to explain to Boss Florin that they were not a couple, but seeing the boss's disbelief, they gave up the idea of ​​continuing to explain.

Ron: I should be under the car, not here.

After filling his wallet with Gold Galleons, Silver Sickles and Copper Knuts, Harry secretly felt cruel and had to exercise self-control on himself to avoid spending all the Galleons in the small vault early - but according to Judging from his current consumption level, even if he spends money openly, it seems that it will take him decades to spend all his savings.

Facts have proved that not only women, but men also have the same fanatical mentality when it comes to shopping, but they focus on different things. The dazzling array of products all aroused Harry's desire to buy, but under Hermione's wolf-like gaze, Harry still stopped his bold idea.

"You asked me to control you, Harry." Hermione reminded her good friend again and again to prevent him from getting angry.

What excited Harry the most was the Quidditch boutique. When he passed by, he saw many people crowding there to take a look, so driven by curiosity, he pulled Hermione in and planned to take a look. look.

Inside there was a newly erected pedestal, and on it stood a broom--the most astonishingly beautiful broom he had ever seen in his life.

"Just came out, the sample broom." A wizard with a butt-chin told his companions.

The shop owner came out at this time and said loudly: "The Irish international team has just ordered seven of these beautiful brooms!" The shop owner said loudly to everyone, "This product is the darling of the World Cup!"

A tall witch in front of Harry moved away so he could read the instructions next to the broom: Firebolt

This type of broomstick represents the highest level of craftsmanship at present. The broomstick is made of ash wood and is streamlined and exquisite...

Halfway through reading, he was forcefully dragged away by Hermione.

"You can't look at this kind of thing! You can't afford it!" Hermione persuaded her earnestly: "The price is negotiable. If you think about it, you will know how expensive this kind of broom made with the highest craftsmanship will be. Oh my God, you still How could you, a student, have such thoughts of wasting your fortune!"

"I just wanted to see..." Harry defended palely.

"You can't even look!" Hermione growled in a low voice.

With happiness written all over his face, Harry reluctantly followed Hermione back to the Leaky Cauldron. He now regretted coming with Hermione. At least if he was here, even if he couldn't afford the Firebolt, I have to sit there and watch it all day.

No, even looking at it for a month is not enough. What a beautiful broom...

Just as he was sitting in the bar emo, Louis' voice sounded in his ears.

"Hey, isn't this Harry? Why haven't we seen you for a few days? I heard that you are depressed?"

Harry stood up in excitement and saw Louis with a smirk on his face, and Catherine covering her lips with the back of her hand.

"Ah, Louis, you're here...and Catherine, ah, where's Professor Ye?" Harry searched for a long time but couldn't find Ye Ziyan.

"Oh, Professor Ye, she has something to do when she returns to China." Louis waved his hand and looked curiously at Hermione, who was drinking butterbeer with a puffy face: "In the summer, you said you drank butterbeer. What's the matter? Your little face is so puffy. Like a toad..."

"You are the toad!" Hermione waved her fist at Louis and turned to Harry: "Ask him! What kind of Firebolt does this prodigal kid want to buy..."

"I just think it looks good, I don't want to buy it..." Harry defended palely, feeling quite as if Kong Yiji said he wasn't stealing.

"Then, if you had money, you would buy it?" Louis asked with a slanted eyebrow.

Harry thought carefully and nodded under Hermione's murderous gaze.

If he had money, he would definitely buy it.

No Quidditch player could say no to a Firebolt, no.

Louis sat down, ordered a Frappuccino for himself and Catherine, and reached out to touch Harry's oily hair.

Not to mention, the touch wasn't bad, and he finally understood why Professor McGonagall always liked to touch his head.

Professor McGonagall used /pet on Louis

"Don't worry, there will be Firebolts sooner or later." Louis almost revealed that someone was going to give them to him, but fortunately his mind quickly changed the subject: "As long as you work hard to earn enough credits in class, I think Jin Gallon will have them. , Firebolts will be there, everything will be there.”

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