Louis also knew and sympathized with Harry's desire for the Firebolt. In his previous life, he would often open a car-selling app when he had nothing to do. Even if he couldn't afford it, it could still satisfy his craving, right?

If there were no Louis and Hermione, and Harry could live here by himself, he might have to go to the Firebolt every day for the rest of his life.

Of course, Harry's situation is infinitely better than Louis's previous life. At least Harry can really afford a Firebolt at this stage, but he just can't bear the money.

Don't underestimate Harry, the little treasury accumulated by the Potter family from selling shampoo over the years should be not only hundreds of thousands, but also hundreds of thousands.

The following days were nothing special. Every day I was either shopping or on the way shopping. Catherine and Hermione have a strong desire to buy, and they take Krisstrasa through Diagon Alley every day on a shopping spree.

There was no need to worry about doing the homework. Louis’s homework was all handed over to Christasa. The dragon maid really dared not speak out in anger.

The weather was relatively hot today, with the temperature reaching as high as 28 degrees Celsius. In order to relieve the heat, the group chose to sit outside the Florin cold drink shop and eat some ice cream to cool off.

Louis likes their chocolate ball ice cream very much, but unfortunately the chocolate ball is not sold alone. It will only be paired with a chocolate ball when buying three-color ice cream, which makes him a little depressed.

Catherine, who doted on him, took away the vanilla and original flavors that he didn't like, and conveniently placed her own chocolate balls and Christasa's chocolate balls in front of Louis, which put a smile on his face again.

"What's for dinner?" Harry asked as he spread the ice cream with a spoon. He followed the rule of self-examination three times a day.

At this time, someone called his name vigorously. He turned around and saw that it was Ron.

"I found you after all. I asked Tom and he said you were going out to play." Ron sat down next to Hermione and put his arms around Hermione's shoulders. The girl thought that she had gone to Egypt, and this kid actually became enlightened. Already?

Hermione's cheeks were flushed, but she didn't stop Ron's movement.

He was holding a large pile of books in his hand, and Christasa took them and stuffed them into her space backpack.

"You just bought books. We already bought everything we need for school last week." Harry said in a showy tone, "School starts tomorrow, and you came back late enough..."

"So, we will spend the night at the Leaky Cauldron tonight, and you can go to King's Cross Station with us tomorrow." Ron said, bumping Hermione's shoulder with his head.

Then he smoothly pulled out a slender box from his backpack and opened it: "Look, a brand new wand, fourteen inches long, wicker, with a unicorn tail hair - oh, thank you to Louis for this. Get your credits..." As he said that, he looked at Lewis.

Louis said nothing, and the hand around Catherine's neck gave Ron a thumbs up.

Harry looked at the two couples in front of him and suddenly felt a little redundant.

I’m full, I’m full even if I eat dog food…

"It's my birthday soon. My parents gave me ten gold galleons and asked me to choose something to celebrate my birthday in advance." Hermione looked at her wallet.

Having said this, Ron patted her other shoulder and pulled out a set of beautifully packaged books from his backpack.

It is a complete ancient magic text learning set.

Hermione looked at her boyfriend's carefully selected gift, then rushed over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Oh, Ronnie." Hermione said happily.

"Your birthday present was originally planned to be given to you on your birthday, but now that you mentioned it, I can't wait any longer." Ron said with a silly smile.

Harry felt a little queasy.

"I think I should buy an owl." Hermione let go of Ron and thought for a moment: "I mean, Louis has his Emeriss, Harry has his Hedwig, and you have Emma. Roll——"

"I don't have one." Ron said quickly: "Errol belongs to our family, all I have is Scabbers."

Having said this, he took out his pet mouse from his pocket: "I want to send it for a checkup. I feel like he is not accustomed to the environment in Egypt."

Banban looked thinner than before, and even his beard was obviously drooping.

"There is a magical beasts shop over there." Catherine pointed over there. "You can see if you should buy something for your mouse. Hermione can also buy an owl there."

"Yes!" Ron quickly stood up and urged everyone to go over there.

The shop was relatively narrow inside, and every inch of the wall could have been hung with a cage. The shop was smelly and noisy. Catherine frowned and dragged Christasa out, intending to wait for them outside.

Krisstrasa didn't like the smell either. As a dragon, her sense of smell was very sensitive.

There was a large cage on the counter, and inside it were silky black mice, playing a kind of jumping game with their long bald tails.

Ron approached the counter, took out Banban and handed it over: "This is my number. Ever since I brought it to Egypt and brought it back, it has been in a bad condition. I wonder if it is acclimated? "

"Put it on the counter," said the witch, taking a pair of heavy black spectacles from her pocket. The mice in the cage looked at Banban on the counter and stopped playing jumping games. They crowded in the cage close to Banban, staring at him attentively and making chirping sounds.

Banban looked scarred, and compared with the sleek mouse in the cage, he looked very sad.

"How old is this mouse?" the witch said, grabbing Banban and picking it up.

"I don't know." Ron replied, "This turned out to be my brother's pet."

"What is it capable of?" asked the witch, examining Scabbers.

"Especially good at sleeping." Ron replied without thinking.

The witch's eyes turned from Spot's torn ears to its front paws, where a toe was missing. The witch made a tut-tsk sound from her mouth and sighed: "It looks like it has suffered a lot... You can't expect an ordinary mouse like this to live for more than three years."

"I still recommend that you change to a more viable creature as soon as possible. Of course, if you don't want to, you can try this potion." The witch said, reaching out and taking out a small red bottle from under the counter.

"What kind of potion is this? How much does it cost?" Ron's eyes were a little straight. He thought that Banban was hopeless, but suddenly such a good thing appeared. It looked very powerful. The liquid in the red bottle It was even glowing slightly.

"Mouse supplement, seven silver sikols a bottle." The witch replied, and the two of them paid the money and delivered the goods, very simply.

Now Ron has hundreds of credits and has no worries about money. Money is basically not a big problem for him, and he can even subsidize his family.

Ron got his supplements and looked back to see that Louis and the others had left.

When he was searching again, he happened to see three people walking towards him over there.

Hermione was happily carrying a cage containing a beautiful brown owl.

"I want to call it Cathy, do you think it sounds good?" Hermione asked with a smile while holding the cage.

"Oh, no, don't." Louis stopped her quickly: "I advise you to change your name..."

"Why?" Hermione asked confused.

Louis pointed to Catherine who was whispering to Christasa: "I often call Catherine that. If you don't want to be hung upside down, I suggest you change your name..."

"Just call her Amy." Hermione immediately changed the owl's name with great care.

It won't work if I don't change it, Catherine is the biggest bully.

When they returned to the Leaky Cauldron, they found Mr. Weasley sitting in the corner of the bar, reading the Daily Prophet.

"Louis! Catherine! Harry! Hermione! How are you?" He raised his head and looked at them with a smile.

"Very good, thank you." The four of them replied in unison.

Harry sat over and Mr. Weasley put down the newspaper, and Harry saw the familiar picture of Sirius Black staring back at him.

"Have they not caught him yet?" Harry asked.

"No," Mr. Weasley replied, looking extremely serious. "At the ministry, they told us to drop what we were doing and try to find him, and as you can see, we haven't had that luck yet."

Harry immediately became interested: "If we catch him, will there be a reward for us? It would be best to get some money -"

"Don't talk nonsense, Harry." Mr. Weasley said. If you look carefully, you will find that he looks very nervous. "Black will not be caught by a thirteen-year-old boy. The one who captures him will be Aziz." Guards of Caban, remember my words.”

At this time, Mrs. Weasley also came over, carrying many things she had bought, followed by her children, the Geminis, Ginny, and the high-spirited Percy who had just been elected as the student union president.

Ginny has always liked Harry, especially when she saw Ron and Hermione chatting with each other, looking at Harry in a different way, with a strong fire burning inside.

"Hello." Percy held out his hand solemnly, looking very serious.

"Hello, Percy." Harry held back his laughter and held Percy's hand.

Louis on the side quickly buried his face in Catherine's chest and chuckled, but he made no sound. Only he and Catherine could hear it.

"Oh, Louis, what are you doing!" Mrs. Weasley walked over quickly and pulled Louis' head out of Catherine's arms: "We are still outside, how can you two do this? The impact is too bad! "

Louis said nothing and pointed to Ron, who was feeding each other cake bites with Hermione.

Mrs. Weasley put her hands on her hips and said unhappily: "The two of them are just feeding each other something to eat, but you two... are so annoying!"

"Sorry, Aunt Molly." Louis admitted his mistake very well, and so did Catherine, saying that she was too indulgent to Louis.

Mrs. Weasley was not really angry, nor was she nosy. She really regarded Louis and Catherine as her own children, so she stopped their indecent intimate behavior in public.

While Mrs. Weasley was greeting everyone, Mr. Weasley called Harry.

"Let me tell you something, okay?"

Harry stood up in confusion and followed Mr. Weasley to the side.

"Looking forward to the new term?" Mr. Weasley said to ease the tension.

"It's okay." Harry didn't know what Mr. Weasley was going to say to him, but he felt a little nervous anyway - maybe it was because of his previous unreasonable words that made him angry?

"Harry, some people in the Ministry of Magic may be very opposed to me revealing this matter to you, but I think you should know the truth." At this point, Mr. Weasley looked around and continued: "You now There is danger... great danger!"

This sentence did not bother Harry. He raised his head and frowned and asked, "Danger? What danger can I be in?"

As he said that, he saw the Black wanted poster posted on the wall of the bar and had an idea: "This matter has something to do with Sirius Black, right sir?"

Mr. Weasley looked back, looked left and right, and asked Harry, "How much do you know about Sirius Black?"

"All I know is that he escaped from Azkaban." Harry said nonsense.

"You know why?" Mr. Weasley stared at him.

Harry shook his head and said he didn't know.

Mr. Weasley replied slowly: "Thirteen years ago, when you stopped -" At this point, he suddenly paused.

"When Voldemort was around?" Harry asked.

"Don't mention his name." Mr. Weasley shuddered: "When you stop..." As he said, his hands were still gesticulating: "When the mysterious man came, Black lost everything, but he You are still a loyal servant, so in his eyes, you are the only one standing in the middle, blocking the way to prevent the mysterious man from coming back."

"That's why he escaped from Azkaban and came to you."

"Then kill me." Harry said, his tone was very calm, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

It's not a big deal that he can be so calm. After all, no one can be chased by the biggest devil in the world since he was one year old. In contrast, he is now being chased by the subordinates of the big devil he killed. Killing is not a big deal.

Oh, yes, it's not about killing the big devil, but killing the big devil twice.

The mentality of young people is good.

Mr. Weasley took a deep breath and said earnestly: "Harry, I want you to promise me that no matter what you hear, you will not take the initiative to find Black..."

"Mr. Weasley..." Harry asked with some confusion: "Why would I find someone who wants to kill me?"

Mr. Weasley said nothing, just patted Harry on the shoulder.

"As long as you remember what I said, okay, let's go back now Harry, Molly and the others must have been waiting impatiently."

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