I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 183 Genius Flying Girl


A female voice sounded in Lewis's ears.

Louis turned his head and saw that it was his distant cousin, little Elizabeth of the Gloucester family.

(Character card of alliance leader Luminas Yanghen)

It was a bit embarrassing. He didn't pay attention to the sorting ceremony just now. He didn't even know when his cousin was sorted into a house or which college he went to.

Catherine saw Louis' embarrassment and said first: "Welcome to Slytherin."

"Are you your cousin's girlfriend?" Elizabeth looked Catherine up and down, stretched out her right hand, and smiled reservedly: "I am Elizabeth Gloucester, nice to meet you."

"Catherine Worley." Catherine also held Elizabeth's little hand.

Louis endured it for a moment and held back the words 'Why did you come to Hogwarts?'. He remembered that his aunt had called him before, saying that little Elizabeth of the Gloucester family had received the admission notice. From the book.

He had completely forgotten about this matter. It should be said that he was indeed a little scumbag. He would forget something important during every semester holiday.

"How's it going? Do you like the environment here?" Louis began to make amends, trying to restore his image in his sister's heart.

The young Elizabeth did not notice the fact that her cousin had forgotten her. She looked at Dumbledore at the guest table and then at the classmates from the four major colleges, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, it's quite new...at least it's not like... Muggle school is just as boring."

"Really?" Louis said, secretly giving his sister an identification.

Talents: Charms (9), Potions (6), Transfiguration (10), Dark Arts (10), Defense Against the Dark Arts (10), Flying (17), Herbology (4), Divination (8) .

Louis looked at his sister's measurements... no, it was all the attributes, and thought that Slytherin Quidditch could be saved.

At least the Gryffindor dynasty ruled by Harry seems to be on the verge of instability.

"Lilibey." Louis said again: "Have you ever heard of Quidditch?"

"Quidditch?" Elizabeth tilted her head to think, shook her head and denied, "I haven't heard of it."

Louis didn't know his distant cousin very well, so he could only smile and say, "Well, I'll let you and I take a look at her during the Quidditch match in a few days and you'll find out."

"A game?" Elizabeth's eyes ignited with blazing fire: "Is it a sports game? Like football or basketball, right?"

As he spoke, he looked at his good cousin with longing.

"Well, maybe a little more brutal than these two." Louis said a little embarrassed. In order not to frighten his sister into retreating, he could only try his best to circle back: "It's just riding on a broomstick, it's very exciting. …”

"Flying broomstick! Cool!" Elizabeth clenched her hands into fists, seeming to be imagining her heroic appearance soaring in the blue sky.

Her voice was quite loud, attracting the attention of the surrounding students.

"Marcus." Louis saw the big buck teeth (Aunt Rowling's bug). He patted his sister on the shoulder and introduced Marcus: "This is my sister, Elizabeth Gloucester. Gifted Seeker."

How dare you ask Marcus how you know that His Highness's orders are imperial decrees, just follow them.

"Okay, Your Highness, we will take Ms. Gloucester for special training tomorrow."

He has already thought about it. She is His Highness's sister anyway. His Highness is so powerful, so his sister must also be talented.

Louis thought about it and then said: "Let's use Draco's broomstick first. I guess you didn't buy a broom either, right?"

Draco heard his name, turned his head for a glance, and then turned absentmindedly back to the food in front of him.

Harry and Ron also heard the conversation here. Harry came up to say hello with a smile: "Hello, Louis' sister, my name is Harry Potter. If you don't have a broom, you can use mine temporarily." Nimbus 2000…”

Elizabeth smiled politely and said to Louis: "No need... Louis, I saw that Firebolt in the broomstick shop before, so I ordered one. It should arrive tomorrow, right?"

At this point, Harry's heart skipped a beat.

"Oh?" Louis became interested: "How much did it cost? I know that old guy Richard. He is an old Grandet. It will be even harder to get some money from him. If you try again He was so angry..."

"Dad is not as stingy as you say!" Elizabeth snorted, "I bought it with my pocket money. It's not expensive. The price is less than 30,000 pounds. Things in your magical world are really cheap..."

"Thirty thousand pounds? How many galleons is that?" Ron asked stupidly. Coming from a purely magical family, he had no idea about the purchasing power of pounds.

"More than five thousand Galleons, which is almost my living expenses for a month..." Elizabeth looked indifferent. She would ask her father for it after all the money was spent.

For her, whose family is a little wealthy, money is something that comes with the wind.

For a moment, Harry didn't really want to fight anymore, and words like "a rich woman is hungry for food" almost came out of her mouth.

But fortunately, he was thinking about Ginny so much that he didn't lose his temper too much.

The two brothers, he and Ron, returned to their seats dejectedly. Who are these people? What a luxury!

It was customary for the Hogwarts school song to be sung before Dumbledore announced the end of the banquet. The students of the other three houses who were baptized by Roman Yale last year are all looking forward to what Slytherin can do this year.

I didn’t disappoint you all, this year I’m so prosperous.

The song is about self-destruction without attack...ah, no, it's the tune of an unbreakable alliance.

All the classmates wanted to shout "Ula".

After the school song chorus ended, the students walked to their respective colleges under the leadership of their prefects.

Lewis was not in a hurry to return to his office. He asked Catherine and Christasa to go back and tidy up the room first, while he followed the prefects to the Slytherin lounge.

As usual, he had to lecture the new students, which was considered a rule.

"I won't go into too much detail." Lewis didn't have the habit of talking endlessly like some people. He simply said: "Slytherin is a collective, and I hope everyone will unite as one."

"It's okay to push the mountain, students, but don't go too far."

Along the way, he briefly introduced his cousin Elizabeth of the Gloucester family to the classmates. It felt a bit like he was going to play a secret power transfer with Elizabeth.

As for your own family members, you can’t take advantage of outsiders, right?

The classmates looked at Elizabeth, who looked harmless, and no one dared to look down upon her. Who knew what weird magic Louis had taught her?

Of course, all this is not without cost. The price is that Elizabeth has to receive intensive training every day. First, Ron and Harry will take her to the Room of Requirement for training. When she is almost done, she will enter the mirror world to strengthen her.

As the sister of Rolling King, why don’t you roll up the river?

In this Ganges River.

The next morning, Louis got up early and refreshed. There were no Defense Against the Dark Arts classes today, and he didn't take many classes, so it was considered leisure. The first period was a divination class at nine o'clock, taught by Professor Sybill Trelawney, the famous wizard at Hogwarts.

"I need to remind you that Professor Trelawney is a bit arrogant." Catherine forked a roasted tomato for Louis: "You need to eat more vegetables so that you will be healthy."

"I found that I can't get fat no matter what I eat, so I might as well eat some meat." Louis said, forking the roasted tomato back to Catherine's plate.

Of course Catherine refused. She said with some embarrassment: "What you eat depends on... Anyway, you are not allowed to eat meat. It tastes better when you eat more vegetables!"

Louis was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the car Catherine drove.

He accepted the roasted tomato with a smile, forget it, and consider it a service to the people.

It’s actually good to eat more vegetables.

The Divination class is on the roof of the North Tower. If you walk there from the office on the third floor, it takes about seven or eight minutes. In fact, Hogwarts Castle is really big.

For a roadie like Louis, it was difficult to go to the North Tower from the third floor. Fortunately, Krisstrasa volunteered to step forward, which relieved his roadblock crisis.

When I walked to the eighth floor, I also encountered a huge painting of a vast prairie.

"I don't like grassland." Louis admired the paintings in front of him and commented: "Somewhere, grassland is a less...well, not a good analogy."

"Huh?" Krisstrasa didn't understand what Louis was saying. Maybe she didn't listen at all and was too focused on struggling with the twists and turns in her hand.

Lewis knew what kind of character the Dragon Maid was, but he didn't delve into it. He continued walking along the corridor, and there was a narrow spiral staircase in front of him.

"It's right here. I'll go back to the master first." Christasa didn't give Louis a chance to refuse, and returned to the office on the third floor in a flash.

Climbing the last few stairs, Louis climbed onto a small platform. Most of the people who had signed up for the divination class were here. There was no one on the stair platform. Looking around, there was a round living thing on the ceiling. The door has a bronze plate on it.

It read "Sybill Trelawney, Teacher of Divination."

"Let us in, Professor Trelawney." Louis said softly.

As if to answer him, the trap door suddenly opened, and a silver ladder appeared in front of him.

Climbing up the ladder, he came to an extremely weird classroom - in fact, it was not a classroom at all, more like a mixture of a Chinese loft and an English teahouse. There were at least twenty small round tables crowded into this classroom. inside. There are Indian calico armchairs and bulging little cushions around each table. The curtains are closed to block the intrusion of sunlight. The classroom is too warm, the fireplace is full, and a large copper pot is burning on the fire. Pot, an indescribable fragrance emanates from the pot.

The circular walls are surrounded by shelves filled with gray feathers, candle holders, old playing cards, ancient Saris coins, turtle shells, yarrow, countless silver crystal balls and a lot of tea sets.

A voice suddenly came from the shadows. It was a soft and vague voice. At first glance, it sounded like an old magician.

"Welcome..." the voice said: "It's great to finally see you in the tangible world."

Louis was really afraid that if she said that she wanted to predict good or bad luck, it would cost her a piece of cake.

Professor Trelawney walked out of the shadows. She was very thin, and her big glasses took up half of her face. The glasses were about as thick as the bottom of a wine bottle, which dilated her eyes a bit.

She was wearing a thin and transparent saro-like shimmering shawl, with many necklaces and beads hanging on her slender neck. She also wore various bracelets and rings on her arms. It was obvious that every small ornament was different. style.

The different styles here are not just different, but each one can be seen at a glance that they are obviously not the product of the same civilization.

"Sit, my children, sit," Professor Trelawney said, and the students climbed onto the chairs to sit, or sunk into the bulging cushions.

Louis and Draco were sitting around a small table together. The Harry trio looked at each other and came over to sit with them.

Seeing Harry coming, Draco smiled crookedly, threw his head back and fainted.


Harry was so angry that he almost stepped on him.

"Welcome to the Divination class," Professor Trelawney said, sitting on a winged armchair in front of the fireplace: "I am Professor Trelawney. You may not have seen me before. After all, my life and There may be no real communication in the physical world.”

What? Are you okay chatting with Cthulhu?

"Since you have chosen the divination class." After saying this, Professor Trelawney began to arrange the shawl. The students did not dare to express their anger and just watched Professor Trelawney fiddling with it carefully for a long time before raising their heads. He continued: "I must warn you from the beginning that this is the most difficult course in all magical arts. If you do not have 'sight', then there is very little I can teach you. In this regard, books are only It can take you so far.”

Professor Trelawney said, gesturing a very small distance with her hand.

After hearing these words, the four people at the table focused their eyes on Hermione's face. Hermione was also a little flustered. She seemed surprised to hear that the books in this course were of little use.

"Many witches and wizards, despite their genius at making violent noises, scents and sudden invisibility, cannot see through the fog and see into the future." Professor Trelawney continued, the light shining at the bottom of her bottle A flash flashed across the glasses: "Only a very few people have this kind of talent, you, boy."

She suddenly said to Neville: "Is your grandma okay?"

Neville was so frightened that he almost rolled off the seat. He replied shakily: "I guess it's okay?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so sure." Professor Trelawney said, and the dancing firelight began to dance on her earrings, making the mysterious aura of the magic stick even more bizarre.

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