I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 184 The versatile Trelawney

Professor Trelawney looked at Neville with piercing eyes until he felt like his heart was spinning, and even his breathing began to become uneven.

Fortunately, she looked away after staring for a while, which made Neville secretly relieved.

"This year we will learn various basic divination methods. In the first semester, we will only learn tea leaf interpretation. Next semester we should learn palmistry. By the way, I remind you, my dear." When she said this, she looked at It was addressed to Ron: "Be careful of those around you."

Ron looked at Harry, then at Louis, then at Hermione, and finally fixed his eyes on Draco.

Draco frowned and said with great disgust: "I am not the person around you, red squirrel."

Before Ron could refute, Professor Trelawney spoke again.

This time it was to Draco.

"As for you, my child." Her nagging look made it difficult for people to believe the accuracy of her words: "Be careful of men who play with fire."

Louis knew that what Trelawny was talking about was, as expected, Crabbe, the chubby kid who set fire to the Room of Requirement in seventh grade and almost burned Draco to death.

Of course, he also burned himself to death.

The ancients said that playing with fire is like peeing on a kang, and Crabbe is playing with fire and burning himself.

"Studying over the summer," Professor Trelawney continued, "we would learn how to look into a crystal ball - if we had already learned about the Omens of Fire... Unfortunately, in February, a vicious flu wiped out the class. If classes are forced to be suspended, I will lose my voice myself... Around Easter, one of us will leave everyone forever."

After she said this, the classroom fell into a tense silence, but Professor Trelawney felt nothing about it, and even enjoyed it a little.

Louis verified it with the original work and found that Professor Trelawney was completely lying...maybe it was just to scare the children?

"I think, dear." She said to Lavender Brown. Lavender was the closest to Professor Trelawney. Suddenly, the professor turned around and frightened her so much that she cowered in her chair.

"Can you hand me the biggest teapot?" Professor Trelawney did not realize that she had scared the new good student.

Lavender looked relieved. She stood up, took a huge teapot from the shelf and placed it on the table in front of Professor Trelawney.

"Thank you, dear, and by the way, that thing you're afraid of will happen on Friday, October 16th."

Lavender trembled.

What nonsense, Louis looked at Lavender who looked frightened, thinking that being uneducated is really terrible...

He looked at the somewhat solemn friends around him, patted Hermione, who was still in a daze, on the shoulder, and motioned for everyone to form a circle.

"October 16th is Saturday, and Professor Trelawney is scaring people." Louis said in a low voice.

Only then did the friends understand what was going on, and they no longer felt that scary.

The other students didn't hear it, but that didn't mean Professor Trelawney couldn't hear Louis' little move. She turned her head and smiled at Louis.

"Mountbatten, do you mind if I show you the future using the method we are going to learn?"

Louis smiled politely and refused: "Sorry, Professor, I don't believe this."

"Then what do you believe?" Professor Trelawney confronted Lewis with great interest: "Crystal ball? Tarot cards? Or astrology? What's your zodiac sign?"

It was too unsociable to say that he didn't believe anything, so Louis had to think of a bad way to try to block Professor Trelawney: "Sorry, Professor, I only believe in the Book of Changes from my mother."

I thought this sentence could completely put an end to Professor Trelawney's eagerness to try divination. Who would have thought that her eyes lit up and she slapped her thigh: "What a coincidence! Student Mountbatten, I happen to be a little bit interested in this." When it comes to dabbling, do you want to use the more traditional method of cultivating yarrow, or the divination method, or the money class?"

"Is there anything else you don't know how to do?" Louis was shocked. He never expected that Professor Trelawney was an all-rounder in the divination class...

"I don't know how to look like the one from Bangzi Country..." Professor Trelawney said truthfully.

After all, she couldn’t tell whether Quan Xiaojiang was suitable to be president (bushi.

When Louis thought about it, he had already said this, and it would be a bit unsightly to refuse Professor Trelawney's words, so he said: "Then burn a turtle shell for me."

Professor Trelawney nodded and took out a tortoise shell from the shelf at the back. After fussing about it for a long time, she picked out the tortoise shell with an iron rod and put it on the fire of the fireplace to bake. After a while, the tortoise shell made a crackling sound. Professor Trelawney picked the tortoise shell back, and was not afraid of burning it. She held it in her hand and put her face very close to it, almost touching the turtle shell.

""No" of "Observation", this is... this is..." Professor Trelawney's eyes were completely occupied by the whites of her eyes at this time, and her voice was no longer as soft as before, but sounded like many people. He spoke in a hoarse voice, as if he were in a cave, with a slight echo: "Look at the light of the country, use the guest to be with the king...Sibyl Trelawney pays homage to my king..."

As he said that, he knelt down with a plop.

Fortunately, this was said in Chinese, otherwise Lewis wouldn’t be able to explain it clearly.

But the professor's abnormal behavior still made all the students in the room roar. Everyone was curious about what unintelligible language she just said, just like the secret code with Louis.

Louis stopped the noisy behavior of the students, turned around and quickly helped Professor Trelawney up, took the tortoise shell from her hands and put it into her arms.

At this time, Professor Trelawney seemed to have recovered from her nervousness, her pupils reappeared in her eyes, and she looked confusedly at Louis, who was supporting her in front of her.

"Did I just say something?" she asked with a confused look on her face.

"You didn't say anything, professor, it's time to continue teaching everyone." Louis quickly changed the subject. He didn't want this sensitive topic to continue.

Don't die! Am I, Louis, that kind of usurper?

Professor Trelawney shook her hair like a cat in water, calmed down for a while, and said loudly: "Now, I want you all to divide into two groups, take a teacup from the shelf, come to me, I will go Pour tea into your cups.”

The students obeyed and lined up in two lines to get tea cups from the shelf. They returned to their seats and waited for Professor Trelawney to pour tea into their cups.

You are really big-hearted, aren't you afraid that Professor Trelawney will add some strange unknown substances to the tea?

You are an astrologer.

After seeing the students sit down, Professor Trelawney faced the waiting eyes of the students and said in detail: "When I say drink tea later, you will start drinking tea until there are only tea leaves left in the cup. When using your left hand, shake the tea leaves three times with your left hand, then turn the tea cup over and place it on the cup holder; wait until the last bit of tea has evaporated, then exchange your tea to your companion for interpretation - you can use "Pull Away" Use the fifth and sixth pages of the book "Looking at the Future in the Mist" to interpret the shape of tea leaves. I will move among you, help you, guide you, oh, and, dear - "

She grabbed Neville's arm and pulled him up: "Please go pick out a teacup for me. If you don't mind, get me a blue one. Thank you."

It was a very strange combination, Harry and Draco were paired together, and Hermione and Ron were paired together. Louis didn't know who to choose, but Dean Thomas volunteered to sneak over and get together with Louis.

Louis shook the tea cup gracefully - the tea cup looked a bit like an authentic tea bowl from that city, with a lid. Louis' DNA immediately moved. He sat up straight and taught his classmates very dignifiedly what should be done. Lessons on how to drink tea.

Hey, guess what? This is what we in London do every morning when we wake up, hey, authentic...

It's a pity that this tea is not made from scented jasmine flowers. What a pity.

He shook the tea grounds evenly as Professor Trelawney had taught him, then dried the teacup and exchanged teacups with Dean.

"What did you see in my cup?" Dean asked curiously.

"Tea." Louis replied honestly.

This answer made Dean choke for a moment, and he almost fainted without being able to breathe.

"Expand your mind, my dear, and let your eyes go beyond worldly things!" Trelawney shouted in the darkness at the right time, with a high voice.

"Okay, I saw a TV. It sounds ridiculous, but it really looks like a TV." Dean said hesitantly, flipping through the book as he spoke, and didn't see the TV representative until he reached the last page. What.

"Then I'm pretty good at drinking." Louis chuckled and looked down at Dean's teacup.

Above is a mouse.

"It's a mouse. I don't know Sister Li, what does a mouse have to do with you?" Louis said hesitantly: "Generally speaking, the mouse represents..."

Before he finished speaking, Dean heard a cry, and it turned out to be Ron's Banban ran out and passed in front of him.

He was most afraid of this kind of furry little animal. Louis said with some gloating: "I want to take back my previous contempt. It seems that this divination is quite accurate, at least it has come true now."

"Ron! Can you take care of your rat?" Dean sounded a little unhappy.

Ron apologized quickly, and Dean was not one to hold on to him, so he let Ron go after the shock wore off.

Harry burst into laughter. He did not expect that this divination was unexpectedly accurate.

"So you're just going to keep giggling here, right?" Draco's words were very unpleasant. He held Harry's tea bowl and stared at it with a strange expression for a long time, then looked at the book and said: "Falcon, oh ho ho ho, Harry, you have a mortal enemy..."

"You are talking nonsense, Draco." Harry frowned and said, "Who doesn't know the deep hatred between Voldemort and me?"

As he spoke, he also lowered his head to look at Draco's teacup, and after a long time he complained uncertainly: "Look at you, Draco, what are you drinking... Well, this is... ha ...Is this a dinosaur? It must be a Tyrannosaurus rex, right?"

Thanks to Harry's rich imagination, it's a pity that there are no records about dinosaurs in the wizarding world.

Hermione also said to Harry: "Harry, I suggest you take a closer look. There are no stories about dinosaurs in the wizarding world.

"Okay." Harry reluctantly changed the angle of the tea cup, hesitated for a moment, and said, "This time, it looks like, well, it looks like a flower pot."

"Found it." He turned to the record about the flower pot: "It seems that you should be careful about the circle of friends around you, Malfoy."

"I think I should be careful not to pass out," Draco said grimly.

Before Harry could retort, Trelawney walked over and snatched the cup from Draco's hand.

She frowned and looked at it for a long time, turning as she looked: "Well, the big stick, an attack, my dear, this is not a lucky tea cup... The skull, there is danger, your future, my dear."

At this time, the students in the class no longer fiddled with the teacups in their hands, but focused on looking at Harry to see what kind of work Trelawney could do.

At the same time, the cup in Neville's hand was broken. Professor Trelawney couldn't tell whether she was frightened by the thing in her hand or by the sound of Neville's broken cup. She took a few steps back and Sitting on an empty armchair, she placed her hand on her heart, breathing heavily with her eyes closed.

Being surrounded by Professor Trelawney, the students no longer dared to breathe. They held their breath one by one and looked at Professor Trelawney with all their attention.

"Oh, no - my dear child, my poor child... no, no, no, this is too terrible, I'd better not say it..."

Harry couldn't stand it for a moment, and stared blankly at the tea cup in his hand. The classmates stood up with a roar, surrounded the table where they were standing, and stood on tiptoe to look into Harry's cup in the middle.

"What's wrong? Professor?" Dean asked carelessly.

"My dear..." At this time, Professor Trelawney's eyes opened, she stood up, and the students cheered to make way for her. She came to Harry's side and said tremblingly: " You...you have something unknown..."

"What do I have?" Harry obviously didn't understand what was going on. How could he just have a good cup of tea and be singled out for unknown reasons?

The classmates also looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, especially Hermione and Ron. Hermione looked at Professor Trelawney with disgust, and her eyes almost said that you are a bastard.

"Unknown! Unknown!" Professor Trelawney waved her skinny arms in a dance. After a while, she jumped up, pointed at Harry and shouted: "That big ghost-like dog wandering in the cemetery! My dear child, this is a bad omen! A great omen! The worst omen!"

Lewis almost laughed, but luckily he reacted in time and suppressed it.

In fact, Professor Trelawney was not wrong, but what she said was a bit misleading...

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