I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 185 Snape: Great proposal

In fact, to be fair, Professor Trelawney is not a magician. After all, her divination results are sometimes surprisingly accurate.

But Harry's unknown can only be said half and half, after all, Sirius is not unknown to Harry.

But Harry had never experienced this kind of fright from being threatened by a magician since he was a child. This made him nervous every day, couldn't sleep well every night, and almost had a nervous breakdown.

Professor Trelawney didn't know this, but she should have expected it. Louis felt that this was probably one of her bad habits. Making her classmates nervous was also part of the divination class.

Don't play if you don't like it.

After class, Louis went to the Quidditch pitch, which was specially reserved by Slytherin for special training for newcomers today.

Generally speaking, only Professor Snape can do this. You, like the other three deans, are more shameless. You cannot do such a thing as eating raw cucumbers and splitting toads alive.

Snape: I have given so much to this House.

Of course, Louis still understood the dean's behavior of protecting the calf. After all, he is also a Slytherin, so he directly benefits from it.

"Where's Lilibel?" Louis looked around and asked Marcus if he didn't see Elizabeth, only to find that he had a grinning mouth with big buck teeth and stared blankly at the sky.

Lewis followed his gaze and was instantly petrified.

This little girl Elizabeth is really not what she looks like. Others are riding brooms, but she is better. She can fly on the broom and jump up and down on it. Louis clearly saw that Elizabeth was even doing it on the broom. Made an action that Cao Zou ignored.

What is the value of flying talent 17 (akimbo).

Elizabeth, who was enjoying the sky and the strong wind, saw her cousin, shouting, changed direction, and swooped down at Louis.

Louis clearly heard a strange whistling sound. Listening carefully, isn't this a Stuka?

Where did you get the pronunciation device, my good sister...

Elizabeth, who was whizzing by, flipped over with a kite and landed smoothly on the ground, causing cheers and applause. She tilted her head coquettishly and looked at Louis and asked, "Louis? Why are you here?"

"Let's see how your training is going." Louis said with a pleased expression: "It seems that you are practicing well?"

It redefines the meaning of the word "good".

"It doesn't feel bad. I like this feeling of speed." Elizabeth said, handing the extremely gorgeous broom in front of Louis.

Firebolt, flight talent plus three.

No wonder, when paired with Elizabeth, he directly becomes a full-level human being.

Besides, the royal family seems to have extraordinary talents in vehicles. For example, Louis’s grandfather, who flew a boat until it took off, and Louis’ good uncle, who shares a hobby with you; Louis’ aunt, who was once caught with a Stuka. The woman from Ebito drives a truck...

"I think it is necessary for me to take you to see Dean Snape once." Louis saw the confusion in Elizabeth's eyes and explained with a smile: "After all, if you want to join the Quidditch team, you need the permission of the Dean. .”

"Okay." Elizabeth nodded and put the broom on her shoulders like a big sister.

Louis' eyelids twitched when he saw it. Elizabeth was really a true descendant of a certain Elizabeth, and she really didn't care about the so-called etiquette.

After all, they are also relatives, so it is normal to look a bit like them.

Inside the Potions office.

The expressionless Snape sat on the chair and looked at the Lewis brothers and sisters with raised eyebrows. The expression on his face was probably that I am very busy, please tell me if you have anything to do.

"Professor, this is my sister, Elizabeth of Gloucester." Louis introduced with a smile.

"Hello, Professor Snape." Elizabeth was extremely reliable at this time, and she made a lady's bow very politely.

Snape looked at the large and small children in front of him, and then at the broom in Elizabeth's hand, his eyelids twitching suddenly.

Isn't this a Firebolt? Since when can freshmen in the first grade buy Firebolts and play with them?

But when I think about it, this is Lewis’s sister, so it’s normal for her to have a little money.

"I don't think you are so boring that you came to my place just to introduce your sister, right, my Professor Lewis." Professor Snape's tone was slow, and he twitched the corners of his lips as he spoke. An expression that shows no smile but no smile.

"Oh, I do have something to ask of you this time, my professor." Lewis paused, met Snape's "continue" look, and continued: "My sister has good flying talent, so I think Please make an exception and let her join the Slytherin Quidditch team..."

Professor Snape made a nasal noise and said with some dissatisfaction: "Louis, you should know that the Quidditch team is not the first year..."

Louis immediately interrupted: "My sister can do a backflip on a broomstick."

Snape suddenly changed his expression to one of astonishment, and after a long while, he slowly nodded: "What a great proposal, Louis, go ahead, I agree."

Elizabeth jumped excitedly when she heard this: "Yeah! Thank you, Professor!"

When Louis returned to the office, he happened to see Catherine eating puffs.

He walked over, whispered a few words into Catherine's ear, and then threw the half-eaten puffs into the trash can as if she was electrocuted. He picked up the puff bag and hit Louis hard.

It could be seen that Catherine was really angry. After finishing the smashing, she had no intention of talking to Louis again. No matter how she coaxed him, she looked arrogant.

After lunch, there was still no sign of the weather clearing up for Catherine. Louis could only shrug and left the castle to go to Hagrid. The first lesson in the afternoon was Magical Creatures.

After the rain, the sky clears up, and the light blue sky makes you feel relaxed and happy. The grass under your feet is soft and moist, and has the fragrance of earth when you step on it.

On the way down the slope to Hagrid's hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Louis happened to see a group of Slytherin students lifting their hoods and imitating Dementors to scare Harry.

The leader was none other than Draco.

Hagrid was waiting for his student by the door of the hut. He was wearing a moleskin coat and was not afraid of the heat. The hunting dog Fang was at his feet, spinning around and sniffing Hagrid, as if urging him to pull out. Roots and off you go.

"Okay, you guys, stop making trouble." Hagrid shouted: "Hurry up, hurry up, I have something good for you today, and there will be a wonderful lesson soon. Is everyone here? Okay! Follow me. Come!"

"He's not going to take us into the woods..." Harry said to himself worriedly. The Forbidden Forest gave him a lot of memories.

He would never forget that unpleasant memory in his life.

Ron's expression also changed suddenly. He looked at Hermione with a pale face and reached out to grab Hermione's little hand.

"What are you doing? It hurts me..." Hermione wanted to shake off Ron's hand, but found that Ron was using too much force and couldn't shake it off at all.

"Hermione..." Ron didn't say the next word, but Louis could tell that the next word was definitely 'I'm afraid'.

A worthless guy...

However, to their surprise, Hagrid only led them along the edge of the forest. Five minutes later, they came to a place that looked like a racecourse.

"Everyone, come to this side of the fence, yes, yes, yes." Hagrid said loudly: "That's right, stand where you can see it. Now, the first thing you have to do is open the book."

"Perhaps you don't know how to open it." Hagrid's voice was loud, holding up the "Monster Book of Monsters" and demonstrating for everyone: "Look, just like me, you have to gently stroke it along its spine. , remember, be gentle – and voila, it opens up.”

Sure enough, the strange book in Hagrid's hand was opened by him obediently.

The students followed suit and opened the monster books in their hands one after another.

Hagrid suddenly remembered something and slapped his head: "Oh, no, I don't think it will be of much use if you open this book. It's better to close it first... When I think about it, there is really no need for this lesson. You need to practice this book more... I have found a lot of interesting partners for you, so please wait for me."

The newly appointed Professor Hagrid was obviously still very panicked. He ran away in a hurry, leaving behind a group of students who were looking at each other.

"Has he always been like this?" Draco asked Harry hesitantly.

Harry also replied a little uncertainly: "I only knew that he couldn't hide secrets, but I didn't expect that he would actually forget things..."

"Ooooh! Look!" Lavender Brown screamed, pointing across the paddock in the distance.

Twelve...well, hippogriffs, actually fucking griffins, walked over under the influence and shouts of Hagrid.

"Everyone, please step back. These cuties are Hippogriffs." Hagrid smiled so much that a crack appeared in his beard - it should be his mouth.

"Professor, I think you are the cutest one!" Louis shouted loudly like a boo, and the classmates immediately agreed, especially the Harry trio, fearing that the world would not be in chaos.

This made Hagrid feel shy. He scratched his neck in embarrassment and said with a smile: "Haha... I'm not a big cutie. Thank you, Louis. I am so frizzy and cute. Connected."

"You are cuter than this Hippogriff." Draco teased maliciously.

The classmates also followed suit, and Hagrid saw that the topic was getting more and more crooked, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "Hey, they are actually very beautiful, aren't they?"

"It's indeed quite beautiful." Everyone nodded. The first thing everyone felt about this half-horse, half-bird thing was shock. After the shock passed, they would appreciate their majestic and beautiful figures and their shiny fur. ——It magically transitions from feathers to fur, with various colors, including dark gray, bronze, shiny chestnut, and jet black, to name a few.

Hagrid rubbed his big hands and said with a smile: "If you want to get closer..."

Harry got a kick in the butt from Louis.

Before he could react, Hagrid's eyes lit up and he quickly grabbed him as he tried to walk back: "Okay, it seems that Harry is very interested in these beautiful big guys. What I need to explain in advance is that these Guys are very proud, and it is easy to offend them. What I want to warn you is, never, never anger a hippogriff, because this may be the thing you regret the most.”

"Come on Harry, let's show everyone."

Before Hagrid could finish speaking, he saw Ron popping out of the crowd inexplicably.

Louis looked up at the sky.jpg.

"Oh, Ron wants to try it too, then you two come together." Hagrid completely ignored Ron's frightened eyes and pulled Ron over.

"You two, walk up to him and bow first. If they return the bow to you, you can touch him. If he doesn't bow, run away...because he may not really like you. Just look at it, their sharp claws are no joke.”

Harry looked eager to try, but Hermione shouted in the crowd behind: "Harry! Think about your tea..."

Halfway through her words, she popped out of the crowd. After Hagrid saw it, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

This trio's pain is really not in vain, and they really do it when something happens!

Hagrid's eyes became moist.

A hero has three gangs, and a fence has three stakes.

Hermione turned back and glared at Louis, gritting her teeth, but found that Louis put his hands behind his head, looked up at the sky, and did not forget to sneak out a kick to kick Draco out.

Well, someone has to come forward voluntarily, right?

The four of them stood in front of the hippogriff, approached cautiously according to Hagrid's instructions, and then bent down and bowed. The four hippogriffs also bent their scaly front knees and sank down, obviously bowing in return.

"Well done! You four! Now - yes, you can touch them, I mean, touch their beaks." Hagrid said ecstatically, having achieved such a successful result in his first teaching. , it seems that I am not bad!

Self-confidence comes up with just a scratch.

If the four of them didn't feel like filming, they would easily lose the hippogriff's friendship. The four of them looked at each other, took a deep breath, stepped forward and patted their beaks a few times.

Those Hippogriffs closed their eyes lazily, as if they enjoyed being photographed like this.

All the students started to applaud, and Hagrid also applauded, while saying: "Very good, four students, I think they might be willing to let you ride on it."

The four students followed Hagrid's step-by-step instructions and climbed onto the Hippogriff in front of them.

"Now, hold on to their collars. Don't worry, the feathers there are very thick and you won't be afraid of them pulling them." Hagrid reminded loudly. When they were ready, he patted the buttocks of the four monsters one by one.

Twelve-foot-long wings spread out on both sides of the students, and amidst the exclamations of several of them, they jumped into the sky one after another.

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