I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 186 It’s better to give birth to a Yorkshire pudding than to give birth to you

As we all know, the two subjects Hermione is not good at are flying and divination.

Probably the opposite of Elizabeth, Hermione is really not good at this kind of vehicle.

Unable to control a broomstick, Hermione thought she would be insulated from the sky for the rest of her life. Unexpectedly, Hagrid's Hippogriff saved her.

It's urgent and critical, okay?

Hermione, flying freely in the sky, experienced such a sense of openness and openness for the first time, which was unmatched by anything.

This is a completely different feeling than flying.

Human beings have a yearning and desire for the sky since birth, but being in an iron box and feeling the air freely are two completely different feelings. Hermione screamed and smiled happily. The last time she was so happy was the last time.

Hermione's little face was flushed until she landed, looking like she was still unfinished.

"I can see how happy you are, Hermione." Hagrid said to her with a smile as he took her off the Hippogriff and put her on the ground.

Hermione also responded with a happy smile: "Of course, I have never thought that one day I would be able to fly around in the sky - of course, not counting flying."

It took a long time for the excitement to subside. Hermione looked at the big guys in front of her intoxicatedly, still thinking about when to fly up again.

This class was very successful. Except for Crabbe and Goyle, almost everyone got the Hippogriff's approval and went up for a ride.

At this moment, even Draco had to change his view on Hagrid - at least the big man's course was not as boring as he thought, and... quite, I don't admit it was interesting!

Looking at the smiling Harry trio, Draco became arrogant for no reason.

After the day's classes, Louis returned to the office and found that Catherine's face was darker than at noon.

"Are you still angry?" Louis asked with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Catherine rushed forward, hugged him in her arms, and breathed in his breath greedily.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked in surprise. This was the first time he had seen such a straightforward Catherine.

Vitaly said leisurely at the side: "It's not because you asked for leave, but Professor Lupin made that Boggart... Tsk, tsk, Catherine was frightened and fainted..."

"Huh?" Louis looked down at Catherine, who was still burying her head in his chest, and asked in confusion: "What on earth did she see? Passed out from fright? No way..."

He still couldn't believe it. What on earth could scare Catherine into unconsciousness?

"It's your corpse." Vitaly said happily: "I really didn't expect her Boggart to be that kind of thing... Tsk, tsk, a woman with a love brain..."

Before she could finish her words, Christasa blocked her mouth with tape.

She could only struggle in vain and couldn't make any sound.

"Okay, the boggart is fake, am I not doing well?" Louis rubbed Catherine's blond hair and comforted him with a smile. After a long time, Catherine reluctantly left his arms and swept away coldly. One glance at Vitali, but her slightly red and swollen eyes were really not intimidating, and actually destroyed the serious feeling.

Emeriss sent a letter from Ye Ziyan, to the effect that Siris had something going on there and couldn't leave for the time being, and it would take some time before he could come back. Louis didn't care much. He wrote "I know" casually and asked Emeriss to send it over there.

If Emeris knew that her master would let her go all the way just to send three words, she would probably not be able to solve this problem without a meal of mice.

Speaking of owls, Hermione's Amy and Crookshanks have been fighting a lot lately. The ginger-yellow cat has a sour temper and doesn't like his little master to have another cat outside...the eagle.

It turns out that Crookshanks still liked to bully Ron's Scabbers, but now it's better. Now Crookshanks has no time to take care of Scabbers. The biggest pleasure every day is to tease Amy until he drives Amy out of the cage. .

It only knew that it had won, but it didn't know that Amy was actually just here to deliver a message and was actually living in the Owlery.

Louis took half a month's leave, so his classes were temporarily handled by Lupine. After the first class, Harry's mood became less beautiful. When he came out of Professor Lupin's office After I came out, the bad mood got even worse.

This donkey-like expression lasted until the weekend, when everyone went to Hogsmeade, and it evolved to the point of leading a big brother.

"Professor McGonagall, I, I don't know why, why don't you let me go to Hogsmeade?" Harry shouted at Professor McGonagall with a blushing face: "Obviously I also have the signature of my guardian, you see, even my uncle Everyone agrees that I go to Hogsmeade!"

"I'm sorry, kid. You are a key protected person of the Ministry of Magic, and Sirius Black is at large. I can't let you take risks." Professor McGonagall looked at Harry with pity. She didn't want to keep Harry in Hogwart. tz?

She really doesn't want to be this evil person.

Harry was so angry that he could only run to the Room of Requirement to vent his anger until he was exhausted.

When I came out, I happened to see Lupine.

"Mind talking to me, Harry?"

Not to mention what Harry and Lupin said, just Hogsmeade.

As a professor, Louis can naturally enter the Three Broomsticks bar with Catherine.

After all, the frost and dew were quite heavy in Scotland in September. Facing the cool air in the early morning, the two of them entered the bar.

The proprietress, Ms. Rosmerta, is a lady who still has charm. Unlike in the movie, she is more like the legendary Monica Bellucci in Sicily. Her mature charm is only half as good as Solanlian. .

Of course, Solanlian was also sitting at the bar.

Seeing Louis and Catherine walking in, Solanlian walked over, touched Catherine's head, kissed her on the cheek, then touched Louis' face, and also kissed the corner of Louis' lips with red lips.

This woman is so good.

"Is this your daughter? She has grown so big..." Ms. Rosmerta praised: "It should be said that she is much more beautiful than when you were young."

"The waves behind the Thames push the waves ahead. It is a joyful thing that my daughter is prettier than me." Solanlian glanced at Louis seductively, but when she turned her head to look at Ms. Rosmerta, she was stunned for a moment. Putting on a serious expression: "This little man is Emma's son."

"She looks so much like her." Ms. Rosmerta chuckled and mixed two glasses of juice: "The son of the heartthrob lady is also a heartthrob, but he is so dedicated to your daughter. It seems that your daughter is also There were two moments."

"Of course, it doesn't matter whose daughter it is." Solanlian looked extremely proud.

The two juniors just greeted Ms. Rosmerta politely and then sat in a single room nearby. They really didn't want to talk to Solanlian, an old fox.

It should be said that there are no bones left that don’t want to be chewed by this flat-headed honeypot.

It is Slytherin's instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

But they both forgot that trouble would come to them on their own.

When the bar gradually filled up with guests, the door to the single room was opened by Solanlian, and she sat next to Catherine with a gust of fragrance.

"So, my good daughter was completely abducted by you?" Solanlian looked at Louis with an unkind expression, then turned to Catherine and asked: "The whole summer vacation, you never said you would go home to accompany me. You empty nester, I really spent my life raising you in vain!"

"It's better to have a lump of Yorkshire pudding than to have you alive," Louis replied.

"Yes! You are worse than a Yorkshire pudding!" Solanlian said while scanning Louis with the corner of her eyes.

Louis felt a little foot put on his leg.

"Hmph, I have to be teased by you every time I go home. I won't go back. I have Mr. Fawn now!" Catherine snorted, expressing her protest against her not-so-old mother.

"Then I'm so sad." Solanlian made a sad expression: "If your Aunt Emma is alive in heaven, she will definitely laugh at me when she sees you treating me like this."

"That's all your own fault, Leanne." Louis interjected without hesitation, watching the excitement.

The mother and daughter bickered all morning, and finally ended in Solanlian's victory.

Catherine angrily dragged Louis out of the Three Broomsticks Bar. She swore that the next time she came to Hogsmeade, she should turn away when she saw Solanlian.

It's better than being dealt with like this.

Louis was used to the days when the two mother and daughter quarreled as soon as they met. He now even doubted whether Cassandra of the two of them would be like Catherine in the future.

It's a small tree. If it's not cultivated, it won't grow straight. It's just a matter of giving it a good education when the time comes.

When he returned to Hogwarts, Harry was completely autistic, sitting in the Great Hall very dejectedly, looking like who am I, where am I, and what am I going to do.

After seeing his friends come back, Harry started to drag them to complain, secretly holding a gun and a stick and starting to say that Hogwarts was very strict, and then transferred it to the Ministry of Magic. This time he was not very angry. , and finally transferred to poor Sirius Black, who was extremely pregnant.

"Why! Why did he betray my parents!" Harry became spartan, holding his head and shouting wildly.

We didn't have any definite answers to comfort him, we could only accompany him through this heartbreaking time.

Fortunately, Harry was heartless and walked out quickly. As a young man, sadness is only temporary, and it will be better to vent it out.

When they walked back, they found that the corridor and stairs in front of the Gryffindor common room were crowded with people, surrounding the Fat Lady's portrait and refusing to go in.

"Why are they surrounding us here?" Ron asked doubtfully.

Harry looked over the head. The portrait seemed closed.

"Please let me pass." This was Percy's voice. He walked out from the crowd with dignity: "Why are you all stuck here? You all mustn't be like Neville and forget the password - I'm sorry, I It’s the student union president, please give way——”

The crowd fell silent, starting from the front, so it was like a cold wave spreading through the corridors, and they heard Percy's voice, suddenly sharp.

"Quickly - go to the principal's office on the eighth floor to ask for Professor Dumbledore!"

The tone of these words was a bit like going to the West to invite Tathagata Buddha's inner taste.

Louis was also in the crowd, and he couldn't see clearly due to his height advantage. He looked around and asked Ron, "How do you look in your eyes?"

"Huh? Hermione has the best eyesight, but I'm actually average." Ron said subconsciously and modestly.

"You want me to hold her? I have no objection." Louis shrugged.

Ron blushed, he didn't want Louis, a romantic guy, to hug Hermione. He quickly said: "Okay, then my eyes are the best. What do you want to do?"

"Of course I'm going to lift you up to see what's going on in front of me!" Louis said in a desperate tone.

Ron, who was lifted up, had a good field of vision and could easily see what was going on. He shouted loudly: "I'm bloody, hell, there are actually several scratches on the portrait of the Fat Lady... Oh my God, Harry..."

Louis put him down and saw Ron shaking Harry in horror: "That scratch... looks like a big dog. Oh my God, do you remember your tea leaves?"

"Of course I remember...but this..." Harry was stunned. No matter how much he deceived himself, he could not deny that the big black dog of tea was coming true. This big dog was heading towards the Gryffindor lounge. It was obvious that It's for him... It's almost the same!

After a while, Dumbledore arrived. He looked at the students seriously, and the students subconsciously gave way. Only then did everyone see clearly what had happened to the Fat Lady's portrait - fragments of the canvas were scattered all over the ground, and large pieces of the canvas were completely torn off the frame. Dumbledore took a quick look at the damaged painting. Finally, he said to Professor McGonagall: "Professor McGonagall, please go to Filch immediately and tell him to look for the Fat Lady on every painting in the castle."

"You're in luck." A hoarse voice said above them. Everyone looked up and saw that it was Peeves, singing and dancing like a man in need of a beating.

After all, this guy is afraid of chaos in the world. Now that he sees this scene, not setting off a few laborious fireworks is already his most restrained expression.

"What do you mean? Peeves?" Professor Dumbledore asked expressionlessly.

Peeves immediately stood firm, his smile faded, and he put on a slightly flattering smile, and said in a smooth tone: "Oh, my dear Mr. Professor, of course I know the location of the Fat Lady. , she was really frightened, and now she is hiding in the landscape painting on the fifth floor, hiding among the trees, my professor."

"Poor thing," he added, but without seeming to feel any pity for it.

"Did she say who did it?" Dumbledore asked quietly.

Peeves was so proud that he laughed and said: "Of course she said that she wouldn't let him in. He was very angry. You know - he has a really bad temper, doesn't he? That Sirius Black..."

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