I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 192 Exchange of Interests (the serial number of the previous chapter is wrong)

There is a saying that goes well, if a person is not ruthless, he will not stand firm. Snape is obviously the kind of person who is ruthless and doesn't say much. After all, when he is ruthless, he can stand under the eyes of the most powerful demon and the most powerful white wizard in the world. Be a double agent.

This kind of work can only be done by people with great perseverance.

Peter Pettigrew obviously knew how cruel Snape was. He tried desperately to resist the Veritaserum, but he couldn't do it. Snape didn't know what kind of magic he used, and his throat was like a funnel. Same, then the Veritaserum dripped from Snape's hand and flowed into his stomach.

Uncomfortable, really uncomfortable, this was Peter's first feeling, and his second feeling was that he felt better than ever.

How should I describe it specifically? It's as if all my defenses have been removed at once, and I want to vomit about everything first.

Under Snape's interrogation, Peter Pettigrew told him exactly what he had done, without any reservations, even down to the minute and second when he told Voldemort exactly what he had done. dense.

Snape's hand holding the bottle of Veritaserum trembled slightly. His eyes were burning with intense fire and extreme disgust. It was really hard for him to imagine why there could be such a shameless coward...

"What a disgrace to Gryffindor!" Hermione commented to Peter in a trembling low voice: "I really can't understand how you were sorted into Gryffindor -"

There is something wrong with what he said. It's like saying someone opened a back door for Pettigrew.

"Sometimes, it takes a lot of courage to betray your friends, Hermione." Louis said with a chuckle.

Fudge, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke: "Okay, but the Ministry of Magic will not agree with Peter Pettigrew's words for the time being, and will not cancel the accusation against Black. After all, it is very old, and a series of procedures such as evidence collection will take time... …”

"Why!" Harry questioned emotionally: "But Peter Pettigrew has obviously confessed under the influence of Veritaserum, why can't Sirius' innocence be proven?"

"Harry." Fudge looked at Harry who was a little out of control and comforted him with a smile: "I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry first. The Ministry of Magic is a legal institution in the wizarding world after all, and everything should be done in accordance with procedures and laws. If we go through the whole process and pursue special things like this, then do we still need the order of the Ministry of Magic?"

Louis grabbed Harry who wanted to continue arguing, stood up and glanced at Dumbledore. After receiving a nod of approval, he smiled and said to Fudge: "Mr. Minister, can you take a step to speak?"

Dumbledore understood that the more he interfered in this matter, the more wary Fudge would be aroused. It was better to let Louis handle this matter. At least now Louis would not be as suspicious of Fudge as he was.

Of course, Louis also knew this truth. The tacit understanding between him and Dumbledore made the old Louis jealous when he saw it.

"Of course." Fudge didn't think that Louis would be disadvantageous to him. After all, Louis was also a respectable nobleman.

Outside the door, Lewis made a soundproof barrier.

"Actually, this matter has no impact on you, Mr. Minister." Louis said straight to the point.

"Your Highness is really quick to talk." Fudge was a little surprised. This was the first time he met an old London man who went straight to the point without beating around the bush.

Generally speaking, a pure Englishman can speak and act with much more ink than two or three Sirens put together.

But he did not express his position at the beginning, and was ready to wait and see what Louis planned to say.

"Actually, we might as well look at it this way, Your Excellency Minister." Louis said with a smile: "In any case, this unjust, false and wrong case is the fault of the Ministry of Magic -" Seeing Fudge frown, Louis chuckled again and continued to explain. : "But the person who made this wrongful conviction was not the Ministry of Magic under your leadership, but the former Minister Millicent Barnold."

“So, it will be of no harm to you to admit this unjust, false and wrongly decided case. Firstly, it can improve your image in the eyes of ordinary wizards in the wizarding world and increase your support rate; secondly, this can also Continue to consolidate your position as Minister. Sirius is now the only male member of the Black family. Even if he is removed from the position due to a misunderstanding, the broken bones of the family will still be connected to the tendons. I believe the Black family will definitely reciprocate your favor."

Seeing that Fudge was a little moved, Louis continued to warm up: "Of course, you know that I also have a small business, and I will let the Daily Prophet do its best to report truthfully how the Minister endured great pressure and did not fear. Power, bringing order to chaos, redressing injustices for real heroes...and..."

Louis used his trump card, which was definitely a reason Fudge couldn't refuse: "It was through the doubts and information you provided that Hogwarts successfully captured the real murderer, Peter Pettigrew."

Fuji, he is a master who does not let go of hawks when he sees rabbits. He does great things without sacrificing his own life, but sees small profits and forgets his life. This sentence describes him very accurately.

Fudge was stunned, and then a joyful smile filled his face. This was the first time since he saw Peter that he smiled sincerely: "Hey, as the Minister of Magic, this is what I should do, so there is no need to write Have you got this little detail?"

That's what he said, but he definitely couldn't understand it that way. Lewis could see through what Fudge was thinking at a glance.

Louis tried his best to hide Dumbledore in this conversation, mainly because he was afraid that Dumbledore would irritate Fudge's fragile nerves. He said with a smile: "Of course I understand your Excellency the Minister's good character of not coveting fame and wealth. Of course, there is a similar story in my mother's hometown. Do you want to hear it?"

"Of course I do." Fudge knew that the benefits would not go away, so he was in a good mood and didn't mind listening to Louis' more verbose words.

There won’t be any missing pieces of meat.

"Two thousand years ago, there was a philosopher named Kensius in Seris. He had many disciples, but this story is related to two of them, one of whom was named Rod and the other named Tribute.

One day, Rhodes met a child drowning on the road, so he jumped down and rescued the child. In order to thank him, the child's father gave him a cow. When his classmates found out, they expressed dissatisfaction and thought that he was a child. He was greedy for money, but the teacher Kensius was very happy because he felt that such behavior was equivalent to announcing to the society that as long as you do good deeds, you will be rewarded, which will stimulate others to do more good deeds.

When Tribute traveled abroad, he saw his countrymen who had become slaves, so he used his own money to redeem them, but did not report the debt to the government when he returned home. People at the time praised him for his noble character, but Kensius was very He disagrees. He believes that such behavior will prevent more people who have become slaves in foreign countries from being redeemed. Because Tribute’s behavior preceded him, if he still reports the debt to the government after redeeming the slaves, it shows his character. It is not noble enough. In this case, some people will pretend not to see it and stop redeeming their own people. "

Fudge nodded with understanding on his face. Seeing that what he said was in place, Louis continued to smile and said: "So even if you don't care about this little reputation, you have to think about the social atmosphere of the entire wizarding world, right? After all, you have to think about it. As the Minister of Magic, you are a role model for the wizarding world. We hope that everyone will be a moral model like you, but we cannot force everyone to become a moral model."

Louis' ability to tell lies with open eyes was learned from Arnold when he was a child. At that time, Arnold was still the chief secretary of the cabinet. Because he had served on his grandfather's ship, he treated Louis as his own child. There is really no shortage of words and deeds.

It is unrealistic to say that Louis learned 100% of Arnold's skills. After all, he is still young and has not that much experience. But it is also false to say that he has learned nothing. He is not a big fool. Why? Probably learned nothing.

At least this moral vacuum is learned thoroughly.

After all, teacher Arnold is GCMG, God calls me God’s man.

"Haha...Then I won't refuse this credit anymore." Fudge smiled with satisfaction. He originally thought that Blake's case would be a huge and difficult case, but he didn't expect that it was resolved by Louis' few words. To develop in a direction that is beneficial to him.

I really didn’t expect that.

"I heard that there are still many officials in the Ministry of Magic who handled the cases back then who are still in office." Louis said this without being salty, but with deep meaning: "It seems that they are all promoted by the former ministers. of?"

"Thank you, His Highness Louis." Fudge's face suddenly became very solemn. Louis' last words were like an enlightenment. Only now did he realize how big the bargaining chip Louis had given him - to clean up the family in a legitimate way. This was something he never dared to think about before.

"Don't worry, there will be a reply on this matter within three days at most." Fudge promised and returned to the office with him.

What greeted him was Harry's anxious gaze.

"How's it going, Louis..." He was really scared. He was afraid that the relatives he had finally found would never be vindicated because of procedural issues.

Louis did not speak, but Fudge smiled and said in a different attitude: "Don't worry, Harry, His Highness Louis has explained your situation to me in detail, and the Ministry of Magic understands your situation very well, and will definitely deal with it." Clean up Blake's grievances as quickly as possible."

"After I return, I will immediately order everyone to act together... Of course, for safety reasons, Blake and Peter will be in Hogwarts first. I believe there will be no problems in Hogwarts."

After saying hello to Dumbledore, he hurriedly left Hogwarts.

"You...what exactly did you say to the minister? Why did his attitude change so quickly?" Hermione asked hesitantly.

"Don't ask about social matters." Lewis smiled a little enigmatically.

Peter was eventually imprisoned in the Headmaster's Office, personally guarded by Fawkes, Dumbledore and the other Hogwarts Headmasters. Black temporarily stayed at Hogwarts, sleeping together with Lupine.

Today is just a few days after the full moon night, so Black still has at least twenty days of opportunity to live in harmony with Lupin.

Harry was a little reluctant to let go of Sirius, and until everyone left the office, he and the three little ones sat next to Sirius and Lupin, chatting endlessly.

"I said you guys have had enough... can't you go to bed yet?" Louis looked up at the clock. Good guy, it's already one o'clock in the middle of the night: "Tomorrow... oh yes, tomorrow is Saturday, then you guys will also Please note that minors need to rest..."

"Okay, little deer." Catherine walked out of the bedroom at this time, said something to Louis angrily, and turned to Blake and the others: "Is this Uncle Blake?"

"Hello." Blake nodded and pointed at Catherine with some confusion: "Oh... you should be the daughter of that old... Solanlian!"

You mean to say old lady, right?

"Yes, my mother is Solanlian Warley." Catherine didn't care what Blake said about her mother. After all, that woman was not a good person in her eyes.

Humph, a bad woman who wants to compete with her daughter...

"It turns out she is the eldest lady of the Woley family. She is as beautiful as the legend says. She is a perfect match for Louise." Sirius had a sweet mouth and knew who had the final say in this office.

Sure enough, as soon as she heard the words 'a perfect match for Louis', Catherine no longer disliked the fact that Sirius was still here in the middle of the night.

"Thank you for the compliment, Uncle Black." Catherine smiled shyly and turned back to the kitchen: "I'll make you some dessert."

Louis sat on the sofa without any hesitation and showed off to Blake: "How about it, my girlfriend is pretty, isn't she?"

Who knew that Sirius snorted and said something that neither he nor Catherine could refute and had no reason to say.

"Not as good-looking as your mother."

What, co-authoring a property between you and Professor Snape?

"You should care about you and Harry. Look, there are six people in this room, and you and your son are the only singles." Louis complained with a look of disgust.

Harry's face turned red, but Sirius didn't care. He patted his godson on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Did you see that Louis is laughing at you for being single? How about it, do you have a girl you like?" ?”

Harry thought for a while, and the figure of Zhang Qiu appeared in his mind, and nodded. Then he thought of Cedric, and shook his head hurriedly.

"Look, do you have it or not?" Sirius was also confused by Harry's nod and shake of his head. He patted his bony chest and said quite proudly: "I think back then, I was your godfather. Hogwarts is a vagabond, and many girls have secretly made love to me..."

Hermione couldn't help but interjected: "But you still failed to win Aunt Emma's heart after all, did you?"

Sirius was immediately choked, choked to death.

Louis looked at Hermione, who could kill with one hit, and then at Ron. Could it be that mouth damage is also contagious?

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