I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 193 Want to kiss the Dementor Snake

Sirius never thought that one day he would be beaten to shame by a female student. When he was a romantic young man in Hogwarts, female students usually gave way to him.

"It was an accident." Sirius defended forcefully, but it seemed a little weak.

After laughing and teasing, Louis asked Sirius: "What are you going to do after the Ministry of Magic rehabilitates you in two days?"

"I don't know." Sirius told the truth, looking at Harry and then at a few other people, "I've been away from the wizarding world for a long time, and I really can't think of what to do at the moment. If not, I'll just lie down and sleep at home. Dajue is also a good choice.”

"I have a good idea, and I can also let you take care of Harry when you have nothing to do." Louis said half a sentence.

"What's the idea?" Sirius was obviously intrigued and seemed to be listening attentively.

"My Defense Against the Dark Arts class is short of a teaching assistant. Just look..." Louis smiled a little maliciously. He simply wanted to use Sirius as his tool.

"This is indeed a good suggestion." Sirius smiled: "I can still legitimately accompany Harry in school...what do I need to do?"

"Oh, just think of yourself as a real Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Louis shrugged: "I will provide you with teaching materials."

At this point, the third Harry began to show off the interesting world in the mirror with Sirius, the country bumpkin from Azkaban. The look of interest on Sirius's face became more and more intense, and in the end he even slapped the table: "That's too much." Awesome, I can’t wait to try it out…”

"There are plenty of opportunities." Louis looked up at the hanging clock and began to urge them to get out of here: "I think you guys should go too, I still have to sleep."

The three little ones reluctantly left here. Looking at Hermione, she seemed to be particularly eager to ask Sirius what it was like to be in prison in Azkaban.

Maybe she wanted to kiss a dementor snake.

Louis, who was sitting on the sofa, stood up and returned to the bedroom. As soon as he sat on the chair next to the bed, he saw Catherine coming in with a plate of emerald green grapes.

"Taste the freshly picked grapes." Catherine smiled and put the plate on the table in front of Louis.

Louis picked up a grape and put it into his mouth. A sour feeling exploded from the bitten grape. The feeling was several times more acidic than vinegar. I really don’t know where Catherine prepared the grapes.

This little girl is afraid that she will rebel.

But Louis is obviously a man who manages his expressions very well, and he is also a hard-core ruthless person. He made a very comfortable expression, then picked up a grape and put it in his mouth to chew.

"It's pretty good, Little Moon. Where did you buy these grapes?" he asked Catherine while eating.

Catherine really didn't know that the grapes were sour. She smiled and said: "My mother asked the owl to bring this. Here, I will try it too."

As he said that, under Louis' gloating eyes, he twisted off a grape and put it into his mouth.

Louis looked at her expectantly, wanting to see when she would succeed, but found that she actually finished one and then picked the grapes, and said with a smile that they were quite sweet.

Louis is quitting now. Could it be that only the two pills I just ate were sour? So he grabbed another grape, and the moment he bit it open, it was really successful. He spit out the grape quickly, looking like a mask of pain.

Suddenly, Catherine leaned over and touched his mouth with her warm lips. Just as he was about to respond, he felt two grapes squeezed into his mouth along the way.

Parting her lips, Catherine pushed back her hair, narrowed her eyes with a satisfied look, and teased condescendingly: "Fool, little deer, are you going to fight with me?"

That arrogant and proud little look looks so cute.

How could Louis endure it? The little scumbag spat out two grapes and hit Catherine on the forehead.

"I've betrayed you, little moon!" He jumped up like a carp and flipped Catherine over on the bed: "Tell me, did you already know about sour grapes and deliberately lured me to the bait?"

As he spoke, he put his hands on Catherine's waist and scratched her.

"Hahaha... don't, little deer, ugh... hahahaha... I don't know... hahaha, stop!" Catherine smiled and begged for mercy. Her weak point was the itchy flesh on her waist, and every time she was caught by Louis Sometimes I would be tickled to the point of begging for mercy.

"Is it wrong?" Louis asked pretentiously without stopping scratching.

"Yeah...wrong, wrong...hahaha..." Catherine kicked her legs and kicked the pillows to the ground.

"Call me brother. If you call me brother, I'll let you go."

"Okay...hahaha...good brother..."

Only then did Louis let go of Catherine with satisfaction. Catherine lay limply on the bed for a while, and Louis thoughtfully held her hair that was stuck to her forehead due to sweating. After a while, Catherine lightly kicked him: "After all, those grapes were given by my mother. According to her personality, how could she give us sweet grapes... But when you first said they were very sweet, I really believed you. , but when I took the grapes, I saw the evil intention on your face."

"What are you doing with bad intentions? How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air?" Louis stopped, and the claws of Lushan slapped Catherine's thigh with a snap.

Catherine raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and lightly hit Louis' shoulder with her pink fist: "Little rascal, what are you thinking about? Can you still deceive me?"

Louis stood up, motioned to Catherine to wait, then found a pair of black-rimmed glasses from Ye Ziyan's table and put them on. He walked back to Catherine, looked at her for a while and then took off the glasses. : "Then guess what I'm thinking about now?"

"I don't guess." Catherine's face turned a little red. She didn't want to say what the silly little deer was thinking.

She must have guessed it, but Catherine was still a little insistent that it was absolutely forbidden to say.

"If you don't say it, if you don't say it, then..." Louis put the glasses on Catherine's face. Don't tell me, the glasses on Catherine's face made her cool temperament look even taller.

Little Louis was in awe.

How did you say that? The airplane is the highest in the sky, and the glasses on the ground are the most...

"Little moon."

"Huh?" Catherine tilted her head slightly and made a very cute puzzled sound.

"It's okay, don't take off your glasses for a while."

The next day, the front page of the "Daily Prophet" changed its direction, and began to clear the name of Sirius Black in a planned, premeditated and organized manner - of course, it was not a forced whitewash, but a well-founded and well-founded effort to clear the name of Sirius Black. No one can find fault with it.

"Who said standing in the light is a hero?" This is today's front page. It also comes with a photo of Sirius wearing a handsome suit and combing his hair like an adult.

The article basically told the truth of the story. It probably said that James and Lily originally asked Sirius to be their secret keeper, but Sirius felt that he was too conspicuous, so he suggested that Peter Pettigrew, who had no sense of presence, be the couple's secret keeper. The Secret Keeper also focused on how Peter Pettigrew betrayed James and Lily, how the grief-stricken Sirius chased Peter, and how Peter escaped. These were all dug out by Rita alone. First-hand information.

Of course, we did not forget to bring along our Lord Minister. After bragging, he changed the subject and began to praise Sirius and praise him as a true friend.

At the end of the article, Dumbledore summarized his evaluation of Sirius: "Sirius is a person who is loyal to the ideals of a Gryffindor student. He is sincere and brave, he is willing to participate in war, and he is willing to sacrifice for the people he loves. . He was fiercely loyal to his best friend, James Potter."

It also comes with a photo of Sirius, James and Lupin, with the following text: "Sirius Black, Good Wizzard, Good Friend, Good Guy (Sirius Black, a wizard, a good friend, a good people).”

At the same time, there were reports in the Muggle world, but they only removed Sirius' wanted criminal status, admitted the errors of the previous accusations, and attached a photo of the real murderer Peter Pettigrew.

Sirius went from being yelled at by everyone to a beloved hero who endured humiliation overnight.

At the Weasley house, Aunt Molly held the newspaper and said to Arthur while wiping her tears: "Did you see it, Arthur? I knew it was impossible for Sirius to betray James!"

"Ah...this..." Arthur was also a little confused. In essence, he didn't want to believe it. However, the original evidence was so ironclad that even if James was resurrected, it seemed impossible to forcefully clear Sirius' name.

But this can't be blamed on him. If I were to blame, I could only blame Sirius for being like Xu Shu who entered Cao Ying. As long as he defends himself, he won't defend himself at all.

This kind of thing happened to countless wizarding families, and everyone sympathized with Sirius Black's experience, and also scolded Peter Pettigrew for his cowardly and traitorous behavior. It seemed that overnight, in the entire wizarding world, Peter Pettigrew became Synonymous with traitor.

It can be regarded as being nailed to the pillar of shame in history. Judas had to call him an expert when he saw it.

There are also some wizards who have a positive attitude towards Fudge's work in bringing order to the chaos, and a considerable number of wizards fully affirm his "giving information".

Fudge is now sitting in Louis' office with a glowing face, and at least eight out of ten sentences must be words of thanks.

The students at Hogwarts also learned about the great events that happened last night through the newspapers. Everyone was whispering and talking about what was reported in the newspapers. When Sirius appeared in the auditorium for dinner, the atmosphere in the entire auditorium changed. His temper was ignited, and after he announced that he would become an assistant teacher in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the atmosphere reached its peak. Countless classmates were applauding him. After all, Sirius was an outstanding wizard.

Think about it, Sirius was a troublesome person for Voldemort back then, and he must be very clever and proficient in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

After Fudge left, two more unexpected guests came to Louis' office.

It's Lucius and Narcissa.

"Your Highness, are the things reported in the newspaper true?" Narcissa still felt a little unreal. After reading the newspaper, she felt dizzy and dreamy all day long. Even though she married into the Malfoy family, she still cared about the affairs of the Black family. You must know that Sirius is now her only biological relative alive and the only male in the Black family.

"Indeed." Louis replied with a smile: "He will come over in a while, you can have a good chat with him."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sirius opened the door and walked in, whistling.

"Lucius, Narcissa." He greeted somewhat coldly, and his only politeness was out of respect for his affection for Narcissa. If not for this, he would not bother to care about these two people.

Voldemort's lackey, ugh!

As a Gryffindor, he has double debuffs against Slytherins and Death Eaters.

"Sir Lucius is cooperating with me now." Louis said meaningfully.

As a human being, Sirius certainly heard what Louis meant. He was stunned for a moment, then immediately put on a smile and sat down affectionately.

Louis left the office very considerately, leaving the office to the three of them to do whatever they wanted.

Mainly because I don’t have much food in my stomach. I haven’t eaten much since noon...

The three of them can just have Christasa take care of them.

When I walked to the auditorium, I happened to see everyone discussing something enthusiastically, but Harry seemed to be not very interested. Ron and Hermione on both sides were still scolding Harry with serious faces.

"What's wrong?" Louis walked over and asked with a smile: "What outrageous thing did Harry do? I think you two seem to have a lot of disagreements with him."

"Isn't Lavender Brown confessing to him?" Hermione glanced at Harry angrily and said angrily: "Harry, listen to my advice, Lavender's water is too deep, you can't control it ah……"

I really can’t be sure, that little girl is pretty cool, I heard she has had several boyfriends. She is indeed beautiful. Unlike the movie, Lavender looks a lot like Emma Roberts. She is a bitch and a bitch. She looks like a slut at first glance. She has to eat at least several Josephines. kind of.

The one who cuckolded Napoleon.

Harry, a newbie in love, would probably be played to death by Lavender.

"But, but I like him too." Harry retorted, looking at Hermione in confusion.

"Fart! Do you like it?" Ron slammed the table, pointed at Harry and scolded: "You are greedy for her body, you are despicable!"

"But I really like him." Harry held his head, looking a little agitated.

Louis patted him and said with regret: "Samson also likes Delilah... If you want to be as famous as Samson, I don't mind if you choose her."

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