Snape scoffed.

The thunder was loud and the raindrops were light. I thought that Louis could make some kind of patron saint, but I never expected that it would be done by releasing a burst of blue smoke.

That's it?

Louis was also a little confused. He was clearly thinking about the happiest time just now. Logically speaking, he should be able to make the patron saint take shape.

He couldn't help but fell into deep thought, don't I have Catherine in my heart?

So he thought from love to philosophy, from philosophy to science, from science to literature, and finally stopped at who I am, where I am, and what I want to do.

In the end, it was Snape who solved his doubts.

Maybe Snape couldn't stand this guy wasting his precious time.

"I think if you have a little bit of linguistic foundation, you should be able to find-"

Halfway through Snape's words, he didn't look like he wanted to make Louis happy.

"That's what you said." Louis waited for a long time without waiting for the next step. When he looked up at Snape, Snape was frozen there as if he had forgotten his lines.

Those who didn't know thought it was Sun Wukong who came and threw a restraining spell on him.

"Your pronunciation is wrong, think about it yourself." Snape gave a reason that Louis couldn't accept.

How can it be? This was Louis' first reaction. Oh my God, it's a pronunciation problem. In this country, whose pronunciation is as correct as mine? Our family's accent is the standard pronunciation of England!

Wangfa? I am Wangfa!

But...he thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he had probably pronounced it wrong.

He inadvertently pronounced the "num" in "patronum" as "nam"...

Louis couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, and quickly raised his wand and cast the spell again.

"Expecto Patronum! (Calling God to Protect)"

*Congratulations on learning the special spell: Patronus Charm, current skill level: MAX

*Tip: The Patronus Charm has no proficiency or level, it is only linked to one's current emotions.

This time it was not only the misty mist just now, but also many silver filaments. Suddenly, a little bird flew out of the mist, fluttering its wings and flying in the air. Louis always felt very strange. It looks familiar, but I can’t remember what kind of bird it is.

On the contrary, Snape looked at the bird with a feeling of nostalgia.

After a while, he said: "Well... it's quite expected, Yanzi..."

Still a barn swallow.

Louis suddenly realized, no wonder he seemed to have seen it somewhere, it turned out to be a swallow...

I still remember the children’s song I sang in my previous life, Little Swallows, dressed in floral clothes, come here every spring.

I asked Yanzi why you came, and Yanzi said, take care of yourself first...

The memories of the dead were attacking Louis crazily, and he didn't even notice Snape's words, "It's quite expected."

He controlled the patron saint swallow to fly around the house with some unfamiliarity. As he flew, he wondered why his patron saint was a swallow.

To be honest, this doesn't match his painting style. It's not that he looks down on Yanzi, it just feels like his painting style doesn't match.

It was Snape who solved his confusion.

"I think back then, Emma...your mother's patron saint was the swallow." Snape looked at the swallow that was still flying, thoughtfully.

There seems to be a trace of anger at him for not fighting - anger at himself for not fighting for his failure to live up to his senior sister's high expectations.

"My mother?" Louis controlled the swallow to fly to his hand and stood up. He looked at the swallow and then at Snape: "Is it possible that the patron saint can also inherit it?"

"Generally speaking, the shape of the Patronus varies from person to person, and is related to the wizard's personality and physique." Snape said slowly: "But I can't understand it, you..." As he said, Looking Louis up and down, he continued with some disgust: "You are a little giant whose growth rate is fast catching up with Hagrid. Why is the patron saint a swallow? Even from a genetic point of view, it is not clear..."

"I heard that the patron saint is not always the same. It will change when it suffers a big blow or a huge emotional change." Louis said meaningfully. He didn't mean to say that, but he meant it.

Snape paused for a moment, glanced at him like a knife, and did not continue to speak.

"You can ask Ms. Liv when you go back." Snape pointed to Ye Ziyan: "Perhaps a wizard from the mysterious eastern country can give you a good answer to this question."

"I will accept this suggestion, Professor." Louis waved his wand to disperse the Patronus Spell: "Okay, can we do the second training next?"

"You mean Occlumency?" Snape asked, "I think you should start from the basics. In order to avoid the embarrassing thing just now, I think it is necessary to teach the pronunciation of this spell."

"That's not necessary, Professor." Louis spread his hands, "It was just a beautiful accident, and you don't need to worry too much."

Louis had read in a book in the Restricted Section that Occlumency was a prerequisite for defeating a Legilimency's ability to detect lies, using dubious practices such as avoiding face-to-face or eye contact in the process.

"You will be an excellent Occlumency master, Louis." For the first time, Snape did not spit venom, but praised Louis.

Louis was a bit worried about this. He was not a cheap person, but he just felt that he didn't quite understand what kind of medicine Snape was selling in his gourd.

"Speak directly, Professor. I'm a little scared of you."

Snape's eyelids drooped down and he sneered: "Occlumency requires people to suppress certain emotions. And you, Louis, a little wizard of your age, I have never seen such a happy person like you." Your anger is invisible, and sometimes I even doubt whether the smile you show is genuine."

"Why not?" Louis showed a smile that he thought was very kind.

"Look, just like now, your smile is fake." Snape commented: "You don't have to smile if you don't know how to smile. Don't force yourself, Louis."


After being speechless for a while, he said as if he suddenly remembered something: "According to what you said, I actually think Draco is extremely talented in Occlumency, but Harry probably does not have the talent for Occlumency.

You see, Harry's problem is that his emotions are always too close to the surface, and he's too hurt in a way. But at the same time, he can also feel very clearly how he feels about his own experience. He didn't suppress his emotions, he faced them very honestly, and he couldn't suppress them, couldn't suppress the memories.

And I think Draco is the kind of person who is very talented and can separate his life and emotions, and he has always done this. He can turn off his pity and lock up his sympathy, thereby effectively bullying others. For example, in the first grade, he liked to make fun of Neville. If I hadn't seen it..."

"Okay, Louis." Snape sneered: "You really can't see it? I don't think so. Sometimes you really get into the drama too much...don't you just want to use the two of them... …”

"Ahem..." Louis coughed violently, interrupting Snape's words.

"Okay, let's change the topic - do you really think I have a talent in this area?" Louis asked with a smile.

Snape rolled his eyes in a classic old man manner: "For a British aristocrat like you who has a moral vacuum and puts profits first, not learning Occlumency is the biggest waste."

"In addition, according to some books, Occlumency can effectively prevent being possessed by unknown entities." Snape added: "In the war a long time ago, wizards avoided being forcibly possessed by demons in this way."

"I understand, professor." Lewis nodded: "How about... let's practice it now?"

"If you don't mind having your memory read." Snape shrugged, just like he did when talking to Lockhart on the dueling stage.

"How could it be possible..." Lewis grinned: "If you happen to read it, it can only be said that I am not good at learning, and I can't blame you..."

Before he finished speaking, Snape's wand was raised.


"Occlumency!" Louis' eyes became blank, and he emptied his mind in an instant.

Occlumency with the addition of the Heart of Oak, the Spirit Sword and the Eye of Grifon is pretty good, at least Snape slowly put down the wand in his hand.

"It's a good Occlumency technique, but it's a little fake." Snape said with a smile.

"Huh?" Louis didn't understand what Snape meant: "Why do you say that?"

"Your head... just now..." Snape said with some disgust: "If a winged demon opens your brain, you will definitely leave disappointed..."

"If you want to deceive someone who is interested in your Legilimency, you must not only clear your brain." Snape's voice was still disgusting: "You must learn to just close your emotions and part of your memory, and then simulate some" It's a false impression, so people can't see that you're lying, do you understand?"

"I understand somewhat." Louis said, his eyes becoming blank again.

He jumped back quickly and stretched out his hand to stop Snape's movements: "Forget it, I won't bother you anymore. I'll just go back and practice slowly with Catherine..."

Just kidding, if you want to practice partial closure, part of your memory will inevitably be read by others. For this matter, it is more reliable to practice with Catherine.

He didn't want his memory to be read by a middle-aged greasy old man who didn't wash his hair. He was not Harry...

Porter: No cue.

As if he was used to Louis' killing of donkeys, Snape waved his hand impatiently and chased Louis away like flies.

"By the way, Professor." Louis poked his head back from the door and entered Snape's office.

"Say." Snape said concisely.

"I think it is necessary for Harry to practice Occlumency." Louis suggested.

Snape didn't say anything, but turned his head to look at him. The hollowness in his eyes made Louis feel a little tremor in his heart for no reason.

Louis looked around, opened the door and walked in. After turning around and closing the door, he said to Snape: "Harry has...well, there is the remnant soul of Voldemort..."

"How did you know?" Snape obviously didn't believe it.

"Dumbledore told me." Louis started to pull the flag: "You may not know that when Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow to kill Mrs. Potter..."

Snape's eyes suddenly sharpened.

Louis said quickly: "After that, her ancient spell protected Harry, but when the Death Curse rebounded, it also tore out a part of Voldemort's soul and possessed Harry. This is why Harry is in this situation." That's why Voldemort would have a headache when he stared at the back of Quirrell's head when he entered the first grade."

Snape was stunned for a moment, and seemed to believe what he said.

Louis struck while the iron was hot: "After all, Professor, you don't want Harry to be controlled by Voldemort, right? Think about it, if Harry found an uninhabited underworld and quietly killed him after being controlled by Voldemort, look at his pair of In those beautiful green eyes, what exactly..."

"Stop talking." Snape pointed to the door: "I will consider your opinion. Now - please get out, Mr. Lewis."

Louis was very understanding of the situation, leaving Snape who was still thinking about life.

As he was walking on the road, Louis called out the patron saint, and it was flying around him. Although there was no sound, Louis could clearly feel that the swallow was singing happily.

A skill that consumes ten mana points every minute is quite fun to call out for fun. Louis, who is rich and wealthy, doesn't care about this mana value at all.

Open the attribute bar and take a look. The mana that is automatically restored every minute is almost 200. Does a big family still care about this?

There was no one between Snape's office and his own, so no one noticed his Patronus Charm. When he returned to the office, Ye Ziyan and Krisstrasa happened to be playing Wizard Legend.

This is a very addictive game. Louis stood beside the two of them for a long time without attracting their attention.

"Ahem." Louis coughed, and then the two women noticed Louis' presence and raised their heads.

Ye Ziyan saw the patron saint of swallows standing on Louis' shoulder, his eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "Louis, can you summon the patron saint? This is... eh, this patron saint is the same as Sister Yu's! It seems that you are really Her child..."

"What are you talking about? How could I not be born to my mother?" Louis rolled his eyes. If I wasn't my mother's son, who else could I be?

"No, what I mean is." Ye Ziyan stood up and reached out to hook the swallow's virtual beak, "You inherited the bloodline of Sister Yu. This is the reason why you can summon the patron saint of swallows."

"Are you kidding, Zi Zi." Louis looked down at the swallow, and then at Zi Ziyan: "Why don't I see anything special about it?"

"Of course, this is no ordinary swallow." Ye Ziyan's eyes wandered and he recited an ancient poem in a low voice -

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