I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 211 Catherine’s Patron Saint

"The mysterious bird of destiny descended and gave birth to Shang."

Ye Ziyan murmured this verse from three thousand years ago.

"Did I go to the wrong school?" Louis asked in a lunatic manner: "I went to a magic academy, so why did I get all the stuff about cultivating immortals?"

"Cultivation of immortals?" Ye Ziyan asked doubtfully, and then said suddenly: "You mean refining qi, right? That...well, that was just what Sister Yu said casually. In fact, Siris's magic world is also a wizard, and Ni There are no Onmyoji in Hong Kingdom, everyone practices witchcraft."

"Okay." Lewis breathed a sigh of relief, it was good that there was no odor.

"As for the black bird, it is just a very mysterious magical animal." Ye Ziyan continued: "It is said that more than four thousand years ago, the emperor's concubine Jian Di swallowed a mysterious bird when she was playing in the countryside. The bird's egg became pregnant and gave birth to the ancestor of the Shang Dynasty."

"Therefore, the Dashang ethnic group has always considered themselves to be the descendants of the Black Bird who were entrusted with destiny, so they have always regarded the Black Bird as a totem." Ye Ziyan looked at the guardian saint of the Black Bird on Lewis's shoulder and continued: "According to legend, the Black Bird and the The Yin and Shang ethnic groups are naturally close to each other, and the patron saint of the Yin and Shang royal family’s shamans is usually Xuanniao. The most outstanding shamans among them will be recognized and followed by Xuanniao. And your mother, Ziyu, had one back then. A black bird is by her side."

"What you are saying is getting more and more mysterious, Zi Zi." Louis squinted at Zi Ziyan. It wasn't that he didn't believe it, but it was too sensational: "Being followed by a swallow... is a novel thing - they Is it as fast as an owl to deliver letters?”

"There are two forms of black birds." Ye Ziyan explained calmly: "Generally speaking, black birds usually show themselves in the form of swallows, and in battle, they will transform into a form similar to a phoenix. The enemy attacks."

"Phoenix? Like Fox?" Catherine, who had been eavesdropping for a long time, interrupted and asked.

"No, Little Moon, this is a problem of translation." Ye Ziyan shook his head and said: "Actually, the Phoenix and the Phoenix Phoenix are two species, just like the traditional dragon of Siris and the Western Dragon Dragon."

"I prefer to call them long and fenghuang, rather than forcibly misinterpreting their original images to cater to Western translations."

As he spoke, Ye Ziyan waved his magic wand, and a vivid phoenix shadow appeared in the air: "In the myth of Siris, the phoenix is ​​not closely related to the phoenix, and the phoenix does not have the characteristics of rebirth from the ashes. This was originally Misinformation after Buddhism was introduced to Seris.”

"Pheasant head, snake neck, swallow's jaw, turtle back, fish tail, five colors, about six feet high..." The Ye Ziyan wand was used as a pointer and pointed at the phantom phoenix and introduced: "In addition, in the legend of Siris, The phoenix symbolizes auspiciousness, nobility, and benevolence, and is also used as a metaphor for a gentleman's moral integrity... Well, the topic is a bit distorted. In short, as for the black bird, you can understand it as a black phoenix."

As he spoke, the long seven-color tail feathers of the phoenix shadow fluttered in the air like ribbons, looking very gorgeous.

"I understand." Louis closed his eyes and imagined for a moment, then snapped his fingers, and the black bird on his shoulder chirped, fluttered its wings, and completed a gorgeous transformation in mid-air in front of everyone's eyes.

A blue bird with a pheasant head, a snake neck, a swallow's jaw, a turtle's back, and a fish tail appeared in mid-air. Its long tail feathers were swinging in the air, like a waterlily drifting with the tide. It was extremely beautiful.

It’s pretty good-looking, this was Louis’ first impression.

"I suggest you learn Animagus, Louis." Ye Ziyan suggested sincerely: "Generally speaking, the Animagus transformed animals of wizards are exactly the same as the patron saint."

"Didn't you say that Animagus can't transform into magical animals?" Louis asked curiously.

"Are you an ordinary wizard?" Ye Ziyan asked back, making Lewis thoughtful.

"What about you, Sister Moon?" Ye Ziyan looked at Catherine: "What is your patronus spell?"

"Me?" Catherine was stunned for a moment, then shook her head: "I don't know the Patronus Charm, because I'm more... well, I know a little bit of fire, so I'm not worried about the dementors causing trouble for me, so I haven't learned it. Patronus Charm.”

As she spoke, Catherine unexpectedly blushed and felt guilty.

To be honest, this was a spell she should have mastered.

"How about you try it here?" Lewis suggested.

Catherine glanced at Louis and took out her wand.

She took a deep breath and asked, "What should I do?"

"Concentrate your energy, think about the happiest and happiest things that have ever happened to you in your life, and then release the spell, do you understand?"

Louis added smoothly: "Don't pronounce the spell wrong, the spell is expecto patronum."

"I know." Catherine nodded, then closed her eyes and raised her right hand. After a long time, she suddenly opened her eyes, pointed her wand forward, and let out a scolding sound.

"Expecto Patronum! (Calling God to Protect)"

Catherine is truly a genius, especially a genius in Defense Against the Dark Arts. I really don’t know what happy things she thought about. The thick mist almost filled the whole room.

A blue cat ran out of the smoke. Louis looked carefully and saw that it was a ragdoll cat.

Gee, I really didn’t expect that some people may appear to be domineering and virulent snake seniors, but secretly they are actually cute little kittens?

Catherine obviously didn't expect that her patron saint would be a cute kitten. She stood there helplessly, not knowing what to do for a moment.

In the end, she dispelled the Patronus Charm.

Lewis looked at her with evil intentions.

Feeling Louis' gaze, Catherine snorted: "Just say what you want to say."

"I'm just curious about what on earth you thought of to make you so happy?" Lewis asked with a smile.

In the conscience of heaven and earth, Louis just asked casually, but after Catherine heard his question, she suddenly blushed, and even the slender white swan neck was stained with layers of red clouds.

You blush like a bubble teapot!

Of course Louis, who was familiar with Catherine's emotional changes, knew that he must not continue talking at this time. If he continued to talk, Catherine would definitely be angry and ignore him for several days.

Women, sometimes they just can't afford it.

He was also 80% sure that he knew what Catherine was thinking at that time. Having said that, there are some things that you can just know in secret, there is no need to get to the bottom of it.

He thought about the fog that filled the room just now, and thought about the happy times Catherine might have recalled for the two of them, and smacked his lips involuntarily.

There's really nothing wrong with it.

Lewis turned to look at Ye Ziyan: "Second wife, what is your patron saint?"

"What second wife! Why are you talking so freely?" Ye Ziyan's eyes widened, as if she didn't expect Lewis to call her that.

"Everything you should do and shouldn't be done, what you should see and shouldn't be seen is over, what else can't be screamed about?" Louis looked at her with disgust: "Pretentious, really pretentious, tsk tsk."

Ye Ziyan was not as shy and angry as Louis expected, but smiled warmly: "I understand, husband."

This time, Lewis was a little bit helpless.

He quickly changed the subject: "Ahem, what is your patron saint?"

Ye Ziyan secretly laughed. It turned out that this shameless little villain was sometimes afraid. She took out her wand and chanted the Patronus Charm to summon her Patronus.

Ah, it's a lop-eared rabbit.

"So cute." Catherine said subconsciously.

"It seems that we are really a family of little animals." Louis said sadly: "I am a swallow, the little moon is a cat, the leaves are lop-eared rabbits, my God..."

It seems that in first grade, Katherine's words came true.

Yes, it was the morning after breakfast the day after I met Catherine in the Room of Requirement and said they were a gathering of little animals.

Louis' memory was still good, but it took Catherine a long time to remember that sentence.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Deer was not a deer, but a little swallow." Catherine's venomous tongue became stronger again.

"But a certain little deer broke into someone's heart all of a sudden, didn't it?" Ye Ziyan helped.

Catherine's breath suffocated, and she found that she was getting less and less advantageous. This Aunt Ye Ye was really annoying. She always helped Louis when she had the upper hand, and helped her when Louis had the upper hand...

She is a British through and through, okay? You can't play this Continental Balance game without eating ten old British Union Jack flags in one meal.

"So, what are you doing here?" Catherine looked at Louis with an evil look, as if she wanted to bite him.

Louis spread his hands and said honestly: "I want to practice Occlumency with you. I originally practiced with Snape, but I suddenly don't want him to peek into my memory."

"So you don't mind letting me peep?" Catherine asked with squinted eyes. She didn't quite believe that Louis would actually show her his secret without any taboo.

But Louis laughed: "I will never have any secrets in front of you, little moon."

Catherine was stunned, and then her face thawed like spring breeze, and a soft smile hung on her face. She took Louis' hand and dragged him toward the bedroom.

"Wait a minute, it's broad daylight..." Louis quickly stopped Catherine's movements.

Catherine was stunned and stepped on him after a moment.

"My mind is full of stuff! I'm taking you to practice Occlumency!" Catherine scolded with a stern look.

Facts have proved that when men and women work together, nothing is tiring, and the same goes for practicing Occlumency.

Catherine was originally somewhat skeptical about Occlumency, but after Louis said that "Occlumency can effectively prevent the bad things last summer and prevent being possessed by angels and demons," she no longer hesitated and changed her mind. Very positive attitude.

The two practiced for several days, and Louis was finally able to block some emotions and simulate some false and real memories. Catherine did the same, and even won.

After all, Catherine is 18 years old and has a talent for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Learning Occlumency is like catching a snail with three fingers - nine out of ten.

The price is that Louis was seen a little bit of the embarrassing incident of running around the manor with his naked butt when he was a child, and Louis... Louis was a little depressed.

He saw too much, what should be seen and what should not be seen. He really couldn't imagine how Catherine, at such an old age, could still take a bath with Solanlian on Christmas Eve.

What a big person! Louis thought fiercely in his heart, still recalling some details in his mind from time to time, and while recalling, he used this to criticize Catherine carefully in his mind.

The day before school started, when Louis went out, he happened to see Harry with a depressed look on his face, raising his arms and preparing to knock on his door.

"Hey, isn't this Scarhead?" Louis laughed and called out Harry's new nickname.

It was actually Draco who took it.

Harry said nothing, looked up at Louis, lowered his head and sighed heavily.

"Did a kidney touching incident happen?" Louis imitated Ma's accent.

"I-" Harry opened his mouth, but felt like something was stuck in his throat.

Louis told him to come in and stop standing at the door cosplaying Qin Qiong or Yuchi Gong. Harry walked into the room, sat down on the sofa, and said sadly: "I think I may have wrongly blamed Professor Snape -"

"Tell me about it?" Louis took the juice jug nearby and poured Harry a glass of moonberry juice.

Harry took the juice cup, took a big sip, and began to tell the story.

"You call this control?" Snape looked at Harry, who was a little tired, with a look of disgust on his face and drawled his voice.

"I've been practicing for hours! I need a rest!" Harry said breathlessly as he staggered down from his seat.

Snape pounced like a bat and stopped Harry in his tracks. His tone was very unfriendly, but there was a feeling of indisputable anger: "But the Dark Lord will never rest!"

At this point, he saw Harry's unconvinced and resentful expression, showing an expression of extreme disgust.

"You and Blake are really the same as each other. You and I are like two little kids, whining and complaining about how unfair life is. Maybe you didn't even notice that life is inherently unfair. Your father has known this for a long time, so he It's unfair to treat others!" Snape almost finished this long sentence in the fastest tone of his life, which made Harry breathless.

But when he heard Snape mention his father in an unfriendly tone, Harry was so angry that he immediately retorted: "You're talking nonsense! My father is a great man!"

"Your father is worse than a pig!" Snape growled in disgust, picked up Harry's collar with one hand, picked him up from the edge of the table, and threw him back onto the stool.

Harry, who was in third grade, was no match for an adult in terms of strength, and he stumbled back to his seat.

"Legilimency! (Legilimency!)" Snape growled.

"Protego! (Armor protection!)" Harry took out his wand, clicked it, and very quickly, regardless of martial ethics, he made a sneak attack and deflected Snape's Legilimency.

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