I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 212 Parental Love

Whether armor protection can rebound Legilimency is a question.

But at least Harry had done it now. He was spinning rapidly down in the icy darkness, and then he felt like he was standing in the middle of the auditorium.

It seemed that there was an exam, and the long tables that originally belonged to the four colleges in the auditorium had disappeared, and were replaced by hundreds of separate tables and chairs, with a classmate sitting on each chair. Harry was a little confused as to what kind of exam was going to be taken in the Great Hall. Well...it seemed different from now. Harry saw Snape.

That was a completely different Snape, looking very thin, sitting right behind Harry. Very young. Different from Professor Snape, who is now slightly stout in middle age, first of all, he is very young, and secondly, his face is pale, like a plant that has been growing in a dark place. His long black hair was as greasy as it was more than ten years later, hanging on the table. As he wrote hurriedly, his aquiline nose was barely half an inch away from the parchment.

Harry noticed the paper he was writing, which read "Defence Against the Dark Arts - Ordinary Wizarding Level".

It is the O.W.L.s exam, which stands for Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations. The O.W.L.s exam is a level exam that fifth-year students at Hogwarts must take. The exam results are divided into 6 levels, that is, 3 passing levels. Symbols are generally used to represent grades. Outstanding is O (outstanding), good is E (exceeded expectation), passing is A (acceptable), poor is P (poor), and terrible is D (dreadful).

There are two major exams in the wizarding world, one is O.W.L.s and the other is N.E.W.T.s. Only if you get O or E in the former can you continue to study in the latter.

There are a total of twelve courses in O.W.L.s and N.E.WTs. Students can choose only a few of them to arrange themselves before the exam, which is relatively free.

In this case, the learning pressure will be less.

But that's not the point. The point is that Harry turned his head and saw his young father.

He felt excited from the bottom of his heart. This was the father he had never met before. It should be said that he looked extremely similar to his father. He now understood why Professor Snape could not help but feel disgusted when he saw him. .

I heard from Sirius that his father and Snape were bitter enemies when they were in school. Now that he saw their extremely similar faces, Harry suddenly understood Snape a little bit.

James in his eyes yawned and ruffled his hair carelessly, making it extremely messy. Then he glanced at Professor Flitwick, who was still invigilating the exam, and leaned back on the chair. , turned around and grinned at the boy in the fourth seat behind him very brazenly.

Harry always felt that his father's expression and movements were familiar, but he was unwilling to think of his father as Draco, the bad guy who had not been trained by Louis when he first entered the first grade.

The two of them were exactly the same in their wanting for beating and pulling.

He looked over there, his excitement shattering his previous familiarity, and he saw the same young Sirius giving a thumbs up to James. To be honest, young Sirius is really handsome. In Harry's memory, except for Louis who can slightly stabilize his head, there is no one more handsome than him.

Harry also noticed a small detail. In the entire auditorium, quite a few girls were full of expectation and admiration, and their faces were red, staring at Sirius intentionally or unintentionally.

Harry also saw young Lupin, who looked a little haggard. Maybe it was because it was approaching a full moon night? And the young, not so wretched Peter Pettigrew.

Turning his eyes back to his father James, he found that he had torn off a small piece of parchment and was scribbling on it.

Harry leaned over and saw that he had drawn a golden snitch on it and written the abbreviation "L.E." next to it.

Who is this? He scratched his head, wondering what his father was writing. He searched through his memory and couldn't remember whose name was "L.E."

In fact, the name James wrote was Harry's mother. Before marrying James, her name was "Lily Evans."

So the abbreviation is L.E.

After Professor Flitwick gave an order to retract the books, James stood up impatiently, and then, as if remembering something, he lowered his head and smeared out the "L.E." that he had just carefully modified, and threw the schoolbag on his shoulder. , standing there waiting for friends to come and meet.

But Snape was different from James. He looked gloomy. He floated to Professor Flitwick like a ghost to hand in his papers, and then floated out like a ghost without even looking at James and the others. And James and the four of them were still joking with each other loudly.

"Do you like question ten? Moony face?" Sirius asked.

"I really like it." Lupine said in a very relaxed and cheerful tone: "Name five signs of identifying a werewolf. This is a really good question. I mean, it is as easy as giving the points to my hand."

"Do you think you can cite all the signs?" James pretended to be very worried. When a Ravenclaw girl passed by, he casually pulled off the leather sheath with her pigtails tied around it. He laughed mischievously under the girl's accusing gaze.

Lupine snatched the leather case from James' hand and returned it to the girl, and said seriously: "First, he is sitting in my seat; second, he is wearing my clothes; third, um... his name His name is Remus Lupin..."

The three of them burst into laughter, except Peter Pettigrew.

"I wrote the shape of the snout, the pupils of the eyes and the furry tail." Peter Pettigrew said softly, sounding a little anxious, "but I can't remember anything else..."

"Why are you so stupid, Wormtail?" James said in a very impatient tone: "You have to run around with a werewolf once a month -"

"Keep your voice down!" Lupine growled.

However, having said that, according to the original work, Sirius will definitely not be able to defeat the werewolf Lupine, and Wormtail Pettigrew is free, so there is only one possibility for the three of them to go to the Shrieking Shack to accompany Lupine...

That was the fist fight between James, the boy, and Lupine in werewolf form - otherwise, how could the werewolf's wail be heard?

Thinking about it this way, James is actually quite scary. At least he definitely has a certain talent in terms of being a devil muscleman.

The four predators walked outside talking and laughing. As James walked, he put a hand into his pocket and took out a struggling Golden Snitch.

"Where did you get it?" Sirius' eyes widened. The school Quidditch team was strictly prohibited from taking Quidditch supplies out of the stadium. James...

"Stolen," James said nonchalantly, and he began to play with the Snitch, letting it fly almost a foot away before catching him again. His reflexes were so good that the Golden Snitch couldn't get away from his play, and Wormtail looked at him in awe.

James is a veritable school bully, and this kind of thing is simply too common for him. Just stealing a Golden Snitch, it's not like he has done other more exciting things, such as stealing the Sorting Hat.

They found the shadow of a tree on the hillside and sat beneath it. Lupine took out a book and started reading, while Sirius stared at the classmates around him, as if he was looking for someone, but his expression was extremely arrogant and bored, but this did not damage his image at all. , but made him more handsome.

James was still playing with the golden snitch, letting it go farther and farther away, but he could always catch the golden snitch at the last moment. Peter Pettigrew was watching him from the side, unable to close his mouth. Whenever James made a difficult move, he would clap his hands and cheer.

Harry always felt that his father did not treat Peter Pettigrew as his friend, but as a follower. This discovery made him a little overwhelmed, but he continued to observe their actions.

Soon, Sirius was seen pointing into the distance and speaking.

"Look, here comes the man who will stop you from being bored, Prongs."

Harry looked in the direction they were pointing and saw Snape sitting alone on the ground studying the test papers.

"Hey, isn't this Snotlout?" James put the Golden Snitch into his pocket, "Let's go, Moony Face, Padfoot, and Wormtail, let's go say hello to our old friends, so as not to make outsiders think we are too many. Not polite."

Snape obviously also noticed the predators here. He stood up anxiously, intending to hide from these untouchable scourges - if it was one-on-one, he would not run away, even if He couldn't beat James, but four against one, he didn't dare to try.

"Are you okay, Snotlout?" James shouted.

Snape took two steps back and reached into his arms.

"Expelliarmus! (Expelliarmus)"

Snape's wand flew out and landed on the ground, spinning. He wanted to pick it up, but heard Sirius laugh crisply and briefly.

"Impedimenta! (Obstacles)"

The curse hit Snape, and he fell to the ground all of a sudden, which was funny.

The surrounding students began to gather around. At this time, students from other houses did not mind watching a good show of Slytherin being beaten.

During the days when Voldemort was raging, most Slytherins were...well, it's hard to describe.

Snape was lying on the ground, staring at James with a pair of black eyes. James didn't mind his gaze and laughed loudly: "Snot, how did you do in the exam?"

"I was staring at him, good guy. During the exam, his nose was stuck on the paper. I was really afraid that the teacher marking the exam would be disgusted by the large oil stain..." Sirius' tone was extremely mean, haha Lee suddenly discovered that Snape's eccentricity seemed to have an opponent?

The onlookers laughed wildly. Snape was not very popular. He struggled to stand up, but was unable to do so. The spell was still very strong.

"You - you - just wait -" Snape raised his eyes and glared at James, with an expression of complete hatred on his face: "Just wait!"

"What are you waiting for?" Sirius said coldly: "Are you waiting for Senior Emma? Tell you, we know that she is not in school today. You are a timid person who only knows how to hide behind women. Snivellus."

Snape looked at the four of them resentfully, a series of curse words and curses pouring out of his mouth in an endless stream.

James coldly recited the spell: "Wash your mouth, Scourgify! (Clean it up)"

Strings of pink soap bubbles immediately appeared from Snape's mouth, like a bubble blower. Harry couldn't help but laugh at such a ridiculous scene.

He really knew what it was like to be surrounded by a group of people and make fun of him. His cousin Dudley used to do this often when he was in school.

He felt as if his heart was being grasped by something, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"Let him go!"

Harry followed the voice and saw that it was a beautiful girl with thick long fiery red hair and green eyes exactly like his own.

Seeing his mother when he was a student, Harry felt much better.

"How are you? Evans?" James greeted, his tone suddenly became very deep and mature.

"Let him go!" Lily repeated, looking at James with an expression of extreme disgust: "Why did he offend you?"

"Oh, well, it's a long story." James put on a very shitty expression - in his opinion, this look might attract the girl's attention.

"Actually, it's mainly because of his own existence. You know, creatures like Snotlout..."

Many students who were watching burst out laughing, but only Lupine, who was focused on studying, did not laugh, and Lily.

"You think you are funny? You are just an arrogant and rude bully who bullies the weak. Potter, let him go." Lily's tone was cold.

Harry was now in the trenches with his mother, and he now thought like his mother.

There is a saying that "helping the manager does not help the relatives". Harry had obviously tried Snape's treatment. He would be damned if he could have a favorable impression of his father's behavior - besides, it would be fine if he only bullied Snape. Along the way, Harry counted that James had pulled the pigtails of two girls, kicked a boy's butt, and used a thunderbolt explosion on a fat Hufflepuff classmate, blowing him out of his head. .

"Let's do this, Evans." James coughed: "If you promise me to hang out with me, I promise you that you will never touch a hair of this snot-nosed man again."

Behind him, Snape began to slowly crawl towards his wand, blowing bubbles as he crawled, like a beached little carp.

"Even if you let me choose between you and the giant squid, I will never go out with you!" Lily said firmly.

Harry was a little confused. Since the two of them were in the same boat now, how would they get together in the future?

Is it true, as Louis said, that the essence of human beings is repeaters, pigeons and real incense?

He couldn't help but fall into deep doubts.

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