"You're out of luck, Prongs." Sirius teased his good brother cheerfully, and he turned his head and exclaimed.

"Ouch, James!"

But it was too late, Snape had already pointed his wand at James.

After a flash of light, there was a trace of blood on James' face, and blood splashed on his robe. James turned his head sharply, and after the second flash of light, Snape was hanging upside down in the air. His robes hung down on his head, revealing two skinny pale legs and one that was about to turn black. White panties.

It looks like I haven’t changed my clothes for a while...

The crowd of onlookers burst into laughter again, this time for a little longer, and Harry couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

Sympathy for Snape does not mean that he will not take pleasure in his misfortunes. Snape has tortured him a lot in the past three years.

Not only the onlookers, but also Harry's own mother Lily, whose originally angry expression froze, as if she was about to laugh. Fortunately, she managed her expression well and suppressed the urge to burst into laughter.

"Put him down!" Lily warned again.

"Of course." James said, raising his wand suddenly. Snape instantly fell to the ground. He shrank into a ball due to the pain of falling, but he quickly overcame the pain and immediately stood up and raised his wand. Aim at James.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Sirius reacted quickly, and the spell hit Snape instantly, and he fell to the ground on his back, just like Neville in his first year.

Harry smacked his lips, saying that this scene was very familiar - but, Dad and the others were somewhat ignorant of martial ethics, so what kind of heroes would they be if they fought against each other?

"Let him go!" Lily shouted, drawing her wand and shielding Snape behind her.

"Evans, don't force me to cast a poison spell on you, I'm warning you..." James said seriously. He knew that Lily was an excellent wizard and would be more difficult to deal with.

"Then break the spell for him!" Lily growled.

James sighed deeply, then he looked at Lily with some confusion, walked up to Snape, and whispered to break the curse.

"You go." James wanted to just forget it, but after seeing Snape's gloomy eyes, he became angry again for no reason: "You're lucky, Evans is here, you snot-nosed guy ——”

Snape coldly dusted off his clothes and said coldly: "I don't need the help of a smelly little Mudblood like her!"

Lily paused. She glanced at Snape in disbelief, as if he was getting to know her again. Then she smiled self-deprecatingly and said in an indifferent tone: "Very good, I will never worry about this again." Yes, and if I were you, I would wash my underwear."

At this point, Lily felt that she couldn't quite understand her hatred, so she added "snotty".

After saying that, she turned around and left.

"Apologise to Evans!" James was furious, pointing his wand at Snape. He was both angry at Snape and felt unworthy for Lily - she protected her friends like this, but was stabbed in the back by her own friends. This feeling, James simply couldn't imagine what it would be like to be stabbed in the back by a good friend. What a feeling.

I have liked her for five years! She protects you every time! Even so, I couldn't bear to scold her, what the hell...

It’s true that I was born in blessings and don’t know how to be blessed.

In addition to anger, James was certainly jealous.

"I don't need you to force him to apologize, Potter." Lily paused, and her "Potter" voice had a little plosive sound: "You are just as annoying as him."

"What?" James was a little unacceptable: "Merlin's socks, even if you go against me again, I will laugh it off and never scold you. What's more, I never said that you are - you know what it is …”

Lily looked at James like she was looking at a slug: "You think it's cool to look like you just got off the broomstick, so you mess up your hair and hold that silly golden Snitch goes around showing off your ball-finding skills, hexing anyone in the corridor who offends you just because you can—"

"I'm surprised that your broomstick head can still be off the ground with such a big head... You make me sick, viscerally sick."

After saying that, Lily turned around suddenly and ran away quickly.

"Evans! Hey! Evans!" James tried to call Lily, but Lily did not respond to him.

He was annoyed, turned around and asked Sirius casually: "What's wrong with her?"

But he didn't pretend to have that effect at all. The so-called care is chaos. How can he pretend to be so careless when his eyes are full of girls he likes?

He's not Louis.

"From what she just said, let me analyze and refine it for you." Sirius gloated and patted James on the back: "She thinks you are a bit pretentious, buddy."

James kicked the straw hatefully, and his temper was rising - he would never be happy if his beloved girl said that.

"Perhaps you can look on the bright side. At least Evans is completely heartbroken by this snot-nosed guy." Sirius shrugged, and with one sentence, his good friend's mood was brought back.

"Yes, yes, yes, you're right!" James was suddenly a little excited, as if he had picked up hundreds of gold galleons. Harry couldn't bear to look at it - he was so worthless, I faced gold. You don't have this kind of virtue, okay?

But in his field of vision, Snape had raised his wand and pointed it at the foursome. In the flash of lightning, Harry didn't know how his father reacted. He only saw Snape being struck again. Hanging upside down in the air.

"Who wants to see me take off Snotlout's underwear?" He smiled evilly, but as soon as the sentence ended, he was also hung up.

Also hung up with him were Sirius, Lupine who was reading a book, and Peter Pettigrew, who had a sinister look on his face.

"It's this woman again, damn it." James cursed bitterly. He didn't even need to look to know who the person who hung him up was.

With a plop, Snape fell to the ground. He raised his wand to cast a spell, but it whirled and flew away.

Sirius sneered, and Harry didn't understand why, instead of being nervous, he was actually looking forward to it.

"Emma." He greeted casually.

As a result, he received a tongue seal and a chokehold.

Harry looked around and found out who his godfather was calling.

Like, so similar. The black-haired woman standing aside looked gentle and demure. The eyebrows are curved, and there is a gentle smile on the pretty face. He is very similar to Louis, but he does not have the cynicism of Louis.

It was Louis' mother, Emma.

For a moment, Harry thought he was in love.

She first walked to Snape and asked warmly: "Are they causing trouble for you again?"

Harry swore that this was the first time he saw Professor Snape look aggrieved and weak. He sniffed, as if he wanted to show more emotion, but he quickly held it back. After a long while, he snorted. , and nodded heavily.

Human feelings are always complicated.

"Ha, he's lying, this snot-nosed guy." James was very excited. He knew Emma's temper well. According to the past, the four of them would have been hung up for a while, but today was different. If today If he told the truth, Snape would probably be left with nothing to eat.

At this moment, he actually felt a little excited.

But he never expected that he would also receive a tongue seal and choke, and he could only cry out without being able to say a single word.

"You." Emma walked up to Lupine and tugged at the corner of her mouth: "Forget it, you are also a smooth-tongued guy."

As he spoke, the spell locked Lupine's mouth.

Even if he was lying down, he was shot. Lupine looked at James with innocent eyes, then at Sirius, and spread his hands helplessly.

"Peter." Emma smiled softly and came to Peter Pettigrew, "Among the four of you, you should be the one who dares not to deceive me the most. Tell me...what happened just now?"

Peter glanced at James, saw James nodded, and started talking from the beginning, as if pouring beans out of a bamboo tube.

James closed his eyes in despair.

What a fucking pig teammate, pig teammate, you are so damn real, let’s start from the beginning, do the four of us still have a chance to run away? idiot!

Harry noticed that the more Peter Pettigrew spoke, the warmer the expression on Emma's face became, until he said that Snape insulted Lily as a "dirty little Mudblood" and hissed. The curse is blocked.

Emma turned her head and looked at Snape with a smile: "Is that so? Severus?"

Snape swallowed fearfully, glanced at the four Marauders, and found that all four of them had gloating glints in their eyes. He wanted to refute, but didn't dare, so he could only nod heavily.

Under Harry's gaze, the hem of Snape's robe tightened, and then, like the four of them, he was hung upside down.

This time, Snape's robe did not fall down like before, but clung tightly to his body, without exposing his pale legs and dirty underwear.

James's eyes shone with excitement. Five years have passed. Do you know how I have lived these five years? She has been living in Emma's shadow, until today, she finally became equal and punished her little follower Snape!

"So, you are so idle and like to watch others being bullied?" Emma's gentle words were not loud, but they rang in the ears of everyone watching.

The onlookers dispersed in an instant, and a few clever ones had already run to the castle, ready to find Lily and watch the fun.

"Four bad boys who like to bully others, old rules, one hour, do you have any objections?" Emma looked at James and asked gently.

James nodded hurriedly, it was just being hung up, forget it, he has long been used to it.

"As for you, Severus."

When Emma said this, the foursome had gloating smiles on their faces.

"Two hours."

Harry saw his father raise his hands and high-five Sirius in mid-air.

There was no way to save these two people.

Emma didn't see any movement, and the restraints on the four people's mouths were instantly released. James laughed so loudly that he was almost out of breath. He didn't say anything, just laughed happily.

"Emma, ​​Emma," Sirius called.

"Huh?" Emma looked at Sirius.

"In the evening, um, I mean, let's have dinner tonight, how about it?" Sirius didn't care about his situation at all, but he was full of talk and prepared to ask the girl out for dinner.

As soon as he finished speaking, he fell to the ground with a plop.

"You agreed?" Sirius asked excitedly.

Harry noticed the disbelief in his father's and Lupin's eyes, and the despair in Snape's eyes.

"Pull out your wand. If you can win the duel, I will have dinner with you. Otherwise, I will hang out for one more hour." Emma said softly.

Sirius drew his wand and prepared himself for battle.

"Then you'd better have dinner with me, Emma."

Harry was watching attentively, but found himself spinning again, and Sirius's face turned into the greasy face of middle-aged Snape.

"So..." Snape said through gritted teeth, "So, are you happy? Potter?"

"No...no." Harry said with some guilt. Looking at people's memories is not a glorious thing in itself, let alone seeing what he least wants others to see.

Snape smiled evilly: "Your father is an interesting man, isn't he?"

"I...didn't-" Harry wanted to argue, but Snape grabbed his arm and threw him out of the office.

"That's enough, that's enough - you don't need to learn Occlumency anymore." Snape waved his hand like a fly.

"That's the basic situation." Harry held the juice cup in his hand and looked at Louis with a worried look on his face: "Louis, Professor Snape, uh - I mean -"

"He won't hold a grudge against you." Louis shrugged: "This is the power of love, look - this is what the Boiling Sheep looks like."

"What is a Boiling Goat?" Harry asked confusedly.

Louis patted him on the shoulder and said nothing.

After a while, Harry raised his head again and plucked up the courage to ask: "I actually - I have always hated Professor Snape before, but since I saw this memory of him, I always feel... well... that is, my father …”

"Your father is a great man, you shouldn't doubt him." Louis patted Harry on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Maybe there are some discord between him and Professor Snape, but..." He organized Language, made up a plausible reason: "But the responsibility lies with both parties, not just your father."

"But my father doesn't just have conflicts with Snape." Harry always said embarrassing words like Lin Daiyu: "I saw, I saw my father walking in the corridor and bullying others. Classmate, I saw this with my own eyes... He is as hateful as Malfoy who bullied Neville in the first grade..."

"Ah..." Lewis didn't know what to say.

You child, you are really filial to me.

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