I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 232 Catherine: The Little Deer Classmate Who Will Not Grow Up

Everyone gathered in a circle, and everyone could guess the reason why Crouch was so rude - after all, Mr. Diggory added after Crouch rushed out, "This is your elf, Sparkle." !"...

It can be said that he is very old.

If no one reminded him, there must be no one there.

In fact, if you think about it with your feet, you can tell: Who can stay where they are after doing bad things? There are only two possibilities for staying where you are. One, the person who caused the trouble has a problem with his intelligence; two, the person who caused the trouble doesn't care about being discovered by you at all.

Louis whistled: "It looks like the atmosphere is a bit embarrassing."

"Who says it's not?" the courageous twins said in unison behind him. They didn't care about Crouch at all, he was just a bureaucrat from the Ministry of Magic. They were not greedy people like Percy. They were afraid of Crouch. .

After such a fuss, everyone no longer wanted to rest here. Except for the Harry trio who loved to watch the excitement, and Dumbledore who had to stay here, everyone was preparing to go back one after another.

"Go to my house." Solanlian suggested, "My house is quite big, at least sleeping a few of you won't be a problem - of course, Severus can sleep in the same room as Sirius if you want."

Snape and Sirius looked at each other, quite disgusted with each other.

"I strongly request that Moony be contacted." Sirius raised his hands in protest.

"Is it because you don't dare to face me alone? I heard that your blood is an excellent evil-proof potion in Siris..." Snape said sinisterly, with a look of disgust on his face.

Lewis was stunned for a long time and did not catch the joke at the first time.

It was Ye Ziyan who quietly told him in his ear that black dog blood can ward off evil spirits. Only then did Louis realize what Snape was talking about.

Good guy, I can’t tell that the professor has occult tendencies.

After parting ways with the Weasley family, Louis and his party returned to Solanlian's home. Of course, it was impossible for Sirius and Snape to live in the same house. It was already pretty good that the two of them didn't quarrel with each other without Emma in the house.

The next morning, when Louis went downstairs, he saw a haggard-looking Sirius and Professor Snape, whose hair was actually very silky.

"Professor, have you washed your hair?" Lewis asked hesitantly.

Snape glanced at him sideways and did not continue to speak. The reason why he washed his hair was because the shampoo was not from the Potter family, but from Siris.

Sirius did not taunt him, but sat aside and tapped his fingers on the table absentmindedly, as if waiting for food.

But to say the least, Professor Snape's ability to wash his hair was already a big improvement. It was understandable that Sirius would be lenient. After all, he was not a jerk and didn't like the smell of hair oil.

What Louis didn't expect was that the Harry trio also opened the door and walked in at this time.

"How could they treat her like that!" Hermione still had an angry look on her face, "Mr. Diggory kept calling her 'the goblin', and Mr. Crouch, he knew it wasn't her. But he still wants to expel her! He doesn't care how scared and sad she is - he doesn't treat her as a human being at all!"

"Ahem, she's not a human in the first place..." Ron argued in a low voice.

Hermione immediately acted like a shark smelling blood and started biting at Ron: "That doesn't mean she has no feelings, Ron! They are so disgusting, and you... you actually And defend them..."

Ron was thinking a lot in his mind at this moment, experiencing the Big Bang, the collapse of a supernova, seeing the development of mankind, and finally remembered what Louis once said to him.

"I'm sorry, Hermione, I admit that my thoughts are a little selfish. You are right. It is urgent to protect the rights of house elves!" Ron said with a serious face, "And I am willing to be your follower. Hermione, do it!"

Hermione was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect that her boyfriend would actually say that. She asked in a daze: "You said, you support me?"

"Of course I support you! A kind and smart girl like you, while seeking justice for the house elves, is not resisting the oppression of the old order? As your boyfriend, I must always stand with you ." Ron pressed his chest and said confidently.

Hermione's face turned red, she lowered her head and said calmly: "I, I'm actually not that good..."

"Don't worry, Hermione, I will always support you from behind!" Ron held her shoulders with both hands and looked at her with burning eyes.

Hermione smiled shyly and looked at Harry again: "What about you, Harry? Will you support me?"

Harry was obviously caught off guard by Ron's sudden self-esteem. He looked at Hermione blankly, grinned, nodded and said, "Ah, yes, yes..."

Hermione choked, then turned to look at Louis: "Louis, you will also support me, right?"

"Louis? Louis is an eagle with spread wings flying thousands of miles high, and his heart is full of all directions." Catherine came out with a plate of bacon: "I think you are Nikita Sergeyevich burping. You have eaten too much corn on the cob, and you actually promote your anti-exploitation ideas to an exploiting class within an exploiting class..."

What an eagle, Louis thought, I am obviously a harmless deer.

"This kind of thinking is too reactionary!" Louis interjected: "It's dangerous, it would have been beheading a hundred years ago!"

"Reactionary?" Hermione laughed angrily, "You are the reactionary!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Louis smiled and continued to sit on the chair with his legs crossed and looked down at his newspaper, like the head of a family.

"Okay, okay, don't mention this." Ron tried to smooth things over, "Can anyone tell me what the thing that appeared today is? It can actually scare people like that...I asked my dad before, He refused to tell me, saying that it’s better not to inquire about social affairs..."

"I'll tell you, Ron." Hermione quickly switched to the step-by-step reader mode, "This is the symbol of You-Know-Who, Ron. I read about him in "The Rise and Fall of Dark Arts."

"I haven't seen it in thirteen years." Solanlian walked out of the kitchen and warmly greeted everyone to sit down and eat. When passing by Louis, she leaned down and kissed him on the cheek, raised her head and said demonstratively After taking a look at Emma, ​​he continued: "After so many years of peace, people thought they had escaped the shadow of Voldemort. Now that it has reappeared in the world, I believe that at that moment, people all remembered the fear of being dominated by Voldemort. …”

"It's just a shadow. What's the fuss? Could it be that Voldemort will suddenly appear again?" Ron frowned and said, "In the end, it's just a thing floating in the air. I think you really It’s a bit…a bit…yes, that’s what the frightened bird said, right?”

"I didn't expect you knew Siris' proverbs." Louis glanced at Ron in surprise.

Ron raised his eyes and smiled proudly at Louis.

"You are really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, Ron." Sirius smiled gently and explained to Ron: "When Voldemort was active, every time he and his followers killed someone, they had to summon him in the air. A Dark Mark like this..." At this point, he paused: "You are still too young now, so of course you don't know that kind of fear. Think about it, you come home and find that the Dark Mark is in your home. It's hovering over the house and you know what you're going to see when you go in, and that's the scariest thing."

Hermione looked up and thought for a moment, shivering involuntarily.

"Are you scared?" Ron asked.

"Afraid?" Sirius smiled, showing his white teeth, "I'm a Gryffindor, young man..."

Snape on the side let out a disdainful "T".

"Professor Snape, who is making the 'special' sound, was a loyal Death Eater back then." Sirius explained to them, "This is why we always disliked him at the beginning."

Snape's face darkened, but he made no excuse.

There is nothing to defend. Everyone in this room knows that he was once a Death Eater. Even the Harry trio also know that Professor Snape once took refuge with Voldemort, but he just turned his back on the dark side in time.

"Death Eaters? What are Death Eaters?" Harry asked innocently.

"This is what Voldemort's followers call themselves. These Death Eaters today may be remnants of those days." Sirius spread his hands, "You know, some pure-blood families are loyal supporters of Voldemort. Their families have Money, tell a simple lie, pay a large sum of money to the Ministry of Magic and you will be exempted from punishment."

"Lying? Will anyone believe it?" Hermione also acted very naive.

Louis put down the newspaper and gave them a gentle smile: "After all, you are still pictures, Tucson Po, sometimes take the clothes... If I say that I was controlled by Voldemort with the Imperius Curse, that's why I was taken to him. , how can the Ministry of Magic prove it?"

"Veritaserum!" Hermione said immediately, "Didn't you say that after taking Veritaserum, you can prove whether what he told is the truth or a lie?"

"You're right, Hermione." Louis said with a smile: "But here is twenty thousand gold galleons. I want to exchange it for a fake Veritaserum, is that okay?"

"Ah this..." Hermione was stunned.

After a moment, she asked again: "Won't the news report these things? For example, the Daily Prophet, or other newspapers?"

"Do you think this information will reach other people's ears?" Louis asked rhetorically.

"The Ministry of Magic has banned these messages?" Hermione asked in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, Louis stretched out a finger and shook it, and said with a smile: "You are wrong, Hermione, banning is not our way. Our general principle is to decide not to publish it after careful consideration."

Hermione: Big question marks popped up in my little head.

What's the difference between that and a ban? Okay, you all have a dirty mind when it comes to playing politics.

Like a defeated rooster, she sat there dejectedly, not even noticing that Solanlian handed her a piece of roasted tomato.

Louis elegantly cut off a piece of tomato with a table knife, forked it and put it on Emma's dinner plate sitting opposite him.

"I won't eat this." Emma rejected Louis' filial piety.

"Then what are you eating? It's not a good habit to be picky about food." Louis tried to make his mother, who has an IQ of only three years old, accept this roasted tomato. "It's very nutritious. Eat this in the morning. It's healthy."

"No! I want to eat fried dough sticks! I want to eat tofu! I want to drink soy milk!" Emma shook her head randomly like Poch sauce, with an obvious look of resistance.

"But there's no place for you to get it now, my biological mother." Louis had no idea and could only look at Solanlian for help.

Solanlian mouthed silently: "Look at me."

Then she put the plate on the table, scaring Emma. She scolded sternly: "Eat it or not! That's all! If you don't want to eat it, you can do it yourself!"

"I can't eat it..." Emma said aggrievedly, picked up the tomatoes with her fork, and put them into her mouth reluctantly.

"Be good, this is a good baby." Solanlian took out a napkin and gently wiped it on Emma's mouth. Emma's eyes narrowed in satisfaction.

Louis sighed and turned his head to look at Catherine.

Catherine also followed Solanlian's example and wiped Louis' mouth with a napkin. After wiping it, she whispered in his ear: "You are really a child who won't grow up, Xiaolu."

"Sister, do you like this child?" Louis whispered in her ear.

"Of course I like it, I will like it all my life." Catherine said, kissing Louis on the cheek.

Hermione grunted, as if she had been fed dog food until she was full. Harry immediately put the knife and fork on the dining table, touched his belly with his hand, and looked at Louis as if he was full after eating dog food.

Catherine narrowed her eyes and glanced at the trio coldly. The trio immediately picked up their knives and forks in a sensible manner and continued to eat their breakfast.

Really, if the tiger doesn't show its power, it will treat us like a kitten. If this were the first grade, do you think the trio would dare to argue with Catherine like this?

"Okay, after today's meal, do you guys have any plans?" Louis swallowed the food in his mouth and asked slowly: "You don't want to waste your vacation like this, do you? Is there anywhere you want to go?"

The three of them looked at each other and said in unison: "Not really."

"Think again, this is possible." Louis winked, hinting wildly at the three little ones.

"Then what do you want us to do?" Hermione asked hesitantly.

Louis smeared his face, and he felt the cold light on the back of his neck - it was Emma's eyes. She had probably guessed that her son wanted to stay away from her.

"You'd better stop it." Louis said weakly, but don't stop it, I don't dare to think about the consequences.

He was a little depressed, why did he suddenly have a new mother? It turned out that the lawless days were not pleasant?

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