I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 233 King Harry of the West

The influence of the Dark Mark is not small, but the mark hangs so conspicuously in the sky that the Ministry of Magic cannot suppress it even if it wants to.

He can only control the British media, but he cannot control those from other countries, especially France.

Don't think that only the Muggle world, Britain and France, are immune to this. In fact, the same goes for the wizarding world.

The French are always not afraid to treat their neighbors across the sea with the greatest schadenfreude.

The Weasley twins each walked into the room holding a newspaper. It seemed that they were holding the newspapers upside down. The newspaper in George's hand was in German, while the newspaper in Fred's hand was in French.

"What are you looking at?" Ron asked curiously.

"Newspaper." Fred waved the newspaper in his hand, "You don't know that when we left just now, Fudge was furious with his father and the others, scolding the foreign reporters for not being ethical and for coming to trick him and attack him."

"The problem is that we can't suppress this matter." Hermione frowned and said, "Isn't the top priority now to suppress this matter? Why is his first reaction to complain?"

When Louis heard this, he suddenly remembered that Hermione seemed to be the Minister of Magic thirty years later.

Involuntarily, he had the idea of ​​giving the future Minister of Magic a test in his heart.

"So, Hermione, if you were the British Minister of Magic," Louis looked at Hermione, crossed his legs and asked, "How would you solve this matter?"

Hermione heard Louis' words, lowered her head to think for a moment, raised her head and replied seriously: "I will admit my mistake, apologize to the wizards in the wizarding world for this mistake, and arrange for people to capture the Death Eaters."

Louis chuckled.

"Why are you laughing? Am I right?" Hermione asked angrily.

"Oh, no, dear Hermione, of course you are right." Louis couldn't help but became happy when he said this, "But your option can only be said to be the worst option."

"Why? Is throwing the pot away the wisest choice?" Hermione loudly refuted Louis' point of view unconvinced.

Louis changed into a more comfortable position, leaned on the sofa, and said calmly: "Throw the pot out... It's a good idea, but it's only a little better than what you just did, but not much better..."

Hermione was stunned for a moment, lowered her head and thought carefully for a long time, and asked in disbelief: "Then what do you think we should do?"

"What should I do? You are the know-it-all and the Minister of Magic appointed by Professor Snape. Do you have to ask me what to do about every little thing?" Louis asked.

"Where am I..." Hermione retorted subconsciously, but then remembered the context of her previous assumption. Then she looked back at Ron, then at Harry, turned around and asked Louis: "Can I ask for off-site support?"

Louis made a "please" gesture.

Hermione looked at Ron and then at Harry with pleading eyes.

Ron coughed twice to clear his throat and said hesitantly: "How about... we can bribe those newspapers, for example, give them some gold galleons, or give them something they need?"

"Let me interrupt, Ron, they are not very friendly now." Louis said with a smile: "Newspapers, especially those in this kind of news industry, are looking forward to big news every day, so that they can The sales volume of newspapers will be greatly increased - sometimes they even deliberately deviate from the report to make a big news just for the sake of sales volume."

"In this case, they can be regarded as having both fame and fortune. They have not only made money, but also gained a reputation of not fearing power. Do you think they will let go of this opportunity to build reputation and make money?"

Ron said disapprovingly: "Then wouldn't it be enough to give them a benefit greater than fame and fortune?"

"Giving someone benefits is a double-edged sword, Ron." Louis crossed his hands on his legs: "The problem is, after giving away benefits, how do you ensure that he can be under your control, or in other words, if he If you expose this matter again, how will you end it?"

Ron was immediately stopped by the question and sat there speechless.

Hermione felt a little distressed and reached out to touch Ron's red hair, receiving a grunt of satisfaction.

"In my opinion, instead of pleasing those newspapers, it's better to profile them all!" Harry said viciously.

As soon as this sentence came out, the room fell into silence for an instant, and even Snape looked at him in astonishment. Cedric looked at Harry as if he were Superman, somehow feeling that this Gryffindor was a bit Slytherin.

Good guy, he is truly a ruthless man who was able to kill Voldemort as a baby, and now he kills without mercy.

Are you the reincarnation of King Daxi? My last name was Zhang in my previous life, right?

Realizing that something was wrong with everyone's gazes, Harry quickly explained with a dry smile: "I was just joking, how could I think so..."

"You'd better not think so." Hermione warned Harry like a curly lion, "otherwise I will have to send you to Azkaban..."

Hey guys, the role play is here, right?

"Ahem, I mean, instead of pleasing them, it's better to divert their attention, right?" Harry said cheerfully, "We might as well release a bigger news that is harmless to Hermione to cover it up. Let’s take a look at this question…”

"Oh?" Louis became interested: "This is a good idea, what about?"

"For example... uh, announce the promulgation of Hermione's "House Elves Protection Act" to the wizarding world?" Harry scratched his head and said, "I think this might be possible. After all, elves... well, they can also be regarded as working with wizards. Big, relevant news.”

"It's a good idea, and it can indeed cover up the news of the Death Eaters' return, but this news is a bit too big." Louis spread his hands, "And you have to consider how many people's interests this matter has offended, you really are not afraid Did Hermione ride in a convertible one of her happy days?"

"Huh?" Harry obviously didn't catch the joke.

"That's JFK from Eagle Sauce..." Hermione, who had obviously studied history, said helplessly, "What Louis means is that I might be assassinated because I offend some people's interests."

"Yes, he was shot eight times in the back and committed suicide." Louis shrugged.

"Then there's no other good way?" Harry asked a little frustrated, his head drooping, as wilted as an eggplant beaten by frost.

"Who said that?" Louis raised an eyebrow, "Why don't we expel all the hawk wizards in the UK?"

Harry's mouth opened wide. This was a path he had never imagined, and he didn't know what to say. Hermione also looked at Louis in surprise, wondering which song he was singing.

"There is evidence that wizards from the Kingdom of Eagle are involved in illegal poaching of magical animals in the British wizarding community, and a woman who did not want to be named once witnessed several wizards wearing wizard robes from the Kingdom of Eagle. There are activities in the forest where the Dark Mark appears..."

Lewis picked up the coffee on the coffee table and took a sip.

"Is this true?" Hermione asked subconsciously, her tone changing.

"Look, even a smart little girl like you would subconsciously believe that people from the Eagle Country would do such a thing, let alone other people?" Louis shrugged, "I made this up, but it's really good. Use - you will make headlines. The Ministry of Magic, under the wise leadership of Minister Hermione, has uncovered the conspiracy of Wizard Eagle in the British wizarding world. How patriotic."

Speaking, Louis gave a thumbs up.

Hermione couldn't help but stand in awe. Look, Jiang is still hotter...

Louis added: "It must be news that no one can deny, and even if they deny it, people will subconsciously believe it. For example, the leading wizard is an official of the Magic Congress of Eagle Sauce..."

"You are so bad, Louis." Hermione shook her head and sighed, "Promise me that you will never enter politics in the future. Oh my god, you will go to hell..."

"You actually have the same theological tendencies as Catherine... Okay, let's talk about the next more important topic." Louis shrugged and took out a small walkman from his pocket. He had died... No, it was a heinous crime... …No, it’s a Sony Walkman that Diana asked Emeriss to give him last Christmas.

Of course, Hogwarts' electromagnetic field will interfere with electronic equipment - but it will not interfere with Louis' electronic equipment. Why, I, Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Academy, are you not convinced?

Speaking of Wind Spirit Moon Shadow, we have to talk about the legacy of Hogwarts. Chromie said it was particularly fun. She experienced it for a while thirty years after going there. It is said that it was during the period when Phineas Black was the principal. , Chromie said she killed six people on her way to Potions class.

Just as Chromie finished speaking, the system loaded a Hogwarts Legacy module for him.

Good guy, Louis called him a good guy.

The last time I heard a similar sentence pattern was when I went out to buy a pack of cigarettes and met eight...

Ahem, that’s too far off topic.

According to the game's routine, that was truly the first generation of Mysterious Man. Even Voldemort didn't dare to call the protagonist by his first name.

Voldemort: (nods and bows) Just call me Tommy...

Louis dialed the tape on the Walkman he took out, took out the earphones and handed them to Gemini.

"What is this?" Gemini asked with great interest. These days' Walkmans all play tapes. They are almost as big as half an IPAD and are very thick. They look quite punk.

People like Gemini who like new gadgets simply cannot refuse the Walkman.

"The Walkman is related to my next great plan." Louis introduced with a smile, "As the name suggests, you can listen to music anytime and anywhere."

Hearing Louis' introduction, Hermione also forgot about the little episode. She also came up curiously, looked at this big thing with freshness, and made a loud smacking sound: "This thing is not cheap. I saw it last time." When it arrived, it had a price on the counter that I wanted to refuse.”

"How much?" Louis asked with interest.

Hermione rolled her eyes and said sourly: "You are such a young man, Louis, you don't even know how much you bought... This gadget costs 199 pounds, tsk tsk..."

"Oh, it's only 199." Louis said suddenly. After picking up the two headphones and handing them to the twins, he stretched out his hand and gestured to his ears: "In this way, put these things in your ears, and then press the play button on the top. .”

After the twins put on their headphones as instructed, Louis activated the play button.

The twins listened to the music, sometimes frowning, sometimes smiling. After a while, they took off their headphones and asked curiously: "Why are you listening to this weird music for me? Oh my God, it's just the sound of various musical instruments. , but I thought it was Ge'er."

"This is the school song for the new school year." Louis whispered mysteriously: "There are new guests in the new school year. Do you want to show your voice in front of the guests?"

"Huh? What new guest?" Gemini became interested. Having a new guest means there is a new target for pranks.

"It's girls, a group of extremely beautiful girls." Louis replied in a low voice.

The twins looked at each other and asked seriously: "Is the source reliable?"

"When have I ever lied about this?" Louis asked seriously.

The twins nodded after hearing this, agreed with Lewis's statement, and asked hesitantly: "But, this song... will they like it?"

"Of course! Definitely!" Louis promised, slapping his chest, "I will definitely like it. This is a song engraved in their DNA!"

"Really?" The twins were ecstatic, looked at each other and said, "Gryffindor is left to us, don't worry Louis."

Louis made an OK gesture to them, turned to Harry and said, "Harry, lend me your Hedwig."

"No problem." Harry naturally agreed to Louis' request.

After getting Harry's permission, Louis wrote two invitation letters. The first letter invited Cedric to come to the Woley family as a guest, and attached the Floo network coordinates of the Woley family; The letter was handed to Justin Finch-Fletchley, the man he had appointed as Headmaster of Ravenclaw.

Hedwig waited until Louis tied the letter, then fluttered her wings and flew away.

After a while, the green flame flashed in the fireplace, and the sunny boy Cedric emerged from it.

Look at this adjective, I wonder, I don’t know what kind of filth I thought the handsome senior was...

"Hi Louis." Cedric smiled brightly and greeted everyone in the room eagerly. When he came to Snape, he hesitated for a moment, probably because he was wondering why Snape The professor will appear here...

It was really a bit of a surprise.

Louis said nothing and asked Gemini to put the headphones into Cedric's ears and listen to the music for him.

"This song..." Cedric frowned, not knowing how to describe it. After a while, he said, "Okay, I don't understand why you are listening to this song for me."

"Hey, don't you understand this?" George immediately stretched out his right arm and hugged Cedric, and Fred also hugged him. For a while, Cedric became more or less a man.

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