I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 234 You should run for Parliament, Hermione

"According to reliable information, a group of new girls will come to Hogwarts as guests in the new semester." "Yes, very beautiful new girls, do you know?" "Yes, the very beautiful ones, I think. You can't imagine..." The two of them were talking to each other, talking to each other around Cedric.

"I confused you guys, what new girl?" Cedric was a little confused.

The twins looked at each other: "She is... a very beautiful girl. Don't ask so many questions. Here, I will give this walkman to you first. Remember to go back and contact your Hufflepuff classmates to practice this year's school song. This is the song for the chorus.”

"I've confused you." Cedric asked in confusion, "Why do you want to use this piece of music? I don't think it's suitable for women to listen to..."

"Louis said that this is a song engraved in their DNA... As for what DNA is, I don't understand either." Fred spread his hands and said.

Hermione immediately acted as a backgammon reading machine: "DNA is... you can understand it as being engraved in the soul."

As he said that, he turned back to Louis and made a silent mouth gesture: Next time, say something that others can understand!

"Okay." Cedric was convinced by this reason. It was impossible for the Gemini to lie to him. After all, Louis was here. It would be a bit difficult to lie in front of the person involved. "This matter will be taken care of by me." Already..."

"OK, the Hufflepuff notification has arrived, and the next one is Ravenclaw." Louis clapped his hands: "Wait a minute, Justin is from a Muggle family, so he needs to be slower here - he must be considerate that there is no flying at home. People from the Road Network, he needs to go to the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley first, and then connect here through the Floo Network of the Leaky Cauldron."

"It's such a pity for people who don't have Floo at home." Ron gloated: "God, I really can't imagine what it would be like to not have Floo at home. I mean - if you want to start from What should I do if I go from London to Glasgow?”

"You seem to be that big fool." Hermione complained mercilessly: "Think about how you go to Hogwarts when school starts every year?"

"Train?" Ron remembered after Hermione mentioned it, "Ah, yes, I forgot that Muggles also have trains, haha..."

"There are not only trains, but also planes, my dear Ron." Harry reminded with a smile: "The speed of planes is several times that of trains. If you take a plane, you may not need a lunch." You can fly from London to Hogwarts.”

"Wow..." Ron was really surprised this time. He asked curiously: "Really? I mean - can Muggles be so powerful?"

"I think you are a toad in the well. You don't know how big the sky is." Catherine's poisonous tongue got sick again. She snorted and put a plate of honeydew melon in front of everyone: "Last year, Louis and I took a plane. This feeling...well, I can’t describe it very well. Anyway, I flew from London to Reykjavik very quickly.”

"Reykjavik?" Hermione frowned, chewed carefully, and asked curiously: "Why do I feel like I have heard this name somewhere? No, I'm serious, I seem to have really heard it. Pass this place.”

"It's the capital of Iceland, Hermione." Catherine looked at Hermione with a little pity: "It seems that Miss Know-It-All doesn't understand something."

The topic went off the rails from here, or it could be that Hermione deliberately jumped in to draw fire for Ron.

After all, she was his girlfriend, so Louis still wanted to believe that Hermione was dedicated.

"I don't believe it! How can you be more like a Muggle than me!" Hermione stopped and questioned loudly.

"Okay, let me ask you some simple common sense in the Muggle world. If you can answer it, I will admit that you are Miss Know-It-All." Catherine sat next to Louis and stretched out her arm to hold Louis' arm. .

Louis just wanted to say it was a foul, this sister hit someone with the ball!

Of course Hermione will not allow Catherine to challenge her authority as a know-it-all, and she is now fighting to defend her title and honor as a know-it-all!

"You come up with the questions! I don't believe you can beat me!" Hermione held her short neck and angrily declared the challenge.

It probably means Catherine, come here, I'm afraid you don't know everything!

"First question." Catherine squeezed Louis and sighed contentedly: "What is Upper Walter's official name now?"

Hermione didn't seem to expect that Catherine would ask such a tricky question, and was stumped for a moment.

She originally thought that Catherine, as a pure-blood wizard in the magical world, would not care about the affairs of the Muggle world, but she never expected that she would use four twos to bring out the two kings.

She was caught off guard, her eyes wide open, not knowing how to answer Catherine's question.

"Uh..." Hermione just drawled out awkwardly.

"Well, it seems you don't know." Catherine did not mock Hermione, but continued to ask the next question: "What is the equation for conservation of mass and energy?"

Hermione looked embarrassed: "Uh..."

Catherine's pretty face rubbed against Louis's and nestled on his shoulder: "Where is the capital of Nauru, and which direction in Australia is this country?"

Hermione: "...uh..."

"What is the capital of Brazil?" Catherine asked a confusing question.

"I know this!" Hermione said loudly: "Rio de Janeiro! I know it! Rio de Janeiro!"

"I'm sorry, Hermione." Catherine corrected her with a smile: "Brazil had already moved its capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia in 1960..."

Hermione opened her mouth, but no words came out.

"What is the state religion of Cameroon?" Catherine asked again.

Hermione's self-confidence had been completely shattered, and she could only open her mouth mechanically: "Well... uh..."

"In what year did the Eastern and Western churches split? What were their religious leaders called? In which cities were they located at that time?"

Hermione: "Uh..."

I hesitated for a long time but couldn't give a correct answer.

"Hermione?" Louis called.

Hermione raised her head in confusion: "Huh?"

"You should run for parliament." Louis raised his teacup and made a toast gesture to Hermione, suggesting with a smile that was neither yin nor yang.

Hermione was stunned for a moment and asked alertly: "Are you trying to blame me?"

"How could that be?" Louis spread his hands.

"Yes, how could it be?" Catherine did not look at Hermione, but looked at Louis affectionately, stretched out her head and kissed his cheek.

"You... you two are so bad!" Hermione was furious again: "You two teamed up to bully me! You two are so bad."

"It's too bad. I'm going to hit her with my fist." Louis curled up his fist, turned to look at Catherine, and meowed.

"Wow, so cute!" Catherine's eyes flashed with pink stars, and she buried Louis' head in her arms, wishing she could crush him into pieces and become one with her.

"Help, help!" Louis struggled feebly, why is Catherine now about the same size as Solanlian, it's so suffocating!

He really didn't want to be suffocated like this, otherwise he would become the first wizard in history to be suffocated like this.

"Okay, that's almost it. You almost suffocated your little deer to death, baby." Solanlian's voice sounded at the right time, saving Louis from the fire and water.

But she forgot how she bored Lewis back then.

Catherine reluctantly let go of Louis and watched him take a big breath of fresh air. She couldn't help but whisper in his ear: "Wear cat ears at night, little deer..."

"Call daddy." Louis said in her ear with a smile.

The result was a painful pinch.

"I don't want to be in front of so many people!" Catherine said bitterly in his ear.

"That means it can be done when there is no one around?" Louis asked in surprise, is the dream he has been thinking about for four years about to come true?

Catherine did not answer, but turned her head and looked to one side, her face red, as if stained with a layer of red clouds.

Justin's speed was so slow that he didn't arrive at Woley's house through Floo powder until afternoon tea.

"Oh, you're here, Justin." Ron rolled his eyes: "We are ready to start school."

"Sorry, everyone." Justin chuckled: "Isn't it because we don't have floo network at home... I still took a taxi to the Leaky Cauldron. Oh my God, everyone should know about the traffic jam in London."

"Only Louis and Hermione know, and Harry." George said with a smile and handed the Walkman to Justin.

"Cool, the latest version of the Walkman? I've wanted one for a long time, but Hogwarts won't let you bring one." Justin knew the goods and recognized the brand of the Walkman at once.

"Put on your headphones first and listen to this song." Lewis suggested with a smile.

Justin nodded, picked up the headphones and put them into his ears. He scratched his head and listened for a long time. He looked up in confusion and asked, "What kind of music is this? It sounds so... weird."

"This is the melody of the school song for the new school year. When you go back, tell the Ravenclaw students that this will be the melody for this year's school song." Cedric patted him on the shoulder.

"Huh?" Justin obviously didn't understand: "Why?"

"There are girls." George said concisely: "Foreign girls, they like this song the most. Very beautiful foreign girls, just tell me whether you want to sing or not."

"What foreign girl?" Justin obviously didn't understand what was going on. He asked with a confused look on his face: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand..."

"In the new semester, there will be many beautiful foreign girls coming to Hogwarts as guests." Fred patiently explained to Justin: "The source of the information is very reliable. Louis got the information from Principal Dumbledore. Do you want to , Will Principal Dumbledore lie to Louis? Obviously not... Will Louis lie to us? That's even more impossible!"

Justin's expression suddenly changed, and he smiled evilly like Tom who had touched Jerry.

"We must win!" He clenched his fists and cheered himself up.

"We must win!" The twins, who are both singles, cheered Justin together.

Louis looked at Harry and Ron, clenched his fists together and said, "We must win!"

As a result, Ron's ear was grabbed by Hermione.

"What are you going to take?" Hermione narrowed her eyes and asked with a bad look.

"Harry's girlfriend isn't here, and Catherine won't care about me. What do you want to win?" Louis asked with a crazily smile, slapping his thigh.

Ron's kitten face dropped, and he looked angrily at Harry and then at Louis, feeling sad that he had two bad friends.

"You two are so mean! Louis! Harry! Oh, Hermione, please be gentle..." Halfway through Ron's complaint, he began to beg for mercy. It seemed that Hermione increased her intensity and made him a little bit unbearable. .

"Does it hurt? That's all it hurts." Lewis gloated and added insult to injury: "This is the price you pay for being disloyal to Hermione..."

"What disloyalty! How could I be disloyal to Hermione!" Ron retorted unconvinced.

"Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal." Louis said a famous saying of Xun Zong.

Well, Ron wanted to refute, but he was like a cow chewing a pumpkin. He hesitated for a long time, just like Hermione just now, and was extremely embarrassed.

Not to mention, after holding it in for a long time, he actually came up with a retort: ​​"What about you, Louis, are you loyal to Catherine?"

He tried to trade with Louis.

"Oh, then you are overthinking, Ron." Louis spread his hands: "Katherine is different from Hermione. She is very tolerant of me."

As he spoke, he also used his fingers to pick Catherine's chin, earning an eye roll from Catherine.

Ron glanced at Louis and Catherine angrily, and then at Hermione, obviously too angry to speak.

"Am I good to you?" Hermione was anxious and unconsciously put more force on her hands.

"Okay, of course, Hermione is the best, please let me go." Ron's tone took on a begging tone.

"You have been domesticated, Ron." Louis said pitifully: "Remember what I told you, you have been tamed by Hermione and castrated, and now you have been completely tamed. She's got it under control..."

"I don't have any!" Hermione retorted.

"Look, she didn't realize it herself. This kind of subtle taming is actually more terrifying." Louis spread his hands: "Even if you look at her now, she is not willing to let go of Ron's ears... Tsk tsk, if you want me to live like this, I would rather Being single for the rest of your life, oh my God, it’s so scary.”

Hermione let go of Ron's ears as if she was electrocuted. It wasn't that she felt sorry for Ron, but that she was really afraid of Louis' verbal offensive.

"Don't be afraid, Ron, don't worry, we will always be your strongest support!" Louis showed a compassionate expression: "If it doesn't work, I can find a new girlfriend for you, and I promise to be obedient and cute... Just As beautiful, obedient and sensible as Kristassa."

As he spoke, Louis pointed to Kristassa. When Kristassa heard Louis calling her, she raised her head in confusion, with a circle of coffee foam on her mouth.

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