Krisstrasa is a stupid dragon, this is an indisputable fact, everyone knows it.

But having said that, although this stupid dragon is a little stupid, his appearance is still as good as his own. At least in the UK, it is no problem to be named the national flower.

To be honest, a woman like Hermione who is very controlling and has a lot of things to do is really not a good girlfriend candidate.

But to be honest, Ron really didn't even feel moved.

"No need, Louis." Ron said with a smile, "Hermione is actually quite nice and treats me pretty well..."

"You are the Boiling Sheep." Louis extended a thumbs up and said, "You are not only the Boiling Sheep, you are more of a double-faced turtle than the Boiling Sheep. You are so turtle."

Hermione did feel relaxed for a moment, but quickly held it back. It was strange for her to have any idea of ​​repentance.

Louis wasn't just targeting Hermione, the main reason was that she looked too much like the Miss Watson who played her in the movie version, and Miss Watson...well, Miss Watson was really not a good thing, and sometimes he didn't understand it. Why do some so-called Ham fans like her so much.

Is it true that as long as my sister looks good, her outlook will follow her facial features?

Poor Aunt Rowling was expelled... Well, although the Potter actors are also heavyweights, Harry and that Daniel don't look alike.

This version of Harry is actually quite handsome, but he was a little dry when he was in first grade, like the Lu Chai Stick in Mr. Xia Yan's works.

It wasn't until he attended Hogwarts for two years that his image improved.

"That's too much, Xiaolu." Catherine gave her a gentle hammer: "Persuading peace or not breaking up. Besides, this is Ron's own choice. It's better for us to respect the blessing."

Translated, it means giving up helping others and respecting the fate of others.

"Okay, okay, blame me." Louis chuckled, then turned to Ron and said: "Don't worry Ron, the promise I just made is still valid. If you change your mind at any time, remember to find me."

Ron looked at Louis and then at Hermione, but after all he didn't dare to nod.

Louis didn't really have to persuade Ron to break up. The purpose of adding this sentence was to give Hermione a vaccination and hang a Sword of Damocles on her head to prevent her from attacking Ron. It's just too arrogant.

"Well, Louis." Justin said hesitantly.

"What's wrong?" Lewis turned around and looked.

"I also want to find a girlfriend..." he said with saliva on his face.

Louis looked at him, then at the twins, smiled and said: "As long as you master this piece of music, don't worry, there will be bread, milk, and everything."

"Really?" Justin asked with eyes shining.

"Do I look like I'm lying to you?" Louis asked.

Justin chuckled, picked up the headphones, flipped the tape to the front, and continued to play the weird song.

In the evening, Solanlian returned home. She hurriedly said hello to everyone and returned to her room. The serious look on her face caught Lewis's attention.

He looked around and saw that everyone was busy with their own things, so he went upstairs and followed Solanli'an into her room.

"What's the matter, Sister Lianne?" Louis asked with concern, "I think there's something wrong with your expression?"

"Something happened, Lewis." Solanlian put her index finger and thumb between her eyes and squeezed them, using this method to relieve the pressure: "Yesterday, an injury case was reported in Cape Eagle Town. , the situation is rather strange, and the Secretary is very troubled by this matter..."

"What's wrong? Tell me carefully." Lewis stepped forward, stretched out his hand and started to help Solanli'an and kneaded her shoulders.

Solanlian sighed: "The Ministry of Magic was already very busy because of the Death Eaters' Black Mark incident, and now there is such a vicious and hurtful case. Alas... it is really too busy... "

"Why do you care about this? Are you still afraid that officials from the Ministry of Magic will hold you accountable?" Louis asked with a smile. For a queen who is fearless like Solanlian, who would dare to put pressure on her?

"I don't care what they will say, and they don't dare to say anything to me." Solanlian leaned back and said softly with her eyes closed.

"Then what are you worried about?" Louis cheered, "Just keep it in your heart and have fun during the holidays. It's just that the Death Eaters have been more rampant recently. When Voldemort and his criminal gang are caught, It will be fine once he is arrested and brought to justice.”

"It's not a Death Eater, Xiaolu." Solanlian took a deep breath, "According to my observation, it was not the curse that caused the damage, but more like the bite..."

"Huh?" Lewis thought for a moment: "Is that a werewolf?"

"No, it's not a werewolf either." Solanlian sighed: "Judging from the wounds, it's not a werewolf, and this is not just a case of wounding, but a young witch is also missing..."

"Disappeared? What happened? Please tell me carefully." Louis became interested. This kind of thing was rare after Voldemort and his group of Death Eaters disappeared. Today, suddenly something like this happened. It's hard not to think of Death Eaters, but based on what Solanlian meant, she wasn't a dark wizard or a werewolf, so it didn't seem to have anything to do with Death Eaters.

"Speaking of this witch, you should also know her. She is a seventh-grade student at Hogwarts who just graduated this year. Her name is Kelly Skinson." Solanlian said.

"I don't know." Lewis shook his head, let go of Solanlian's shoulders, and began to massage her head.

"If you are interested, you can come and help me." Solanlian began to ask for help from the outside. "I think you are usually very smart. Maybe you can help me investigate the case. I always have a hunch that this is definitely not a crime. The suspect’s last crime.”

"Really?" Louis became interested, "How did you judge it?"

"Intuition." Solanlian said something that Louis could not refute - to be honest, women's intuition is sometimes really scary, especially the intuition of witches. With the addition of magic, it becomes More accurate.

"When did the case happen?" Louis asked curiously.

"Last night." Solanlian replied. She thought for a moment and continued: "I think not only the witches may have been attacked, but also the local Muggles."

"Then let me ask." Lewis nodded, let go of Solanlian, walked downstairs and shook the phone.

After a while, the call was answered.

After a few brief inquiries, he hung up the phone. The three little ones looked aside for a long time, and when they saw Louis leaning there with a frown on his face, they couldn't help but asked curiously: "What's wrong, Louis, do you see a frown on your face?"

"Nothing." As soon as Louis finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that there were three free laborers available: "Oh no, there is indeed something wrong. You three... go to the study and wait for me."

The three little ones walked to the study obediently. After waiting for a while, the phone rang again.

After getting the exact news, Lewis hung up the phone and came to the study.

Harry walked up impatiently and asked with concern: "What's wrong, Louis, you look so serious?"

"Something happened. Someone was attacked in Horned Eagle Village, and a young witch was missing - she is a graduate of Hogwarts, and her name is Kelly Skinson." Louis said.

"Attacked? Missing?" The eyes of the trio suddenly lit up, and the three protagonists, who were afraid of the world being in chaos, became excited at the same time.

Everyone has a detective dream, and the trio, who are obviously in their middle school years, also have this dream.

"And I got the news that someone was attacked on the farm in the town of Wester Ross, but the person who was attacked was not so lucky." Louis spread his hands and shrugged, "I asked you to come here. The purpose is to ask you three to come with me to look at this case."

"Really?" The trio suddenly became excited.

"Of course it's true." Louis nodded and said to the trio: "This shouldn't be a case that Muggles can handle, so the three of us mainly focus on investigating the attack cases of Muggles. As for the Horned Eagle Village , just leave it to Sister Li’an and the others to take the headache.”

"No problem!" The three little ones agreed with a smile.

When you go out to handle a case, in addition to the three of them, you also have to take Catherine with you. But I need to change my outfit. I can't dress so casually. Louis and Catherine each changed into a formal suit. After all, they looked very mature. As for the three little ones... the three of them can just follow behind wearing invisibility cloaks.

It needs to be said that there are many invisibility cloaks, but there is only one invisibility cloak in Deathly Hallows. For Muggles, there is not much difference in which invisibility cloak they wear.

After all, you can't expect a Muggle with naked eyes to feel whether there is a transparent person in front of you. Only wizards can do this, and the Deathly Hallows can avoid this. This is what makes it special.

Catherine also specially found a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, with slightly curly blond hair and a straight formal suit. She was the perfect match for Jiquan.

Damn it, Louis thought to himself that he couldn’t let Ji Lao see his girlfriend. The saddest thing in the world is that women and men rob women...

Louis chose to drive, which was just right for four people, with Catherine sitting in the passenger seat and the three little ones squeezing in the back.

In less than half an hour, we arrived at our destination, Sterling Farm.

After choosing this name, Louis twitched his mouth a little, this is too happy, right?

Hopefully the farmer’s son won’t be named Raheem Sterling and he won’t be sent to play football.

But obviously a white farmer cannot give birth to a dark son, unless he falls in love with a wild horse and has a prairie in his head.

The local sirs formed a long cordon. When Louis got out of the car, a female operator came over.

"Sorry, this is a crime scene, please leave."

Lewis took out his ID from his pocket and waved it: "MI5."

The female operator frowned and asked uncertainly: "Since when did MI5 take care of this kind of thing? I don't, Sister Li..."

"Oh, it's normal that you don't know. This case is not an ordinary murder case, that's why we come here, isn't it?" Louis said with a smile, "You can call Shangfeng, before we come I’ve already said hello in advance.”

With that said, Louis motioned to Catherine to take out her ID.

Only then did the female operator see Catherine clearly. She was stunned for a long time, and finally pulled her eyes away from Catherine's face reluctantly: "Okay, I believe you, after all, the certificate is genuine."

After saying that, the female operator still lowered her head and felt a little uncomfortable, as if she had met her sweetheart, a little girl.

Are you too hasty? Louis was a little surprised. No wonder the British Empire was in decline. It turns out that your operators are also insects...

How can we investigate the case with such an insect?

Louis coughed twice, waking the female operator from her twitching.

"Then can I go over with my colleague now?" He reminded, specifically using the title "colleague", intending to tease and tease this little girl.

"Ah, ah..." The female operator reacted and said quickly: "Of course, of course, you can come with me." After saying that, she took the lead and walked towards the farm.

Lewis nodded and followed, stretched his hands behind him, and pointed in this direction without leaving any trace.

The trio understood and quickly followed.

"There are chicken coops, horse sheds, and cattle pens over there." The female operator pointed to a short distance away and introduced enthusiastically and in detail: "But there are no living creatures over there. It's strange. The domestic animals are like The blood was drained overnight, but there was no trace of blood on the ground, and no signs of struggle or resistance before death were found, as if they died in their sleep."

"Go over and take a look." Louis gestured.

The female operator took them to the cow pen first, where the cows were lying on the ground in a mess, each one looking like a mummy, as dry and skinny as a cow. Louis walked over, looked up and down, and found no abnormal traces, but the fact that there were no abnormal traces was a bit abnormal in itself.

"Here, Louis." Catherine squatted next to a cow carcass and pointed to its neck. "There is a row of tooth marks here, right at the neck. You can look for similar ones in the same position on other cow carcasses. Teeth marks.”

Louis searched carefully one by one based on Catherine's description, and sure enough, he found exactly the same tooth marks on the necks of all the corpses he examined.

"That's weird..." Louis sniffed, stood up, glanced at the female operator who was still staring at Catherine, and asked in a low voice: "What do you think it could be?"

"It's hard to say, I didn't learn Hagrid's course very well, and I don't know any magical animals or magical creatures that can do this." Catherine replied in the same low voice.

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