I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 251 The first day of the new semester

Catherine still didn't want Louis to bring trouble out of his mouth, after all, Emma really couldn't afford to offend him.

After holding a seminar for half a night and asking Louis for advice on how to teach this Defense Against the Dark Arts course, Emma finally let her good son go and let him crawl to sleep.

The cold icy rain outside the window was still beating randomly on the window, the wind was blowing loudly, and the sound of the wind could be clearly heard even in the corridor.

The next morning the storm subsided, but the ceiling of the auditorium was still gloomy.

Louis made an unprecedented trip to the auditorium to study the class schedule. He was debating whether to take this divination class or not.

Professor Trelawney is becoming more and more nervous every day, which is really hard to like.

Fred, George, and Li Jordan were sitting at the same table. The three of them had been discussing some magical spell to make themselves older, with the intention of passing through and participating in the Triwizard Tournament, but their voices It's huge, with no sense of confidentiality at all.

"I told you three to keep your voices down, for fear that Professor Dumbledore wouldn't be able to hear your plan, right?" Louis reminded the three fearless young men of Gryffindor.

"Don't worry, we're not worried about being heard." Fred said nonchalantly. He looked at Louis with a smile and asked: "Don't you want to participate in the Triwizard Tournament? You know it only happens once every five years. As for the large-scale competition, you are now in the fourth grade. You will definitely have graduated by the time it is held next..."

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Louis shrugged: "Besides, Professor Dumbledore has already said that the lives of underage wizards will be in danger if they participate in this competition. Little wizards of our age are not suitable to participate in this competition." kind of competition."

"You're just talking nonsense, Louis." There was a look of disbelief on George's face: "It's just you, you still say that you are not suitable for your age, my God, let alone our sixth grade classmates, even if you are an adult Auror, It’s very difficult to deal with you.”

"Shh, don't brag." Louis put his index finger on his mouth: "I don't have much strength to begin with, but you are almost praising me to the sky. I think you want to praise me to death..."

"How can it be a compliment? We really think so from the bottom of our hearts." Li Qiaodan added.

"I'm very happy that you can recognize my strength." Lewis coughed and changed the topic, "But I don't like the way you talk."

The three people quickly looked at each other and said they would never brag again.

Just kidding, if my credits were deducted, there would really be no place to cry.

"Then what will happen to Hogwarts if you don't participate in the Triwizard Tournament?" Hermione asked hesitantly.

Louis said indifferently: "You have to learn to trust others. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Hogwarts. How can you be sure that no one will stand up and win honor for the school?"

"Then...will Miss Worley participate in the Triwizard Tournament?" Ron asked curiously.

Louis shook his head and said he didn't know.

He won't stop Catherine from participating in the Triwizard Tournament. It's okay to go and have fun. Besides, you may not be able to enter if you vote. If nothing else, the champion of Hogwarts will be Cedry. C. Diggory and Harry Potter.

Oh, he remembered that Cedric in the original book was still alive at the end of the game. He had to think carefully about this and not let him die so hastily.

Louis had a good impression of him. He was a bright and cheerful boy with a good temper. He had never blushed with anyone. He was infinitely better than Potter.

Thinking of this, Louis couldn't help but feel a little hungry. Just when he was about to speak, Sakuya handed him a piece of garlic bread with butter.

"Do you want to learn magic? Sakuye?" Louis took the bread and looked at Sakuye.

Sakuya was stunned for a moment, and she asked in a low voice: "Have I not inherited the profession of stalker? How can I still..."

"Try it." Louis shrugged irresponsibly: "What if you have magic talent? Anyway, these two are not very conflicting."

"That's fine." Sakuya nodded and said yes. Magic will definitely be of great help to her. Think about it, after activating the time stop, what will be thrown is not a flying knife, but Avada Kedavra...

It’s exciting to think about.

Hermione came over at this time and handed Louis a piece of paper.

"What is this?" Louis put down the bread in his hand, took the piece of paper, looked at it, and found that it was actually an advertisement for the Kindness to House Elves organized by Hermione...

He put down this relatively hot potato and encouraged Hermione in her expectant eyes: "Do it well, I believe you can do it, and I will give you all support if necessary!"

Yes, give her all the support except help.

"Thank you, Louis!" Hermione opened her arms and gave Louis a warm hug.

She happily returned to Ron and Harry, and raised her chin to Ron in demonstration: "Look, even Louis supports me, but as my boyfriend, you actually oppose me..."

Ron handed over a piece of bread with a playful smile and two pieces of bacon in it: "Yes, I will also support you. You see, you know that my brain is not very bright, so I think you are also hungry. Eat something." Something?"

Hermione looked at him helplessly, took the bread and stuffed it into her mouth.

At this moment, there was a flapping sound overhead, and countless owls flew in from the open window, bringing everyone the morning mail.

A tawny owl swooped down like a Stuka, passed Louis, and plunged into Neville's arms.

"I think he's reminding you not to miss out this time, Neville." Seamus Finnigan teased Neville with a smile.

The little chubby boy blushed, muttering that he didn't forget anything, but just had a bad memory, while taking the package off the owl's lap.

But the question comes back. Is there a big connection between forgetfulness and poor memory?

Not far from Louis, Draco's owl landed on him and brought him some snacks from the Malfoy family. The first thing he did after opening the package was to gather a batch of snacks and bring them to Louis, giving him some.

"Try it, Louis, this is my mother's craftsmanship." Draco's expression was a little shy and expectant.

"Okay, thank you." Lewis nodded with a smile, took the snack and handed it to Sakuya.

Seeing Draco hesitate to speak, he asked with concern: "What's wrong, Draco, is there something wrong?"

Draco suddenly said: "Ah, no, I just want to ask you, are you really not going to participate in the Triwizard Tournament?"

Lewis didn't answer in a hurry, but picked up the coffee cup, stirred it with a spoon, and then said: "I'm really not interested."

"Then... uh, what about Slytherin?" Draco asked quickly, but suddenly felt that it was inappropriate to say so, so he said sarcastically: "Well, this is not what I should ask... that..."

He immediately changed the topic: "The speech last night was quite successful. The important spirit was conveyed to the freshmen... In addition, the guests from Durmstrang want to get to know you. You see..."

"We can meet you when you have time." Lewis smiled and nodded: "Anyway, I have more free time recently."

"Okay, I'll talk to Krum when I get back today." Draco got the exact answer and finally relieved his slightly frowned brows. He had been worried about whether Louis would agree to it.

However, it seemed that Louis was in a good mood today and did not refuse his proposal, so his face was saved anyway.

The first class today was Professor Sprout's Herbology class. It should be said that the whole morning was spent outdoors. After the Herbology class, he went to the Care of Magical Creatures class with Gryffindor.

Louis has no classes in the afternoon, so he is more relaxed today.

After passing through the humid vegetable field, we arrived at Greenhouse No. 3, where we happened to see Professor Sprout showing everyone a very magical new plant.

The plants in the magical world all grow wildly, just like the strange shapes of mandrakes, which are like twisted and weird dolls. The same is true for the plants in front of Professor Sprout. They are more like a black, slimy big slug. , squirmingly emerging from the soil, with many large shiny bulges on its body, which should be filled with liquid - if I guessed correctly.

"Barbo tubers." Professor Sprout did not feel at all that these plants in front of her could bring psychological shadow to people. She introduced them to the students in a relaxed and cheerful tone: "You need to squeeze it with your hands, just like you squeeze your youth." Like pox, you have to collect their pus.”

Lewis looked at the wriggling plants in front of him with some indifference, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"What did you say?" asked Seamus Finnigan in a disgusted tone.

"Ich, Finnigan, ichor!" said Professor Sprout. "It has extremely high value. Don't waste it. Listen, you have to collect the ichor into these bottles and wear your Dragonhide Gloves - Undiluted pus from the tuber of Bamboo can cause unusual damage to the skin."

I don’t know what Sprout’s “extremely high value” refers to. At least Lewis guessed it shouldn’t be rich in nutritional value.

Think about it, if Professor Sprout were Mr. Pei, holding this big fat worm-like tuber of Barbo in his hand, he would introduce seriously that "the nutritional value of this thing is five times that of beef"...

It's a bit embarrassing for the family members.

Speaking of which, Mr. Bei should still be struggling in the special forces now, right?

What was a bit surprising was that after the pus from the Babo tuber was squeezed out, there was a strong smell of gasoline. Louis looked at the tuber pus in the container and wondered if he would burn it if he threw a fire. Light.

After the students finished squeezing the tubers before get out of class, Professor Sprout said with a smile: "Mrs. Pomfrey should be happy now. Who among you doesn't know what the pus of the Bobo tubers does? "

The Slytherin classmates and Hermione raised their hands in unison.

Madam Pomfrey choked for a moment, and looked at her Slytherin classmates uncertainly. She called on the name of little chubby Crabbe: "Classmate Crabbe, can you tell me what the pus from the Bobo tuber does?"

She thought the Slytherins were holding on for the sake of face.

"The pus from the balboa tuber is the best remedy for stubborn acne," Crabbe answered without hesitation.

Professor Sprout clapped his hands and said loudly: "Okay, very good, five points for Slytherin - with these puss, this will prevent you from using drastic methods to remove acne."

"Oh, poor Heloise Midgan." Hannah Abbott whispered: "She wanted to use a spell to get rid of the acne, but she accidentally knocked off her nose..."

Ron shuddered, he nudged Harry, and whispered with a wink: "Look, how cruel women can be to themselves, especially for the sake of beauty... Oh my god, I can't do such a thing. Son."

"So you are not a woman." After Harry said this, he raised his hands and patted Ron, like two living treasures.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class and everyone left. The students from the four colleges walked down the lawn together and walked towards Hagrid's wooden house on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid was standing outside the door of the cabin waiting for his classmates, holding the hound Yaya in one hand. There were several open wooden boxes at his feet.

When you get closer, you can even hear the sound of rattling coming from the box, occasionally mixed with the sound of crackling and exploding, but it is very weak.

"Good morning, classmates!" Hagrid greeted everyone with a smile: "I think the new semester must have new courses, and we must also get to know new creatures. So - are you ready? I miss you. You don’t want to miss this – Dang, Dang, Blast-Ended Skrewt!”

"What?" Ron looked at the box with one eye closed.

"Blast-ended Skrewt," Hagrid said, opening the box's mouth wider, trying to let everyone see his masterpiece.

"Yoooo...disgusting!" The first reaction of the female students was to jump away a little away from the so-called "explosive snail".

They were right, it was indeed disgusting, well... it was like a lobster with its shell removed. If I had to use an adjective, it would be very ghastly, gray-white, slimy body, and a lot more The tentacles really make people lose their sanity.

Moreover, these snails don't smell very good, exuding a very strong smell of ammonia. Occasionally, the tail of a snail will emit a spark, followed by a soft sound, and the ejection will start to spray out a few inches.

Lewis understood a little bit. This kind of thing should be explained by scientific principles. They seemed to be spraying flammable gas like methane from their buttocks - which could also explain the strong ammonia smell. , and then run forward relying on the principle of propulsion.

Where have you seen this kind of thing? Lewis thought carefully for a long time before he remembered that there was a movie with a similar monster.

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