I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 252 The first Chinese meal in fourteen years

If I remember correctly, that movie was the third part of the entire series, probably released in 2001.

Yes, it is that particularly classic monster movie, the Alien series, which has been out for about 21 years, so it can be regarded as having a relatively long life.

The third-generation variety derived from the Gabor monster relies on its butt to spit out flames, fly into the sky, and glide to hunt humans. The tough guy uncle in the movie gave it a very funny name, called "Ass-blaster", which means the monster with a blossoming butt.

It can be said that it has the same effect as the explosive-tailed snail.

"It's quite a novel creature." Hermione frowned and looked at the blast-ended snail in the box: "This smell is very familiar. It should be some kind of flammable gas. I remember learning about it in chemistry class - oh, Chemistry is a Muggle course, a bit like Potions..."

"Maybe this is the principle of rocket propulsion." Justin, who is also a Muggle, added.

"Yes! I was just wondering why it looks so familiar." Hermione looked at Justin suddenly: "When you said that, I remembered why I had that sense of sight, haha... The fried tail of this snail Isn’t the propulsion method similar to that of a rocket?”

With that said, Hermione looked at Louis and asked as if she was discovering a new world: "Don't you think it looks familiar to you, Louis?"

"Sorry, I don't quite understand the principle of rocket thrusters." Louis said very honestly. He really didn't understand the working principle of that thing. "But it's always good to encounter something familiar in the magical world. Maybe you Should the two of you study the squid carefully and write a paper?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a certain snail in the box made a strong muffled sound, and then its entire soft body flew onto Hermione's head.

The strong smell of rotten fish and shrimp almost made Hermione faint. She endured the discomfort, used her wand to pick the snail back into the box, and vomited it all over her body.

It's more or less a case of repaying a complaint with a complaint.

"This thing is disgusting, Hagrid." Hermione fired a shot at herself to clean it up: "What on earth do you want to use to breed this strange creature? Is it just because you want to hear the crackling tail of it?" "

This sentence stopped Hagrid from asking. He opened his mouth and thought carefully. For a long time, he still couldn't figure out what this snail could do.

"That's not okay, Hagrid." Hermione said very seriously: "I know you like magical animals very much, but to cultivate a novel species, you must first understand its function."

"That's what the next lesson is about, Hermione." Hagrid defended himself, "Just feed them today. You have to try feeding them different things - I haven't raised them before. I’m not sure what they like to eat…”

"So you just let us help you try what it likes to eat, right?" Harry thought that Hagrid was not very reliable. "What if they don't like what I feed them and become angry?" What should I do, I don’t want to be bitten by them, my God..."

As he said this, Harry glanced at the snail pupating in the box with a twisted expression.

"They are still juveniles and should not bite." Hagrid said this with uncertainty in his tone.

"You also know that it shouldn't be possible, right?" Draco said coolly to the side.

Hagrid choked so much.

"This new term is really strange," muttered Seamus Finnigan. "First we squeezed that tuber pustule, and now we have to feed it..."

Hagrid didn't say anything. He put on his big gloves and divided the snails into more than ten groups, allowing the students to try feeding them individually.

Students, you look at me and I look at you, no one dares to stand up and take the lead. Out of affection for Hagrid, Harry picked up a piece of frog liver with a stick, reached into the box and handed it to a squid.

The squid showed no desire and didn't even bother to raise its head.

"Well, it seems like it definitely doesn't like frog liver, Harry." After Ron finished speaking, he eagerly picked up a bunch of ant eggs and brought them to the snails.

It turned out that, like Harry, the squid had no interest in the ant eggs.

"It's not a good habit to be really provocative," Ron said with a frown.

Hermione glanced at Ron and snorted: "If you looked more clearly, you would find that they don't have mouths at all..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a bang from the side, followed by Dean Thomas' scream.

"Ouch, Shet, it hurts me so much!" Thomas shouted angrily: "What the hell, why does it hurt so much..."

Hagrid walked up to him in a panic and asked with concern: "What's going on? What's going on?"

Thomas angrily showed Hagrid the arm injured by the blast-ended snail: "Its tail exploded, my God, this is too dangerous..."

Hagrid's Magical Creatures class was basically a mess, started in a mess, and ended in a mess. However, it was not as boring as Professor Binns' lectures, but he could always put on a little show.

Suffering minor injuries is completely commonplace, and it doesn't mean that anyone is killed anyway - the students agreed with Hagrid, after all, there will always be injuries in the course of dealing with magical animals, and those things have a higher injury rate than broomsticks. very.

"Fortunately, these snails are very small." Ron said with a smile on the way back to the castle.

Hermione said quickly: "They are just small now! But you don't know how Hagrid raises things. He always raises magical animals to be very big. I have no doubt that these squids will also become like ponies." The size of a foal, maybe even bigger, and gosh, sometimes I wonder what Hagrid feeds his magical creatures."

"Jin Jia La." Louis smiled and answered.

Hermione's guess was not groundless. In fact, the Blast-Ended Skrewt was really big and could eventually grow to more than ten feet...

Of course, Louis knew the potential of these dangerous creatures, but he was too lazy to meddle in their own business. He just let them grow wildly under Hagrid's cultivation. He always had to give the honest and lovely old Hagrid something to do, so as not to get sick in his spare time.

Besides, the Blast-Ended Skrewt shouldn't be that useless, at least in terms of being useless, it's still very useful.

Perhaps you can give them to Professor Snape and let him study whether they have medicinal value.

Of course, regardless of its practical value, he doesn't want to develop it yet.

When he returned to the office, Louis smelled a fragrant smell as soon as he opened the door. It was a bit familiar, but also very strange. It seemed that the last time he smelled this kind of fragrance was more than ten years ago...

Yes, it was before he traveled through time.

"Huh, what day is it today, Mom?" Louis handed the coat to Sakuya in a familiar manner, walked over and pulled the table over, looking at the dazzling array of dishes on the table, he couldn't help but be a little dazed.

To be honest, I have been accustomed to following the locals when I was in the country. Growing up, I never thought of eating some Chinese food to savor the taste. In fact, it was not that I had never tasted it. After eating General Zuo’s Chicken, he no longer had any interest in British Chinese food. There was no hope.

So much so that he never thought of hiring a Siris cook.

"Today is dinner day." Emma sat at the main seat and glanced at Sakuya and Kristrasa: "We are all a family, so you two should sit down too."

Christa sat happily beside Emma, ​​but Sakuya bowed slightly and declined: "Sakuya doesn't dare."

Krisstrasa couldn't help it this time. She stood up slightly, but was stopped by Lewis's eyes. Louis stretched out his hand to grab Sakuya again and brought her to his side: "Mom is right, there are no outsiders here, so just sit down if you are asked."

Sakuya then hesitantly sat next to Lewis.

"Try it, the seasonings are all bought locally." Emma smiled kindly and kindly and dug out a spoonful of tofu for Louis: "Authentic Sichuan green peppercorns and Erjingtiao, I think you have never tasted it. Authentic Siris cuisine.”

Lewis was stunned for a long time and nodded in a daze.

"Poor baby." Emma patted Louis' head pitifully, "Eat quickly, if you like, mom will cook for you."

Lewis nodded heavily, his nose a little sore. He scooped up the tofu wrapped in red oil and minced meat with a spoon and stuffed it into his mouth.

The intense stimulation made him almost spit out the food. After swallowing it, he coughed involuntarily.

This is so exciting...

"Eat slowly, no one will compete with you." Emma looked at him angrily, patting his back with her hand to try to calm him down.

"It's okay, it's okay. It has nothing to do with speed. I'm just not used to the smell." Louis coughed for a long time before he recovered, and tears came out of his coughing.

The food I have eaten these past few years has been either sweet or salty, but I am really not used to it when I accidentally eat such a strong and pungent food.

"Don't like Sichuan food?" Emma raised her eyebrows but didn't say anything, "It's okay, just get used to it. I think Severus didn't like it at first, so he ended up making hot pot with me in the cauldron? Hehe. …He loves eating tripe very much, but he doesn’t look very happy every time he uses his cauldron to make hot pot.”

"It's strange that he is happy." Louis coughed twice more and turned his attention to the dishes with a milder taste.

Fortunately, there was no nine-turn large intestine on the table, which made Louis feel relieved.

Unexpectedly, Catherine was very interested in Sichuan cuisine, and almost all of the Mapo tofu and boiled pork slices went into her and Sakuya's mouths.

In fact, this is a matter of physical constitution. Some people can eat spicy food, while others cannot. Just like in his previous life, he especially liked to eat spicy food, but his opposite brother couldn't eat spicy food at all, and couldn't stand even a little bit of chili oil. So during his four years in college, he loved to laugh at his roommate who couldn't eat spicy food. As a result, Retribution comes so quickly... He can't eat spicy food in this life.

It’s so difficult. Why haven’t I discovered this problem before? Louis secretly made up his mind to find out how to make up for this shortcoming in the system.

If you can't eat spicy food, it's really a lot less fun...

After the meal, Ye Ziyan sat on the chair, wiped his mouth elegantly with a napkin, and praised: "The food cooked by my sister is still so delicious."

"Humph..." Emma chuckled, and suddenly raised her voice: "What did you call me?"

"Sister...sister..." Ye Ziyan suddenly felt less confident. She looked at the good sisters in front of her with a guilty conscience, and silently prayed in her heart not to tease me, never tease me...

But Murphy's Law said that things tend to develop in the bad direction you think. Emma obviously saw through Ye Ziyan's thoughts, and said in a deliberately protracted tone and in a sinister tone: "Humph, you called me sister, but you didn't agree with me." My son... shouldn't you call me Aunt Yu, or mom now?"

Ye Ziyan turned his head and stopped looking at her.

She knew that Emma was not holding back any good words. She looked at the clouds rolling out the window and decided not to take care of Emma.

"Mom." Louis said helplessly: "Are you addicted to teasing Zi Yan? Really..."

"Yo yo yo, you are calling so affectionately." Emma pouted, like a girl in elementary school, and stretched out her index finger to scratch her jade-like face: "I'm so shy, I'm so shameless!"

Lewis and Ye Ziyan looked at each other and said in unison: "I don't have the same experience as her!"

This was undoubtedly the right choice, but things didn't end well for Louis, who almost had his ears twisted off.

"Whose son are you!" Emma tugged at the big boy's ears, "You actually fought against me with others, huh, I'd rather give birth to you than to a piece of barbecued pork!"

"It hurts, it hurts...Mom, my ears are going to fall off!" Louis begged for mercy quickly. It wasn't that he was in pain, but it was mainly because so many people were watching, especially since Catherine was also here, so he felt a little embarrassed.

"Humph!" Emma let go of Louis and looked at his red ears. She couldn't help feeling a little distressed, and reached out to rub him again.

"Okay, Mom, it's okay." Louis stopped Emma's movements: "I'm not a child anymore. Don't keep pulling my ears. How embarrassing..."

Emma looked at him and rolled her eyes at him.

This kid is really becoming more and more lawless.

"Today is the sixth grade class at two o'clock in the afternoon. Fortunately, the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom is big enough to accommodate students from four colleges and two other schools." Emma said, looking at Catherine: "Little Moon, Where did you study last semester?"

"It's just a normal course, Auntie." Catherine answered honestly, "When Xiaolu teaches us, he always focuses on practical training. He rarely talks about theory..."

Emma nodded and turned to Louis: "What about you, good son, do you have any opinions?"

"How can I? How can I have an opinion?" Louis said quickly. He said this from the bottom of his heart. He was too happy to have someone to help him share his pain and let him be the hands-off shopkeeper...

"That's it, Xiao Gui and Cao Sui." Emma said an idiom, "I will teach them how you taught the Defense Against the Dark Arts class last semester."

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