I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 264 Before the game starts

Ron had never seen such a passionate and unrestrained Hermione. He just stared blankly at Hermione who was close at hand, and did not realize what happened for a long time.

The students in the auditorium were also stunned, but after regaining consciousness, they still gave the couple warm applause.

In this way, all the rumors about Hermione and Harry magically disappeared, replaced by praise for Hermione and Ron's relationship.

What kind of love is stronger than gold? What kind of wife should be married to Hermione? Some people say that Ron has bad luck.

Ron didn't care about these rumors. As a gold medal good man, he only cared about whether Hermione was happy.

Now he has been completely captured by Hermione, and he follows her every day to run S.P.E.W. affairs - that string of characters is the abbreviation of the Society for the Protection of House Elves...

If Louis hadn't reminded him, Ron might have forgotten all about protecting Harry.

When I was having dinner with Patchouli in the evening, I heard Patchouli talking about the library.

When it comes to the library, we have to mention Hermione, a frequent visitor to the library. You can see her almost every day, and she has a very good relationship with Patch. But Patchouli specifically mentioned Viktor Krum's name, with a look of worry on her face when she mentioned him - not because Viktor Krum was causing trouble for anyone, but because of him. It's trouble in itself.

There would often be girls hiding in groups behind the bookshelves to spy on him, making so much noise that she had no intention of reading.

"MQ! He's not good-looking at all!" Patchouli complained angrily to Louis, "I feel like they don't particularly like him, at least not because of his looks - God, he Just like a black blind man... Mu Q, I think these girls will only approach him because he is famous. If he hadn't done that fake thing to steal chickens - "

"It's Wronski's fake move!" Elizabeth said through gritted teeth. In her eyes, Quidditch is sacred and inviolable. A layman like Patchouli who talks nonsense about Quidditch terminology is simply unforgivable...

"MQ, it was Wronsky's fake move." Patchouli immediately corrected her. She put the tea cup on the table, leaned on her chin and sighed, "Can't they just read quietly? I mean... at least... You should also be more reserved and don't make any noise, it's too rude, MQ..."

"You can't stop them from being nymphomaniacs, Patch." Catherine said casually, "For people like them who have nothing to do and do nothing, only this kind of fanaticism like chasing stars can consume their strong energy."

"Pertinent." Hermione nodded quickly: "Catherine is right. In fact, I have a lot of trouble... Ever since Rita Skeeter's beach... the lady described me in the Daily Prophet at length. After that, my life quickly changed... There were several Beauxbatons girls who looked at me as if they were an enemy, and they often said bad things to me, but I didn't offend them... Even Ron was accused of giving me He came forward to teach them a lesson and was imprisoned..."

This is why Ron didn't come to dinner today. He was still helping Mr. Filch clean the house. It was Professor McGonagall's order. As expected, she also deducted five points from Gryffindor.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that Professor McGonagall was very happy, and even praised Ron severely in front of the Beauxbatons students who had been taught a lesson, which made Ron confused, but a little bit confused. Happy, at least he rejected Louis' intention to take him away.

Filch also promised not to let Ron do any hard work, and he still had to give Louis the face he deserved.

It should be said that Mr. Filch is not so annoying now, at least in the eyes of Gryffindor classmates.

"Hermione, I should tell you something." Louis crossed his hands and spoke eloquently under Hermione's expectant eyes, "When an ugly pig evaluates another ugly pig, it will not be stingy with its praise. , because it knows that even if it praises flowers, it is still a pig at heart, and it is the same kind as itself, so praising it is also praising itself."

“When an ugly pig evaluates a beautiful pig, the ugly pig will emphatically emphasize the shortcomings of the beautiful pig, and at the same time secretly aim at the beautiful pig in his heart, eager to become a beautiful pig one day... But when the pig evaluates a peacock , it clearly knows in its heart that in fact it and the peacock do not even belong to the same species, and that it can never become a peacock, so it will speak fiercely, hysterically, and always wish the peacock bad luck..."

"Oh Louis!" Hermione held her heart in her hands and smiled like a flower, "So I am a peacock in your heart..."

"If you can be less controlling over Ron, you can still live up to the image of a peacock." After Louis finished speaking, he raised his glass to Hermione.

Without saying a word, Hermione picked up the cup, made one with Louis, and drained it in one gulp.

"Let's talk about S.P.E.W., Louis..."

Halfway through Hermione's words, she was interrupted by Louis.

"Let's talk about this when we have time. Let's have some fun chatting over dinner today. The first project will be carried out in a few days... Harry, how are you preparing?" Louis turned to look at Harry beside him.

Draco, who was sitting next to Harry, picked up the "Potter Stinky" badge on his chest and bared his teeth at Louis.

"Oh... oh..." Harry said unnaturally: "I, I don't know how well I prepared. I'm a little confused. I don't know what the first project will be... Oh my God, I can Did you finish the game well? Alas..."

At this point, Harry suddenly felt like he was shaking a little, and that feeling of panic was so familiar - just like the feeling he had before his first Quidditch match. Louis patted him and said with a smile: "Don't worry, even an insect can break out of its cocoon and become a butterfly. I watched you grow up, you can definitely... In this Triwizard Tournament, you will become a butterfly. A stage where butterflies fly freely in the air!”

"But I...I..." Harry was a little moved, but also a little unsure, "Can I really do it?"

"Of course, believe in yourself, Harry." Louis patted him on the back.

"What about me? What about me, Louis?" Simo, the demolition wizard, asked excitedly: "Can I also become a butterfly in the future?"

Louis' face darkened: "Not all bugs can turn into butterflies, some are fucking maggots..."


Good guy, I am a maggot, right?

He suddenly became autistic.

After eating, Hermione took out a notebook and started writing and drawing. Louis took a look and saw the list of members of S.P.E.W. written on it, with his, Ron, and Harry's names on it - yes. , there are only a few people in the entire association, the president is Hermione Granger, the vice president is Louis Mountbatten, the permanent secretary is Ron, and the treasurer is Harry.

Originally, Hermione invited Catherine, but Catherine declined - not that Catherine had any objections to Hermione, but that she had considerable objections to the association itself.

God knows that she has been cooking for her mother since she was a child. When she was exhausted, she wanted a house elf to share her pain.

"Why do you think you invited my little deer to join this association of yours?" Catherine looked at the notebook in Hermione's hand with a complicated look, "Don't you think his ingredients are not good and will affect the purity of your association? ?”

"Ah? Why do you say that?" Hermione looked at Catherine in confusion, wondering why Catherine suddenly mentioned such a thing, "Isn't he your boyfriend? How can you say that about him?"

"So he's considered a lightweight." Catherine crossed her arms: "This guy is one of the family members of the largest feudal landowner in the UK. In other words, he is one of the top exploiters. You actually think he would sincerely Work with you to protect the interests of the house elves? Or even work with you to liberate the house elves?"

"Hey, hey, little moon, what are you talking about!" Louis pulled Catherine, "Is it possible that the crocodile can't shed a few tears? Can't I be an enlightened aristocrat?"

Catherine looked at his head, then at his feet, and the corners of her mouth twitched down: "I would rather believe that there are no ghosts in this world."

Louis felt so upset all of a sudden. He pointed at Catherine with a trembling finger: "You...just wait for me..."

The consequences of Lewis' anger are naturally very serious. As for how serious it is... I can't go into details.

According to Louis' observations in the past few days, the fate of several warriors is also different. For example, Harry has a group of fixed good friends accompanying him, and Gryffindors are all his die-hard supporters. So my life was relatively comfortable. The same goes for Cedric. This gentle and cheerful big boy is very popular in Hufflepuff. No matter where he goes, he will be surrounded by a circle of die-hard supporters, who are also very fanatical.

As for Catherine...well, no one dared to support her like they did around Harry and Cedric. Occasionally, someone would cheer her up when she passed by. Naturally, Catherine would not pretend not to see it, but Greet with a very polite smile. He came and went, but he also gained a group of followers.

The same goes for Viktor Krum. As Patchouli said, he is always surrounded by a group of nymphomaniac girls - but Patchouli is obviously conservative, and there are many male fanatical Quidditch enthusiasts. He behaves no worse than those nymphomaniac girls, following him every day like a stalker. And Krum is not only supported by his supporters, but also his principal Karkaroff is extremely partial to him.

In contrast, Vasily Petrenko is more depressed. His grandma does not kiss his uncle and does not love him. All his classmates gather around Krum to inquire about his welfare. Karkarov only has Krum in his eyes, and there are even others in Hogwarts. Many students are Klum's fans, but Vasily is the only one for him.

The two Beauxbatons girls were even more embarrassed. Compared to Klum, Beauxbatons did not even publicly support the two girls. They faced them both bitterly and with hatred, as if they were the enemies who killed their fathers. ——Maybe they think Marilyn and Fleur took their place.

The days pass by very fast, and time always inadvertently seems to be like turning on the acceleration gear, and it is fast-forwarded inexplicably. Before I knew it, it was the day before the first project started.

During dinner, I saw Harry hurriedly coming to Louis' office, followed by Cedric who also looked puzzled.

"Louis." Harry greeted, looked around but couldn't find Catherine, and asked, "Where is Catherine?"

"Oh, you said Catherine..." Louis scratched his head, "Catherine went to the library and will be back in about ten minutes... What's wrong with you?"

"We'll talk about it when Catherine comes back." Harry took a few breaths and suddenly raised his head and asked, "Have you eaten?"

"I haven't eaten yet." Louis spread his hands, "We're waiting for Catherine to come back and eat together."

"Then let's eat together." Harry suggested. "It happened that Cedric and I hadn't eaten yet. We just finished class, so I stopped him and called him over."

"I don't even know what's wrong with you." Cedric said gently, "But since I saw you were so anxious, I followed you."

As they were talking, Catherine opened the door and walked in. When she saw Harry and Cedric sitting on the sofa, she looked at Louis suspiciously.

"Don't look at me. The two of them came here to discuss something important with you." Lewis spread his hands and said, "I was also kept in the dark..."

Harry wasn't in a hurry at this time. He was writing what he wanted to eat tonight on the coffee table. He didn't look up in a hurry. Instead, he knocked on the corner of the table after finishing writing and then looked up: "I received a gift from the sea last night." I received a message from Ge, and he said he had something to do with me, so I wore an invisibility cloak and went to his cabin, and the result..."

At this point, Harry couldn't help but shudder.

"You tell me what's going on," Cedric urged, Harry's showy behavior driving him a little crazy.

Anyone else would have to give him a slap in the face.

"I saw a dragon." Harry said anxiously, "And Madam Maxime also went - Hagrid mainly invited Madam Maxime, and she took me with her along the way. Moreover, I also saw the dragon. En’s brother Charlie, Charlie and Hagrid said that those dragons are the first competition event that we warriors have to face!”

Cedric took a breath, looked at Harry with an expression of disbelief, and asked in a low voice: "Dragon - you mean a dragon? Oh, my God! They are really crazy, ha! Dragons Ah, are we supposed to have a duel with a dragon? How is this possible... We are still just children..."

Yes, you are just children, never let you go...

"I really don't know the brains of these Triwizard Tournament organizers..." Harry said with some frustration, "Let's deal with a dragon. They really can figure it out..."

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