I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 265 A Harry loses his dream

Of course Harry was anxious, not because he was about to face the dragon, but because the people around him were worried about him.

He heard what Charlie and Hagrid said when they were at the Dragon Field. Charlie imitated the anxious voice of his mother, Aunt Molly: "How could they let him participate in that tournament? He's too young! I thought They will all be fine. I thought there would be an age limit..." At this point, Charlie paused: "When my mother saw the article about Harry in the Daily Prophet, she burst into tears. With tears streaming down her face, she said, 'He's still crying for his parents! Oh! God bless me, I had no idea, poor child...'"

Harry knew that everyone else was making fun of him using what was written in the Daily Prophet as a joke, but Aunt Molly really cared about him. Ever since he was selected as a warrior in the Triwizard Tournament, Aunt Molly has sent the old owl Carol to deliver messages. She often sends him some food, clothes knitted by herself, and often greets him with greetings. , for fear that he would be wronged in some way at school...

Sirius was not too worried about Harry. He originally suspected that Karkaroff was responsible for throwing Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire. He later found out the truth after asking Dumbledore. Sirius was very good at keeping secrets, so Dumbledore had no problem telling him the truth. After all, he was not Hagrid.

Regarding the fact that the first project was related to dragons, Harry was not the only one who knew about it. In fact, Madam Maxime and Karkaroff also knew about it - the main person Hagrid invited was Madam Maxime, and according to reports Harry said that on his way back to Hogwarts, he once bumped into Karkaroff in a hurry.

"He is a Death Eater." Harry said to Cedric with some worry. "My godfather, Sirius, once told me this. He asked me to be careful with Karkaroff and try not to be alone with Karkaroff if possible. Get along with him so that he doesn’t attack me.”

"I once heard my father say this." Cedric looked at Harry, "I heard Mr. Black is right. I mean, after all, the Death Eaters are loyal to Voldemort. You can't expect them to change their ways. ,Right?"

"That's true." Louis confirmed Cedric's words, "There is a saying that a dog can't change what he eats, so stay as far away from him as possible..."

Unexpectedly, Harry suddenly asked: "What about Professor Snape?"

Cedric was stunned when he heard Harry's question. Louis also hesitated for a moment, then he reacted and said with a smile: "Professor Snape is different, he is a licker."

What you said makes so much sense, I'm speechless.

"Isn't it inappropriate to comment like this on the professor?" Cedric asked hesitantly.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I believe Professor Snape doesn't care about these details." Louis raised his teacup to Cedric. "If you're serious, you'll lose. Cheers."

Good guy, this sentence contains the slogans of two barrage video websites...

"You are indeed here, Harry." The door was pushed open, and Hermione's voice rang out, "Ron and I have been looking for you for a long time. He said you must be here with Louis, but I didn't expect you were really here... "

"Oh, Ron, Hermione." Harry greeted uninterestedly, "We were talking about Karkaroff."

"I think you have to make sure you can survive until Tuesday night before you think about Karkaroff." Hermione's voice sounded very anxious. She held a large stack of books in her arms, all of which she had just picked up from the library. It was borrowed from the library. "After listening to what you said yesterday, I didn't go to class today. I spent the whole day looking for it in the library."

After saying that, she dropped the large pile of heavy books on the coffee table with a bang.

Hermione is always so reliable.

On the other hand, her two useless men...well, let's not mention it. Without Hermione, it is unlikely that they would even survive to the Chamber of Secrets.

"Using magic to trim claws...the treatment of scale ulcers...what the hell are these things? These are all for weirdos like Hagrid who want the fire dragon to be strong. I don't think you want the fire dragon to trim its claws now." Or treat scars?" Hermione said a little discouraged, "It's too difficult. I heard that a simple spell can solve the problem, but... what kind of spell can solve the dragon? The dragon is extremely difficult to kill. Yes, because their thick scales are permeated with ancient magic, and only the most powerful spells can penetrate..."

Christasa listened to the conversation about how to kill a giant dragon, and was trembling as she prepared to leave the room.

Although he knew that the giant dragon they were talking about was not the same species as himself, it still made Long's heart tremble.

"Okay, Chris, come back." Louis stopped him, "Be careful when you chat, look at how scared my little dragon maid is..."

"Oh, sorry, Krisstrasa, we are referring to the giant lizard without intelligence..." Hermione looked up with a smile that was uglier than crying, turned around and scolded Ron: "Put down that copy of "Doting" "Dragon Man"! That book is useless at all, my God... What was I thinking at the time, how could I take it out? "

"What about this one?" Lewis took out the middle one called "Basic Magic Spells for Dealing with Hyperactive and Irritable Animals" and looked at the title. "I think the dragons you are dealing with should also be the kind that are a little hyperactive and irritable." A small animal, right?”

Look at the word used, a little hyperactive and irritable little animal...good guy.

"Little animals? Oh my god..." Hermione rolled her eyes, "This thing is equivalent to a pony crossing the river. Louis, you are an elephant, but us, we are little squirrels..."

"No need to be modest, you are a pony, Ms. Hermione." Louis said with a smile.

"What about Harry..." Hermione asked, stamping her foot.

"Harry is also a pony, don't forget that you have experienced in the mirror world." Louis said with a smile, "Do you still remember the giant king Youmu you fought a few days ago? He used to tear apart giant dragons with his hands. Ruthless man, I also want to mention this, the dragon in the mirror world is much more powerful than the dragon you are about to face."

"Really?" Harry's eyes lit up.

He recalled the dragon he had met in Lothrik City before - although that dragon was half-paralyzed, it still left a particularly deep impression on him. He still remembered the burning dragon's breath. Every time he thought of it, haha Mr. Li felt that his face was burning - not because he was ashamed, but because he had really been burned by that dragon. If it weren't for the fact that the world in the mirror would not be harmed in real life, he would have become a half-cooked person at that time.

"Of course it's true." Lewis spread his hands, "Or... do you still remember the dragon hunting armor you challenged before? I remember that you seemed to have picked up a set of exactly the same equipment, right? If you are afraid, you can wear it Up, the Dragon Hunting Great Ax has a special attack on dragons.”

"Then I'm not afraid anymore." Harry chuckled and chose to believe Louis.

Cedric was a little confused. He had also fought against dragon hunting armor, but he was not as lucky as Harry to get a full set of armor, so he asked: "Then what should I do if I don't have this set of armor?"

"That's not easy, just use magic spells." Louis crossed his legs, "Think about how you defeated the giant Youmu, and how you defeated the dragon hunting armor. Even the two of them can be dealt with, even a mere giant dragon. Will I stand in front of you?"

"You're right." Cedric took a deep breath, feeling proud in his heart.

After chatting for a while, the house elves put the prepared meals on the table. They had just finished eating when they heard someone pushing the door open.

It's Emma.

"Oh, you're all here." Emma is becoming more and more normal now, and has long since lost the little girlish look she had at the beginning. "It just so happens that you are all here... You also found out about the fire dragon, right? Bar?"

This sentence was directed at Harry.

Harry's heart skipped a beat, wondering if this was the reason? However, Aunt Emma is Louis' mother, so she should not harm him, so he looked at Emma with fear, not knowing what she was going to say next.

"It's okay, it's not a big deal." Emma sat next to Catherine and knocked on the table. Aslo quickly served her a piece of noodles as well. She picked up her chopsticks and looked at Harry: "Cheating has always been a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament. You'll be fine once you get used to it."

"Huh?" Harry was stunned for a moment and immediately retorted: "But, Aunt Emma, ​​I didn't cheat - I discovered it by accident..."

"Indeed, what scholars do should not be called stealing, but plagiarism." Emma teased, quoting Lu Xun's words, "I'm not blaming you, little guy. I told Dumbledore a long time ago that he can do whatever he wants." Carry forward his old-fashioned noble style, but I can guarantee that Karkaroff and Madam Maxim will never be as rigid as you. They will create all favorable conditions for their warriors, because they...well, not quite Care about face."

"To put it bluntly, are you just shameless?" Ron said blankly.

"This is why I like dealing with the Weasley family." Emma pointed at Ron with her finger, like a very six-plus-one teacher Li Yong, "You have the same opinion as me, Ron, but we Don’t speak too bluntly.”

"Ahem...uh, Aunt Emma..." Ron said hesitantly.

"What's wrong?" Emma picked up a strand of noodles and ate it delicately.

"When we had Trelawney's divination class in the afternoon, she even spent half the class nagging. She told the class that judging from the relative positions of Mars and Saturn at that time, people born in July would There is a huge risk of sudden and tragic death..." Ron's expression looked a little doubtful. He looked at Harry worriedly as he spoke, fearing that something might happen to Harry suddenly.

"You know, we humans are in all kinds of dangers in our daily lives." Emma smiled indifferently, "This is just a common trick in divination. Trelawney is a It is true that she is an excellent fortune teller, but when she has independent consciousness, she is usually a big liar."

"Mom is right." Louis took over, "Even if you usually stay at home, you may still be killed by a crashed passenger plane that suddenly falls from the sky... Of course, if you fall from the dragon during the game, At this time, I still recommend that you put your head down, Harry."

Looking at everyone's puzzled looks, Lewis added with a smile: "It can be more enjoyable."

Harry trembled. When Louis said this, a picture appeared in front of his eyes.

"Don't scare him, Louis." Hermione looked at Harry worriedly, stretched out her hand and patted his back, "Okay, Louis is just trying to scare you, so don't take it seriously."

Harry felt his head buzzing, and he forced himself to take two bites of bread. Now all he could think about was falling headfirst off the back of a dragon - something he had never done before when he was taking flying lessons or playing Quidditch. He had thought about this problem, but when Lewis said this today, he suddenly became afraid in his heart.

Can you not be afraid?

"What about you, Catherine, aren't you scared?" Harry decided that he couldn't just let himself be scared, he had to at least get someone to accompany him.

"Why are you afraid?" Catherine put down the bread in her hand and asked puzzledly.

"That's a giant dragon, aren't you afraid?" Harry gestured to a big watermelon with his hand, trying to describe the terror of the dragon.

However, Catherine didn't buy it. She just glanced at Harry and said one word indifferently: "Oh."

Harry felt frustrated and looked back at Cedric.

"Don't look at me, I'm already very nervous." Cedric quickly turned his head and stopped looking at Harry, grabbing the burger on the table and eating it.

Harry looked up at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling in confusion and sighed heavily. He had a hasty dinner, walked to the sofa and lay down, staring at the chandelier with his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking in his mind.

"I don't think you need to worry so much." Louis suggested. "Stretching your neck is a knife, and shrinking your neck is still a knife. Where is your courage as a Gryffindor? Look at Cedric, even he is a Hufflepuff. All have the courage to face the dragon..."

"You didn't use the word well. What do you mean by 'even Hufflepuff'..." Cedric looked at Louis with a resentful look. It was a bit hard for him as a prefect to accept Hufflepuff in front of him.

"Oh, even Hufflepuff." Louis changed a new word, "Anyway, I need you to cheer up, show them a little bit, and let them know how powerful our Hogwarts is!"

"Yes! Let them know that we at Hogwarts are invincible!" Cedric's eyes burned with fighting spirit, and he clenched his fists in response.

Harry was completely unmoved. He turned his head mechanically on the sofa like a salted fish and nodded twice mechanically, clearly telling everyone that Harry had lost his dream.

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