I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 286 You need to learn this foreign language

Snape's image at Hogwarts is quite similar to Zhang Liao's image at Soochow, able to stop children from crying at night.

As long as you say "Professor Snape is here" among a group of classmates who are having a lively and lively exchange, the feeling will be no less than the effect of being instantly frozen at absolute zero.

All in all, no small animal in Hogwarts dared to make trouble in front of Snape, except for Catherine's fawn, who was Snape's nemesis.

Ron, who was originally in a good mood, suddenly lost interest in playing cards. He sighed sadly and glanced at Harry: "Are you sure you don't want to finish his paper? I think he should finish it first. It’s better to play after finishing your homework..."

"You're right." Harry nodded and couldn't agree more with Ron's point of view.

I don’t know if Hermione has a crow’s mouth or not. Not long after she mentioned Snape, Snape floated over like a bat.

"Mr. Mountbatten..." Snape glanced at the trio expressionlessly. The trio held their breath, not daring to take a breath, and just stared at the table in front of them intently. Of course, Snape would not let go of such a good opportunity to speak venomously. He twitched the corner of his mouth and said nonchalantly: "It seems that you like hanging out with Gryffindors, but I want to remind you, don't forget I am a Slytherin..."

"Of course, Professor, of course I am a Slytherin." Louis put down the napkin in his hand and looked at Snape: "What's the matter so early, my beloved Professor?"

"You seem to have forgotten what you said last night, but I think I can help you recall it." Snape said this and looked at Louis with wide eyes: "But if I find out that you are just fooling around for cuteness, When you pass the test and deceive me, I will definitely make you regret it.”

"Of course not," Louis remembered what was going on and said with a smile, "How about we go to the principal's office now? There are so many people in the auditorium that it's not a good time to talk about this."

Snape glanced at him, turned around and walked out.

Louis made a quiet gesture to the trio, stood up and followed Snape's windy footsteps.

In the principal's office, Dumbledore was lying on the rocking chair and humming a tune. When he heard the door being opened, he glanced lazily to the side of his head.

"Oh, Severus, Louis, what brings you here?" he asked with a smile.

Louis wanted to say something bad about Snape, but speaking ill of Snape in person would easily make him mad, so he gave up on this unsafe idea.

"Mr. Mountbatten told me yesterday that he knows the clues to the Resurrection Stone." Snape said calmly, his hawk-like eyes fixed on Louis, "I think I have always been more reliable than the trolls in Gryffindor. Mr. Mountbatten, who is more knowledgeable, must be telling the truth, right?”

"It's hard to say." Louis shrugged, leaving behind a very unflattering sentence.

Snape choked and wanted to deduct points from his house, but suddenly he remembered that this guy belonged to Slytherin. He wanted to punish him corporally, but then he remembered that this boy was the son of his most beloved senior, but now he couldn't. It’s not really about beating or scolding.

He took a deep breath and made up his mind to have less contact with this kid in the future. If he is always by his side, he will lose at least ten years of his life...

"Okay, Louis, don't be pretentious." Dumbledore immediately got to the point. He had always been very concerned about the clues about the Resurrection Stone: "Tell me, what are the clues you have?"

"Remember the Horcruxes I told you before?" Louis said with a smile: "Among them, his own diary has been tamed, Ravenclaw's diadem has been purified by me, and there are still five remaining ones. A Horcrux... one of them is the Resurrection Stone, and thanks to the domesticated Mr. Cube, he suddenly remembered this matter recently."

Of course he made this up. In fact, the cube had been stored in Christasa's personal space bag for more than a year.

"When Voldemort was sixteen years old, oh, maybe we call him Tom Riddle more appropriately, he came to Gaunt's old house, knocked out his uncle Morfin Gaunt, and killed the old man with Morfin's wand. Tom Riddle and the old Riddle couple, and put the blame on Morfin." Louis began to tell Dumbledore and Snape about the past of the Resurrection Stone: "The most important thing is that he stole Marvolo Gaunt. An heirloom passed down to Morfin - a black stone ring engraved with the "Peverell Crest"..."

"The 'Peverell Coat of Arms' is actually the symbol of the Deathly Hallows - the principal must know this, after all, he owns the Elder Wand, one of the Deathly Hallows." Louis smiled and continued: "We all know what happened next. He made the ring inlaid with the Resurrection Stone into a Horcrux, hid it in Gaunt's old house in Little Hangleton, and used many powerful black magic curses to Protect it."

"I know you two are eager for this thing, but what I want to say is..." At this point, Louis' expression became serious: "Even a powerful magician like Dumbledore should not take it lightly. No one can overemphasize the curse of black magic, and I don’t want to see the not-so-funny joke that the most powerful white wizard in the world was killed by a few unknown black magic traps.”

"Unless this is a novel and the author of the novel wants me to die, I really can't think of any reason why I would wear this ring without testing for dark magic." Dumbledore shook his beard and said He said very seriously: "It took me a lifetime to learn how to be careful."

"Yes, women and children can be careless, but men cannot." Louis said solemnly.

"You are right." Professor Dumbledore stretched out his finger and pointed at Louis: "Then when will we set off to deal with this ring?"

"Now?" Louis is a practical person and leaves as soon as he says: "Anyway, there is nothing to do now..."

"So, how do we remove the curse on that ring?" Professor Snape asked with a smile: "If we just go to get it without any solution, is it possible that one of the three of us should go there?" Trigger dark magic? I think Mr. Mountbatten would be a good candidate."

"You are quite vicious, Professor." Louis said, "But I have a good suggestion for this kind of black magic."

He walked to the side of the Sorting Hat, and when the Sorting Hat had just said hello, he quickly opened the hat, reached out and took out the shining silver Sword of Gryffindor.

"Oh, you are really rude, Louis." The old hat complained. If he had any hands, he would have to give Louis two fights.

Louis ignored him, but held up the sword and said to the two of them: "Principal, Professor, this Sword of Gryffindor has special effects that break magic. Theoretically, no black magic props can withstand it. It chops.”

In the original book, theoretically the Sword of Gryffindor can destroy Horcruxes only after absorbing the basilisk venom. However, Louis, who has the Eye of Discernment, can see clearly that even if the Sword of Gryffindor has not absorbed the venom, the Sword of Gryffindor can still destroy the Horcrux. Characteristics of breaking the law.

Come to think of it, for a man with a sword in one hand and a wand in the other, it's strange that the sword can't break magic.

Before Dumbledore could speak, Snape disagreed. He immediately said: "This is a bad idea. I suggest you use it as a backup plan. The Resurrection Stone is a precious magic prop. I suggest that a more reasonable method should be used to dispel it." The magic in you.”

Louis looked at Snape with a calm expression on his face, thinking, don't think that what you said so high-sounding can cover up your eagerness to take a look at Lily.

"What Severus said is not unreasonable, Louis." Of course, Dumbledore also thought that it would be best to keep it. He had a flash of inspiration and thought of one thing: "I remember Miss Catherine wearing it on her head. It must be Ravenclaw's diadem. Since you can dispel the curse in Ravenclaw's diadem, then... I guess this Resurrection Stone is not a problem either."

"You're right, principal." Louis shrugged: "I can indeed purify this ring. It was just a backup plan. I didn't expect you two to actually want to use this ring..."

"Of course I will also have needs in this regard, Louis." Dumbledore seemed to feel that the memory was a bit bitter, so he opened a piece of Lemon Olaf and put it in his mouth. After sipping it twice, he said: "I have already I am over a hundred years old and have nothing else in this world. Emma must have told you about the obsession in my heart... This is not a shameful thing, even if I owe you a favor."

"Okay professor, then I don't want to go to class, okay?" Louis put forward his condition.

"Of course. As an assistant professor, you have the privilege of not having to attend classes." Dumbledore smiled and winked.

"Then I will never take Potions class in the future." Louis glanced at Snape.

Snape twitched his lips: "That is definitely a good thing for me. Thank you for letting your poor professor go, Mr. Mountbatten."

Louis suddenly felt as if he had made a miscalculation. Without the Potions class, there would be fewer opportunities for Snape and him to hurt each other...

It seems it's time to bring Lupine back to form a new Marauders organization, otherwise Snape would be too arrogant.

The three of them left as soon as they could, using the convenient floo network to arrive at Little Hangleton.

Dumbledore seemed to know the location of Gaunt's old house very well, and found his destination without any trouble.

The walls were covered with mottled marks, and many of the tiles on the roof had fallen off, exposing here and there the inner rafters. The house was surrounded by thick snow, and from time to time there was a noise from nowhere. The snow on the roof fell rustlingly and hit the ground.

Moving forward and approaching this old house, Louis found that the windows were very small and covered with thick old dirt. A dead snake was nailed to the rusty door, giving this abandoned house a new look. The old house has become a bit eerie.

"It's a bit cold." Louis subconsciously wrapped his clothes tightly. It was not that the weather was cold, but mainly that the environment was a bit weird.

People who are afraid of ghosts are always insensitive to this kind of atmosphere. Louis is one of them, and so is Catherine.

"I already suggested that you wear more clothes before setting off." Dumbledore waved his hand, and a warm flame appeared next to Louis, dispelling the bone-gnawing chill.

"How are we going to get in?" Snape reached out to touch the dead snake on the door and looked back at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stepped forward, looked at the snake and said, "Leave it to me, I know how to deal with it."

So, he hissed at the dead snake, and after a while, the door was opened.

"I didn't expect you to know Parseltongue." Louis said with some surprise.

"I can actually speak Draconic and Murloc, but I haven't used them in many years and it's just a bit rusty." Dumbledore stroked his beard, looking a little proud, "As the saying goes, if you have too many skills, you should learn more foreign languages. It’s also very useful.”

The corners of Louis' eyes twitched. Good guy, you really learned a foreign language. The language of a foreign nation is also a foreign language, so there's nothing wrong with it.

"I understand what you mean, Principal Dumbledore." Lewis responded solemnly: "You have to learn this foreign language. It's good to learn a foreign language."

"Okay, stop complimenting each other, I'm going to vomit..." Snape said coldly: "Should we stay here to discuss the importance of learning foreign languages, or should we go into Gaunt's old house and take a look , looking for the legendary resurrection stone?"

After Snape's "urge", the three entered Gaunt's old house. Without splitting up, Snape and Louis were worried, fearing that Dumbledore would be obsessed with putting the ring on, even if he protested that this was a sign of distrust in him.

When Louis stepped into Gunter's old house, he felt like he had entered a haunted house that he had been to in his previous life. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that someone was staring at him from behind, and they were very malicious. The white hair on the back of his neck was all because of His heart stood up with a chill, and he turned around suddenly, only to find that the person staring at him sinisterly was Professor Snape.

"Scaring people will scare them to death, professor." Louis sighed: "You want to scare me to death. See if my mother can kill you?"

Hearing Emma, ​​Snape snorted and turned his head, continuing to search for something in the house.

Gunter's old house is easy to find, but this ring is really difficult to find. Until noon, the three of them still couldn't find where the ring was.

"I said, do we want to eat something?" Louis asked tentatively: "It's so cold, if you don't eat something to find something in this room, you will freeze to death..."

"When you say that, I'm a little hungry too." Of course Dumbledore would not refuse Louis' proposal. In fact, he was a little hungry too.

The elderly are like this. After a while of activity, their stomachs feel empty and they can’t hold it anymore.

"..." Snape glanced at the two guys who were playing with the food with disgust, said nothing, and continued to look around aimlessly.

"Don't you want to eat?" Lewis pressed his chopsticks on the small hot pot.

"I'm not hungry," Snape said expressionlessly.

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