I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 285 Clues to the Golden Egg

In the office, a huge red banner was pulled up, which read "Hagrid's Emotional Seminar and How to Get Along with Women Seminar", which was very formal.

Hagrid was like an aggrieved child weighing more than 300 pounds. From time to time he raised his eyes to look at the people who were preparing to criticize him, but he did not dare to speak at all.

Sitting below was not only Hagrid, but also poor Ron.

Highlight a torture.

Halfway through the torture, Louis was almost made to sit down, but Louis was obviously not that cowardly person. With Catherine's protection, he was spared the fate of being tortured.

"If I want to torture him, I will deal with him alone. It's not your turn, not even Aunt Emma!" Catherine's attitude was extremely tough, swearing the little deer's sovereignty.

Because Catherine was so protective of Louis, Emma couldn't say anything else. She actually had a reason to be angry. After all, her two sisters were raped by this little bastard...

Ye Ziyan also looked distressed, but unfortunately she couldn't defeat Emma.

Halfway through the criticism, there was a knock on the door. It was Cedric. He looked around and saw that there were so many people in the room, and he suddenly felt a little reserved.

"Cedric!" Ron called out with tears in his eyes, as if he was seeing a relative.

If Cedric is a bit incompetent, what does our relationship have to do with him? You called me Butterboy last time, why are we so affectionate today?

When he looked up and saw the banner hanging above, he suddenly realized.

We are holding a criticism meeting for co-authoring this piece...

"What's the matter, Ced?" Louis raised his head and asked. Cedric's arrival made him a little surprised - why didn't this kid go and fight with Zhang Qiu? Why did he come here?

"I'll... uh, um..." Cedric said hesitantly, "You guys told me about the dragon. I owe you a favor. Listen, you know the golden egg, right? Open it. Will it make that shrill scream when you drop a golden egg?"

"Of course," Harry replied.

"Well, I suggest you take a bath, and then - um, take the golden egg, in hot water... um, think about it carefully, it will help you think, um, believe what I say."

Harry looked at him puzzled.

"Listen to me," Cedric said to Harry eagerly, "I don't need to worry about Catherine, but you... use the prefect's bathroom, which is the fourth to the left of the statue of Confused Boris on the sixth floor. Open the door, the password is fresh pineapple...Okay, that's all I can say, Qiu is still waiting for me outside...Will you say good night to me?"

I have to say that the atmosphere in this office is gradually getting hotter.

After Harry said good night, Cedric grinned at Harry and hurried downstairs to find Zhang Qiu.

"Oh Harry, would you like to say good night to me?" After Cedric left, Ron said to Harry in a sinister tone, causing the latter to hiccup happily.

"Oh my gosh, this atmosphere is so wrong. I think you should be careful with Diggory the Butterboy." Ron said solemnly, "I highly doubt he will lead you astray now... I'm so happy... …”

Hermione did not stop Ron from joking, but thought seriously: "What does he mean? Why do you stress opening the golden egg in the bathroom and ask us to pay attention to the hot water...could it be...this Are the golden eggs going to be opened underwater?”

Hermione, who has a high IQ, immediately guessed the blind spot.

"Anyway, I think we can try it." Harry suggested: "We can try a few more methods and brainstorm ideas..."

"I suggest we try separately. It would be nice if Catherine has me here to help her." Louis said with a smile.

"Uh... Okay." Harry nodded and glanced at Ron, "How about the two of us go back to the bathroom to get the golden eggs, and then go to the sixth floor to see what's going on?"

"Good idea!" Ron didn't want to stay in this place for a moment longer. As Ron's good brother, Harry naturally saw this, otherwise he wouldn't have called Ron with him when he ran away.

He really made me cry to death.

As soon as the two people left, Hagrid couldn't sit still and hurriedly slipped away, leaving only Louis and his family sitting on the sofa, looking at Louis in unison.

"What are you looking at me for?" Louis was a little flustered by the sight, and quickly turned to call Sakuya: "Sakuye, go put the bath water in..."

Half an hour later, the two of them were sitting in the bathtub, holding the golden eggs and staring in a daze.

"What should we do?" Catherine asked hesitantly, "Do we really have to listen to Miss Beaver and put this golden egg in the water and open it?"

Lewis changed into a comfortable position, put his arms on the edge of the bathtub, and said with a smile: "You can try it first. If it doesn't work, we'll just think of another way."

"Yeah." Catherine glanced at Louis, placed the golden egg between the two, and opened it from the middle with force.

This time, there was no scream like in the Slytherin lounge, but a gurgling song under the water. The song came from underwater, and it was difficult to hear what it was singing.

"It works!" Catherine said happily. "It seems that Miss Beaver's little head is quite smart. This method is quite good."

"I think you need to put your head under water, little moon." Louis said and added: "Of course, I still recommend that you get a waterproof hair soaking spell first, otherwise your hair will get wet."

Catherine put her hair up as instructed, snapped her fingers, and a bubble appeared on her head. She glanced at Lewis, lowered her head and sank into the water.

After a while, she raised her head and surfaced, looking at Lewis with a shy expression.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked doubtfully. He didn't offend him either... Why was he looking at me like this? He raised his arms and took a look somewhat unconfidently, but he didn't find anything wrong.

"Get out of here!" Catherine said angrily, "I don't even have the heart to listen to what it's singing!"

Louis groaned, stood up awkwardly, got out of the bathtub, and sat aside.

After Catherine glared at him, she lowered her head and entered the water again.

There was no interference this time, and she could finally listen carefully to what the golden egg was singing.

The voice was like a chorus, coming from a very far away place. It was ethereal and unreal, and it took a lot of effort for Catherine to hear it clearly.

"Look for us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing on the ground.

As you search, consider:

We took away your most beloved treasure,

You only have one hour,

To find and regain what we took,

After an hour all hope is gone,

It has completely disappeared and will never appear again..."

After singing, Catherine raised her head from the water, closed the golden egg and took it out of the water. She took a deep breath and looked forward thoughtfully.

"Did you hear that?" Louis leaned forward with concern, but was slapped on the belly by Catherine.

"I heard...it seems like he is threatening me to take away my most beloved treasure." Catherine looked at Louis thoughtfully and said, "Is it possible that they want to take you away? It seems reasonable..."

"Hey, hey, can you care about me? I'm about to be snatched away..." Lewis pretended to look pitiful.

"Why should I care about you?" Catherine snorted arrogantly, "I don't believe that anyone in the magical world can take you away without your will..."

"Don't talk too much, little moon." Louis sighed, "Heaven, hell, purgatory, none of them are something we can deal with, just like the fallen angel who chased mother... If it weren't for Lemo Nia, we’re all done.”

"Isn't that solved?" Catherine asked in confusion. She didn't understand why Louis was still so unhappy.

"After all, we are relying on the power of others. No matter how strong Chromie and the others are, it is their power, not ours. If one day we encounter a powerful enemy and they are not by our side, then what should we do... "Louis sighed softly, "This is why I always feel so urgent. This world is full of dangers."

"You have a point." Catherine nodded seriously.

"So don't be careless, but there shouldn't be any accidents in this event. It may not be that I will do whatever I want... Think about it, besides me, what other treasures do you have?"

In order not to worry Catherine, Louis deliberately changed the subject.

But Catherine shook her head and said that she didn't have any other treasures besides Louis.

"Okay, don't dwell on this issue anymore. In short, everything will be clear at that time. If you don't believe me, don't you still believe Principal Dumbledore?" Lewis said with a smile, "Even if I am captured, Dumbledore Principal Bullydo will also try his best to ensure our safety instead of leaving it alone - don't worry, if he really doesn't care, then the headlines the next day will definitely be a verbal attack on him..."

"I hope..." Catherine sighed softly, but her worried eyes revealed her mood.

On the second day of Christmas, everyone got up very late. The auditorium of Hogwarts was also much quieter than the previous days. People were chatting away, and sometimes they were chatting happily, but they were interrupted by yawns from time to time.

Speaking of which, Hermione's hair became messy again, no longer as smooth as it was at the ball.

She confessed to everyone that she had sprayed her hair with lots of Smoothing Spray in preparation for the prom.

"But it would be too much trouble to do this every day." She said matter-of-factly, scratching Crookshanks' ears, and the cat hummed in comfort.

Harry also found a clue. He was discussing something with Ron in a low voice. When he saw Louis coming, he approached him and asked him if he had found anything. Louis smiled and nodded, saying that of course he had found something.

"Take away our most beloved thing?" Harry whispered, looking up at Louis: "Are you going to take away my Hedwig, or my beloved Firebolt? Mamma Mia..."

He deliberately expressed his surprise in an exaggerated Italian sentence.

Louis did not expose it, but said with a smile: "I think there is a high probability that you will be asked to find your Firebolt, just like Catherine went to find her bow - God, I really don't know what this woman has about bows. What an obsession. The most accessories on her body are bows. I counted them this morning and found a total of twenty-six bows on her body..."

"That's scary enough." Louis shuddered.

As a result, he also forgot about the second project. Louis obviously didn't want Harry to be too happy. He asked quickly: "How did you do with your homework during the holiday? Especially the paper assigned by Professor Snape. If you didn't write it, he might be a little unhappy. ."

Harry's face suddenly fell.

"No, stop talking, Louis." Harry looked a little tangled, "Don't remind me of my homework. When you said that, I suddenly remembered that there are still two papers on Transfiguration that I haven't written yet... Oh my god, I feel really good. I need to keep Professor McGonagall away from Snape. As long as I get close to him, there will be no good. You see, there is nothing wrong with learning. You have to learn to give homework..."

"You don't understand Professor McGonagall and you make rash judgments!" Hermione stretched out a finger and growled in a low voice: "Harry! Professor McGonagall is also doing it for your own good. What kind of fun have you had during the holidays? Every day. I just play wizard cards with Ron, or have a pillow fight with my classmates in the dormitory, my God... I really can't figure out what's so good about playing, isn't it fun to learn from him?"

"Ghosts love to study!" Harry rolled his eyes, indicating that he was not a child who loved to study at all, "Study? Huh, learn..."

"What a waste of time." Ron quickly answered, "Okay Hermione, this is the second day of the Christmas holiday, why are you doing this? Let's spend this new year happily. Okay, you have to spoil the scenery like this..."

Hermione took a deep breath, and instead of getting angry as expected, she nodded with understanding: "You really shouldn't tighten the strings so tightly. Just play when it's time to play..."

"How did you become so reasonable?" Louis asked curiously. This is not Hermione's character. According to her temper, she must not roar at these two people first?

"I actually heard a lot of the criticism of Hagrid and Ron yesterday." Hermione said sincerely: "Sometimes I actually go too far, the relationship between two people, and the relationship between friends. The relationship should be relaxed and relaxed, rather than tightening the string blindly, otherwise sooner or later it will break."

"Well..." Ron raised his neck, coughed, and said awkwardly: "I'm glad you can figure this out, Hermione."

"But I still have to say it, Ron!" Hermione changed the subject: "Even if you don't write other papers, Professor Snape's Potions paper and Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration spell paper, these two You must finish your thesis...I don't want you to be left in the office by one of them..."

Ron thought about the happy experience in Snape's office and shuddered involuntarily.

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