I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 288 Stop being so sad and come and have a drink

The incident in class did not have any negative impact, but even though Professor Flitwick had a good temper, he still angrily deducted three points from Neville.

Neville didn't dare to make any protest at all, so he could only get points deducted. In fact, he was a little doubtful whether he was really brave enough to be picked up by Professor Flitwick.

Louis' conscience didn't hurt at all. After all, it was Neville who hit him with the cushion first. He was quite angry when he got up. Except for Catherine and Diana, and his grandfather and mother, no one else could even think of waking him up safely.

The last time Ye Ziyan disturbed his sleep, he didn't get out of bed for two days. From then on, she never called Louis again, unless she missed him a little.

Class is always boring, but time always slips away inadvertently, and soon it’s the day before the competition.

Although Catherine didn't know what she would face, she didn't panic at all. Her mind was not on the second project at all. Instead, she spent every day in the mirror world to improve her own strength.

In her words, instead of thinking about shortcuts to break the situation, it is better to improve your own strength and crush them all the way.

Damn it, senior sister, why are you starting to grow muscles in your head now?

Louis would never dare to say this strange thing, otherwise Catherine would easily ignore him for several days.

Harry did not have the same confidence as Catherine, but sat in the auditorium with his hands on his cheeks and stared in front of him in a daze. Ron and Hermione looked at him worriedly, not knowing how to comfort him.

Seeing Louis walking over, Ron immediately stood up and said excitedly: "Ah, Louis, what have you been doing these two days? Why haven't you been seen?"

"Stay at home." Louis replied simply and concisely.

As a nerd, letting him go out to play would be more uncomfortable than killing him.

Ron choked up at his words, "Good guy, this is the first time I've heard about you having this characteristic in the four years I've known you."

"Do you have any clues about the second project?" Hermione's voice was a little anxious: "We and Harry have been thinking about it for a long time and have no clue. Do you and Catherine have any good ideas?"

Louis shrugged and said with a smile: "Actually, I originally wanted to help Catherine find clues, but...Catherine told me that instead of looking for shortcuts, it is better to improve my strength and crush it, so..."

Having said this, Lewis spread his hands: "As an excellent boyfriend model, I will naturally respect my girlfriend's opinions."

In fact, it's not that Louis doesn't want to tell Harry what the next step is, the main thing is that there are many people helping this kid, and he is not the only one left. If nothing happens, Harry will receive an unexpected reminder tonight.

"Harry is already confused." Hermione looked away from the book on the table and shook her head like a good mother. Her tone was full of pity, "Every time he sees the word "water" in the book, he will If he jumps up, I can see that his face will become abnormal and his breathing will become rapid. I am really afraid that he will collapse before he can survive the game."

"I opened the book and looked it up. There is no classification in this book. The word 'water' is written on each crooked page." Louis almost couldn't hold back his laughter when he said this. "I can't sleep anyway, carefully." After reading for a long time, I finally saw the words between the words, and there were two words 'eating people' written all over the book!"

Brother Xun is old.

"I hope that water can really eat people," Harry suddenly stood up, his voice a little depressed: "It's really tiring to live, it would be nice if something could eat me in one bite..."

"Don't say depressing words, brother." Ron put his arm around Harry's shoulders and encouraged him: "We will always find a way. Don't we still have one day to think about it?"

Harry had an idea and straightened his back: "I remembered, I can become an Animagus... Oh my God, yes, why didn't I think of this problem, Animagus, Just like Sirius..."

"Indeed, I think it would be great to become a goldfish!" Ron suggested happily.

"Or a frog, I think an amphibian would be better suited to that environment." Harry yawned. He was too tired. He had been focusing on the second project all this time. He swore that he had never been so focused on anything...

But let Catherine say it, this kid actually thought about turning into a little frog with four eyes.

"It takes several years to become an Animagus, and then you have to register, which is a lot of trouble." Hermione poured cold water on Harry in a vague tone, trying to cool down his whims. She was squinting as she searched for the index of Weird Magical Puzzles and Their Solutions.

"The Animagus method is indeed good, but it's a bit late." Louis shrugged, "I think you should develop other methods. I heard that the Animagus requires very complicated procedures. Not only you can Just transform..."

"Professor McGonagall told us, I remember what you said." The smart Hermione immediately remembered the course of the year: "You must register with the Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic... What animal do you want to transform into, and what is special after the transformation? Mark so that no one can harm you...and so that you can become a legitimate Animagus."

"Hermione, I was just joking," Harry said weakly, "I know there is absolutely no way I will turn into a frog tomorrow morning, just to liven up the atmosphere." "

"Oh, that doesn't do anything at all," Hermione said, snapping shut "Weird Magical Puzzles and Solutions." "Even if you could be half tomorrow, that would be too weird, a human carrying a frog. Brain, oh my God…”

Hermione shuddered, her brainstorming ability was always very strong.

Harry, who just had the frog head, was already taking shape in her mind.

"I don't object," Fred's voice suddenly came, "This has become a topic for others, right? Think about it, a brave man with a frog's head is not only a good person in Hogwarts, but In history, even in the history of the Triwizard Tournament, nothing like this has ever happened, and you will definitely become the focus of the entire magical world."

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked up. Fred and George had just walked over from not far away.

"Hi Louis." The twins circled Louis from left to right and greeted him cordially.

"Hi, Weasleys." Louis used a "we" to shorten his answer.

"What are you two doing here?" Ron asked.

"Looking for you," said George. "Professor McGonagall has asked you to go, Ron, and you, Hermione."

"What?" Hermione asked, looking surprised.

"We are going to take you to her office and say hello to you beforehand. Her expression was not very friendly at the time." Fred said, with a somewhat malicious tone and a sinister smile.

Ron and Hermione looked at Harry, and Harry felt his heart sink. Is Professor McGonagall going to reprimand Ron and Hermione? Maybe she had noticed them helping him?

Hey, according to the rules, he should figure out how to complete the competition event by himself! It's okay now, I tricked two good friends...

Harry regrets it now, very, very much...

"I'll meet you in the common room, Harry," Hermione said to Harry, giving him a reassuring look before getting up and leaving with Ron.

"It was me who got them both involved." Harry looked up to the sky and sighed as if he was about to cry. His expression looked very much like Zheng Dashi who shed tears during the World Cup.

Needless to say, Hermione's kindness has indeed grown. Without Hermione's existence, he and Ron would have finished playing with each other sooner or later.

Hermione: I have paid so much for this family!

"Don't worry, it could be something else." Louis sat next to Harry and comforted him: "Look at it a bit, maybe the two of them were too passionate about adultery outside, and the influence was not good, so Professor McGonagall Will you talk to them?"

"Oh, we don't rule out this possibility." Harry nodded, as if he had been enlightened by Louis.

"I suggest you do targeted underwater training, Harry." Louis knocked on the table: "It's definitely not too late to start practicing the Bubble Charm now. Maybe you can try other methods... For example, ask Neville , is there any herbal medicine that can allow you to breathe freely underwater? Although Neville is a bit stupid, he is definitely a genius in herbalism and swordsmanship."

"Swordsmanship?" Harry grasped the blind spot keenly.

"Don't worry about these details." Louis spread his hands: "The way out for a person is not just to learn spells. If you learn herbal medicine, you can also contribute to the cause of the magic world, right?"

"What you said makes sense," Harry nodded solemnly, "Then I'll go ask Neville and see if there's anything else I can gain."

After Harry finished speaking, he left happily.

Louis shook his head and smiled. He mainly wanted to leave this favor to Dobby. After all, the relationship between the two was not so harmonious - it was not that they were not harmonious, but Harry still had some grudges in his heart.

If the opportunity is given, it depends on whether Dobby can seize it. Thinking of this, Lewis felt that his image was getting taller.

Of course, he didn't have much time to indulge himself. Soon Draco came over and said that Professor Snape invited him.

By the way, since Emma left, Hogwarts has reverted to Snape's substitute teaching mode, and the students have been filled with complaints and grief.

Lewis didn't know why Professor Snape wanted to come to him despite his busy schedule. Since he called, it meant that not only was there something, but there must be something.

Arriving at the door of Snape's office, he knocked on the door. Without waiting for Snape's consent, Louis opened the door and walked in.

Ah, no wonder the smell outside is so weird, it turns out that Snape is brewing a potion...

So weird, take another whiff.

While smelling it, Lewis didn't forget to ask a question: "Professor, why did you come to see me?"

"Do you have any idea about the second project?" Professor Snape asked calmly.

"Ah? You should ask Catherine, why are you asking me? I am not the warrior of Slytherin..."

Snape snorted: "Of course I'm looking for you. Listen, the second project is to find people underwater, so I need your cooperation. Since you are the person Miss Worley cares about most, it stands to reason that you should also be hostage."

"You want me to be a princess, and Catherine is the knight who saves me?" Louis asked with squinting eyes.

"You can understand it that way, and there's nothing wrong with even thinking that way." Snape spread his hands: "Of course, I suggest you say hello to Miss Worley in advance. I'm really afraid that she will destroy the entire lake in a hurry. Evaporate away..."

"You're exaggerating, Professor." Louis curled his lips: "The evaporating lake... My Catherine is a gentle and considerate woman, how could she be such a humanoid Gundam?"

"You know it yourself." Snape didn't bother to expose him: "You definitely know better than me what exactly Miss Worley will do."

Lewis thought for a while and shuddered.

According to Catherine's character, if someone really caught him, it would be a trivial matter to hide him in the lake and evaporate the lake water.

"You go and say hello to her first, I'll wait for you in the office," Professor Snape said, glancing at the clock on the wall: "I'll give you an hour, we'll meet here."

"Okay professor," Louis said, turning and sneaking out of the classroom.

He also knew that this was a spoiler given to them both by Snape in advance. As the dean who had always been protective of calves, he certainly hoped that Catherine could win the Triwizard Tournament.

Two months have passed, and Louis' office has returned to its usual liveliness and laughter. Except for Emma's absence, everything is as usual.

The shadow of the Ancient God has long since faded. After all, Chromie and Emma are investigating, so it's useless for them to be anxious.

Louis rubbed Ye Ziyan who was practicing calligraphy, and happily walked towards the Mirror of Erised amidst her scolding.

The feeling is exactly the same as the clean street tiger dude in ancient times.

Catherine was not happy about being interrupted. She was happily crisscrossing the city of Lothrik with lightning, but when she saw it was Louis, her eyes softened.

"What's wrong, little deer?" she asked with concern.

Louis told Catherine exactly what Snape had just said.

Catherine frowned and asked in a bad tone: "How can this be done? I soak you in water. What if something happens?"

"So I need you to save me..." Louis chuckled: "You should be happy to give you this opportunity to save a hero. Stop making a sad face and come have a drink?"

With that said, he picked up the juice jar on the table, poured a glass of juice and handed it to Catherine.

Fortunately, today was not the occasion when a female college student sang "I Love You" nearby, otherwise Louis would not be able to get away with the crime of aiding in civil strife.

Catherine took the juice and drank it gracefully. She looked at Louis. Although she believed in her little deer's strength, she was always a little unhappy.

Who came up with this bad idea of ​​betting on your lover? Catherine wanted to give him a fire spell.

"Do you have any good way to get into the water?" Louis suddenly remembered: "I remember you don't know how to get into the water? This project is underwater..."

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