I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 289 Catherine’s Melancholy

"Don't worry, of course I have a good idea." Catherine's eyes were full of confidence.

But Louis was a little uncomfortable and asked coyly: "What, do you want to wear a swimsuit and go into the water?"

Catherine was about to answer, but she saw the awkwardness on Louis' face, so she smiled and put her arms around his neck: "Of course, do you want me to go into the water wearing a robe? Oh my god, that will take me to the bottom of the water. …”

Because Catherine was leaning against his forehead, Louis could not see the playful smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Ah..." Louis said a little dryly, putting his hands on Catherine's slender waist, then hugged her, buried his head, and said in a muffled voice: "How about..."

After all, he didn't say the words "Don't participate in this project". This was Catherine's wish. How could he bear to stop it.

"What else?" Catherine breathed in his ear.

How could Louis have the time to think about these beauties? He was so petty that he didn't want others to see his girlfriend's good figure.

"It's okay." He said dullly.

"Then I'm going to participate like this?" Catherine continued to tease him.

"Don't..." Louis' voice was still muffled.

"Why is that?" Catherine bit Louis' earlobe with a smile: "Can you please tell me..."

Louis shook his head, and Catherine continued with a smile: "Let me guess, you don't want people to see me in a swimsuit? Well, you are such a possessive little deer..."

While speaking, Catherine's pink lips lightly pressed on Louis' neck.

"Where...how can there be..." How could Louis admit it, joking, what would he look like?

"The duplicitous little deer is so cute." Catherine Joan nuzzled Louis' ear: "Well, since you are not happy, then I will give up."

"No!" Louis suddenly pulled out his head: "Winning the Triwizard Tournament is your wish, how could I be selfish..."

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore..." Catherine smiled happily, with watery eyes: "I know a magic spell that allows you to enter the water without touching it. Of course, the specific details must be kept secret from you, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Lewis angrily pinned him down on the sofa.

"Are you angry with me on purpose?" Louis asked angrily.

Catherine tilted her head and said proudly: "Of course, teasing a certain frank deer is one of my few hobbies..."

"Hey... I've turned against you..." Louis was just about to teach his disobedient girlfriend a lesson when he suddenly remembered Snape's reminder.

See you in the office in an hour.

"Forget it," Louis put down his paws and said under Catherine's puzzled gaze: "If Professor Snape hadn't asked me to report back to him in an hour, I would have had to treat you, a little goblin, today!"

"Huh." Catherine rolled her eyes with a charming look, and Louis felt as if his heart had skipped a beat.

Oh my god, this sister who has always been aloof suddenly starts to act like a charmer, it’s really uncontrollable...

Even though the two have been together for so long, Louis is still not immune to Catherine's charm.

The two chatted for a while. Although it was due to acting, they still felt reluctant and uneasy.

Back in Snape's office, Professor Snape stood up without saying anything, shook his greasy head, and motioned for him to follow.

Halfway through, Louis asked curiously: "Professor, what did Aunt Lily say to you? Why do you feel like you have changed?"

Snape said nothing, and after a while he said calmly: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

Louis shrugged his shoulders.

It seems that he has not been forgiven.

But think about it, Snape's scolding was quite vicious. Many people can't get that kind of cruelty, and think that Lily is making a fuss. In fact, if you change the scene, this kind of lethality is probably equivalent to you helping a Liben who is being bullied by Liben, while the person you are helping is... Shouting at you: "I don't need your help!"

How about it, do you still think Lily is making a fuss out of a molehill? It can only be said that Lily's quality is still too high.

Anyone with a bad temper would have to be a loud mouther.

When he arrived at the principal's office, Louis found that there were quite a lot of people, but after searching for a long time, he only found Ron but not Hermione. Out of curiosity, he came to Ron, kicked his heels and asked, "Where's Hermione? Weren't you both called away by Professor McGonagall?"

"Oh, Professor McGonagall asked Hermione to go back first. The reason for calling her was just to prevent her from worrying because I was gone. Hermione's need for control, you know..." Ron shrugged, as if selling fish. The hadrons all have tracheitis.

Louis then remembered that Hermione was not Viktor Krum's dance partner, so it was not her turn to be rescued.

"She's not angry?" Lewis asked with a twitch in his mind.

"Ah?" Ron was a little confused, "Why is she angry? Oh, you mean to ask me to participate in such a dangerous activity..." As he said, he swallowed the chocolate wafer in his mouth: "Hermione is still very good at this. Open-minded, she feels that I really need some experience..."

As he said that, he approached Louis and said in an extremely weak voice: "I suspect that Professor McGonagall, an old-fashioned man, also wants Hermione to tip off the news. You see, according to how smart my Hermione is, Harry will definitely keep it tomorrow." Method."

"You know I didn't mean that for that reason." Louis reached into Ron's pocket and took out a bag of wafers.

Ron snorted and asked, "Then what do you mean, I don't quite understand..."

"Her boyfriend is actually the most important thing to others. Doesn't this make her jealous?" Lewis said helplessly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ron's eyes widened. This was an angle he had never imagined, and other people talking to each other in the principal's room also turned their attention to these two people.

Nothing else, mainly because the news was a bit exciting, and the British people present were not surprised, but the foreigners were obviously not used to this kind of impact.

"Don't talk nonsense, Louis." Ron snatched the wafer from Louis' hand and glared at him: "You will lose me as a friend..."

"I'm just thinking about the problem from another angle, sorry, Ron." Louis said cheerfully.

Soon, Dumbledore, Mrs. Maxim and Karkaroff came to the principal's office, accompanied by two other staff members, Mr. Lovegood and Ludo Bagman. After a brief introduction, After the mission, they announced that they would sleep on the floor in the principal's office tonight.

The three people at Hogwarts are next to each other. In addition to Ron and Louis, there is also Zhang Qiu. She is the person Cedric wants to rescue.

"You're a little nervous, Xiao Zhang." Lewis looked at the absent-minded Zhang Qiu and said with a smile.

"How can I not be nervous..." Zhang Qiu bit his lip and glared at Louis again: "Also, I am older than you, you are not allowed to call me Xiao Zhang..."

"Then Lao Zhang is not suitable either!" Louis slapped his thigh: "I heard that "Lao Zhang" is a homophone of "Old Cockroach", which is the big cockroach. That's what my mother called Professor Dumbledore's food... "

Zhang Qiu was discouraged, she knew that Louis could not spit out the ivory.

"Okay, don't be nervous." Louis smiled and comforted: "Look away, there is a powerful wizard like Dumbledore protecting your safety, and the principals of the three major colleges are waiting for you alone, how lucky can you be?"

"Why are these words so familiar to me?" Zhang Qiu asked with some confusion.

"Of course you are familiar with Mr. Lao She's "Teahouse"..." Louis spread his hands.

Zhang Qiu suddenly realized that he looked at Louis with admiration, extended his thumb and praised: "As expected of His Highness, he has such a wide range of knowledge, he has even read Siris's literary works..."

Louis thought to himself, I have to recite the Tengwang Pavilion preface to you on the spot, so you can’t pass out? After all, I also received education in Siris for more than ten years.

But he couldn't say this, he could only laugh twice.

The rescue targets of other academy warriors are more complicated. Fleur's hostage is her sister Gabrielle Delacour. The scared little girl is holding a pillow and doesn't know what to do. Should Louis let Zhang Qiu take her to her? It took him a long time to comfort him before he calmed down.

Marilyn's hostage is her brother Charles Chabanol - actually Charles is the French pronunciation of Charles.

For example, Charles De Gaulle, because he is French, is translated as Charles de Gaulle, while Louis' cousin is British, so he must be called Charles.

It’s all knowledge, there’s no end to learning, it’s too deep.

Vasily's hostage is his girlfriend, a bastard, what's her name...Yelena Alexeyevna...Louis didn't remember the last name clearly, it seems to be some kind of Skaya, but she can tell by her patronymic. You know, her father’s name is definitely Alexei…

Viktor's hostage is his good friend Carol, a classmate of his whom Louis has seen in the crowd.

It can be regarded as a bit clear-cut. Except for Gabrielle who sleeps next to Zhang Qiu, everyone else is separated according to school.

Early the next morning, when it was still dark, they were woken up, and then they swallowed the potion that Snape had prepared. The unconscious "hostages" were taken away by the staff, and Louis was no exception. The effect of the medicine was so strong that it felt like it could knock down a fire dragon.

There is no fuze among those who hope to save the "hostages", and there will be no nonsense about Hostage K.I.A.

Unlike Louis, who was heartless, Catherine had a sleepless night, worrying that something might happen to this project and her fawn would be injured.

Soon she began to deny herself, how could she think so?

As dawn approached, she finally gave up the idea of ​​sleeping, sat up from the bed, and called Sakuya.

"Young Madam." Sakuya bowed slightly.

"Let Asro prepare breakfast, I can't sleep." Catherine sighed melancholy and took the clothes Sakuya handed over.

"Okay." Sakuya turned and left. There was no need to ask what was for breakfast. The English breakfast was just the same.

In fact, the English breakfast is not unpalatable. On the contrary, it tastes pretty good. At least Louis and Emma can accept it.

Catherine came to the table. Sakuya had already prepared a sumptuous breakfast for her. After carefully wrapping a napkin around her, Sakuya stood quietly behind Catherine.

This is the quality of a professional maid.

In fact, in the Scarlet Devil Mansion in Gensokyo, Sakuya not only shouldered the responsibilities of the head maid, she also took on the housekeeper's job, which shows her talent.

Even if she was in a bad mood, Catherine still finished her meal quietly. After all, there would be a fierce battle to be fought soon - if it weren't for Louis, she would never be so serious.

She picked up the napkin on her lap and wiped her seductive red lips. After a while, she suddenly said: "Sakuya?"

"I'm here." Sakuya took a step forward, leaned forward slightly and put his head close to Catherine.

"You said..." Catherine hesitated for a long time before speaking: "I always feel uneasy. What's going on?"

"You care too much about the young master." Sakuya pursed her lips and chuckled: "This is human nature. Don't worry, with the young master's strength, nothing will harm him..."

"Yes." Catherine responded with a nasal voice. She felt that what Sakuya said made sense, so she stopped thinking about it and instead thought about how to save people quickly.

The waiting was excruciating. Catherine had never felt that time was so long. It was like a century had passed before Sakuya came to inform her that it was time to compete.

She wore a robe suit that she usually wears in the academy, and after briefly tidying up her appearance, she set off.

There were only a few people left in the castle, and everyone had gone to the venue to watch the game in advance. There were more people dining in the auditorium, but not too much.

She walked through the two oak doors and into the grounds outside.

The morning in February was still quite cold, and the wind blew across Catherine's face, but it couldn't break through the obstruction of the scarf. Catherine tightened her clothes and continued walking outside. As she walked down the lawn, she saw that the seats where the first project was carried out last year were now surrounding the lakeside of the second project, which had already been It was a packed house, and it seemed like everyone got up very early.

However, those seats were only in a half circle, after all, the lake was quite large.

Catherine didn't care about these seats. She stretched out her white lace-gloved hands to smooth her hair, straighten the bow on her temples, and then walked towards Dumbledore.

They were sitting at a table covered with a golden tablecloth, but not everyone was here. Harry, Marilyn and Vasily hadn't arrived yet.

Walking to the table, Madame Maxime nodded kindly to Catherine to say hello. She liked this outstanding and aloof girl very much, and Catherine smiled and bowed in response.

"Oh, you're here, Catherine." Dumbledore began to say hello after seeing Catherine coming, "Are you still used to living without Louis?"

Catherine's lips raised slightly: "It's not bad."

Everyone noticed Catherine's dress. She obviously didn't mean to go into the water - even if it was cold outside, a normal person who wanted to go into the water would not be wearing a shirt and a bow, let alone wearing a skirt and leggings...

Are you here for a spring outing?

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