I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 301 Little Fox Louis

As the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore warmly welcomed the arrival of the Pandaria representatives.

Dumbledore said that he sincerely welcomes the arrival of Pandaria representatives and that Hogwarts is willing to work with Pandaria to uphold the principles of mutual benefit, mutual trust and mutual assistance to build a harmonious and beautiful world together.

Zhu Taran spoke highly of Principal Dumbledore and Hogwarts, and hoped that the two sides would further strengthen exchanges and visits and deepen practical cooperation.

During the meeting, the two parties had an in-depth exchange of opinions and agreed that the bottom line should not be touched. Like Voldemort and his servants, the Death Eaters, their behavior was anti-social and anti-life. They were completely seeking their own destruction. Pandaria was willing to cooperate with Huo Gwartz worked together to pursue Voldemort and his minions, firmly said "no" to the Voldemort group who attempted to destroy the harmonious and beautiful magical world, and resolutely stopped them from harming and destroying the world.

Of course, Professor Snape also got the results he wanted. Raindrops, mint leaves, golden lotus, and fool's mushrooms were all supplied to him. The Shado-Pan was rich and powerful. This may be the result of ten thousand years of accumulation. The bottom line is that the condition is to provide one gallon of truth serum every month.

Professor Snape knew very well that he should not ask questions. He was a person who fully respected buyers and would never ask who bought medicine for what purpose. Even if he was buying poison, he would not ask who was poisoning him.

This is the cultivation of a qualified pharmacist. Good children should not learn from it.

Now that the tone of jointly dealing with Voldemort had been set, Principal Dumbledore relaxed. It was time for dinner, and he invited the three pandas to dine together in the auditorium.

I'm not worried that my classmates will feel scared. After all, they have seen a lot of magical creatures, including Veela. What's missing is the Pandaren?

Perhaps they will see more bizarre races in the future, so it would be a good idea to see the Pandaren now to get a vaccination.

As expected by Louis, when they appeared in the auditorium, the noisy auditorium fell silent instantly. Everyone stared at the three pandas who appeared in the auditorium. The most exaggerated were the Weasley twins, holding a piece of cake in their hands. I dipped the bread in cream of mushroom soup and even forgot to put it in my mouth.

Due to Ms. Rita Skeeter's overtime work on the Daily Prophet, the students had already seen things about the other world before class in the afternoon, so they had a little understanding of the pandas who suddenly appeared in the auditorium. A little mental preparation.

Durmstrang and Beauxbatons' classmates were the same, looking at the pandas intently. I used to like pandas very much when my classmates were this age. Now that I saw the panda man, how could I not stare at it for a while?

Dumbledore led the pandas and Louis to the guest seat. After the pandas sat down, he stretched out his arms to signal the students to be quiet.

"Students, I think you have read this afternoon's newspaper," Dumbledore said loudly: "These three are Pandaren from Pandaria. Of course, they are also our friends. After friendly consultations, we , have decided to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with Pandaria...Now, please welcome the arrival of the three friends with a round of applause!"

There was warm applause and cheers from below. Ron stared at Old Chen intently, tilted his head and whispered to Harry: "I think this must be something caused by Louis. Let's go to his office to ask about it later." , let him introduce these panda friends to us, what do you think?"

"That's a great idea, Ron," Harry replied with a grin.

After the introduction, Dumbledore was about to introduce himself to the three pandas, but suddenly remembered that they might not be able to write well in English and didn't know what kind of food was available at Hogwarts, so he knocked on the table and Aslo answered. Coming, looking at Dumbledore with cute eyes, waiting for his instructions.

"Go and prepare three menus for the three guests." Dumbledore said simply.

Aslo disappeared in response, and soon returned to his original position with three menus with pictures and texts, and handed them to Dumbledore.

After Dumbledore took the menu, he handed it to the pandaman.

"Ha... I think your country must have a lot of traditional food, right?" Lao Chen asked with a smile, holding the menu.

Louis' face froze, how should he answer this question, what traditional food do you want to eat? fish and chips? Canned corned beef? Or look up to the stars?

This is somewhat hard to say... Compared to a gourmet destination like Pandaria, England is a bit... a bit...


Louis could only describe it this way. Now he misses his previous life very much - Siris in his previous life was not inferior to others in terms of food.

"Try this French food, hey, it's authentic." Louis could only point to the French food on the menu, and introduced with a slight guilt: "Well, this Italian food is also good, and there is German food, you didn't know , that sauerkraut with roasted pork knuckle, it’s really amazing, hey, authentic.”

Yes, our old Berlin Zhengheiqi and nothing else are all authentic.

Otherwise, most of the public praise the sewers built by the Germans, which were built by digging tunnels.

"Then I'll have a roasted pork knuckle with sauerkraut." Lao Chen flicked the menu, "and a sausage platter, a braised tripe, and a Ligurian pizza... um... ah, This cream of mushroom soup looks good, go with a baguette.”

Pandaren eat a lot, and Lao Chen's appetite is really normal.

If Durmstrang hadn't come over recently, it's not sure whether roast pork knuckle would be on the menu at Hogwarts.

Zhu Taran and Tao Ya also followed suit in ordering food. The speed of the Hogwarts house elves shocked them. Not long after, the dishes they had just ordered were placed in front of them.

"Haha, when I saw the delicious food, I couldn't help it." Lao Chen skillfully picked up the knife and fork and sighed: "Actually, it is the chopsticks that make me feel more comfortable, but there is no way, just do as the Romans do... I remember that I once visited the kingdom of humans, Lordaeron, yes, I learned how to use a knife and fork there."

As he spoke, he cut off a piece of crispy skin from the elbow, dipped it in some yellow mustard, put it in his mouth, and closed his eyes in contentment.

After a while, he opened his eyes and said with a smile: "Family, food, and friends, this is the most important thing!"

As he said that, he also looked at Lewis and Dumbledore: "I hope you can come to Pandaria to play and feel the customs and customs of Pandaria - of course, don't forget, I'll invite you next time."

Well, this was a sentence that drove Louis crazy. He had never seen a panda actually treat him to dinner.

"Then it's settled, Mr. Stormstout." Dumbledore nodded with a smile, "As for Pandaria, I'm also looking forward to going there to relax one day."

"No problem, I'll treat you next time." Lao Chen muttered again, no longer using a knife and fork, he stretched out his palms and split his elbows and started gobbling.

It seems that this pork knuckle won his heart.

During the meal, Lewis did not forget to chat with Principal Dumbledore. He glanced at Old Chen, who was still devouring his food, and asked Dumbledore: "Headmaster, how was your communication with them at the Ministry of Magic just now?"

Dumbledore fiddled with the fries on the plate and said absently: "Fortunately, Connelly did not express clear support or opposition. He is an old non-stick pan player. Several other directors expressed their opinions. This incident has mixed reviews. Supporters believe that this is a good opportunity for wizards to walk openly in the sun, while opponents believe that this new world is full of unknown risks."

"Risks always coexist with opportunities. They should understand this." Louis picked up the cup and took a sip of juice: "My grandfather once heard the fishermen say that the bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish. Nothing in this world is guaranteed to happen." ?”

"It's nothing more than trying to take advantage of the opportunity," Dumbledore said with a chuckle: "I can say that I know these Ministry of Magic officials very well."

"Cherish your life when you do big things, but forget your life when you see small gains?" Louis asked with a smile.

"Your description is very accurate." Dumbledore also smiled. This young man, Lewis, could always think of him together, and he was indeed his designated successor.

After laughing for a while, Professor Dumbledore continued: "Officials from the Ministry of Magic believe that in addition to the original Hogwarts and King's Cross stations, as well as Godric's Hollow, one or two buildings can be added to the Ministry of Magic building. The node of the world... There was also the French Minister of Magic who was at the Ministry of Magic at that time. He wanted to meet you and asked me to ask your opinion?"

"What does he want to see me for?" Louis put down the juice cup.

"I just want to talk to you about when the French wizarding world will be included in the other world. I think anyone who is not a fool will definitely understand the importance of the other world to wizards." Dumbledore smiled and continued Said: "The technological development of Muggles is advancing with each passing day. Sooner or later, they will invent technology that can penetrate the Muggle expulsion spell. At that time, it is inevitable that a small group of people with ulterior motives will sow opposition between the wizarding world and Muggles. In fact, It’s okay for the two worlds to maintain their status quo, as long as the wizards are in a safe enough situation.”

"And you, Louis, your other world provides everyone with such an opportunity." Principal Dumbledore put down his knife and fork and looked at Louis with burning eyes. "I believe that it won't be long before the International Federation of Wizards will send Someone come and talk to you."

"Aren't you the president of the International Federation of Wizards?" Louis asked hesitantly. He didn't know what medicine Dumbledore was selling in his gourd.

"The president is not the king and cannot control everything. Even the king cannot completely decide everything." Dumbledore shrugged and said easily: "I am the principal of Hogwarts and a member of the British wizarding community. People, do you think I can represent the interests of the German magical community?"

"That's right." Lewis was happy. He was about to say something, but he heard Dumbledore's leisurely words again.

"Actually, I think it must be very hard for you, who shoulder the important task of connecting the inner world and the magical world, and don't even have time to attend Hogwarts classes."

Lewis quickly smiled and denied: "You are overthinking it, Professor Dumbledore. In fact, I am not..."

"Of course you are working hard. Including the British wizarding world into this world has used up all your magic power, as well as the various potions collected by Professor Snape. Why aren't you working hard?" Dumbledore looked at him with a half-smile. With Louis.

Dumbledore's subtext is that you can't help in vain, you have to get some benefits no matter what.

Lewis realized it immediately, and he immediately climbed up the pole: "Professor, you are right, it is indeed very hard. This work is not done by humans. Alas... I should not be carrying this burden at such a young age. Some responsibilities are actually quite tiring.”

Professor Dumbledore stroked his beard and showed a teachable expression.

Louis thought to himself that I have been following you, an old fox, for a long time and I have learned bad things. Now I am almost turning into a little fox...

"I will count the potions and herbs I have consumed during this period." Professor Snape said coldly. Louis always felt that Snape's smile was a bit bloodthirsty. He shuddered, feeling that some people wanted to Bleeding profusely.

Dumbledore said to Louis in a voice that only two people could hear: "The wizarding world is not a place suitable for you to carry forward the so-called 'internationalist spirit'. What I want to tell you is that these stubborn old guys are afraid of power." If you let them participate in the affairs of the other world at no cost, they will doubt your motives; if you set a price that seems too high for them to accept, they will believe that sometimes people It’s just so weird.”

"I understand, Professor." Louis nodded. The valuable life lessons taught by Dumbledore were suitable for him to learn. After all, he is still a figure.

After the main course, there is a traditional dessert. Tao Ya likes sweets very much. She asked Asluo to add three or four portions of pudding to her. Until Zhu Taran stopped her, she reluctantly threw down the pudding box and lay on the table angrily.

"I'm doing it for your own good, Tao Ya." Zhu Taran took a small spoonful of pudding with a spoon and put it in his mouth. A look of satisfaction appeared on the panda's face: "As a sharp sword in the shadow, you must always pay attention to your Body management, sweets will make people fat, and when you become as fat as Lao Chen, I will see how you can still use Qinggong."

Tao Ya knew what Zhu Talan said made sense, but she was just angry and had a bun face, which was quite cute.

Louis muttered a few words silently, "I am not a Furikon. I am not a Furikon." He turned to Professor Snape and said, "Professor, I would like to ask you to help me with a small thing."

Without raising his eyelids, Snape said "Hmm" in a nasal tone.

Louis had long been accustomed to the way of communicating with Snape, and he was not angry. He said with a smile: "I know Karkaroff has been pestering you recently, which is a bit annoying. Leave this trouble to me. You can let him spend the night." How about coming to my office when you are here?"

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