I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 302 Have you tricked us enough? Question from Hermione

After hearing what Louis said, Snape's eyes became sharp for a moment, as if he wanted to see Louis through. After examining Louis for a while, he lowered his head and continued to cut the bacon on the plate, still in that emotionless tone: "You want to see Karkaroff? Do you know who he is?"

"Everyone on earth knows about Death Eaters." Louis made a little joke.

"Since you know, why are you still looking for him?" Snape didn't even raise his head, forked a piece of bacon and stuffed it into his mouth, his tone was a little unclear, "It's been too late for me to hide from him recently, but it's good for you, you actually I still want to find him... You probably don’t know how Miss Worley made a big fool of him in public during the second project, right?"

"Is this the problem?" Louis asked with a raised eyebrow. He didn't think people like Karkaroff would have any prejudice against him because of this little thing - of course, provided there were enough interests.

Snape shook his hair, raised his head and looked at Louis for a while, and said in a greasy nasal voice: "Well, if you want, I will notify him to go to your office at eight o'clock tonight."

"Thank you, Professor, you are such a good person." Louis sent Snape a good person card.

Snape said with a smile: "Thank you, you are also a good person."

Good guy, Gusu Murong's unique skill is to use the other person's way to repay the other person's body.

Louis was choked. He found that Snape's speech was not very flexible and it was difficult to take advantage of him in words.

If nothing else, he must have trained with James and the others.

"Has anyone ever said you have a sharp tongue?" Louis said jokingly.

"Of course, but many of them are either dead or in Azkaban." Professor Snape twitched his lips, his tone seemed to be showing off.

There was nothing wrong with what he said. The one who died should refer to James, and the one in Azkaban was probably the Death Eater who sang "Tears Behind Bars".

"You should be the only one who can take advantage of Severus in terms of words." Dumbledore commented with a smile: "I have seen Severus get angry more than once after you said a few words. Let me think about it. The one time should be when the first-year freshmen were admitted, right? You mentioned Severus' sad past..."

"I didn't expect you, principal, to have a voyeuristic habit!" Louis pretended to be surprised.

"What's the point? I've long been used to it." Snape snorted: "Everyone in Gryffindor has this habit. You have such a close relationship with Scarhead, the red-haired troll and Miss Know-It-All. Okay, don’t you know?”

"This is really the first time I've heard of it." Louis understood and began to work with Snape, teasing Dumbledore one by one.

"Years of study experience at Hogwarts tell me that you must stay away from Gryffindor," Snape glanced at Dumbledore who was still eating without leaving any trace, "especially the older ones, I have always I’m curious why a lion turns into a fox when it grows up..."

"It's all in the category of biology, and it's theoretically normal." Louis chuckled and said, "If you think so, at least it didn't turn into a gourd, right?"

"You're right Louis," Professor Snape teased cheerfully: "Your mother often said that those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black. I think you are also developing in the direction of a fox."

Louis glanced at Snape and said he didn't want to pay attention to him.

This man is really serious, let alone James, even he wants to shoot the Golden Bell.

What kind of AOE indiscriminate attacking player with a sharp tongue...

After dinner, under Dumbledore's warm invitation, the three people from Pandaria chose to stay at Hogwarts for the night - of course, it was definitely not because the food at Hogwarts was delicious. Absolutely not.

When Lao Chen thought about this sentence, he had no confidence.

To be fair, French food is indeed worthy of being named one of the three major cuisines in the world. In fact, according to Western arguments, Italian food also belongs to French cuisine. Of course, Italians are determined not to recognize this.

Louis is not the kind of arrogant person who wantonly praises himself and crazily belittles others. Of course, he is also very disgusted with those people on the Internet who imitate these tricks. The ruler is short and the inch is strong. The one that suits him is the one. the best.

The three pandas were arranged in the guest room of Hogwarts. If they needed anything, they could call the house elves for help at any time.

When going back, Louis was blocked on the road by three little ones.

"What's the matter with you three?" Louis asked straight to the point. Waiting for him on the road so anxiously, it seems that the three little ones are not only occupied, but must be occupied.

"We would like to ask you where you met these three... uh..."

Harry thought for a long time and couldn't remember what the panda people should say. Seeing his embarrassment, Louis said it for him: "You mean the panda people? Oh, a new continent has appeared on the edge of Britain in the other world, and people living on it The main ethnic group is the Panda people."

"Cool." Ron grinned happily: "Can we go take a look? It sounds very fresh..."

In fact, Louis had never thought about this matter. When Ron mentioned it, thinking about the aura of the three of them in this world and their ridiculous luck, it would be good to play in the past, so he said: "I personally have no objections. , but after our vacation, I will suggest that Principal Dumbledore organize some students to go to Pandaria to experience the customs and customs there."

"That's great, that's cool Louis!" Ron smiled eagerly. This kid is restless at heart. He was the happiest and happiest when he heard that he could go to Pandaria.

"But I can tell you," Louis stretched out a finger: "Pandaria is not safe either. There are vicious mantids there, and there are yungols who like to plunder - just like the Viking barbarians back then. Of course, the remnants of Voldemort and Wormtail also went to Pandaria, so you three should pay attention to your safety."

"Voldemort went too?" Harry, instead of being scared, actually became excited. He clenched his fists and said excitedly: "Well, he went, well, he went, well, Ron, what do you think? Think of a way. , Fuck him?"

Good guy, where did you learn this?

"That's so rude, Harry." Hermione slapped her nose with her hand in disgust: "Where did you learn such rude words? Good children can't learn this..."

"Okay, then let's find a way to create a little trouble for Voldemort." At this time, Harry was not like that before, when he was beaten by Voldemort in the Riddle family cemetery. He was still in a state where a newborn calf was not afraid of everything. After so many years of training in the mirror world, he thought he could face at least two Death Eaters without losing.

In fact, he was right. He overestimated the strength of ordinary Death Eaters, but also underestimated Voldemort's strength.

As the saying goes, blackening is twice as strong and whitening is three times weaker. The same is true in the wizarding world. Although magic is very powerful, black magic is even stronger. The Dark Lord who is proficient in all kinds of black magic is not a young man like Harry. Can be dealt with.

Not to mention that Voldemort may have already hooked up with Y'Shaarj.

"I still suggest that you keep a low profile and be humble, Harry." Hermione's expression was extremely serious. "After all, Voldemort is in the dark, and we are in the open. In short, don't take it lightly. You never want your godfather to do it because of you. Are you hurt and sad?”

"Hmm..." When it came to Sirius, Harry still listened to the advice.

"We can go to a safer place to play." Seeing that Harry was not very interested, Ron suggested: "Louis should know a lot about that continent. Is there any place you recommend that is suitable for us to play? of?"

"Of course it's Banshan Farm." Louis was happy. He finally caught the opportunity to trick the three of them and must not miss it. "Let me tell you, the food cooked by the Pandaren chef is very, very delicious, even better than Hogwart." The house elves in Ci are even more powerful, especially in the mid-mountain farm, where there is a family of panda chefs - the Iron Palm family. Being able to eat the food they cook will be something you will never forget for the rest of your life... …”

"Really?" At the mention of eating, the three little ones' eyes lit up.

"When did I lie to you?" Lewis frowned.

"You lie to us all the time." Hermione said with her hands on her hips: "Think about it for yourself, from the first grade to now, have you cheated the three of us many times? I still remember the potion at that time Before the class exam, you told Ron that you didn't review, but he and Harry didn't review either. I still remember this..."

At this point, Ron and Harry's eyes became wandering.

"You can't blame me. I was busy chasing Catherine at the time. I really didn't review..." Louis looked innocent, "Do you think it is Catherine who is more important in my heart, or study?"

"Of course... uh, okay..." Hermione thought for a moment and felt that she couldn't refute, so she continued: "Then let's talk about the second grade, you let the three of us go to the Forbidden Forest, my God, those spiders, I am so fast Suffering from the same arachnophobia as Ron!"

Ron's face turned pale after listening to Hermione's words; Harry's reaction was not as serious as Ron's, but his face was not so good either, as if he was remembering the itchy feeling of spider hairs pricking his thighs.

It’s just too much suffering.

He remembered that the three of them had spent a whole day lying in Madam Pomfrey's hospital wing to get rid of the painful itching feeling, especially Hermione. Because she was wearing a skirt, her protection was not as good as that of Harry and the other two. , the legs were pricked with red bumps.

"Ah, this..." Louis was numb. He couldn't figure out how he could be blamed for this. "You have to speak with your conscience, Hermione. Think about it, I was dealing with the most dangerous person in the basement at that time. The basilisk is an ancient enemy that even those spiders are afraid of. At that time, I couldn't move away, so I could only let Ron say something... I also thought that Aragog wanted to eat you three, didn't I? "

Hermione choked and started turning her small intestine again: "What about the third grade? In the third grade, you left us to Sirius and Peter Pettigrew..."

"This is your fault, Hermione." Louis said immediately: "Don't dare to make things out of nothing. Sirius is Harry's good godfather. Don't frame good people. In short, I will not harm you. Banshan Farm is really a good place." "Lord, please don't dwell on the past. If you continue like this, you will lose me as a good friend."

Hermione closed her eyes, pursed her lips, and snorted: "Forget it, I'll just choose to believe you. It doesn't look like you will trick us again..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lewis: "Remove it again, I have never tricked you. If you don't believe me, please touch your conscience?"

Hermione snorted and dragged the other two away. Harry and Ron looked back apologetically.

Louis smiled, good guys, I didn’t want to trick you, but since you said so, I have to give you some color to see. I have to ask old Chen to add some ingredients to you, grow vegetables in the middle of the mountain, and brew storm spirit. Factory, no one can escape.

I hope you can still smile sincerely when you face a rabbit bigger than Buckbeak, Louis thought viciously.

Catherine was the only one sitting in the office. Louis looked around and asked curiously: "Where's our mother, and Sakuya and the others?"

"Sakuya is making tea in the room, Christasa is sleeping, and our mother and Aunt Yezi have returned to the Muggle world. They said they have something to do with your aunt." Catherine stretched out her hand and yawned, then looked up at the time. , frowning slightly: "Strange, why are you feeling sleepy after seven o'clock?"

"You must be too tired recently," Louis said with a smile: "After all, you just finished participating in the second project, and I was dragged to Pandaria to solve the trouble at Qinglong Temple. It's normal to be a little tired. Why don't you go inside first?" Want to sleep in there?”

"Go to sleep now, I'm not a piggy." Catherine rolled her eyes at him, put the book on the table, tilted her head and looked at Louis: "What did Principal Dumbledore say about the problems in the world today?"

"Oh, people from the International Federation of Wizards will come to discuss with me in a few days, and the French Minister of Magic also wants to meet me." Louis spread his hands and said with a smile.

"But..." Catherine frowned and just halfway through speaking, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Louis said.

The door opened, and Karkaroff, who looked nervous and reserved, crept in like a thief. When he entered the room, he peeked behind him to make sure no one was following him, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sit down, Principal Karkaroff." Louis showed a smile that he thought was very kind and motioned for Karkaroff to sit on the sofa.

Karkaroff glanced nervously at Catherine, then at Louis, stretched out his hand to press his right arm, and sat on the sofa.

Louis sat across from him, and his first words shocked Karkaroff.

"Principal Karkaroff's right arm seems to be a little uncomfortable? Is it due to the onset of the Dark Mark?"

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