I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 303 Lewis’s tactics

Karkaroff looked at the young man in front of him in bewilderment and began to brainstorm.

He was not sure where the boy got the news from, Snape, Dumbledore, or an elder in the family.

Seeing that Louis was still smiling, he decided to pretend to be confused and test Louis further.

"I don't quite understand what Mr. Mountbatten is talking about." Karkaroff pretended to be confused. His acting skills were pretty good. If Louis hadn't been sure that he was a Death Eater, he might have actually done it. A bit shaken.

The pretense is so similar.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand," Louis raised the corners of his mouth, showing a noncommittal smile, "Anyway, I have plenty of time, Principal Karkaroff, at least now there is no burning feeling on my arms, and no one is calling me, don't you think so? ?"

"You..." Karkaroff stood up and glared at Louis, but Louis ignored him and just sipped Sakuya's black tea. After a while, Karkaroff seemed to have lost his strength and sat back on the sofa, with a look of relief on his face.

"Yes, you are right. I was indeed a Death Eater. Tell me, did Severus tell you, or did Dumbledore tell you?"

Karkaroff's tone was somewhat broken.

"Of course they didn't tell me that," Louis smiled and put down the teacup and crossed his legs. "Don't worry, I know you once escaped trial in the Wizengamot court. Of course, I have no interest in letting anyone do it again." I will judge you once.”

"Then Mr. Mountbatten called me over, what's the matter?" Karkaroff had a completely calm attitude. He was not sure what Louis was up to, so he could only try to find ways to deal with it.

"I can remove the Dark Mark for you." Louis crossed his arms leisurely and stared at Karkaroff with some teasing eyes.

Sure enough, when Karkaroff heard this, he could no longer assume the attitude of lying down. Instead, he suddenly stood up and asked tremblingly: "Really...? Are you serious? Okay?" Help me remove the dark mark?"

Lewis didn't speak, but looked at him leisurely.

"No, you are so young, how can you lift the mark of the dark devil? Yes, you must be deceiving me..." Karkaroff said in a confused voice.

Lewis didn't defend himself, he just asked a question: "Do you know why Professor Snape didn't panic at all when you went to see him react to the Dark Mark?"

Karkaroff felt like he was struck by lightning when he heard this, and opened his mouth like a toad. After a while, he stammered and asked: "Could it be... could it be you?"

Louis didn't answer his question, he still had that restless look in his eyes, and Karkaroff felt like he was going crazy.

He swore that if someone else today... well, someone who wasn't so strong dared to talk to him like this, he would definitely throw at least two unforgivable curses, but he really couldn't figure out Louis's background. I don't think a woman as proud as Catherine would commit herself to a man who is not as strong as her.

Based on this guess, he believed that Lewis was very strong, at least beating him wouldn't be a problem.

Facts have proved that he is indeed a person who managed to survive under Voldemort, and he is quite good at observing people's words. He guessed most of them right, but he did not guess that Louis may not be able to beat Catherine when the two of them are together.

Of course, now that offense and defense have changed, Louis often "beats" Catherine until she begs for mercy.

"Yes, it must be you..." Karkaroff opened his mouth, revealing a pair of teeth that were not very pretty, "You can help me eliminate the Dark Mark, but I need to pay a price, right?"

"You are a smart man, Principal Karkaroff." Louis said slowly. As he spoke, he raised his right hand in front of him and rubbed the other nails with his thumb.

Karkaroff was a little confused. He didn't know what Louis was doing, and he couldn't figure out Louis' intentions. He sat on the sofa and racked his brains, but he couldn't figure out what to say.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lewis chuckled softly through his nose, waved for Sakuya to come over, and then handed his hand to her.

Sakuya obediently leaned next to Louis, grabbed Louis' hand and took out a nail file and started polishing his nails.

Karkaroff finally couldn't stand it any longer and asked tentatively: "What do you mean..."

While talking, Sakuya finished filing one of her nails, took Louis' hand and put it to her lips and blew on it.

"Blow again." Lewis tilted his head and whispered to Sakuya.

Sakuya smiled lightly, raised Lewis's hand again, put it to his mouth and blew lightly.

"I am willing to offer my loyalty..." Karkaroff said loudly without hesitation. He really couldn't stand the atmosphere in the room. Louis was obviously putting him on the barbecue to slowly roast him. This feeling It made him extremely miserable.

"I said, you are a smart man, Principal Karkaroff." Louis looked at Karkaroff with a half-smile, which made him tremble. "If you are not as smart as I think, it seems that we There is no need to cooperate.”

Karkaroff now feels that he would rather face Voldemort. He can even feel a little more relaxed when facing Voldemort. At most, he is worried about whether he will die, but this feeling of guessing people's thoughts is really too hot. Out of his mind, Karkaroff was panicking and sweating profusely. He was completely unsure of what the young man he was facing wanted. He was afraid that he would say the wrong thing and make a wrong move that would lead to catastrophe.

Wait... Karkaroff felt as if he had caught something. He remembered the identity of Louis, who was a big shot in the Muggle world. A person like this would definitely not be satisfied with just his own loyalty. Could it be that... ?

He felt that his heart was about to beat out. He finally caught the negotiation code.

Thinking of this, Karkaroff no longer hesitated. He immediately knelt on the ground and said in an extremely flattering tone: "Durmstrang is willing to be loyal to you! My beloved Highness!"

After Karkaroff finished speaking, the room fell silent, except for the slight sound of Sakuya repairing her nails. Karkaroff lay on the ground, not daring to raise his head. He didn't know whether he made the right move or not.

Until Lewis’s voice rang in his ears.

"Did you see that, Sakuye?" Lewis smiled. He tilted his head and said to Sakuye: "I still have some sense of recognition of people. I think a smart person will never be a fool."

As soon as these words came out, a big stone fell to Karkaroff's heart. He took two breaths and suddenly remembered the dark devil mark on his arm, and said flatteringly: "Your Highness, look at my dark devil mark..."

"The Dark Mark?" Louis looked at Karkaroff with a half-smile, "I don't remember any Dark Mark on you, do you?"

"But..." Karkaroff was about to say something, when suddenly there was a thunderous sound in his head.

Yes, why are the burning and tingling sensations on my arms gone, and the feeling of calling me out?

He quickly rolled up his sleeves and found that the dark mark on his right arm had indeed disappeared.

"Thank you, Your Highness! Thank you, Your Highness!" Karkaroff was overjoyed, but at the same time, he felt a deep fear in his heart. He was able to quietly remove the mark of the dark devil on his arm. It seems that this new master is indeed not an ordinary person. A simple character.

Now that he is only fourteen years old and has such strength, Karkaroff no longer dares to think about how terrifying he could have grown to in Louis' time.

I'm afraid that if Voldemort hadn't teamed up with Dumbledore and Grindelwald, he wouldn't be his opponent, right? Such thoughts flashed through his mind inexplicably.

But he is obviously too small.

"Get up, you are also a principal, what does it mean to lie down on the ground?" Louis motioned for him to get up, and called back: "Chris?"

The door opened, and the little dragon maid walked to Lewis's side, leaned over and asked, "Do you have any orders, Master?"

"Put the cube out," Louis instructed.

Christasa was stunned for a moment before she realized who Cube was. She took out the diary from her dimensional pocket and shook it in her hand. Young Tom Riddle fell out of the diary.

"Quick, long time no see." Louis greeted.

Cube stood up, patted the non-existent dust on his body, and saluted Louis respectfully: "Master..."

"Okay, I'll give you a task." Louis pointed to Karkaroff, who was stunned at the side: "You should be familiar with this Principal Karkaroff. Now your task is to protect him personally so that he doesn't Being hurt by Death Eaters, do you understand?"

"Yes." Cube saluted very respectfully.

Karkaroff looked at this "square" and felt that it looked familiar. After a while, he finally found out who this square looked like... No, it didn't look like it, it was clearly... plus the diary, he suddenly realized Then I understood something.

Karkaroff seemed to be drowning. He pointed at the square with trembling hands and made a "ho ho" sound, but could not say a word.

"Is this what you look like when we meet old friends? Igor?" Cube looked at Karkaroff, who didn't speak harsh words, with a joking look on his face.

Karkaroff choked for a long time, and finally came up with a few words: "You...you are...black...black..."

"Now that I have been named by my master, you should call me Cube, my dear Igor." Cube showed Karkaroff a bloodthirsty smile. In Karkaroff's view, it was nothing less than the most Horrible demon.

"Okay Cube, stop teasing him." Louis reprimanded him calmly, "Your current appearance is a bit illegal. You should find a way to change your appearance. I'm really afraid that you will cause riots in the magical world... …”

"You are right, my beloved master." Cube said, changing his body and changing his face - a face that resembled that of a certain Hollywood star.

"Why does it look familiar to me?" Louis forgot for a moment who the cube was. He always felt familiar, but it was right on his lips but he couldn't pronounce the name.

Cube said with a smile: "Marlon Brando, a very classic movie..."

Oh, Lewis remembered, isn’t this outfit and face the image of the Godfather in the classic movie?

"It should be said that things in the Muggle world are not useless," Fang Fang picked up his clothes, smelled the roses hanging on his chest, and said in a classic voice: "If I could be like the Godfather and make my way in the magical world, maybe now Today’s Dumbledore will not be my opponent.”

"Powers that are forcibly united by violence will never last long." Louis said with a smile.

"Your wisdom is comparable to that of an entire ocean." The square version of the Godfather said elegantly.

Catherine, who was sitting behind her desk, covered her mouth and smiled softly when she heard the words, and said to Louis: "Sea of ​​Assyria..."

Lewis turned back and gave her a look, meaning you wait tonight, I am angry, and the consequences will be serious!

Catherine raised the corners of her lips and gave Louis a provocative look.

Lewis was secretly angry in his heart, this was not anger that could be calmed down by just calling him dad.

He turned to Karkaroff, who was still looking at the square in a daze, and said, "You don't have to doubt it, Principal Karkaroff..."

"Just call me Igor..." Karkaroff said flatteringly.

"Well, Igor," Louis said in an obedient manner, introducing the cube to Karkaroff: "You are right, the cube is one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, but it has been completely conquered by me, so you don't need to worry. , he will only protect you now."

"Understood! Understood!" Karkaroff nodded his head: "I completely believe in you and Hei..." At this point, he glanced at Cube and immediately changed his mind: "And Mr. Cube!"

"Hmm." Louis hummed in a nasal voice without comment, and began to issue orders to expel guests: "It's getting late, I think your classmates must be waiting impatiently?"

"Ah, if you didn't tell me, I would have really forgotten..." Karkaroff grinned and said: "It's always so pleasant to talk to you, and I've forgotten the time without realizing it, so I'll leave first. Your Highness."

"Yeah." Louis nodded lightly, and when Karkaroff walked to the door, he reminded him in a tone that could not detect emotion: "Igor, you are a really smart man, right?"

"Don't worry, Your Highness!" Karkaroff turned around and made a 120-degree bend towards Louis, turned and left the office, and closed the door very considerately.

Sakuya looked at the closed door and said pointedly: "This Principal Karkaroff does seem to be a smart man."

"Whether he is smart or not depends on what he does in the future." Louis snorted and looked forward with flashing eyes, "Actually, there are no truly smart people. Sometimes they can't control whether they are smart or stupid. When they are smart, Just use it and throw it away when you get confused.”

As he said that, he turned back to look at Catherine: "But your young lady is different. Sometimes she is not very smart. Young Master, I have to teach her a lesson."

After hearing this, Catherine put down the book in her hand, tilted her head with a cute expression, tapped her lips with her index finger, and asked with an innocent expression: "Then how does the young master plan to teach his unsmart girlfriend?"

Louis stood up and walked to Catherine, stretched out his hand to hold her chin, leaned over and said in her ear: "You'll know soon..."

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