I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 304 These friends look very unfamiliar.

Louis punished Catherine severely for her teasing behavior.

You have to tidy up when it's time to tidy up, and sometimes it's a little fun.

After the special disciplinary action, Catherine leaned on Louis' shoulder and murmured: "Why did you suddenly think of helping Principal Karkaroff solve the problem today?"

"I prefer smart people, that's all." Louis stroked Catherine's brocade-smooth shoulders and whispered in her ear.

"Really?" Catherine smiled sweetly, "Just think he is a smart man. I hope he will not disappoint you."

As she spoke, she suddenly changed the subject: "Then do you think I am a smart person?"

"Of course you are not, you are a little stupid pig now." Louis smiled and hugged her tightly: "When I add some ingredients to you, you will be smarter."

"Bastard!" Catherine laughed and cursed, biting Louis on the arm.

"Ouch, are you a dog?" Louis wanted to shake him off but was afraid of hurting Catherine, so he could only endure the pain...but Catherine didn't use too much force, and it was still within the tolerable range.

"Hmph, let me become a cat and you become a mouse in the next life, and I will bite you to death every day!" Catherine opened her mouth and threatened fiercely.

"Okay, okay, you are a kitten, you are the cutest kitten." Louis rubbed her hair and asked with a smile: "Then I will give you dried fish, so don't bite me, a mouse, okay?" "

"It depends on my mood." Catherine said proudly.

"Okay." Louis happily kissed the top of Catherine's head.

"Hey, let me ask you," Catherine suddenly remembered something, turned around and looked at Louis face to face, and asked curiously: "What did you mean by what you said to Sakuya today?"

"Which sentence?" Lewis was stunned for a moment, "Exhale again?"

He thought it was Catherine who had a problem with Sakuya filing his nails.

"No, that's that..." Catherine pointed her index finger on her lower lip, and after thinking for a moment, she remembered: "Yes, sometimes they can't decide whether they are smart or not. They use it when they are smart, and throw it away when they are stupid. What means?"

"It's just a literal meaning." Louis smiled, gently stroked Catherine's hair, and explained to him dotingly: "People will not always be smart. When I need him, he will be smart; and some Sometimes, like Karkaroff, he not only represents his own interests, but when the interests of those around him are tied together, many choices cannot be made by him. Therefore, sometimes it is not up to him whether he is smart or not. When they don't agree with me, I just replace them with a smart person that I need."

"It's so complicated." Catherine wrinkled her delicate little nose, "It feels like too much trouble."

"This is politics," Louis pinched her nose, "You can't find it complicated. As the future duchess, this will also be a required course for you."

"People are the sum of all social relationships, little moon." Louis scratched her face with his fingers: "Even if you don't learn these, you will still use them in daily life, but the difference is that if you don't master them quickly, The ability of knowledge is likely to be sold by others and still help people pay."

"I know, dad." Catherine rolled her eyes and expressed her dissatisfaction with the title of dad.

Look, you are chattering so much that if you don’t know, you might think you are my dad.

"Do you think you're annoying me?" Louis turned over, "Looks like you need a family to take care of you, you stinky girl, watch the whip!"

Whether Catherine wanted it or not, she had to go back to her home in the Muggle world to take a few lessons every day.

Of course, she was still very obedient, after all, she didn't want to hold Lewis back.

It's just that what Louis told him that night was a little off. This was not just political science, it could also be said to be imperial art.

It is a required course.

The three pandas stayed at Hogwarts for a full week before returning to Pandaria with satisfaction. In Lao Chen's words, they were happy here and did not miss Pandaria.

To be honest, the food cooked by the house elves cannot be said to be of top quality, at least it is far inferior to that of Chef Panda or Tom, but it is worse than a new version of the ship that they have not eaten before.

When I left, I didn’t forget to ask Louis to go to Pandaria to have a look.

"What are you looking at?" Louis asked in confusion: "Hasn't the problem of Qinglong Temple been solved?"

"There are still several demons that have not been dealt with." Zhu Taran had long regarded Louis as a rescuer sent by the monkey: "My lady's flame has a very strong special attack ability against the demons. I hope that your highness can help us. "

In the past few days, they had already figured out the interpersonal relationships of the main figures in the school, especially the obviously powerful helper Louis.

"Oh, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten..." Louis patted his forehead, "I really have to go with you... Anyway, Hogwarts is not very busy here, and it will take almost three months to complete the final... an item……"

He returned to the manor and called away Catherine who was in class. When he returned to Hogwarts, he was blocked by the three of Hermione.

"We want to visit Pandaria." Hermione puffed her face and said angrily: "You are so unloyal, Louis, for not calling us for such a fun thing..."

"Ah? Then let me ask you, have you three mastered Occlumency?" Louis asked.

"Of course!" Hermione put her hands on her hips, looking confident.

Louis smiled gently, then suddenly changed his face, stretched out his hand and gently hooked: "Legilimency! (Legilimency)"

Almost instantly, Hermione's eyes became blank and her mind cleared.

Louis didn't read anything.

"It seems that you have learned well, so let's go together." Louis spread his hands: "Of course, don't blame me for not reminding you. Pandaria is very dangerous. If your arms and legs are cut off by something, don't do it. Blame me for cheating you..."

"How could it be?" Ron said excitedly, "It's too late for us to thank you, so how can we blame you?"

"It's hard to say. Look at Hermione remembering everything from when she was one, two or three years old. It's inevitable that she won't... Legilimency! (Legilimency)" Lewis suddenly used Legilimency in the middle of speaking.

Ron was still smiling stupidly, but Louis didn't read any message.

It seems that this kid can clear his brain faster than Hermione - well, it may be that his brain does not need to be cleared, just like Snape said, this is a red-haired giant monster.

"I really can't tell, you are all very good at practicing Occlumency." Louis nodded approvingly.

"You can pull me down, Hermione often attacks me and Harry like this, I'm used to it." Ron complained, and glanced at Hermione resentfully along the way.

Some time ago, Hermione beat Ron frequently because she read Ron's memory.

Especially after being kissed by Fleur, Ron actually enjoyed it very much. This was simply unbearable.

After arriving in Pandaria, Zhu Talan and Lao Chen suddenly had no idea about where to go.

"It's better to go to the Valley of the Four Winds and take a look at the Dread Wasteland first." Louis suggested: "I don't think the pandas can fight alone. Even if the hozens are added, the Jinyu people are far from enough. It's better to fight for everything. Power to strive for.”

"Are you crazy? Mantids live in the Terror Wasteland!" Zhu Taran opened his eyes wide with an expression of disbelief: "Mantids are the mortal enemies of the Pandaren, how can they be won over..."

"You don't know the Mantid and you're jumping to conclusions." Louis stretched out a finger and said with a smile: "I wonder if you have heard of the Klaxxi?"

"Klaxxi?" Zhu Taran always felt that this title was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

"The composition of the Mantid is quite complex. How about we find a way to go to the Mid-level Farm first and let me connect the floo network and let's chat slowly on the road?" Louis suggested.

"Okay." Zhu Taran nodded, took a few of them to a flying station, and introduced them: "Here, this is a Pandaren kite, which is a unique flying vehicle in Pandaria. It is very fast. , we just stand on it - of course, I still hope you two little boys will be more honest and don't jump, otherwise I will not be responsible if you fall..."

Taran Zhu warned Harry and Ron while stepping onto the kite.

The kite was large, more than enough to carry the eight of them. After Zhu Taran asked if he was ready, a gust of wind came from nowhere. The kite slowly rose on the spot, reached a certain height and then slowly accelerated, flying towards the distance.

"wooo-hooo!" Ron shouted loudly. This feeling of flying, which was different from that of a broomstick, felt very fresh to him.

The same goes for Harry. Although he is not as fast as the Firebolt, this feeling is really novel.

Hermione's face didn't look good. She was afraid of heights.

"Following what I just said," Louis put his arm on Zhu Taran's shoulders and taught him science: "Actually, if Zhou Zhuo were here, he would know about Klaxxi, but before that, we need to know, The current Mantid are not monolithic. A considerable number of them have been corrupted by an extremely powerful Sha - the Sha of Fear. Led by their eldest queen Xia Yike...Xia Kesiel, the entire The lair almost went crazy."

"The Klaxxi, an organization of mantid elders, govern the history and culture of the mantid. Their vision and goals are longer than their queen. These elders have not been corrupted into madness like other mantid. Instead, they were looking for ways to replace the crazy queen. They realized that the queen had already gone crazy, and if their civilization was destroyed by the demon, everything would be meaningless. That's why they established such an organization to fight against the great queen Xia Keshier. and her fearful minions..."

"So, Klaxxi is also a force we can fight for?" Zhu Taran asked.

Louis nodded. He actually never quite understood why the Klaxxi heroes suddenly rebelled against the revolution in the plot. Logically speaking, unless Y'shaarj himself was resurrected, they would be able to make them die and half-dead. Their hearts are not so strong that they will risk the fate of the entire clan - if they are truly loyal to Y'Shaar to the death, then why should they resist the corruption of Dread's Sha?

But maybe this is a religious lunatic, Louis doesn’t quite understand it anyway.

*Accept quest: Heroes of Klaxxi

Awaken all nine existing Klaxxi Heroes and defeat the Great Queen Shek'sir, the Sha of Fear.

Mission reward: Loyalty of the Klaxxi Heroes, rune: ber, skill points*10,

Reward introduction: Believe in the loyalty of the mantid, and once loyal, never betray.

"What if Y'Shaarji suddenly comes back? Then won't the mantids still rebel?" Louis quietly called the system in his heart.

The system was also very simple and directly played a line of small words for him.

*rest assured.

Good guy, you really cherish your words like gold, Tongzi...

"But I always feel that this matter is not very reliable. We have been fighting with the Mantid for tens of thousands of years..." Zhu Taran still found it a bit difficult to accept the fact that enemies who had been enemies for ten thousand years could suddenly become friends: "They Will his personality really change all of a sudden?"

"That's what Chromie told me. I think I can trust the Bronze Dragon, right?" Louis said, touching his chin. Anyway, if you have any questions, just blame Chromie. The Bronze Dragon can't make mistakes when he speaks.

Zhu Taran said with a serious face: "Since Ms. Chromie said it, there must be no problem. Let's rest at the mid-mountain farm for a while, and then set off immediately to find Klaxxi in the Wasteland of Fear! "

Banshan Farm is much bigger than in the game. It should be said that Pandaria is also bigger than in the game. It took several people almost seven or eight hours to fly from Qinglong Temple to Banshan Farm.

In terms of speed comparison, it is almost as far as traveling from London to Berlin.

The farm in the middle of the mountain is also very large, with houses scattered in a well-proportioned pattern, and the fields are clearly separated. When we were on the kite, we could see a panda man struggling to pull up a turnip that was bigger than him.

Although turnips and radishes look similar, turnips and radishes definitely belong to two different species. The difference between them is further than that of a tiger and a lion.

Turnips are plants of the genus Brassica of the Brassicaceae family, and radishes are plants of the genus Brassica of the Brassicaceae family; tigers are animals of the genus Leopard of the family Felidae, and lions are also animals of the genus Leopard of the family Felidae, so...actually don’t look at turnips Jingjing and radish look similar, but they are quite different.

The three little ones also watched with great interest as the pandas on the ground happily pulled turnips and carrots as big as several people. Occasionally, a huge gray rabbit came to rob them, but the farmers fought hard to drive them away.

Not long after, the kite landed, and a panda man wearing a red and white jacket stepped forward and greeted eagerly: "Master Zhu, and Lao Chen, what kind of wind brought you here? These friends look like It’s very unfamiliar…”

The last sentence refers to Louis and the other five humans.

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