I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 305 I really liked it...

"Old fool, oh, you old guy." Lao Chen stepped forward and enthusiastically hugged the panda wearing overalls, a red and black plaid shirt, and beat each other's backs with their bear paws, making a thud. sound.

The three little ones' eyelids twitched, and Ron whispered to Hermione: "Oh my god, if this hits me on the back, it will knock me apart..."

"It will make you a paraplegic." Hermione said with pity.

Seeing the overalls, Louis actually wanted to ask Lao Yu if he was a rock solid guy...

But as a Pandaren monk, he must know this thing, right? Especially when he has a middle-parted hairstyle...

Tsk, I quite liked Lao Yu originally, but after doing this - I like him even more!

With that said, Old Chen let go of Old Yu and introduced the new arrivals to the latter: "Headmaster Zhu Talan and Ms. Tao Yan, whom you have met before... Well, these are friends from the New World. Although we are a little younger, we are quite capable..."

As he spoke, he greeted everyone and walked downhill until they came to a lively market.

"I said, I'll treat you next time," Old Chen said shyly to Louis with a smile: "Panda people's promises are always valid. Today you are having dinner at Banshan Farm - I'll treat you."

Good guy, Mr. Chen will pay for all the expenses today, right?

There were several pandas dancing in the market, and there was a female panda with brown fur who was doing the bunny dance with her hands in front of her head, her big brown tail swaying, and she looked quite cute.

"Hey, Gina, you look beautiful today." Old Chen greeted a female panda wearing a red dress.

Gina waved her hand at him and replied with a smile: "You too, Lao Chen, I always feel like you have gained weight again?"

Don't misunderstand, Pandaren men regard fatness as their beauty. The fatter and rounder the men are, the more popular they are among women. After all, a round body is very suitable for doing rolls.

Louis knew this female panda. As a man who went to the mountainside farm to farm when he had nothing to do, how could he not know this Qian Mo Ke quartermaster?

Super, I think it took a lot of effort to gain the reputation of being a good friend of Qian Stranger.

"You have really good taste, Gina." Lao Chen patted his belly, pointed at Zhu Talan cheerfully and said, "Look at this Master Zhu, he can't gain weight, so he's not a handsome man... "

Taran Zhu glanced at him and said nothing. As a sharp sword in the shadows, being too fat is sometimes not a good thing, especially when you have to fight mantids all the time. You exercise too much and you can't gain weight even if you want to.

Lao Chen is all fat and he is all tendons, there is no comparison at all.

But it seemed that Tao Ya didn't think so. The way she looked at Zhu Talan clearly meant something like that.

"Stop being so pretty, Lao Chen, please introduce these unfamiliar friends." Gina was referring to Louis and his group: "Oh my god, look at how thin you are, you must not be able to eat well. ?”

Louis thought a few times in his mind. When Gina said this, she was obviously looking at Catherine and Hermione. If she didn't feel that Gina was really sincere, she might not have directly used magic to greet them.

After learning that they were "human beings" from the New World, Gina looked very interested and greeted them inside, saying: "It's a coincidence that you are here. Today is the day when Master Mei Mei stews soup... Look, mogu fish soup is being stewed over there, let’s try it together, you must know that the masters’ dishes are not always available.”

"Really? We just happened to be sitting on the kite all afternoon, and we are already a little hungry." Old Chen Feifei rubbed his hands and was eager to try: "I haven't had the fish soup at Tie Zhang's family for a long time. I must drink it today. So full…”

The panda people at the Mid-Levels Market were very lively and showed unparalleled enthusiasm for the five human cubs from the New World. Logically speaking, today is the turn of the masters of stewing, but due to the arrival of five new guests, the masters of barbecue, stir-fry, steaming and baking have all come to show their talents. Cooking skills - As for why there is no brewing master, it is probably because Gina feels that these underage cubs are not suitable for drinking.

Not only that, they also ate authentic Pandaren eight-treasure noodle soup, which was even better than what Tom made.

"I'm about to die." Harry burped, "No, I have to loosen my belt..."

"You had already let go when the black pepper ribs and shrimp came." Ron said breathlessly, holding his round belly.

Cooking is actually a physical job, and it can make people sweat profusely. Anyway, at least Ron is very tired.

"You guys are really worthless." Louis said with a smile. He paid more attention to his image and didn't eat too much. Hermione and Catherine are girls, so they have to pay attention to image management, and they don't overeat like Ron and Harry.

As a result, only these two brothers survived.

After dinner, a grand fireworks party was held. Pandaren's technology in pyrotechnics is no less than modern technology, and they can even write Pandaren text in the fireworks - Mid-mountain welcomes you, my friend.

There was also the most classic phrase "I'll treat you next time", which made Louis a little annoyed. If Old Chen hadn't really invited him to a big meal this time, he would definitely give Old Chen something to eat as a reward. embellishment.

When they rested at night, Gina arranged for them a good guest room, located on the mountainside, which was relaxing and quiet. Lying in bed, you can still hear the chirping of insects and birds outside, which is full of pastoral fun.

Early the next morning, they were woken up by Zhu Talan. The Shado-Pan had always had this rule, to get up at dawn. Thanks to Pandaria, it was quite late at dawn, otherwise they would still not have enough sleep.

Louis actually wanted to sleep in, but considering the dark landscape of the Dread Wasteland and the long distance, he had to pinch his nose and resist getting up.

After breakfast, under the leadership of Lao Chen, we went to the kite master "Fei Yi" Xiaoya, borrowed an emerald green Pandaren kite, and set sail.

"I want to go to the toilet..." Halfway through, Harry suddenly said, covering his butt.

"What's wrong with you?" Ron asked concerned.

Harry twisted his face and shouted a little anxiously: "The head is exposed... the head is exposed..."

"Really useless..." Hermione complained, rolling her eyes.

For Harry who couldn't hold it any longer, Chen had no choice but to lower the kite to the ground and wait until Harry had settled his personal matters before taking off again.

The Valley of the Four Winds is really wide. It was almost ten o'clock in the morning when Louis saw a winding outline appearing at the end of the field of vision. As the kite got closer and closer, a magnificent and magnificent city wall appeared in front of him. .

"This is Panlong's Backbone, the Great Wall that has protected us Pandaren for tens of thousands of years." Old Chen's expression was very sacred, almost like a pilgrimage, as he introduced the majestic Great Wall in front of everyone.

Everyone overlooks the winding Dragon Ridge from the air, the magnificent Great Wall lying in Pandaria, heading north to the snow-covered Kun-Lai in the Cangshan Mountains, and to the verdant Valley of the Four Winds in the south, which is like a solid barrier protecting this peace-loving continent. of creatures.

When you get closer, you can see dense black spots in the distant sky, like a swarm of flies. As a patient with trypophobia, Hermione couldn't help but point to the black dot and asked: "What is that?"

"It's the Mantid, they are attacking the Setting Sun Pass..." Old Chen sighed: "For thousands of years, thanks to the tall dragon's spine, the pandas have a unique defensive advantage, making it difficult for the Mantid to attack. , countless heroic Pandaren sacrificed their lives on the Great Wall, protecting the peace and stability of their homes behind them..."

"They are all heroes." Hermione, who was already a virgin, murmured while holding her heart.

"Yes, they are all heroes." Zhu Taran, who had been silent all this time, let out a long sigh.

The kite landed on the wide city wall. Old Chen picked up the kite and handed it to the pandaman at the flying point.

"Lao Mai, remember to help me return the kite to Xiaoya. I rented it for two gold coins..."

As he spoke, Lao Chen looked pained.

"I know, stingy drunkard Lao Chen." Lao Mai chuckled.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the flight controller of Panlongji, Lao Mai of 'Tiebei'." Lao Chen introduced everyone with a smile. He turned back to look at Lao Mai and asked: "Lao Mai, Prepare the gondola for us, we need to go to the Dread Wasteland."

"Afraid of the Wasteland? My God, that is a very dangerous place. What are you doing there?" Lao Mai frowned and asked: "The mantid has been unstable recently, and there have even been many difficult ones with grayish-white colors on their bodies. Mantid with evil energy, you guys are going to deliver food, aren't you?"

"Don't worry, we are just going to investigate this thing," Old Chen sighed: "What about the danger? For the peace and happiness of Pandaria, I have to go there."

"You...well, okay." Lao Mai said, looked at the five humans, and said hesitantly: "There is no need to follow the five of them. Seeing that they are all human cubs, you are not tricking them. Where are the people?”

"They are even more powerful than me." Old Chen said with a smile: "These are the most powerful wizards among humans. Believe them, they are right."

Lao Mai shrugged and said nothing. Louis climbed into the battlements of the city wall, found a fire, and bound the place to the Floo Network.

"If something goes wrong, we can come back at any time. I have connected this place to the Floo Network." Louis said with a smile: "Of course, you must not pronounce the place name wrong when you come back, in case you are teleported to The heart of fear is not very fun.”

Zhu Taran looked at Louis with interest, and was still thinking about whether to bind such a convenient thing to Shado Zen Monastery and White Tiger Temple. It would be best to include the entire Pandaren sphere of influence, so that no matter when traveling, Or support, it will be a lot more convenient.

Let’s wait until we’re done, Zhu Talan thought.

Soon, Lao Mai's hanging basket was ready. Under Lao Mai's earnest instructions, eight people sat in the hanging basket and lowered it down.

In fact, it was quite unexpected. When Ron went down, he happened to land on a spider web, and then he saw densely packed big pink eyes.

It's a fear web spider. It looks a little unappealing. Its eight long legs are as pale and thin as joints. The spider's belly is also covered with numb things, like craters on the surface of the moon. There are also horn-like protrusions, which look really disgusting.

Ron took a deep breath.

"Ah————!!!" He howled loudly, shocking the spiders around him.

Good guy, what about sonic attacks?

"Reducto! (Shattered to pieces)" Ron's reaction was not slow. He was afraid of spiders, but his instincts trained in the mirror world for many years still allowed him to quickly release a series of magic spells.

The little spiders were obviously not rough-skinned and fleshy. Although they were dry and numb and not round at all, their skin was really crispy. The little spiders who were under Ron's spell burst into juices one after another. The entrails were flying around all the time, and if he wasn't far away, he would be all over him.

"Outsiders!" A dull roar sounded, and everyone looked up and saw something tall and strong like a stone statue.

"It's the Mogu tribe!" Lao Chen shouted loudly, took out a long staff with a wine gourd hanging from nowhere, and rushed towards the strong man from the Mogu tribe.

Zhu Talan said with a solemn expression: "I recognize him. He is 'Sharp Blade' Koror, the guard of Gersang High Platform."

As he spoke, he also took out two short blades and joined the battle.

Tao Ya did not join in the attack on the sharp blade Koror. Instead, he took out his bow and arrow and started shooting at the spiders that were rushing around him.

"Help me!" she shouted, "use your magic to fight off these spiders!"

Without him shouting, the three little ones who didn't like spiders took out their wands and began to bombard the spiders with magic spells. Seeing that they could deal with the spider, Louis took a chance and gave Korol a stunner.

Korol had a hard time dealing with the two legendary heroes Zhu Taran and Lao Chen. Without checking, he was hit on the head by a magic spell and fainted immediately.

Louis waved his magic wand and tied Korol tightly. He patted Lao Chen and said to him: "You call Lao Mai and ask him to take Korol back. I think you will be able to get it from him." Get useful information."

"The Mogu tribe are all stubborn stones. It's not easy to pry information out of their mouths." Old Chen said hesitantly.

"It doesn't matter." Louis chuckled, took out a bottle of potion from the space, and handed it to Lao Chen: "This is the truth serum. Considering his size, you only need to give him half a bottle, and he will be able to pour beans from a bamboo tube. , I will tell you clearly everything I know."

"Yeah, why did I forget this good thing..." Lao Chen Yixi, he raised his head and shouted: "Lao Mai! Lao Mai!"

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