I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 306 Louis the Waker

Lao Mai poked out a panda's head on the city wall. The two small round ears were trembling and twitching. He shouted loudly: "Why are you calling me?"

Lao Chen didn't use the hanging basket. He picked up the strong Mogu man and climbed up along the city wall. He was so nimble that he didn't look like a fat man.

Perhaps it can be said that he is the most hated person in playing field - the nimble fat man.

Fortunately, no one in Pandaria plays basketball. Speaking of which, the entire Pandaren race is basically considered to be nimble and fat.

Lao Chen, who had climbed up the city wall, was discussing with Lao Mai how to deal with Koror of the Mogu tribe. When he took out the bottle of Veritaserum and introduced it, Lao Mai's eyes lit up.

"With this thing, you don't need to torture your tongue when you grab it. It saves time, and you don't have to worry about wrong information..." Lao Mai grabbed the Veritaserum as if he had found a treasure, and kept it in his arms. .

They were chatting up there, and Louis didn't bother to look at what they were doing. He took two steps and found that something was not right in front of him.

It is raised and there is a small package, and you can vaguely see the traces of excavation. It seemed that Korol wanted to dig something here, but it was cleared away by Lewis and the others before it was completely leveled.

He walked over, hooked his fingers, and used the mage's hand to peel away the soil, revealing an amber crystal.

"Ah, it's amber." Louis said, increasing his strength. After a while, the piece of amber that was as tall as a person was completely exposed.

There is a human-shaped insect sealed inside. His eyes are closed. The whole person looks relatively thin. There is a pair of mantis-like arms in front of the abdomen that are tightly attached to the abdomen. He wears an armor composed of blue and white diamond-shaped squares, and there are transparent wings behind him. Since the entire insect is sealed in amber, it is a bit difficult to see his transparent wings clearly. This is thanks to the existence of veins on the wings. .

"Mantid!" Zhu Taran and Tao Ya took out their weapons almost instantly and looked at the piece of amber in a defensive posture.

"Hey, he looks so ugly." Ron twisted his nose and complained, taking two steps back to try to avoid the mantid and stay away from him.

Louis was not too wary. He looked left and right, not knowing how to break the amber.

How about...reaching out and knocking? An idea came to his mind and he could do whatever he wanted. He reached out and tapped the piece of amber with his fingers. Then, the piece of amber began to melt. The mantid in the amber lost its support and fell to the ground with a thud.

Lewis was really afraid that his thin arms and legs would fall apart. The body of an arthropod was very fragile, and he could break off his thighs without paying attention.

After the fall, the mantid also woke up. He opened a pair of compound eyes, and the four tentacles on his head moved. After a long time, he sat up from the ground, tried hard to focus, and saw the situation in front of him clearly.

"Oh, it's a Pandaren." His tone was a little disdainful, and there was a clicking sound in his voice, which seemed to be related to the structure of his mouth. "There is no need to put on your useless fighting posture, I am your enemy." No interest."

After saying that, the mantid turned his eyes to Lewis again, with a weird smile on his ugly face.

"You look very strange, Awakener." Mantid stretched out his claws: "Let me introduce myself, I am "Windreaver" Kil'ruk, one of the heroes of Klaxxi... Maybe you haven't Heard of the Klaxxi, but don't worry, you'll find out soon enough."

Lewis immediately had the impression, oh, it was the Klaxxi hero who died from the sky and was the last one to appear in the order of BOSS activation...

"Hello, I have heard of your name, 'Windraider' Kil'ruk." Louis reached out and held Kil'ruk's outstretched claw. It felt a little strange, and it was cold and cold. A bit prickly.

Kilruk was stunned for a moment. He could see at a glance that Lewis was not a native race of Pandaria, but since Lewis said so, he couldn't help it. He hesitated and asked: "Have you... heard of me? story?"

"No." Louis shook his arms and said sincerely: "But your face is full of stories."

"Then we have to have a good chat, Awakener." Kil'ruk said meaningfully: "Since you awakened me, it means that you have an indescribable bond with the Klaxxi hero. In addition to me, there are Eleven heroes are sealed in various places in the Horrible Wasteland, waiting for you to awaken..."

"Don't agree to him, Lewis!" Taran Zhu shouted loudly: "The pandaren are already having a hard time dealing with the mantids. You are helping them increase their strength!"

Before Louis could say anything, Kelluk straightened up. He walked up to the alert Zhu Talan, stretched his head and looked left and right. Under Zhu Talan's gaze as if he were facing a formidable enemy, he suddenly smiled. .

"Young Pandaren..." Kil'ruk clicked and said: "Do you really think that with the strength of you and the Mogu tribe, you can really stop the insect swarm? Oh, maybe if you and that 'regicide' Jun, if the God-killing Gods join forces, there is still a possibility, but as far as I know, the relationship between your two clans is not very harmonious..."

Seeing Zhu Taran's obviously disbelieving look, he laughed and said: "You should know that every year there are new swarms of insects flying over the Mantis Plateau, flying over the Panlong Spine, fighting against the Pandaren and the Mogu tribe. , only the wisest, strongest, or most agile mantid can survive. The surviving mantid returned to the sacred tree, most of them carrying the spoils of battle. Here they were accepted by the tribe, And based on their merits, they gain their own place in the insect swarm. Because of this reincarnation from generation to generation, the insect swarm becomes stronger and stronger."

"But what you don't know is that the Holy Tree cannot raise too many mantids, so it can only consume them in this way. It can also be regarded as training troops and streamlining the mantid insect swarm."

Zhu Taran's eyes turned red when he heard this. Kilruk's indifferent attitude made him very angry. He almost roared and asked loudly: "It's just for troop training! To reduce the population! You bastard! Do you know how many brave Pandaren die on the Great Wall every year? Come on!"

"That's your business." Killuk spread his claws: "You can only grow in battle. You understand this better than me. Otherwise, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to apologize to you? ? There is only such a small area in Pandaria. Do you really think it is a good thing for the pandaren to occupy the entire Pandaria without any natural enemies and just eat and wait to die every day?"

"He's right, Zhu Talan." Lao Chen's voice sounded. I don't know when, he was already standing behind Zhu Talan, a bear paw pressed on Zhu Talan's shoulder: "There is no mantid Even if they attack year after year, the Pandaren will not grow, and may gradually deteriorate in their comfortable life."

"So live in sorrow and die in happiness." Louis concluded.

"Louis is a man of wisdom..." Lao Chen squinted his eyes and praised.

Killuk also turned his head to look at the awakener and smiled: "It seems that our awakener is still a man of great wisdom..."

"Oh, this was said by a philosopher named Mencius from my hometown." Louis said with a smile: "When I have the opportunity, I can give you a few of his works."

Hermione whispered to Harry and Ron: "Mencius? Why don't I remember that there was such a philosopher in the UK... Uh, okay, I remembered, he should be talking about the ancient philosophy of Seris. Mengzi...this guy..."

"Let's go, let's talk while walking. Let's go to Karaxives first, take a short rest, and then we'll wake up other heroes." Kelluk said, looking at Zhu Taran meaningfully: "Maybe on the way A little chat will dispel your prejudice against us mantids."

Zhu Taran snorted arrogantly and turned away from him, but he also knew in his heart that what Kelluk said was not wrong. But emotionally, he could not accept that so many brave and fearless Pandaren gave up their young lives on the Great Wall.

Kelluk stamped his feet and several huge amber scorpions emerged from the ground. He jumped on one of the scorpions first and turned around and said, "You can choose the one you like. The giant amber scorpions can still walk very steadily. Don't worry. It will throw you off, and you can choose multiple people to ride on one, after all, its back is very broad.”

Several people looked at it, and Lao Chen patted his butt and got on the scorpion of Kelluk, and Louis was with him.

The three ladies took one seat, and the rest, Harry, Ron, and Zhu Taran, sat on one seat together.

"I've been buried for too long, and my memory is a little blurry. I have to go back to Karaxives and look through the information to remember where the other heroes are sealed." Kilruk clicked his head as he spoke. The tentacles on it were also swaying from side to side like antennas: "Relax, thinner Pandaren, Klaxxi has never been the enemy of Pandaren."

His "thinner Pandaren" refers to Zhu Taran, and when Old Chen heard this sentence, his face was obviously very happy.

Pandaren regard fatness as their beauty, and this time Kilruk was complimenting Lao Chen from the side.

"I heard that your beliefs seem to be quite weird?" Lao Chen asked insinuatingly: "The Mogu tribe used to believe in a titan creation, it seems to be named Raiden... But I heard the wanderer of the Pandaren said that Raiden looked like disappeared."

"Laiden? You mean Laiden?" Kilruk seemed to have heard something ridiculous and laughed loudly: "Oh, this poor guy Laiden, I know him, he was poached by the Mogu tribe's thunder god. The inner core is imprisoned underground under the Throne of Thunder, and it is he who fulfills the title of God of Thunder, 'God-Killing God'."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to fiddle with the tentacles on his head and continued: "The mantid believes in the ancient sages. I believe the wanderers of the pandaren also know this. The Klaxxi are the most pious existences among them... We We never dared to call him by his name. In ancient times, we launched endless battles with the Yaqir tribe who served the 'Thousand-Eyed Demon' and the Azjol-Nerub Kingdom who served the 'Thousand-Mawed Demon'. However, Unexpectedly, the guy who claimed to be a 'Titan' killed the ancient lord that the mantid served like crushing an ant, and at the same time, he also released the enslavement of the ancient lord to the mantid..."

At this point, Kelluk suddenly became silent.

Louis caught hold of Kil'ruk's words and asked, "So, in fact, you have been unhappy with Y'Shaarj for a long time?"

"We are enslaved. Most of the mantid have been completely corrupted physically and mentally by Y'Shaarj. Only a small number of mantid have escaped his control. This is also the predecessor of the Klaxxi Council." Kil'ruk scratched with his claws. He scratched the amber giant scorpion who sat down, "So, to a certain extent, at least we Klaxxi heroes have no desire to serve that ancient venerable."

"That's right, Mantid will never be a slave, you should think so." Louis said with a smile, adding in his mind that unless he had food and shelter.

After riding the amber giant scorpion for a long time, a towering giant tree with huge and wildly growing roots lay in front of them. However, this did not faze the amber giant scorpion. It climbed up smoothly and came in a few steps. Reached a downhill slope.

In front is a camp. There is a platform in the middle of the camp. An obelisk with a huge amber on the top stands in the center of the platform. The amber is like a mental beacon controller that continuously expands the yellow aperture outwards.

"Who is it?" The mantids in the camp discovered the traces of the group of people and rushed out with weapons in hand.

"Here we are, Klaxxivis, Klaxxi's camp." Kil'ruk introduced everyone. He turned over and jumped off the amber giant scorpion, opened his arms to the mantids who rushed out and shouted loudly: "Krakxi Xi! Your hero is back!"

The mantids were whispering to each other for a while. It seemed that most of them were newcomers. Soon, a tall mantid separated the crowd. After seeing Kil'ruk, he walked over and hugged Kil'ruk.

"Welcome back, beloved 'Windreaver' Kil'ruk!" the tall mantid said loudly.

"Oh, Wall, you old guy." Killuk said with a clicking smile: "These are my friends, this -" he pointed at Louis, "is my awakener, I You can feel the ancient bond between him and our heroes."

"Welcome, outsiders." Wall nodded to everyone: "I am Karaxiva Wall, one of the members of the parliament. Welcome to Karaxives."

After speaking, he specially greeted Louis alone: ​​"And you, the distinguished awakener..."

Lewis understood that now that the Mantid was out of Y'Shaarj's control, its attitude toward the Awakener was not as disgusting as in the game, but instead had an attitude of extreme respect.

This made Louis feel a lot better. He finally didn't have the attitude of rescuing everyone and nagging in your ears that one day he would fight you for the sake of the ancient sages.

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