I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 311 Before the Beginning

"Why are you here now?" Louis tilted his head and looked at Catherine.

Catherine snorted coldly and looked at Solanlian arrogantly: "I thought you wouldn't come to see me. Look at my family. They have been here as early as the first project. Look at you again. ?”

"Mom, isn't she very busy at work?" Solanlian said sadly: "I have to be busy with various things at work every day, plus there are so many things caused by Mr. Xiaolu. If you want to blame me, you shouldn't blame me. Isn’t it?”

Good guy, Louis called him a good guy.

How could the blame be thrown on him so easily?

"I said, could you please stop putting the blame on others so skillfully? Madam?" Louis said a little frantically.

Who knows, Solanlian showed a leisurely expression and asked: "Did I say something wrong?"

Louis choked, okay, Solanlian, the Hufflepuff badger, might really restrain herself.

"I hope you won't blame your problems on others, mother." Catherine waved her fist and said angrily: "My little deer is innocent, unlike you, who is the honey badger with a dark heart... "

"I'm afraid it's not what a lady should do to say this to a mother who has worked so hard to raise you, my little moon." Solanlian covered her heart with her right hand, making an extremely sad expression.

"I didn't want to be a lady." Catherine wrinkled her nose. Being a lady was not what she wanted to do.

Compared to a lady, she is more inclined to be a self-centered queen.

Of course, it's a bit like the late emperor's failure in starting a business. She was caught in the middle of her training by this little bastard Louis.

Lewis quickly held down Solanlian who wanted to speak. He held Solanlian with his left hand and held Catherine with his right hand: "Go out and tell me, you two, you two finally meet once a year, and you quarrel every time you meet. I don't like it."

"There's a lot you don't like." Solanlian rolled her eyes at him, but after saying that, she still allowed Louis to lead Catherine and her out of the room.

Since the two families were familiar with each other, Aunt Moli invited Solanli'an to walk around the campus together. Solanlian did not refuse. She also wanted to find the traces of youth in this long-lost campus.

They walked around the campus all morning, and this relaxing and happy time even soothed Harry's tense mood. Together they visited Beauxbatons' carriage and Durmstrang's ship. Aunt Molly was very interested in the Whomping Willow, which was planted after she left school. She also kept talking about the gamekeeper who was before Hagrid, whose name seemed to be Ogg.

Ogg and Hagrid have similar names, and they all come from the same generation.

Aunt Molly didn't dislike Harry because he and Ginny broke up. In fact, she liked Harry not because she wanted him to be her son-in-law, but because this woman was a passionate person at heart. They had their own ideas about their affairs. It was said that Ginny was the first to break up, but Aunt Molly felt that she owed Harry a little.

"Is Percy okay?" Harry asked as they visited the greenhouse where the Herbology class was held.

"Not good." Bill sighed. He could only look at his restless brother, but he had no way to help him share the pressure.

As soon as Aunt Molly opened her mouth, the twins' funny voices came from one side to the other: "You mean Mr. Weatherby, oh, he's actually doing pretty well lately."

With that said, the twins appeared in front of Aunt Molly, and each of them was rewarded with a chestnut by Molly.

"That's your brother, George, Fred!" Aunt Molly yelled angrily.

Who knew that instead of lowering their heads, the twins started to protest: "Mom, you admitted your mistake. I am George and he is Fred. Oh my God, you still can't tell the difference between the two of us. It's really sad... …”

After saying that, the two of them lowered their heads together, as if they were really sad.

"You two, don't make fun of me!" Aunt Molly roared like a lioness: "Don't do this kind of tricks again! The one with a piece of hair missing, you are Fred! The other one! You are George! Don’t try to deceive me!”

"Oh my god, this trick is useless on her..." Gemini said in shock. This is the first time he has encountered a wall in front of his mother. He has always been successful in dealing with her before...

Aunt Molly put her hands on her hips and scolded the twins: "Stop your cleverness, I've been fooled by your trick for more than ten years. If I can still fall for it now, then you two should be my mother!"

"If you..." George thought about it, but before he finished speaking, Bill blocked his mouth with a piece of bread.

Fred didn't escape either. The eldest brother Bill seemed to have a natural blood pressure on the two of them.

"Sometimes, I also regret that I only gave birth to a daughter, Catherine." Solanlian looked at the funny twins with a faint look in her eyes: "If there were two more children like Fred and George, maybe the family would be lively. A lot, right?”

"I'm afraid you'll get two more like Catherine, so just be angry." Louis said quickly, and then he saw Catherine's face turn dark.

"Oh? Are there two more like me?" Catherine's voice seemed to be wrapped in the frosty breath of the cold winter of 1939, and Louis felt like his loving father, the German general Paulus outside Grenoble.

Cold, too cold!

"Xiaolu is right." Solanlian nodded her head and said without caring about her daughter's mood: "Whenever I think about the other two little moons who don't like their mother, I feel very uncomfortable... "

"Okay, okay, stop saying a few words, Lian." Louis quickly stopped Solan Lian, he was really afraid that Catherine would freeze them both into big ice cubes.

Lunch time came in a blink of an eye, and they all returned to the castle to have lunch.

When he walked to the auditorium, Ron looked up and shouted in surprise: "Mom! Bill! Why are you here?"

"Come watch Harry's final." Mrs. Morley said happily. She also felt honored that Harry could reach the final. "I have to say, this is a good change. At least I don't need to cook today." Yes, I heard you had an exam today? How did you do?"

"Oh... not bad," Ron said vaguely, "I couldn't remember the names of all the rebel goblins, so I made up a few randomly, but I think it's okay." Ron was taking the vegetables and meat. While eating the cake, he said, "I just hope that all my predictions are correct. Merlin bless me..."

When Aunt Molly heard what Ron said, she grimaced: "They all call her Long Beard and Sloppy Lala. It's actually not difficult to make them up."

At this time, Ginny also sat down, and the family sat at the dining table like this, as if they were back at the Burrow, except that Charlie, Percy and Uncle Arthur were not here.

"How did you do in the exam? Louis?" Ron raised his eyebrows and asked Louis.

Lewis was happy: "Have you forgotten, I don't need to take any exams now."

Ron immediately became very frustrated. He sighed and said: "It's really... you don't take exams, and Harry doesn't take exams either. I feel like I am isolated from the whole world..."

"You can't let Hermione hear this." Harry said immediately: "If Hermione finds out, I'm afraid you will be in trouble... Think about it, how many extra lessons will you have to be supervised by her? "

Aunt Molly was very happy. She looked at Ron and then at Harry, and said with great satisfaction: "Since Harry said this about Hermione, then this girl must have paid a lot for us Ron. Oh my God, it's really incredible." You know how to thank her."

"Didn't you know? Hermione is Ron's girlfriend." George and Fred said in harmony.

This time it was Mrs. Weasley's turn to be shocked. She only knew that Ron and Hermione had a good relationship, but she did not know their actual relationship. She looked at Ron up and down, as if she was getting to know her good son again.

Good guy, are you really old enough to eat cabbage?

Harry also sat there and giggled. He was so happy that he even forgot about the game at night. Hermione arrived halfway through lunch. Before Harry and Ron could say anything, Aunt Molly had already stood up and warmly greeted Hermione to sit down.

Hermione was a little stunned. She didn't know why Aunt Molly was so enthusiastic.

"Thanks to you, we Ron can be so dedicated to studying." Aunt Molly looked at Hermione with approval, exactly like a mother-in-law looking at her daughter-in-law. The more she looked at her, the more satisfied she became: "Auntie, I want to thank you. , our Ron will be entrusted to you."

"This is what I should do..." Hermione said numbly.

There was a sound of footsteps behind him, and when he looked up, he saw Amos Diggory, Cedric's father, passing by with Cedric.

When he walked to Harry, he frowned and looked at Harry: "It's you...ho, the only warrior of Hogwarts. It seems that you are really confident in yourself?"

Cedric was very embarrassed. He blushed and pushed his father aside. He turned to Harry and said, "I'm sorry Harry, please ignore him. He read Rita Skeeter's very misleading article." Report, it’s my fault that I didn’t explain it clearly to him…”

"I don't think you should make it clear to him," Solanlian said slowly, her words were very aggressive, "As an adult, you should distinguish right from wrong. Even if there is something wrong with Harry, you, as an adult Isn’t it a little unreasonable for a person to bully a child?”

Amos' face was very ugly, but Solanlian didn't let him go: "Besides, who doesn't know that Rita Skeeter from the Daily Prophet is not credible? Can you believe it?" What she said..."

At this point, Solanlian did not continue, but showed a look of regret, as if she really felt sorry for Amos's IQ.

My wife is getting angry, really...

"Rita Skeeter makes trouble out of nothing! Amos!" Aunt Molly also said angrily: "You work in the ministry, I thought you knew that!"

Amos took a deep breath and did not dare to refute Solanlian. After all, in the Ministry of Magic, no one dared to mess with her. He was even more embarrassed to refute Aunt Molly. After all, Molly was a good person...

But he didn't want to lose face, so he could only snort, turn around and walk away with an apologetic Cedric.

After dinner, everyone walked around the Hogwarts campus and spent the whole afternoon before returning to the auditorium for dinner. Ludo Bagman and Mr. Zlatan Lovegood sat at the staff table. Bagman seemed quite happy, but Mr. Zlatan Lovegood, who was sitting next to Mrs. Maxim, had a sullen face and said nothing.

Madame Maxime was immersed in eating. Not sure if it was an illusion, but Louis always felt that her eyes looked a little red, and Hagrid at the other end of the table kept looking towards her.

The dinner was more sumptuous than usual. After Louis took two bites, he heard Ron from the Gryffindor seat behind him say: "The dinner is so sumptuous, does it feel like the last meal? Uh, I mean..."

As soon as he said this, Harry's fork clattered to the table.

Good guy, you are really my good brother. You tried so hard to calm down your mind, but you did this to me...

Isn’t that a waste of stress relief?

Ron also knew that he had said the wrong thing. Aunt Molly had just slapped him on the back of the head, almost slapping his head into the pasta in front of him.

As the enchanted ceiling turned from blue to dark purple dusk, Dumbledore stood up at the staff table and everyone fell silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes, I will invite everyone to go to the Quidditch pitch to watch the final event of the Triwizard Tournament. Now, warriors, please go to the sports ground with Mr. Bagman." Dumbledore Lido said loudly.

The warriors stood up, and the students in the auditorium applauded them together. Some shouted the names of the people they supported and sent their most sincere blessings. The warriors also extended their arms in response, thanking everyone for their support.

"Look at those two French girls." Louis stretched out his arm to touch Solanlian.

Solanlian raised her head and looked in the direction Louis pointed, then looked back at Louis in confusion, wondering what he meant by asking her to look at the French.

Lewis whispered deeply: "Look at their postures, do they look like they are surrendering?"

Solanlian was stunned for a moment, burst out laughing, and then felt something was inappropriate, covering her mouth and reaching out to hit Lewis on the shoulder.

As family members of the warriors, Solanlian and Lewis also stood up after they left their seats and followed them. In front of them were Harry and Ron, walking side by side, talking and laughing. Just when Louis was about to say hello, he heard Mr. Bagman shouting "Sorry, please give me a break", and then his fat body squeezed past.

"Are you feeling okay, Harry?" Mr. Bagman asked with concern as they descended the stone steps. "Are you confident?"

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