I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 312 Rare goods can live in Bagman

Louis knew that Mr. Bagman had actually placed a heavy bet on him winning the championship. Even if Catherine took the lead and was far ahead of the other contestants, Mr. Bagman's mentality of betting on dogs still drove him to win in Harbin. Leigh made a big bet.

Mr. Bagman was somewhat involved in Lu Buwei's behavior, and Qi Huo Ke Ju had trained Harry as his son.

But having said that, Harry is really a dark horse, a dark horse in every sense of the word. After all, he is the son of a plane, blessed with good luck, and the whole world is named after him.

Well...this year the world should be called "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire."

"It's okay." Harry replied with a relaxed expression. Now he found that he was too nervous, but he was not nervous anymore.

Mr. Bagman said nothing and patted Harry hard on the shoulder.

But Louis actually thought wrong. When it comes to winning the championship, Mr. Bagman actually bet on Catherine. As for the reason why he and Harry are so enthusiastic... maybe they feel sympathy for each other?

They entered the Quidditch pitch, which was completely unrecognizable. A hedge twenty feet high surrounded the edge of the field. There was a gap in front of them, which was the entrance to this large maze. The passage inside is dark and a bit scary.

Hedge maze (factory new).

Five minutes later, people began to enter the stands. Thousands of students filed into their seats, the air was filled with excited voices and chaotic footsteps, the sky was now a clear deep blue, and little stars began to appear.

The communication between the students is nothing more than who can score a few scores today, or who can get how many points. Before the game begins, they have no idea what the players will encounter.

"It must be whoever gets out of the maze first!" Seamus Finnigan said loudly, and added: "Thanks to Louis for not participating in the competition, otherwise he would not be able to get out. I know he is a road fool." of."

"Aren't you afraid that Louis will retaliate against you when you say that?" Neville next to him asked with a worried look.

Seamus was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand to set up the awning and looked into the distance, looking for Louis' figure. Then he saw Louis in the distance where the warriors and their families were.

"Damn it, Louis can't hear him, he's over there." Seamo was relieved, and his smile returned to his face.

Then, he heard a familiar voice coming from beside him.

"Thankfully Louis didn't participate in the competition, otherwise he would not have been able to get out. I know he came here because he was a roadie."

He turned around suddenly and saw Draco holding a strange little square thing, smiling at him, and what he just said was being repeated in the strange thing.

Seamus sat down on his seat with a pale face.

"Are you still saying that?" Draco asked very irritably.

Seamus shook his head quickly. Louis was too vindictive. He was really afraid of being trained by the devil.

"This is just a small lesson for you," Draco snorted, shook his head and said, "When you speak ill of others in the future, you'd better pay attention to who is around you."

Seamus wanted to refute, but after thinking about it he decided not to do it. If Draco got angry, he could really do what he wanted to do and hand over the recording to Louis.

"I'll delete the recording. It's just to teach you a lesson." Draco said, deleting the recording. "I don't want to be surrounded by foolhardy people in the future. Be careful, Seamus." .”

"Thank you, Malfoy." Seamus patted his chest with lingering fear. Since Draco said to delete it, he would definitely not keep it. Pure-blood families still value what they say.

"It was the Harmonious Society that saved you." Draco rolled his eyes, sat aside and started tinkering with the Walkman.

The Gryffindor classmates were also whispering, wondering why Draco let Seamus go so gently today.

In the distance, Hagrid, Professor Emma, ​​Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick walked into the sports field and walked towards Bagman and several warriors. They all had bright red stars on their hats, except for Hagrid, whose red star looked so out of place on the back of his terry vest.

"We will patrol outside the maze," Professor McGonagall said to the warriors. "If you encounter difficulties and want to be rescued, just shoot red sparks into the sky, and someone will come to help you. Do you understand?"

The warriors nodded together.

"Okay, you go!" Bagman said happily to the four patrol members.

"Good luck, Harry," Hagrid whispered, Aunt Molly whispered her blessing to Harry, and Bill gave him a hug of encouragement.

Louis touched Catherine's hair and kissed her on the forehead. Infected by the atmosphere, Solanlian also waved her fist towards Catherine to show her support.

The seven people walked away in different directions and distributed around the maze. At this time, Bagman pointed his wand at his throat and recited "loud voice", and his magically amplified voice echoed in the stands.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the final event of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me report the current score! Miss Catherine Worley, 100 points! Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

After the silence subsided, applause and cheers frightened the birds in the Forbidden Forest into flying into the darkening night sky. After the sound subsided, Mr. Bagman continued to announce: "Mr. Harry Potter, 90 points, Second place, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

There was another burst of warm applause, and then he continued to shout: "Mr. Cedric Diggory - 87 points, third place, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

"It seems that Hogwarts has taken the top three places. There are so many talents." Mr. Bagman said quietly, and then he continued to shout: "Marilyn Chabanor - 84 points, fourth place, Booth Barton Magic Academy!”

"Vasily Petrenko! 82 points! Fifth place! Durmstrang Magic School!" Mr. Bagman continued to shout.

After the voice fell, Vasily waved his hands and smiled enthusiastically, and his family members also enthusiastically supported him.

"Victor Krum! 81 points! Sixth place! Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" Mr. Bagman's voice was extremely loud and his words were clear. He was indeed a gold medal commentator - but there were no Ron and The two brothers Lee Jordan are funny and humorous.

Viktor's expression was a little gloomy, but he still waved his hands to the crowd cheering for him, but his attitude seemed a bit perfunctory. But having said that, I have always been at the center of the world, and suddenly I am second to last, which is indeed a bit unacceptable.

"Fleur Delacour! Seventh place! Beauxbatons Academy!" Mr. Bagman took care of Fleur's emotions and did not shout out her score.

He has high emotional intelligence. It seems that all these years of explaining have been in vain.

"The third project is also very simple," Mr. Bagman continued. "It seems that everyone is more curious about what this project is, so I will tell you about it - oh, of course I have to explain it to you. After all, our The Warriors also need to know what this program is, otherwise how can we compete?"

He told a joke that was neither too big nor too small, causing a burst of laughter.

"Well, this project is mainly about finding the Goblet of Fire in this maze - at this time, the usefulness of the Goblet of Fire is highlighted. The warrior who finds the Goblet of Fire and brings it back will win - you understand it correctly, right? , yes, this time it is a battle, a battle between warriors, and the warriors can use all means to seize the Goblet of Fire!"

The venue fell into silence, and then a burst of shocking noise broke out. They guessed the ending correctly, but not the process - but this is entertaining enough, isn't it? Fighting, it’s very exciting just thinking about it.

"Of course, we would also like to thank His Highness Louis Mountbatten for his generous support. He has provided the latest magic technology, which allows us to clearly see the first-person perspective of each player's broadcast!" Mr. Ludo Bagman shouted loudly : "We also need the cooperation of our players to put this little tentacle on their foreheads."

This is Mantid technology, which combines the modern technology and magic of this world. It is like an active camera, but it does not require power supply. It is replaced by Kepa amber, a little bit of Kepa amber.

The all-powerful Kepa Amber not only raised the mantid, but can now also research technology - this is also thanks to the technical nerd Swarm Guard Hisek. Compound eye vision belongs to his ability, and by the way, he recreated this little On the tentacles.

According to Bagman's words, the warriors pressed the tentacle with a cute little compound eye on their heads. Immediately, the tentacles seemed to be alive, and they straightened up. The compound eyes turned and turned, and began Share the players’ respective pictures.

Immediately, huge virtual screens from multiple angles appeared directly above the venue, each screen showing the perspectives of several players.

"Now we can all see compound eye vision," Mr. Bagman shouted excitedly: "Technology is developing and wizards are improving. I think this thing can be applied to the Quidditch field, so that everyone can I can clearly see each player’s perspective.”

"Actually, the signal can also be transmitted. Even at home, you can watch our Quidditch match." Louis said leisurely beside him, and his voice could be transmitted to everyone's ears with the help of Mr. Bagman's loud voice: "This is the latest magical technology developed by the Hogwarts Research Laboratory. It can use insect swarm sound waves to transmit game signals and convert them into sounds and images. Of course, the price of this new magical technology product is not expensive. It only requires three For gold galleons, you can purchase the corresponding equipment, and you only need to pay a gold galleons monthly service fee to enjoy technology like Muggle TV."

The buzz from the crowd intensified, everyone noisily discussing this new thing.

Everyone likes novelty, especially good things that are closely related to themselves. No one will refuse such good things that facilitate life, even those old-fashioned wizards - after all, Louis also said that there are also A little bit of magic.

As for the content of magic, it can only be a matter of opinion.

But it’s still a little bit, isn’t it? At least this pork nugget is not said to contain beef ingredients.

First there are 09, then there will be heaven. How did you say the last sentence?

Going off topic, Mr. Bagman glanced at Louis and said with a smile: "I'll give you a small advertisement here. If you need it, you can go to the house elves at Hogwarts to order it, or you can order it from the house elves at Hogwarts if you are hungry. Order on takeaway, we always welcome everyone to come and buy.”

Seeing that the adult wizards were already eager to try it, not to mention the students, they all decided in their hearts that after the competition was over, they would use owls to send letters home, describing the benefits of this new product in detail and with added detail.

Produced by Louis, it must be a masterpiece, and it has actually been imprinted on the hearts of wizards in the wizarding world.

"Okay, dear students and spectators." Mr. Bagman stopped everyone from whispering: "I think now we should focus more on the game. Our warriors can't wait to start."

"Now, family members, please return to the VIP seats." Mr. Bagman said, and at the same time stretched out his hand to invite everyone.

The family members left the warriors one after another, and Louis also dragged Solanlian back to the seat. Sitting on the left was Emma and a group of Hogwarts professors. Seeing Solanlian coming, he immediately dragged her passed.

"What were you doing this morning? I've been waiting for you to come." Solanlian pushed Emma with her arm with some resentment.

Emma smiled and said: "Ziyan and I went home last night. There were some things that needed to be dealt with there."

With that said, Emma looked at Lewis: "Little bastard, your grandpa asked you to go back during the summer vacation. He misses you very much."

"Really or not?" Louis looked full of disbelief: "I believe that my grandfather will miss me. I absolutely don't believe that he can admit this..."

"You little heartless child, your grandfather's love for you is in vain." Emma sighed: "Isn't that what the elderly are like? Old children, small children, do you still want to be on the same level as him?"

"I'm a kid too." Louis chuckled.

"A kid as tall as you?" Solanlian rolled her eyes at him, "Look inside the field, the game seems to be about to begin."

"Down below, please stand, our warriors." Mr. Bagman shouted loudly: "The game is about to begin——"

"Now...all players, get ready and listen to my whistle!" Bagman raised his right hand and said loudly.

With a short whistle, the players hurried into the maze.

The tall hedges cast dark shadows on the path. I don't know whether it was because the hedges were high and dense, or because of magic. As soon as they entered the maze, the voices of the audience could not be heard. It seemed that under the influence of magic, Completely isolated from the outside world.

What is very strange is that the seven contestants could not see each other the moment they entered the maze, but the onlookers knew that they had arrived at different starting points under the influence of some kind of magic.

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