I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 314 You are the dog

Viktor has indeed ended the battle. He is now lying on the ground panting. The Explosive-Tailed Skrewt is really difficult to deal with. He only found a flaw to find the opportunity to send it into the sky with a thunderbolt explosion.

Viktor lay on the ground in a state of collapse, sweating profusely, and breathing violently like a bellows. He had really outrun him just now. Viktor swore in his heart that he would never run away like this again.

If you run again, it will be useless.

Just as he was lying on the ground panting, the rustling sound of the hedge maze beside him sounded again.

He picked up the wand in despair. This time he really couldn't run away. He held up the wand and stared straight ahead as if facing a formidable enemy.

Viktor had already decided in his heart that if he didn't succeed, he would rather be entangled to death by the snail than raise his wand and send out a distress signal in humiliation.

The rustling sound became louder and louder, and the swing of the hedge maze became larger and larger. Viktor prepared with a solemn expression. Just when his heart was in his throat, a figure finally walked out of the hedge maze. Looking closely, it was Cedric Diggory.

Cedric looked panicked, and there was smoke coming from his sleeves.

"Hagrid's Blast-Ended Skrewt!" Cedric shouted in panic: "It's so big - I had a hard time escaping, my God..."

Victor's expression suddenly changed.

"Did you lure the Blast-Ended Skrewt here?" he asked with an unfriendly expression, staring at the rustling hedge behind Cedric.

"Ah, I was in a hurry..." Cedric said with a dry smile, and at the same time ran two steps forward, pulled out his wand and stared in the direction he came from.

Ron in the commentary box said with great joy: "Oh, it seems that our player Cedric is a little unreasonable. He led the squid to the exhausted Viktor. Poor Viktor... …Tsk tsk…”

"It is said that Hufflepuff people are very honest and reliable, but now it seems that they are not so honest..." Li Jordan commented, causing a group of Hufflepuff classmates to glare.

The situation in the maze was not optimistic. Both of them were breathing heavily, and Viktor, who seemed to have a higher fighting ability, was even more exhausted.

Viktor said quickly: "We will discuss our accounts later. What I want to tell you now is to find the right time to target the tail of the snail to use a thunderbolt explosion. They are afraid that this curse will kill them." Explode to the sky...Okay, I'm done, please pay attention to yourself, if there is any danger, just raise your hand to call the signal, and I will leave you behind without hesitation and run away!"

"I should be the one to say this." Cedric snorted: "You should be the one who can run. There is no retreat at Hogwarts!"

Viktor glanced at Cedric in surprise. He didn't expect this frail-looking young boy to be so tough. He smiled and said: "Let's wait and see, classmate Diggory, I hope you don't just say that you are good at martial arts."

With that said, the Blast-Ended Skrewt emerged from the hedge.

Heck, this snail was bigger than the two that Viktor had seen before. If his visual inspection was correct, it would almost be as big as an elephant.

"What kind of monster is your gamekeeper? Merlin's socks..." Viktor said in shock: "This guy... this guy is too big, my Virgin Mary..."

"It's normal to be a little wild." Cedric said very pertinently and calmly. "After all, Hagrid himself is relatively wild. It is expected that the things he cultivated will be wild."

He estimated that his physical strength was much stronger than that of Viktor, and he didn't need to run very fast - he only needed to be a little faster than Viktor, and that was enough.

Fortunately, the cooperation between the two people is pretty good. Although the Explosive-tailed Skrewt is huge, its movements are extremely clumsy. Although the fight was a bit difficult, with the combined efforts of the two, the squid was overturned to the ground, and then easily sent to the sky by the curse.

"Oh my god, it's so barbaric. They shouldn't be treated like this!" Hagrid shouted. He looked distressed, but no one understood him. Instead, they all looked at him as if he were a monster.

You're so stupid, you actually think that twisted thing is cute?

Hagrid's aesthetic has always been disastrous, and his classmates at Hogwarts have long been used to it.

In fact, there's nothing wrong with this snail, it's just a bit ugly, smelly, and has a hot temper.

The two of them looked at each other in shock. Just as Cedric opened his mouth to speak, a scream came from the distance.

"It's Fleur!" Viktor gasped twice and looked up at Cedric: "Something happened to her!"

"I hope she's okay." After Cedric glanced at him, he turned and left without leaving a word.

The commentator had no time to care about what the two of them were doing. They switched the perspective to Fleur's position and saw Fleur retreating with a frightened look on her face.

Following her perspective, everyone also got a glimpse of the full danger that Fleur faced. Well... they thought it was something novel, but it was still a Explosive-Ended Skrewt produced by Hagrid.

But to be honest, this snail was completely different from the others. The edges of its tentacles were glowing with bright black and bright white colors. Louis concluded almost instantly that this snail must have been contaminated by evil energy.

"Fleur is in danger." He tilted his head to find Catherine, but suddenly realized that Catherine was also in the maze.

He called Sakuya over and pulled up something like a tablet. He was going to see what was going on with Catherine.

After the picture fluctuated briefly, Catherine's perspective appeared on his tablet. In front of her, there was the Goblet of Fire.

"Why so fast?" Louis was stunned for a moment, but before he could think about it, Catherine's lightning had already hit the "Goblet of Fire".

Oh, okay, it's a mimetic magical creature. After being electrocuted by Professor Yang's wrath, it twitched and revealed its prototype. It looked like a small salamander.

On the tips of this salamander's hands and tail, there are also traces of being corrupted by evil energy.

Lewis quietly stuffed the tablet onto Sakuya, tapped his fingers, took out an amber object, pressed it twice, and put it on his ear.

It was still the latest swarm technology, a simple phone made using Kypar Amber and Mantid technology, as well as a little bit of magic, but it was far from reaching the level of later generations.

The person who answered the phone was Sisek, the swarm guard, who was taking a bath in the prefect's bathroom.

"Bring the Sha energy detector, it's on the Quidditch pitch. It's urgent." Lewis lowered his voice and ordered: "Remember to ask Kilruk to send it over. I suspect there is a problem here."

"Wait a moment." Hisek immediately stood up from the water, causing a splashing sound.

After a while, Kelluk fluttered from the sidelines and landed next to Lewis.

Louis regretted not telling him to "keep a low profile".

"I think you are afraid that others won't know," Lewis said, stretching out his hand: "Where is the evil energy counter?"

Kelluk took out a small orange-yellow object and handed it to Louis. There was a dashboard and pointers on it. It looked like some kind of detector. Killuk clicked his instructions: "You may need to be careful, this thing is very loud when it alarms."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand next to his ear and made an explosive gesture: "I'm afraid you will be shocked."

"I understand, thank you." Louis nodded and said, then stood up, turned around and walked back.

As he walked, he paid attention to the needles on the dashboard. First of all, there are no problems with the guest of honor and faculty seats. Then he walked to the stands and circled around a lot. There was still no problem. The pointer on the instrument panel was still very smooth and did not even swing from side to side as he moved around.

Lewis shook his head. He glanced at Kilruk who was eating snacks in the distance. Since there were no evil spirits in the guest seat or in the entire arena, is it possible that the troublemaker is hiding in the maze?

He thought to himself and walked towards the edge of the maze.

Mr. Bagman was explaining passionately. When he saw Louis coming, he immediately put down his wand and walked over to stop Louis: "You can't go any further, Your Highness, there is a competition field ahead."

"I know." Lewis looked at the dark entrance and handed the thing to Mr. Bagman: "Go, take this thing and stand at the door of the maze - as a staff member, you should still have this power There are some, right?”

"Of course." Mr. Bagman nodded, took the dashboard from Louis, and walked to the entrance of the maze.

Almost instantly, the counter began to alarm crazily, and the beeping sound startled Mr. Bagman - a real jump. I really don’t know where a middle-aged man could get such a big bounce. force.

"Okay, come back." Louis greeted Mr. Bagman and asked him to come back quickly.

Mr. Bagman stared at the gadget in his hand with lingering fear. He was so frightened just now that he almost threw the thing away. He never expected that such a gadget could make such a loud noise. He handed the thing back to Louis. He asked hesitantly: "Your Highness, is this...?"

"This?" Louis chuckled, "It's an instrument for detecting black magic. You can understand it this way."

As he spoke, he glanced at the dashboard, and the pointer on it was already pointing to the end. He glanced at the entrance of the maze with a solemn expression, and immediately took out his phone to send a message.

The phone was connected and Catherine's voice came through.

"What's wrong?"

"Something happened. The evil energy pollution in the maze exceeded the standard." Lewis said in a deep voice: "Pay attention to safety and come back as early as possible."

On the other side of the phone, Catherine was silent for a moment and asked in a low voice: "I heard a scream just now, was it Fleur...?"

"Probably, but she's fine. I think she can still run. She was just frightened. You also know that Hagrid's Blast-Ended Skrewt is a bit outrageous..." Louis laughed and continued: "Okay, I’m going to hang up the phone. After all, we can’t communicate with the players much outside the court, so just pay attention to your safety.”

After saying that, Lewis hung up the phone.

At the same time, a red signal flare rose up above the maze and exploded in the air.

The commentator over there also said that Marilyn seemed to be in a lot of trouble. Louis glanced at Mr. Bagman and said to him: "Should we send someone in quickly to pick up the Chabanol player?"

"It would be great if you were willing to help." Mr. Bagman said, taking out a compound eye tentacle: "But you need to stick this thing on your head first. You should understand that this is to prevent The rescue team cheated out of selfish motives.”

"I understand." Louis smiled and took the tentacle and stuck it on his head.

After it was glued on, it felt like there was an extra tentacle, but I couldn't control the movement of this thing. The rescue team not only includes him, but also Professor Snape and Sirius, which counts as one team.

"Are you ready?" Professor Snape looked at Louis and didn't say much. Seeing Louis' doubtful eyes, Snape looked back at Sirius and explained: "When looking for someone in the maze, there will always be Need a dog.”

"Who are you calling a dog?" Sirius asked angrily.

Snape looked him up and down and asked contemptuously: "Isn't your Animagus a dog?"

Sirius choked and chose to swallow his anger.

This time, you said there was nothing wrong with me, but I won’t let you off so easily next time.

"I tell you two, stop quarreling." Mr. Bagman advised earnestly: "The Chabanor players inside are in danger. I suggest you set off as soon as possible. I hope there will be no trouble in the Goblet of Fire this time. Taking lives is the only thing..."

Snape glanced at Mr. Bagman, said nothing, and walked straight into the dark maze. Louis and Sirius looked at each other and walked in.

Since it was no longer the beginning of the game, the three of them could still see each other. Snape walked in front, and Sirius transformed into a big black dog.

"How should we find it?" Louis asked.

Snape said nothing, took out a towel and handed it to Sirius.

Sirius sniffed, and after a while he jumped up and barked twice. Louis looked at the towel with interest and asked curiously: "What is this?"

"As you can see, this is Marilyn Chabanor's towel." Snape's tone was a little impatient, but he still explained to him: "You also know that dogs are creatures that rely on smell. Tracking others, so..."

As he spoke, he shrugged and did not continue, but he still looked at Sirius teasingly, and Sirius glared back. Although he could not speak humanly, Louis could hear the meaning of Britain from those two words "woof". It means scolding.

Louis finally understood why Snape was impatient but still patiently explained the reason to him. It turned out that he was just waiting... As long as it made Sirius unhappy, Snape would rather pinch his nose to make himself unhappy first. one time……

Well, I forgot to ask for leave yesterday. Sorry.

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