Regarding the grudges and grudges of the previous generation, Louis said that he has been through hundreds of battles and has seen a lot.

Especially the grievances between Sirius and Snape, Louis didn't want to say more or read more.

Although Sirius disliked Snape a little, he still held his nose and accepted Snape's words. After all, he had to rely on him to find someone.

Following the smell, Sirius led the two of them in front, followed by Louis and Snape. The maze was extremely dark, and there was a milky white miasma blocking the line of sight. Even lighting skills such as fluorescent flashes could not penetrate it. Through this dense fog.

Sirius suddenly stopped, stretched out his nose, sniffed, and barked twice, which roughly meant "something happened."

Louis waved his wand and transformed into a black dog exactly like Sirius. The black dog ran forward happily, and soon there was a whimpering sound.

"It's weird." The two of them looked at each other, and Sirius showed his original shape, nodded and moved forward.

He couldn't see the left and right in the fog, and suddenly there was a sharp whistle, and something whose appearance he couldn't see rushed over. Sirius reacted quickly, flicked his wand, and hit it with a magic spell, making a muffled sound. , that thing was also shot very far.

"What is it?" Sirius asked in shock.

"I didn't see clearly. He must not be very good-looking." Snape sneered and cast a spell on Sirius.

There was a whimper from behind him, and a monster fell to the ground.

Snape's words were always thorny. He sneered and said, "I think you should thank me, if you still have a little bit of politeness."

"Thank you." Sirius gave a thumbs up.

"Thank you for saving your life." Louis added.

Sirius glanced at him, snorted arrogantly and said nothing, still holding up his wand and looking at the mist around him.

"After such a long delay, won't the Durmstrang player be in danger?" he asked.

Snape flicked his wand, cast a spell, and shook his greasy hair, and said coldly: "First of all, Miss Chabanor is a student of Beauxbatons College; secondly, we combined the Supreme Being Korfan's amber craft can temporarily seal her in amber to resist fatal injuries - only by mastering the know-how can the protective amber be released, otherwise you can only watch."

"What about the Death Curse?" Sirius asked curiously.

Louis explained to him: "We have tested it and used a cow. At least twenty Avada Kedavra curses cannot harm any living thing in it through amber."

"Who threw the death curse?" Sirius talked a lot and was very annoying. It was like there were a hundred thousand reasons why. Snape and Louis ignored him in a tacit understanding.

Sirius was bored and continued to walk forward, still asking: "Do I need to change back to my Animagus form?"

"Well, actually it's not necessary." Lewis took out something like a compass: "This is an amber pathfinder. It can find players wrapped in amber, just like a compass..."

Sirius became unhappy immediately. He glared at Louis and asked angrily: "So you have been playing tricks on me just now?"

"It's okay for you to understand it this way." Lewis said with a smile: "After all, it's rare to see a solid eye like you these days."

Sirius: % # ¥……(expletive)

Snape said nothing, but he still gave Louis a thumbs up in public to express his approval of the student.

He must be a student of his own college. Snape was in a good mood. He was very happy to see Sirius deflated.

After walking not far, Louis looked at the small light that was getting closer and closer, and said solemnly: "We're almost there."

The two immediately retreated slightly and gathered around Lewis. Each of the three faced one direction, always wary of monsters in the mist.

After walking a few more steps, the front suddenly opened up. There was a large piece of amber not far away. Marilyn Chabanol, who looked frightened, was frozen in the amber. On the edge of the amber, there was a giant beast— —It doesn’t look like something owned by the magical world or the earth, but it does look a lot like the Faceless Man of Krasis.

Hearing the footsteps of the three Louises, the faceless man turned his head and swung his face like an octopus's tentacles - in fact, the faceless man was not a faceless monster, he just had an octopus face, and in In a famous game called Dota in later generations, the nickname of this thing is X-face.

As the name suggests, because its face looks like [Elegance].

The faceless man roared and spoke a string of incomprehensible languages, then picked up the hammer in his hand and rushed towards the three of them.

"Reducto! (Shattered to pieces)" Sirius took the lead in attacking, and Professor Snape also snorted and threw out a divine blade.

The Bone Shattering Curse hit the faceless man on the head, causing him to stagger, but it had no great effect and he still rushed towards the three of them. The Shen Feng Wuying cut open its leather armor, and a stream of black blood flowed out. When it was sprinkled on the grass, the originally green grass withered instantly and lost its vitality.

"It's really an evil creature..." Snape muttered, his hands busy, throwing spells with Sirius, but he was unable to cause fatal damage to it.

"Holy Light, this evil is worth fighting!" Louis pointed at the Faceless Man and said a classic line, then took out his wand and transformed into a golden sword of Holy Light. He held a sword flower, pointed his right hand at the Faceless Man, and shouted loudly: "Holy Light Explosion!"

A fierce golden light flashed, and the Faceless Man was caught off guard. Just as he was shaking his head and trying to wake up, Louis had already walked over and split it into two with just one sword.

He waved his hand and used mass dispersion to purify the squirming pieces of flesh on the ground. Then he walked to the piece of amber, stretched out his hand and knocked it. The amber shattered, and a frightened Marilyn fell out.

"Oh my god, what kind of monster was that just now?" Marilyn was still shocked.

"Faceless Man, okay, you have been eliminated, player Chabanor." Louis showed no mercy, "You can go, we are going to save the next player."

"Can I follow you?" Marilyn asked a little unwillingly, "This maze is too deep. I'm so afraid if I encounter this kind of thing again..."

Before he finished speaking, Louis threw out a ball of ashes and teleported Marilyn back to Madame Maxime.

"" Before Marilyn could react, when she finished saying this, she looked up and saw that she had returned to the seat of honor, and next to her was the principal, Mrs. Maxim.

"Yes... I'm sorry, Madame Maxime..." Marilyn said timidly.

Mrs. Maxim stretched out her big hand, touched Marilyn's head lovingly, and comforted her: "It doesn't matter. This kind of danger is unpredictable. This is the responsibility of the organizer and has nothing to do with you."

In fact, she was just comforting her - why were the other players still insisting on it? Not to mention others, fourth-year Harry Potter had just killed a Faceless Man alive with Expelliarmus under the watchful eyes of more than 3,000 people.

Too cruel...

"It looks like Marilyn Chabanore is going to take the lead," Ron explained. "Then the first elimination has already appeared, Marilyn Chabanore, from Beauxbatons."

"Unfortunately, we don't seem to be able to deal with that monster," Lee Jordan said with emotion. "Even the two professors had a hard time dealing with him. It's not difficult to imagine how difficult it would be if we encountered it." Awkward."

"In addition to the Harry Potter players," as Harry's good brother, Ron must have praised Harry, "I believe that the students have just seen that the Harry Potter players are superb at removing With your weapon, you beat that Faceless Man monster until it was unable to fight back. It’s so cool.”

"You are right, this is Gryffindor, courage and fearlessness, these are our qualities." Lee Jordan nodded his head. As a Gryffindor, he naturally had to become a Gryffindor and praise everyone. Lord, he really didn't hesitate to give any kind words to Harry.

People in the stands expressed their vomiting. They had never seen these two people so shameless.

In the maze, the three search team members received a summons from Bagman.

"Your Highness, go find Cedric Diggory, he and Viktor Krum are in trouble together!" Mr. Bagman's voice was very anxious, "The situation is urgent, the monster is quite large!"

"I understand." Louis nodded, hung up the phone, looked up at the two people who were staring at him, and said in a deep voice: "The situation now is more urgent, Cedric and Dem from Hufflepuff College Strong's Viktor was attacked together, and we need to get to the scene of the incident as soon as possible. According to Mr. Bagman, the monster that attacked them seems to be huge..."

"Lead the way." Snape's words were still concise.

They continued to walk in the direction indicated by the search engine, passing through the heavy fog, and were constantly harassed by various monsters. When they arrived at the location designated by the indicator, the attacking monsters had long since disappeared, leaving only There were three pieces of amber on the ground, which contained Fleur with a broken leg, Cedric with a torn shoulder, and Viktor with all of his clothes burned.

Louis didn't say anything, and turned back to Snape and said: "Professor, I suggest that we teleport the three of them back in this form. Kepa Amber can seal their injuries. In this case, Madam Pomfrey and the Supreme Kirfan and Lao Chen will be able to rescue them in time, don’t you think?"

"You are right to think about it." Snape nodded and took out a bag of ashes: "How to operate this thing? I have never used floo powder in this form."

Speaking of which, this kind of Floo powder that can teleport others is a new product modified by Krisstrasa and the technical guru Patchouli Noreki. It can teleport people to a designated location without going through the fire - this handful The ashes were a handful that had been burned in the bonfire next to the guest of honor table.

Three crystal clear ambers were sent back to the guest of honor, and then Louis received a summons from Dumbledore.

"The three of you try to find the remaining players, Louis, there is no need to continue this game." Principal Dumbledore said in a deep tone: "Everyone's life safety is the priority. Try not to Let no harm come to them!"

"Understood, Professor." Louis nodded. As soon as he put down the phone, there was a rustling sound in the hedge next to him, and a woman's sobs.

The three of them immediately pointed their wands at the swaying hedge. After a while, Fleur came out of it. After seeing the three of them, she fell to the ground without strength, covering her face and sobbing uncontrollably.

"What's wrong with you?" Sirius asked with concern as he knelt down in a gentlemanly manner.

Fleur shook her head and just cried. Louis took out the Geiger counter and checked it. There was no evil, so he lowered his head and said to her: "Okay, there is no need to hold on any longer. Principal Dumbledore said that something happened in the maze. Try to save it." Your lives are our main priority, so we will send you back first and then find the other two contestants."

Who would have thought that after hearing this, Furong stopped crying immediately, raised her head and asked with a smile on her face, "What? There are only two people left?"

Louis was stunned for a moment, then nodded subconsciously and replied: "Yes, there are only two people left...well, Harry Potter and Catherine Worley."

Fleur immediately wiped her tears and smiled happily: "Well, I thought I was going to be eliminated first, so... well, I'm a little embarrassed. Since I'm not the last one... I'd better go back quickly."

Louis was speechless for a while, good guy, I thought something had happened to you, but I didn’t expect that you just didn’t want to be last... But in your situation... well, you are already at the bottom, and no matter how you go, you are always going up...

Forget it, Louis didn't want to think too much, took out a handful of ashes and sprinkled it on Fleur. A breeze blew by, and Fleur was blown back to the guest of honor seat.

"Well, it seems that something strange did happen in the maze, and the players have begun to leave one after another." Ron said with some regret, "What a shame, I thought I could see the battle between the players, As a result, I left the game hastily, which feels a bit anticlimactic. This game is a bit unfinished."

"Your inversion sentence is very good. Are you from Shadong?" Li Qiaodan asked with a smile, "But the question is, how will this project end? What if the remaining two contestants are also brought in? If it comes out, I personally hope to hold another project..."

"I don't think so. Look, the Harry Potter player is already close to the Goblet of Fire." Lee Jordan said excitedly.

Everyone's attention was instantly drawn to the competition scene by Li Jordan's words. Harry was gasping for air on the screen, and in front of him was the burning Goblet of Fire.

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