I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 316 I’m not good at flying

Harry looked around and found no one. At this time, he didn't know that everyone else had withdrawn. He suppressed his racing heart and walked step by step towards the Goblet of Fire.

The flames were burning, and in his eyes, it was so charming. He was only one step away from the championship, and Harry couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart.

Before this, he never thought that he could win the championship before Catherine, but now it seems that he has achieved this unlikely achievement.

The audience outside the venue also saw this scene and almost held their breath.

Mr. Bagman, who had received Dumbledore's instructions, called Harry anxiously, but Harry couldn't hear him at all, as if something blocked the signal.

"Harry! Harry!" Ron was almost dying. He shouted loudly, begging Harry not to touch the Goblet of Fire, but Harry couldn't hear him. All he can see now is the Goblet of Fire, which symbolizes the championship.

There is also something wrong with this Triwizard Tournament. Since winning the Goblet of Fire in the third event is the winner, what's the point of getting points from the first two events?

Isn't this just taking off your pants and farting - unnecessary?

"Your Highness, Your Highness!" Mr. Bagman couldn't get through Harry's call and began to communicate with Louis. "If you and the two professors move faster, Harry will touch the Goblet of Fire! That flame The cup is a door key! It leads to unknown places!"

"I understand." Louis responded solemnly, turning back to communicate with Snape and Sirius, and then he began to connect with Catherine's telepathy again.

"Little Moon, give up looking for the Goblet of Fire. Harry has found it. It's a door key. It's not safe in the maze. Come out quickly!"

"Be safe." Catherine on the other side didn't say much. After hearing Louis' instructions, she immediately scattered the ashes and teleported back to the guest seat.

When Louis looked up again, Snape and Sirius had already run away. Sirius really cared about Harry, and Snape... Although Snape said he hated Harry to the extreme, he was still an upright person...

Maybe you don’t want to let Lily down? Anyway, I don’t understand it.

Lewis didn’t say anything and ran after them both.

Harry stepped forward step by step, looking around cautiously, wary of possible monsters, but unexpectedly, he didn't encounter anything until he reached the front of the Goblet of Fire.

Unable to suppress the ecstasy in his heart, he grinned and reached out to grab the Goblet of Fire.

The moment he came into contact with the Goblet of Fire, the three members of the search and rescue team also ran to his position. Sirius' eyes were splitting as he shouted: "Harry! No!"

Harry only heard Sirius's voice, and before he even had time to turn around, he felt as if something was being pulled behind his navel. His legs left the ground, but he could not let go of the hand holding the Goblet of Fire.

The Goblet of Fire seemed to have a strong suction force, grabbing Harry and flying forward amidst the roaring wind and the spinning of the earth. Harry wanted to vomit, but couldn't. He felt that his internal organs were being squeezed together.

Almost in an instant, Harry disappeared from the sight of the three of them.

At the same time, the audience's signal was also interrupted, and Louis also cut off the video signal with the audience.

Everyone looked around in confusion, but did not find Harry's figure. Combined with the performance of the commentators and Dumbledore's request, everyone's hearts were raised, and everyone was worried about this person who survived the catastrophe. The boy's fate.

Sirius roared angrily, swung his wand, and a spell flew out, smashing the table with the Goblet of Fire into pieces.

Snape's face was also extremely gloomy. He turned around and stared at Louis, and said word by word: "I can't control the things you and Dumbledore did. Now that Potter is missing, you two need to help us." A reasonable explanation..."

Louis said nothing. He knew Snape was anxious. No one would be calm about this kind of thing.

He looked up at the two of them, pondered for a moment and asked, "Can you use a broomstick?"

"Of course..." the two said in unison.

"If my guess is correct, Harry should be in Riddle House now!" Louis said calmly, "If Voldemort wants to be resurrected, he must need Harry's blood and his father's bones, and he is now unable to move and can only Go to Riddle Mansion to find his father’s big bones!”

"I know." Snape nodded. He took off the antennae on his head. Before he could speak, he was interrupted by Louis.

"I suggest you stick it on, Professor." Lewis suggested: "This little thing can be used as a communication converter between the three of us, and can be transmitted to each other's mind with thoughts."

"I see." Snape calmly glued the tentacles back to his forehead.

Louis coughed and said to them both: "I'll ventilate with Principal Dumbledore first, you two wait a moment - we don't have a broom."

"No, I have three Firebolts here." Sirius took out three Firebolts from his pocket and lined them up on the ground. Seeing their surprised and puzzled looks, Sirius explained: "I bought them in total. Five, Harry is a chaser after all, I'm afraid he will use up too quickly, after all, the broomstick will break down at some point."

"That's true." Lewis nodded, "Then you need to tell Principal Dumbledore, so as not to worry him."

With that said, Lewis dialed Dumbledore's phone number.

"To make a long story short, Professor, we need to go to Riddle House to rescue Harry...Okay, hang up." After Louis finished speaking, he hung up the phone, leaving Dumbledore looking at the phone with a question mark on his face.

The Firebolt moved very fast. Louis was lying on the broom, his face turning blue and white. To be honest, he had a hard time trusting this kind of broom...

Sirius saw Louis's face and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you, Louis? You look bad?"

"I..." Louis gasped and said, "I'm not... not good at... good at flying..."

As he spoke, Louis took out a bottle of Snape's fainting pills from his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, took out a small bottle, took a sip and drank the pills down.

"I think your pocket looks like a small warehouse." Sirius squinted his eyes and said, "You must be in charge of the warehouse at Hogwarts, right?"


Why does the above conversation seem familiar? It seems like I have heard it somewhere...

It must be an illusion, right? Louis was thinking to himself, sometimes the things he experienced always felt like he had encountered them somewhere before. It was said that he had encountered them in his previous life? He didn't think much about it, now he just wanted to vomit.

Fear of heights can't afford to hurt...

Harry felt his feet hit the ground, his legs gave way and he fell to the ground like a noodle, his hand finally letting go of the Goblet of Fire.

He raised his head, wondering where he was. The Goblet of Fire seemed to be a door key, but he didn't know where he was teleported.

There must be a conspiracy among them. His heart was beating loudly. He stood up with force and began to look around.

This place was completely beyond the boundaries of Hogtianz, and he had obviously been transported by this portkey for many miles - maybe hundreds of miles, because even the surrounding mountains around the castle were gone. They stood in a dark, overgrown cemetery and could see a tall cedar tree to the right. Behind is the black outline of a small church, and to the left is a not-too-high hill.

Harry could make out an exquisite old house on the hillside. It looked very retro, as if it had been styled decades ago.

The surroundings were eerie and silent. Harry held up his wand. He always had a strange feeling, as if someone was watching him. There was also the beating of his heart in his ears. It was obvious, but he didn't know where it came from. He was sure It was definitely not his own—but he hesitated a little as to whether it was his own heartbeat.

Footsteps sounded, and he looked alertly at the direction of the sound in the darkness.

A short, fat figure walked toward him step by step among the graves. Harry couldn't see the man's face clearly, but judging from his gait and the posture of his arms, it seemed that the man was holding something in his arms. He wore a hooded cloak, covering his face, and was short and fat. After taking a few steps closer, Harry saw that the thing the man was holding seemed to be a baby.

As he gradually approached, Harry's forehead began to sting sharply. The pain was unbearable. This was the first time he had felt this kind of torture since he was born. His wand also fell to the ground with the pain. , covering his face with his hands, his legs softened, and he knelt on the ground.

His vision became blurry and he couldn't see anything clearly. His head felt like it was going to explode. There seemed to be ten thousand bugs inside that were eating away at his head.

Harry groaned feebly, and the severe pain even made him unable to make a sound. Then slowly, he felt as if he was being pulled up and flying up. At the same time, his pain also eased, and his eyes gradually became able to focus. When the focus is increased, the world becomes less blurry.

The short man in the cloak had already put down his baggage and lit the surrounding candles with his wand. The color of the candle was very dim, as if there was something gloomy and gloomy surrounding it.

Harry felt a huge force that threw him out, and his back hit the tombstone hard, causing him to retch.

When I was vomiting, I took a surprised look and saw the small words engraved on the tombstone.

"Tom Riddle."

The man in the cloak used magic to conjure up ropes and tied Harry tightly to the tombstone, tying them one after another from his neck to his ankles, as if to prevent him from escaping. Harry heard rapid, light breathing coming from inside the hood. He struggled like an insect, crawling back and forth. The man seemed to be angered by his actions, and reached out to hit him - a finger was missing from the hand that hit him.

Harry knew who was under the hood, it was Wormtail.

"It's you!" Harry exclaimed, his tone full of disbelief - he thought Wormtail was singing "Tears Behind Bars" in Azkaban.

Why did you suddenly escape from jail? This matter was never mentioned in the newspapers...

Countless thoughts ran through his mind, whether someone in the Ministry of Magic had betrayed him, or Wormtail - oh, he remembered, Peter Pettigrew was an Animagus and could turn into a mouse...

This would also explain why he was able to escape from Azkaban.

But Wormtail didn't answer. He moved quickly with his hands. He had finished tying the rope and was busy checking whether it was tight. His breathing was very heavy, and his fingers were shaking uncontrollably as he fumbled with the knots. Harry guessed that he must be very nervous.

After making sure that Harry was tied up tightly and unable to move, Wormtail took out a black object from his cloak and stuffed it into Harry's mouth very roughly. Harry only felt a sense of soreness. The extremely stinky smell went straight to his nostrils, and he choked out immediately.

It's broken, it's Wormtail's smelly socks...

Harry felt like he wanted to die now. He swore that if he got out of trouble, the first thing he would do would be to throw an Avada Kedavra at Wormtail. He swore!

But at this time, he could no longer see where Peter Pettigrew was. Being tied to the tombstone, he could only look ahead, unable to turn his head to see what was happening behind him.

Harry had no choice but to look elsewhere. His eyes began to wander. Yes, where was the baby-like clothes package that Peter Pettigrew just carried? He searched for a long time and finally saw the clothes bag on the ground not far ahead.

Harry suddenly felt a burning pain in the scar again. He was sure almost instantly that the thing inside must be Voldemort, or one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

He was a little desperate now. He was caught here by Voldemort and his Death Eaters. How could he escape? Does Louis know his current situation? Where is Principal Dumbledore? Ron and Hermione would be worried if they knew he disappeared suddenly, and Aunt Molly, she must be worried...

Harry was so distraught now that his mind was boiling. He tried not to look at the baggage to avoid the pain in his head coming back again.

There was a rustling sound, and when he looked down, he saw a thick snake swimming on the ground, circling around the tombstone where he was tied. Peter Pettigrew's heavy breathing sounded again. He seemed to be pushing something hard, and he made hard sounds from time to time.

After a while, he came into Harry's sight. It turned out that Peter Pettigrew was pushing a black cauldron. The cauldron was so huge that it could accommodate Harry's whole body. It seemed to be filled with water - maybe What kind of soup? When Peter Pettigrew pushed it, you could still hear the splashing sound of the soup spilling onto the grass.

"You're going to boil me, right?" Harry felt a huge fear in his heart, and even forgot about the smell of Peter Pettigrew's smelly socks. He began to brainstorm in his head, thinking about being boiled alive. What it feels like.

It must be painful, Harry thought to himself, tears streaming down his cheeks unsatisfactorily, he was filled with despair now.

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