I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 318 Harry who has no martial ethics

He pressed his long, pale index finger on Peter Pettigrew's arm.

The pain in Harry's forehead flared up again, and Peter Pettigrew let out another wail. Voldemort took his finger away from Peter Pettigrew's mark, and Harry saw that the mark turned into an inky black color.

With a cruel look of triumph on Voldemort's face, he straightened up, raised his head, and scanned the dark cemetery.

"How many people would have the guts to come back after feeling it?" he murmured, staring at the twinkling stars in the sky with his glowing red eyes. "And how many would be stupid enough to avoid it?"

He began to pace back and forth in front of Harry and Peter Pettigrew, glancing at the graveyard from time to time. About a minute later, his eyes fell on Harry again, and his snake-like face twisted into a cruel smile.

"Harry Potter, you are standing over the bones of my father." Voldemort hissed softly. "He was a Muggle and an idiot... just like your mother. But they both had their uses, Isn't that right? When you were young, your mother died to protect you...I killed my father, you see, how useful he was after his death..."

Voldemort didn't think this Alsatian behavior was shameful at all. Now he was not ashamed but proud. He looked at Harry with a triumphant expression, as if he wanted Harry to praise him for how awesome he was. Same batch.

"Oh, yes, I don't need to introduce myself. In this case, you should know who I am - and... I heard that your popularity is as high as mine..." Voldemort said to Harry in a sinister manner.

Harry's inner os: What the hell do you think I am willing to do?

Immediately afterwards, he may have felt that such a one-sided confession was meaningless, so he waved his wand and pulled out the smelly socks that were stuffed in Harry's mouth. It didn't matter. Harry gasped and turned into a Hogwarts man. He vomited and vomited all over the floor. Voldemort dodged away in disgust. Thanks to his quick movements, otherwise Harry would definitely have sprayed him.

Voldemort looked at Harry's embarrassed look and laughed mischievously again. While pacing back and forth, he glanced around. The snake was still wandering on the grass, as if it was playing some strange trick.

"See that house on the hillside, Potter? My father lived there. My mother was a wizard who lived in this village and fell in love with him. But when she revealed her identity, he abandoned her. She...my father doesn't like magic..."

Voldemort was talking about his parents' love, not paying attention to the disdain in Harry's eyes. His scarlet eyes were full of disdain for his Muggle father, "He left her and returned to his Muggle parents." By my side, before I was born, Potter."

"My mother died in childbirth and I grew up in a Muggle orphanage...but I vowed to find him...I took revenge on him, the man who gave me the same name as him, Tom. Riddle..."

"Ha, I'm starting to get a little sad," Voldemort wiped his bald head and showed a sinister smile: "Trivial family matters always make people sad, don't they?"

"Then there's something I don't quite understand, Mr. Voldemort." Harry pretended to be cute.

Voldemort became interested. He had never thought that Harry could talk to him calmly and even ask a question. He looked at Harry with interest, and for the first time gave Harry rare patience: "Tell me about our great savior, the 'Boy Who Lived'?"

Harry blinked his emerald eyes and asked with a cute look on his face: "Since your father is a Muggle and your mother is a pure-blood wizard, why do you still associate with those pure-blood wizards? They don't value blood the most. In fact, you don’t know that I also have related pressures. Although my father is also a pure-blood, those pure-blood wizards looked down on me when I was in school."

Voldemort looked at him for a long time and did not hear the strangeness in Harry's mouth. Instead, he laughed. The sinister smile on his face made Harry shiver involuntarily. Voldemort laughed for a while, looked at Harry and said: "These are not problems, Harry, as long as you treat them sincerely, they will treat you as their own family, right? Wormtail?"

As he spoke, Voldemort looked at Peter Pettigrew, who was still sobbing at his feet, with no pity in his eyes.

"Yes... yes... the master treats us as real family members..." Peter Pettigrew replied in a muffled voice: "That's why we also treat the master as family members..."

Harry couldn't hold it back and spit out another mouthful.

"Speaking of which, my real family is coming soon..." Voldemort opened his arms in a welcoming gesture.

Following his movements, the steaming black clouds in the sky also moved, and streaks of black smoke fell to the ground, which was the special form of Apparition used by Death Eaters. They all wore hoods and covered their faces with characteristic old-fashioned masks. They walked over one by one, walking very slowly and cautiously, as if they couldn't believe their eyes.

After all, it had been thirteen years since this old devil disappeared, and when he suddenly appeared in front of everyone, they were all a little unbelievable.

Voldemort stood there waiting in silence. One of the Death Eaters knelt down first, crawled to Voldemort and kissed the hem of his black robe.

"Master, master..." he called in a low voice.

The same goes for the Death Eaters behind this Death Eater. Everyone kneeled and crawled to Voldemort's side, kissed his smoke-like robes, then stepped aside, stood up, and silently formed a Circle, surrounding old Tom Riddle's grave, Harry, Voldemort and Wormtail who was lying on the ground sobbing and twitching. But there are still some gaps in the circle, as if waiting for others to join.

However, Voldemort no longer seemed to expect anyone to come. He looked around at the hooded faces. Although there was no wind, there seemed to be a slight rustling sound in the circle, as if the circle was trembling.

"Welcome, Death Eaters," Voldemort said calmly, "Thirteen years... It has been thirteen years since our last meeting, but you still responded to my call as if it were yesterday... …That is to say, we are still united under the Dark Mark! Right?”

He raised his ferocious face and opened his two slit-like snake eyes, "I have to admit, I'm disappointed that none of you tried to come to me!"

As he spoke, he reached out to a Death Eater next to him and made a plucking motion. The mask worn by the Death Eater was instantly taken off, with black smoke still rising: "Crabbe!"

Voldemort clicked his name, and the Death Eater named Crabbe fell down. Voldemort reached out to the next Death Eater: "McNeil! Goyle!"

After taking off the masks one by one, Voldemort looked around and asked sullenly: "Where's Lucius? Lucius Malfoy, how dare he ignore my summons?"

Crabbe got up from the ground and said hesitantly: "Lucius...Lucius, he..."

"Lucius has rebelled. He is now bribed by that brat named Louis Mountbatten and is working for him." Gower immediately got up and added jealously: "They are already colluding and are completely together. That Monty Barton, he also has a close relationship with Dumbledore. I suspect that the master, Lucius Malfoy, has completely betrayed the master and thrown himself into the arms of Dumbledore..."

Harry understood when he heard their names. These two were probably not Draco's followers, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, and their fathers.

"We'll talk about his affairs later." Voldemort looked uncertain. He didn't want to mention the traitor on his big day, so he turned to look at Crabbe and Goyle: "What about you two?"

"My master, as long as I find a signal from you, or any rumors about your whereabouts..." Crabbe said quickly, but was interrupted by Voldemort.

"There has been a signal, my cunning friend!" Voldemort's tone was very unkind: "And it's not just a rumor!"

"I promise you! My master!" Gore immediately took over: "I have never given up on our magic, and I will always remain loyal to you!"

Before Voldemort could say anything, Harry, who was being held up behind him, said happily: "Loyalty is not absolute, but it is absolutely disloyal. Have you heard of this sentence, Mr. Voldemort?"

After hearing Harry's words, Voldemort's scarlet vertical pupils radiated with evil intent, staring at Crabbe and Goyle kneeling on the ground.

"I'm back, but I'm back, Master..." Peter Pettigrew pupated like a bug at Voldemort's feet.

Voldemort looked down at the shrinking Peter Pettigrew and said disdainfully: "You came back... because of fear, not loyalty!"

Peter Pettigrew showed an expression of disbelief, which turned into extreme fear. He opened his mouth to refute, but Voldemort was the first to speak out his conclusion: "But in view of the past few months, you still sent You have been of many uses. You helped me obtain a physical body when I needed it most, Wormtail. Voldemort will never treat those who have helped him badly..."

As Voldemort spoke, he touched Peter Pettigrew's head with his hand and tugged his hair. Then with a touch of his wand, Peter Pettigrew's original broken arm suddenly grew a shiny silver arm.

Peter Pettigrew looked at his new arm with ecstasy. There was no discomfort in the arm, and he could stretch it at will just like his original hand. He stood up happily, then knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Thank you, Master, thank you." Owner……"

Feeling that kowtowing was not enough, he began to crawl over and kiss Voldemort's robe.

"Don't say any more words of thanks, Wormtail." Voldemort narrowed his snake eyes and said meaningfully: "I hope your loyalty will no longer waver. Do you understand, Wormtail?"

"No, my master... never!" Peter Pettigrew vowed.

Voldemort snorted and turned his gaze to Harry.

"Do you want me to tell the truth about that night thirteen years ago? Do you want me to tell you what caused me to lose my magic power?" Voldemort walked to Harry's side and poked his cheek with his wand: "You want me to tell you? ?"

Harry changed his position. He was actually a little tired from being tied up. He cooed twice and changed to a more comfortable position, and continued to look at Voldemort - he couldn't get down for a while anyway, so he was in no hurry. broke free.

"It's because of love." Voldemort flicked his wand and said disdainfully: "You know, when that lovely Lily Potter gave her life to save his only son, and at the same time gave him maximum protection, I couldn't touch him. ——Oh, poor Quirrell, just because he touched him, he shattered into powder..."

The Death Eaters who were watching all took a breath, shocked by Lily Potter's methods - he was obviously just a Mudblood, but he had the strength to set a trap for the Dark Lord?

"That's an ancient magic. I should have expected it at that time..." Voldemort's indifferent attitude was as casual as mentioning the "Protection of Minors Act": "But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, the situation has changed now. , I can touch you now, I can touch you..."

As he spoke, Voldemort stretched out his skinny and pale claws and pressed on Harry's scar.

A burst of severe pain came, and Harry couldn't help but transformed into Eye Potter and screamed loudly. Voldemort saw Harry's painful look and shouted with joy. Harry didn't react at first, but when he realized At this time, I couldn't help but shout loudly: "I'll just scream in pain. What are you shouting for?"

Voldemort didn't expect Harry to be able to retaliate so sharply, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Immediately, he let go of Harry, stared with scarlet eyes and said, "I didn't expect a few drops of your blood to be of such great use, did you, Harry?"

Harry took two breaths, looked at him and said, "Of course I know, Louis said what my blood is... Oh, right, the blood of a fourth-level enemy?"

"Blood of level 4 enemies?" Voldemort chewed twice but didn't get any meaning. He didn't think about it anymore. He turned around and took two steps, waved his hand to loosen the rope that bound Harry, and shouted loudly: " Pick up your wand, Potter!"

Harry's glasses also fell off, and he started looking for them aimlessly on the ground - similar to Nobita, he was half-blind without his glasses.

"I said - pick it up! Pick up your wand! Potter!" Voldemort roared again.

"Wait a minute, I can't find my glasses!" Harry shouted back, making Voldemort stunned.

Harry quickly found his glasses and wand. Voldemort took out his wand. Jie Jie laughed twice and asked loudly: "You should have learned how to duel, Harry? How to duel in school? I heard that There is a dueling club..."

"Expelliarmus! (Expelliarmus)" Harry shouted loudly. He was now disobeying the command on the Quidditch field - not to mention Wood, he quickly threw a curse and hid behind it Two small jinxes, one a tarantella and the other a stick in the incisor.

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