I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 319 To deal with Voldemort, you just have to have a bad mouth

As a dueling master, Voldemort would certainly not be fooled by Harry's little tricks. His Armor Curse was extremely strong, and the Disarming Curse only caused the Armor Curse to flash twice.

And Harry, who has been tortured by the mirror world, is far from the weak version of Harry in the original book who was defeated by Voldemort and was unable to fight back. When he saw that the spell was not working, he cast two more disarming spells - he did not It's not that I haven't considered black magic, but considering my own situation and magic proficiency, I still chose the disarming spell I'm good at.

What comes easily is the best, and he still remembers Lewis’s teachings.

Voldemort's cruel red eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light. He was very satisfied with Harry's fighting ability. While using his wand to remove Harry's curse, he bared his teeth and shouted excitedly: "Yes, that's it, that's it. This way! This way you deserve a title similar to mine, the Boy Who Lived!"

Rather than torturing a weakling with no strength, he was more looking forward to subduing Harry, who had a strong ability to resist.

The more Harry resists, the more excited Voldemort becomes. As the Dark Lord, he will of course hope that his opponent will be stronger. There is no glory in killing a weak chicken who has no power to resist - after all, he is a Slytherin or a Slytherin. Very extreme.

"But you are very rude, Harry. I remember you have to bow before a duel!" Voldemort's eyes turned cold, and he swung his wand to force Harry to bend over.

Harry instantly cast an Armoring Curse and then a Disarming Curse. Voldemort flicked the spell quickly with his eyes and hands, and the disarming spell flew out. This time he was not very lucky and hit Crabbe who was watching on the side. Crabbe screamed and flew out, and his body hit the tombstone hard and fell again. On the ground, he curled up and became silent.

It must have hurt terribly.

"The power of the curse is good, but is this your limit?" Voldemort shouted loudly, reaching out to stop the Death Eaters who had gathered around to help: "Stand back, he is mine, you stand down! "

After hearing Voldemort's words, the Death Eaters retreated reluctantly, and even the twisted monsters stopped around, watching the battle between Harry and the Death Eaters.

"It's my turn now, Harry, surrender in front of me!" Voldemort smiled strangely: "Imperio! (Soul out of body)"

Suddenly, Harry felt as if there were no thoughts in his mind. This was the first time in his life that he felt this way. How happy he was. He didn't have to think. He seemed to be floating and dreaming...

"Submit, Harry, you can't resist him... just say it... this is your destiny..." There seemed to be a seductive voice in his mind bewitching him.

But there was another voice in his mind, much more powerful than the one just now.

"Tell him, 'Fuck you'!"

"Submit...this is your destiny..."

"Fuck you..."

"Submit...this is your destiny..."

"Fuck you!" The words burst from Harry's mouth and echoed over the cemetery, not counting the toasts. The dreamlike state suddenly disappeared, as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over his head - all the pain left by the Cruciatus Curse in his body came back - and he realized again where he was and what was in front of him.

Voldemort's expression changed. After he became famous, he gained fear and respect wherever he went. But today, for the first time, he was scolded, and the scolding was so straightforward and unpleasant.

What he couldn't accept the most was that the person who scolded him was still such a dirty kid. Even the Death Eaters didn't laugh. No matter what, they would not laugh at such a person who could break free from the Imperius Curse under the Dark Lord himself. boy.

"You don't want to give in? Harry, even if you don't want to give in, you still speak rudely... I want to teach you the virtue of obedience before you die, maybe with a little more pain?" Voldemort had a gloomy expression, as if he wanted to Swallow Harry completely.

"You will die with regret and humiliation just like your incompetent father and mudblood mother!" Voldemort shouted grimly and coldly.

"At least my father is not a Muggle who can't even do magic!" Harry retorted loudly. As the main force who often fights with Slytherin, Harry certainly knows what it means to have the ultimate bad breath and simple enjoyment.

When Voldemort heard this, his expression changed. He never expected that Harry would have the leisure to make a bad mouthful of himself.

But that wasn't the only thing Harry had a bad mouth about.

"You say my mother is a Mudblood, but at least my mother is a wizard, and your father is nothing but a Muggle!" Harry continued to frantically seek death.

Voldemort was furious, his face was livid, and his defenses were completely broken. The Death Eaters around him all had low eyebrows, not daring to say a word or look, for fear that Voldemort would take it out on them.

Voldemort raised his wand, but this time Harry was prepared. With the agility he had learned from playing Quidditch and playing in the mirror world, he jumped to the side, rolled behind the marble tombstone, and cast a spell. It was empty, but he heard the sound of a tombstone cracking.

"We are not playing hide and seek, Harry, and I don't have time to argue with you," Voldemort said coldly. The cold voice was getting closer. The Death Eaters stood motionless. "You can't hide from me. Does that mean you're tired of our duel? Do you want me to end it now, Harry? Come out, Harry...come out and duel...quickly...and even painlessly...I I don’t know…after all, I have never tasted death…”

Harry huddled behind the tombstone, knowing that everything was over. The delay in Louis coming may mean that he had not discovered anything wrong with the Goblet of Fire until now. He was heartbroken, he couldn't go out today anyway, so what if he just left these dozens of kilograms? The man is dead and the bird is in the sky. He will not die for tens of millions of years. He will first enjoy the simple bad breath before talking about anything else. So he leaned behind the tombstone and had the spirit of "little Japanese captain Yamazaki listens": "First of all, we are not like this "Come on, Tom, don't just call me Harry, I'll think you have some special hobby... Secondly, you're a total lie, do you mean that the dog that was killed by my mother's curse was not you?"

Harry's state of mind is very calm now. No matter what, Voldemort will not let him go. He will just have a bad mouth. What if Voldemort gets angry? Isn’t that considered a contribution to the rebellion?

"You can use your words, Harry." Voldemort's face was ghastly, and he threw out a spell and shot it at the tombstone.

The tombstone exploded, and Harry seized the opportunity to shoot an eye-curse at Voldemort.

Harry's little trick was worthless. Voldemort sneered and dismissed the spell, but Harry uttered a strange spell.

"MindBlast! (Mind Blast)"

Voldemort was stunned for a moment as if he had been hit hard. But even this moment of daze was enough. Harry threw out an Expelliarmus and continued running to the next tombstone without looking back.

After all, he was a battle-hardened old devil. Voldemort only recovered from his daze for a moment. By the time he cast aside the disarming spell, Harry had already hid behind another tombstone.

"Hiding his head and showing his tail! Just like your father!" Voldemort smiled cruelly. There were too many tombstones, and he couldn't tell where Harry was hiding, so he began to mentally attack Harry: "But what about that? What's the use, I finally broke through the hole and caught James Potter, the rat, and you are about to follow in his footsteps!"

Harry gasped and glanced up at the sky. The dark, swirling clouds above really made him feel a little depressed. In order to cheer himself up, he continued to shout: "That's better than sticking to the back of other people's heads. What are you, Tom? Are you a facehugger? Or a hermit crab?"

It didn't matter that he didn't speak. Once he spoke, his position was exposed. Voldemort quickly locked onto him. With a flick of his wand, a spell flew out, but hit a ripple.

"He is indeed a hermit crab, Harry."

A familiar voice sounded, and Harry was pleasantly surprised. He blurted out: "Louis..."

"Aha, I've kept you waiting for a long time, let's leave it to us." Louis' figure came out of the void, and with him were Sirius and Snape.

Seeing Snape's figure, Voldemort narrowed his scarlet pupils and hissed: "Severus... ha, it seems you have really betrayed me?"

Snape said nothing, but raised his wand.

"Is it because of a woman? Severus? I feel really sad for you..." Seeing that Snape didn't speak, Voldemort continued to stimulate him: "You know, when I killed the woman named Lily , how helpless she is in her eyes..."

He responded with a green-lighting Avada Kedavra.

It seemed that Snape was really angry.

"Professor is handsome!" Louis cheered, then looked back at Harry and the others and said, "Get ready, I will send you back right now..."

As he spoke, he began to cast magic spells with his left hand, using the transformation spell to turn the surrounding tombstones into stone men to deal with the group of Death Eaters. His right hand was not idle either, and he first sprinkled a handful of powder to stir up the real fire. Snape was sent back, and Harry and Sirius were sent away.

As a result, I found that I didn’t have enough ashes.

"This is not the first time we have met, Tom." Louis did not panic and began to greet Voldemort.

Voldemort looked at him coldly. The Death Eaters around him were all entangled in stone men and were helpless, even the twisted servants. He has heard the name of the boy in front of him for a long time. He has heard that he is the successor of Dumbledore for the next generation. Some people say that he is more terrifying than Dumbledore. Some even say that he is actually the successor of Grindelwald. people.

But no matter what, the person in front of you cannot be underestimated.

"Louis, it's nice to meet you." Voldemort narrowed his scarlet eyes and for the first time did not make a move. "This should be our first official meeting..."

"Indeed, you were still stuck to the back of Quirrell's head last time." Louis began to recall the past years: "I still remember when Draco said that I could cast the Iron Armor spell, and you asked me to go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. On the days of special training, that poor werewolf...alas (alas)..."

Speaking, Louis squeezed out the crocodile's sadness.

Voldemort was not angry, even though Louis poked his lung tube.

"Can I call you Tom?" Louis pinched the gadget in his pocket and said casually while looking at Voldemort.

Voldemort smiled noncommittally, looked at Louis and said, "Actually, I also regret that I didn't kill you at the beginning. Otherwise, a danger would have been nipped in the bud."

"But you didn't, Tom, it's getting late, I think I should go back." Louis stretched out his hand to look at his watch, took out the ashes from the space, and reminded him seriously: "I know you are in contact A powerful force, but what I want to advise you is...stop it, Tom, that is not something you can control..."

"I don't have to worry about you now, Louis. You should worry about your situation." Voldemort smiled arrogantly, stretched out his hand and cast a spell on Louis.

It was as if Louis didn't see his curse and allowed it to hit him. Seeing that Louis seemed to be stunned, Voldemort laughed wildly - but soon, he quacked like a duck being strangled by the throat.

The curse hit Louis, a light blue halo flashed through, and the curse disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.

Louis waved to him with a smile, raised the ashes in his hand, and teleported back to the Hogwarts game - not forgetting to take the Goblet of Fire with him.

There was a dizzying feeling, and when it disappeared, he had already appeared in Hogwarts, next to the guest of honor seat, and Catherine was looking at him with concern.

The moment he appeared, the sound of playing and playing began. It seemed that it was confirmed that everyone had returned safely, and the band began to celebrate. Amos Diggory in the stands hugged Arthur Weasley, and the two laughed. Amos's hand was still pointing at Louis, not knowing what he was talking about.

Louis looked around and couldn't find Harry or the others. Catherine saw his thoughts and knelt down to touch his hair: "Don't worry, Principal Dumbledore took Harry back to the principal's office. Professor Snape and Professor Black are also there."

"That's good..." Louis breathed out and looked at Catherine with concern: "You're not hurt, are you? Let me see?"

With that said, he stretched out the Lushan claw towards Catherine's thigh, and was immediately struck off by Catherine angrily.

"With so many people around, you're just acting like a hooligan, right?" Catherine squinted her eyes, acting like a parent: "Harry said you stayed there, and just now Aunt Emma was suggesting whether to rescue you. of."

"Then will you go?" Louis asked curiously.

Catherine snorted softly and pinched Louis' cheek with her slender fingers: "If a little scoundrel like you can live for ten thousand years, I won't worry about you..."

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