I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 326 Final Banquet

Harry was slurping his pie when he suddenly heard Hagrid ask: "Are you sure you're really okay?"

"Should...be okay?" This sudden question gave Harry a start, and he even hesitated a little - should I be okay?

Actually this can be good.

"You must be bad, but you are always good." Hagrid's words were like a subtle twist. If he hadn't known what kind of person he was, Harry might have mistakenly thought that he was being yin and yang.

Harry didn't say anything, and he didn't know how to answer the question, so he just kept silent.

"I knew he would come back," Hagrid said. Harry, Ron and Hermione all looked up at him in surprise. Louis looked calmer and was still silently moving the Rock Piece to Chromie's space. Vomited.

He still took care of Hagrid's mood to a certain extent, lest he think that he disliked his cake... Of course, he just didn't meet Chromie.

You can imagine how wonderful Chromie's expression will be when he cleans up his personal space.

Chromie: It is true that I am not a human, but you are also a real dog...

Hagrid continued: "I've known it all these years, Harry. I've known he was out there, biding his time. It had to happen. Well, now that it has, we have to admit it. We have to fight. We can prevent him from gaining power and dominating the world. That was Dumbledore's plan...Dumbledore, he's such an amazing man. As long as he's around, I'm not too worried."

Seeing the suspicious looks on the three of their faces, Hagrid raised his shaggy eyebrows. "There's no use sitting around and worrying," he said. "What's coming will eventually come, and we'll accept it when it comes. Harry, Dumbledore told me what you did."

Hagrid looked at Harry, his chest heaving violently: "If your father was still alive, he would do the same thing. This is the highest praise I can give you."

Harry smiled back at Hagrid. This was the first smile on his face in days.

"What did Dumbledore ask you to do, Hagrid?" Harry suddenly asked, "That night, he sent Professor McGonagall to ask you and Madam Maxime to see him."

"Find me something to do this summer," Hagrid said, "but it's confidential. I can't tell, not even to you. Olim - oh, that's what you call Maxim Madam Yiyi may do it with me...well, I think she will, it seems that I have convinced her."

"Can I ask, does this have anything to do with Voldemort?" Harry asked curiously.

Hagrid shrank back in fear at the name.

"Probably." He said vaguely: "Which one of you would like to follow me to see the last Blast-Ended Skrewt?" Seeing the expressions on everyone's faces, he quickly said: "I'm kidding - I You're kidding...Hey! Don't run away!"

It's a pity that he said it too late. When he heard the name of the squid, the three children saw that something was wrong and ran away.

Hagrid looked back at Louis and said with a smile: "Hey, Louis, it's better for you..."

The smile froze on his face, because Louis disappeared into Hagrid's hut calmly.

Just kidding, to hell with Hagrid's Blast-Ended Skrewts, they stink so bad that no one would want to see them...

Hagrid's hobbies are very strange and cannot be controlled by ordinary people. Of course, Louis cannot appreciate his aesthetics, so he can only run away, as embarrassed as he wants.

The holiday soon came, and celebrations were unavoidable - the news of Voldemort's return did not spread in Hogwarts. At that time, no one publicized much about why Harry disappeared, what happened in the game, and everyone still Everyone thought something was wrong.

It was the same as the usual leaving party - well, actually it was different. It was usually decorated with green Slytherin every year, but this year Dumbledore stopped pretending. He singled out Gryffindor and showed off his cards.

The auditorium was decorated with the red color representing Gryffindor. There was a roaring lion curtain hanging behind the staff desk. You knew without looking that this year's champion would definitely be Gryffindor - even if the house points were far ahead by 300 points. It's a sure thing - after all, who made Gryffindor's Harry win the Triwizard Tournament?

The real Mad-Eye Moody now sits at the staff table, his wooden legs and enchanted eyes back in their original positions. He seemed extremely nervous and nervous, and whenever anyone spoke to him, he seemed to jump up with fright.

He couldn't really blame him. After all, Moody had been locked up in his box for several months, which must have heightened his fear of being attacked.

When Louis walked in, he happened to see Karkaroff's seat empty. As the duck students sat down, they secretly wondered where Karkaroff was at the moment, how well he was completing his mission in Durmstrang, and whether Voldemort was harassing him like a stalking idiot. .

Madame Maxime was still there, sitting next to Hagrid. They were talking quietly about something. Over the table, sitting next to Professor McGonagall was Snape. When Louis looked at him, Snape nodded at him expressionlessly. Judging from his expression, he must be thinking about Gryffin. Not happy that multiple houses won the House Cup.

Sirius, who was a big fan of Gryffindor, was sitting next to him. He was wearing crisp clothes today and was dressed brightly. On the one hand, he was celebrating Harry's victory, and on the other hand, he was celebrating Gryffindor. Duo finally won the Academy Cup - in the end, it was also because of his love for beauty. From the perspective of dressing himself up, Sirius must be several levels better than Snape.

Emma and Ye Ziyan sat on the edge of the faculty seat, whispering, looking up and scanning the people in the auditorium while chatting, especially after seeing Lewis, the two even started to laugh.

Louis looked left and right, not knowing what the two of them were laughing at - he was sure that at least his clothes were not worn inside out. First of all, Sakuya would not cheat him like this, and secondly, he did not feel a mysterious force coming. Grabbing his own throat.

He didn't think too much and sat in the Slytherin seat with Catherine and Krisstrasa.

"I will graduate as soon as next year..." Catherine suddenly said with some sadness.

Only then did Louis realize that Catherine was still two years older than him - it seemed that he had to find a way to keep her in school to teach, or... to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor? Anyway, now that Tom's curse has been broken, isn't it good for him to be the curse for so many years?

Besides, Chromie had already seen it, and the curse was indeed broken by a mysterious and powerful force, so he didn't worry about being a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Thinking of this, Lewis put his hand on her shoulder and asked softly: "Then have you ever considered staying in school to teach? In fact, it is quite good in school... Anyway, there is not much difference between staying in school and outside."

"This is an unimagined path." Catherine thought about it carefully, and found that there was nothing wrong with it. She then said with a smile: "It's still a year away anyway, so I'm not in a hurry to think about it now."

"Of course I'm anxious." Louis said immediately, glaring at Catherine, "Are you going to leave me alone in school? I haven't seen it before, but you are so cruel."

Catherine raised the corners of her lips and whispered in his ear: "So you can't let me go, so you keep me teaching in the school?"

"Of course." Louis said without blushing or heartbeat, and he didn't feel anything to be embarrassed about - now his face is much thicker than before. It can be said that the thickness of his face has increased by at least several orders of magnitude, "So , are you really going to cruelly leave me alone in school?"

"Huh, since you begged me sincerely, then I will reluctantly agree to it." Catherine said, stretching out her slender hand to scratch Louis' chin, "As long as Mr. Xiaolu is obedient and the request is not too much, I will definitely do it. Satisfy you.”

"Then what is excessive?" Louis became interested and whispered two words into Catherine's ear. Catherine's face turned red instantly, and even her neck was stained with fiery red clouds.

She gave Lewis a hard look, stretched out her hand to pinch the soft flesh of his waist, but she couldn't help but think about what Lewis just said.

How about... try it when you get home? In fact, she felt a little itchy in her heart.

Catherine was lost in thought when Professor Dumbledore suddenly stood up from the staff table, interrupting her train of thought. The noise in the auditorium instantly fell silent and became silent.

"Another year," Dumbledore looked at everyone and said, "It's over..."

He looked at Harry, smiled and nodded slightly: "In this year, we have experienced a lot, held a grand competition unprecedented in a century, and witnessed the birth of a new champion... This is why I have to decorate the auditorium Become the gold and red color of Gryffindor - after discussion and decision by the school professors, in order for Harry Potter to win the Triwizard Tournament, Gryffindor will add one thousand points!"

The words sounded like a little boy over Hiroshima, instantly detonating the entire auditorium. All the students stood up and cheered for Harry - this was not only the honor of Gryffindor House, but also the honor of Hogwarts - in the hands of strong players from the other two schools, the Triwizard Tournament was abruptly ended. The champion remains at Hogwarts.

Even Catherine applauded Harry. In fact, she didn't particularly care about this champion, she just cared more about Louis.

Cedric was the one who cheered the loudest - what he didn't know was that in another timeline, the decoration in the auditorium would be gray and black, and everyone would mourn his death.

But now at least he's alive, right?

Nervous murmurs filled the auditorium. Everyone stared at Dumbledore in horror and disbelief. Only Harry in the Gryffindor seat and Draco in the Slytherin seat seemed very calm, watching their murmurs gradually fall into silence.

Harry saw it with his own eyes, and Draco...well, Draco also heard about it, his father said it.

"The Ministry of Magic does not want me to tell you this." Dumbledore continued. "Some parents may be shocked by what I did - either because they cannot believe that Voldemort is really back, or because they think I shouldn't tell you this, after all, you are still young. However, I believe that telling the truth is always better than lying. If we try to say that the episode in the final was an accident, it will be a disservice to us. Such an insult - this was a planned, premeditated and organized vicious incident carefully planned by the Death Eaters, which directly led to the resurrection of Voldemort."

At this time, every face in the auditorium turned towards Dumbledore, with shock and fear written on every face.

"When talking about Voldemort, there is another person who must be mentioned," Dumbledore continued. "I mean, of course, Harry Potter."

There was a commotion in the auditorium, and many people turned their heads to look at Harry, then quickly turned back and continued to look at Dumbledore.

"Harry Potter once again escaped the clutches of Voldemort," Dumbledore's eyes were gleaming. "He was brave and fearless, inheriting the excellent qualities of Gryffindor. When he was surrounded by Death Eaters, , and in the face of Voldemort's despotic power, he not only did not give in, but also had the courage to resist, and faced Voldemort's challenge head-on. He showed a fearless spirit in all aspects. Few wizards can face Voldemort's despotic power. To be able to show that spirit, for that, I have a huge amount of respect for him.”

Dumbledore turned solemnly to Harry and raised his goblet again, as nearly everyone else in the Great Hall did, murmuring Harry's name and toasting him.

After everyone sat down again, Dumbledore said again: "The purpose of the Triwizard Tournament is to enhance and promote mutual understanding in the wizarding world - in view of what is happening now - in view of Voldemort's resurrection, this connection is greater than any before. All times matter.”

Dumbledore looked at Madame Maxime and Hagrid, at Fleur Delacour and her Beauxbatons alumni, and at Viktor Krum and De Armstrong's classmate. Krum looked nervous, even a little scared, as if he thought Dumbledore was going to say something harsh.

"Every guest in this Hall," Dumbledore said, his gaze resting on Durmstrang's classmates, "is welcome to come back at any time. I say it to you all again. ——In view of Voldemort’s resurrection, we will only be strong if we are united. If we are divided, we will be vulnerable. Voldemort’s methods of creating conflict and hostility are very clever. Only by showing the same unbreakable friendship and trust can we fight against him to the end... …As long as we have the same goal and an open mind, differences in habits and language will not be an obstacle!”

Dumbledore's speech was full of passion, but he seemed to have forgotten this point - the words "unbreakable" are a bit... emmm, a bit silly. The last one who claimed to be unbreakable has already failed itself.

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