I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 327 Give up illusions and prepare for struggle

Those who could spot the problems in Dumbledore's words were basically Muggles, and they were limited to those who cared about international political and economic news. Obviously, except for Louis and his interesting cousin... ah, no, his cousin Elizabeth, there is obviously no one here who can catch this joke.

"I believe - well... actually I still hope that I am wrong, but it is obvious that illusions are useless. The only way out is to give up illusions, unite as one, and prepare to fight Voldemort." Dumbledore Lido glanced at the students sitting below and continued: "I believe that we will all face dark and difficult times. Some of you in the auditorium have even been directly harmed by Voldemort and his gang. Among you, Many families in China have been torn apart because of this..."

"But remember, even in the darkest times, we must have hope, unite, and prepare to fight," Dumbledore said in final words: "It is not advisable to be cowardly before fighting. Believe me, Voldemort is not what you think. So terrifying, Harry can testify to this..."

Everyone's eyes were focused on Harry, as if they wanted to read the answer on his face, and Harry could only nod. With the nod from the person involved, everyone was no longer so afraid - Voldemort couldn't even kill a fourth-year student, and it was still an N-on-1 duel, which would make everyone laugh.

As students, Harry can do it, and so can we.

Of course, it's always a good thing to be optimistic. Scare yourself can sometimes scare yourself to death.

Dumbledore's speech was very brief. He knew that everyone was eager to return home - for these students, all he needed to do was to remind them, and Dumbledore could only do his best to obey fate. He could not persuade the damn ghosts with words, but he had to speak his own words. After being so clear and thorough, if there are still people who don't take it seriously, then there is nothing he can do.

Louis' luggage has been packed long ago. There are two maids at home to help him with things, and he doesn't have any pets. The owl stays at home. When he came here a few days ago, it was obviously unable to fly - not because of anything. Abuse, Louis saw that Emeris was obviously over-nourished and her body had gained weight.

It’s time to lose weight for the bird…

Harry did not need to return to the Dursleys' house on Privet Drive in Whinging, that was not his home. He had already received an invitation from Sirius to stay at Sirius's house in Hogsmeade Square.

When he received the invitation, Harry smiled like the stupidest comedian in history. If he opened his mouth wider, he could see his stomach - this sentence was said by the Weasley twins, haha Li ignored them. After all, he was not good at eloquence. He was just asking for discomfort when teasing each other with Gemini.

The students were all waiting in the crowded foyer for the carriage to take them to Hogsmeade Station. It was another beautiful and pleasant summer. The temperate maritime climate at high latitudes was not as hot as the inland areas. Although Louis could return home through the Floo Network, to be honest, he and Catherine were counting on their fingers last night. Even Louis would only have four chances to go home during the holidays, including this time, so they decided to simply Take the train back together.

Memories of youth are always unusual. Some things cannot be skipped. You must always leave some memories and thoughts for yourself.


A delicate voice sounded, and Louis turned around to see Fleur Delacour hurriedly climbing the stone steps and entering the castle. Behind her at the end of the field, Hagrid could be seen helping Madame Maxime harness the two horses - Beauxbatons' carriage was about to set off.

"I hope we can meet again," Fleur said, walking up to Harry and extending a hand. "I hope to find a job here and improve my English."

"Your English is already excellent." Harry said with a smile. Fleur smiled at him and turned to look at Catherine again.

"Oh, my good sister." Fleur opened her arms and hugged Catherine. Catherine's body stiffened slightly, as she was not used to others being so enthusiastic towards her - but considering that she was a woman, she didn't say much.

"Remember to write to me, sister." Fleur said softly: "If possible, I hope you can go to our house with Louis to play."

"If I have time," Catherine replied with a smile, "If I have time, I will definitely go."

"Goodbye, Catherine, goodbye, Harry," Fleur said, turning to leave, "it was a pleasure to see you, and I hope to see you again soon -"

Fleur hurriedly ran along the lawn towards Madame Maxime, her silver hair rippling like waves in the sun, looking lively and cheerful.

"I wonder how Durmstrang's classmates will go back," Ron sighed and began to worry about Durmstrang's classmates. "You said that without Professor Karkaroff, they can still drive That ship?”

"Professor Karkaroff is not at the helm," a hoarse and dull voice sounded. "He stays in the cabin, and we do all the work."

It was Viktor, coming to say goodbye to Harry.

"Harry," Viktor's expression became less gloomy when he looked at Harry, "It's a pleasure to meet you. Your strength is definitely worthy of your fame - I hope that one day we can compete in Quidditch." We will meet on the Quidditch field - then I will prove that I, Viktor Krum, will never lose to you in Quidditch."

"Me too." Harry chuckled and said stupidly, "That's it, we will definitely meet again."

Ron suddenly said: "Can you sign your autograph for me? Viktor..."

Viktor looked surprised and pleased. He nodded and signed a piece of parchment for Ron.

On their way back to King's Cross Station, the weather was completely different from when they came to Hoghunts last September. The sky was cloudless and blue, which made people feel relaxed and happy just to look at it. After struggling for a long time, Louis finally found an empty compartment and sat in with the three little ones.

Originally they wanted to invite Draco to come with them, but they also knew the situation at Draco's home. Just as Dumbledore finished speaking, Draco was picked up by Lucius, and among the people escorting him There was Joseph Mills.

It seems that Lucius is also very concerned about safety issues - that's right. When it comes to understanding Voldemort's cruelty and madness, Lucius can say that even if he doesn't see 100% of it, he has 80% of it.

Sitting in the cubicle, Ron's owl called Piggy was hidden by his dress robe again, because it kept screaming, which made Ron very upset; Hedwig's head shrank Dozing under his wings, Crookshanks curled up on an empty seat like a big, fluffy ginger cushion.

Catherine and Hermione were sitting in a row, talking in a low voice. Louis and the three of them were sitting together and had nothing to do. They were chatting. Louis mainly leaned on the bed and looked at the scenery outside. , he likes to look at the clouds in the sky most, which always makes him feel relaxed and happy.

The train carried them all the way south.

Harry felt that Dumbledore's speech at the leaving party seemed to suddenly wash away the worries in his heart. Talking about what happened now made it less painful for him. Ron was heartless. Anyway, if the sky fell, Dumbledore, the tall man, would be there to hold him up. Even worse, there would be Louis. He felt that all he needed to do was eat, sleep, eat, and put his heart in his belly. .

It wasn't until the trolley delivering lunch came that they stopped talking. Louis couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Good guy, these two boys can talk better than the two women opposite...

"I'll buy whatever you want to eat." Hermione stood up and stopped the aunt who was selling lunch from a cart, "I'll treat you this time."

"I want a beef sandwich," Louis looked over there: "It would be better if there is soda water, my God, I can't remember the last time I drank a sparkling drink... "

"Louis, you know there is no soda water in the wizarding world..." Hermione glanced at Louis helplessly. In fact, she hadn't drunk soda water for a long time. What Louis said aroused her interest.

Catherine mysteriously took out a small bag, took out two cans of Coke from it, handed it to Louis, and put it on the table where Hermione was sitting. She smiled and said: "Well, I just happen to have some soda here. Originally, I planned to give Mr. Xiaolu a ration to drink, but I’m going home soon...so I’ll take it all out and drink it.”

"Good guy!" Lewis's eyes were moist, "Didn't you say there's no more Coke? You bad woman!"

"Didn't you say," Catherine said with a proud expression, "The more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie. You know this, but you still believe me... Who told you not to search her?"

Louis choked and put out the fire in one go.

When Hermione returned from buying food at the trolley and put the money back in her bag, she took out a copy of the Daily Prophet that she had always carried in her bag. Harry looked, not sure if he really wanted to know what the paper said. Seeing him looking at the newspaper, Hermione said calmly: "The newspaper didn't say anything... You can check it yourself, it's really nothing. I have to check it every day, only the day after the third project I sent a text message saying that you won the Triwizard Cup."

At this point, Hermione glanced at Louis hesitantly: "They didn't even mention the return of Voldemort, and didn't report a word about it. If you ask me, I think it was Fudge who forced them to remain silent."

Hermione was not sure what was going on, and she was also surprised by the silence of the Daily Prophet - even if the Daily Prophet remained silent under the pressure of Fudge and the Ministry of Magic, the backer behind them was Louis. He’s not a master who can shut up when he suffers a loss...

"He couldn't silence Rita," Harry said. "Ms. Rita Skeeter wouldn't let such a wonderful story go - and Louis couldn't just sit back and watch, could he?"

Louis didn't even look up, chewing the beef sandwich in his hand carefully - not salty, not bland, delicious. He tried to avoid talking while eating, which was Siris' traditional etiquette.

"This... uh, I don't know." Hermione exhaled and raised her head on her seat: "Oh my God, the adult world is too complicated. I really don't want to waste my brain cells thinking about it. There are so many twists and turns - especially people like Lewis who play politics, they have a dirty heart..."

"Hehehehe, you're the one with the heart..." Louis swallowed the last piece of the sandwich and immediately argued that if he didn't say anything, Hermione might give him a label.

"Isn't it true? You could have ordered Ms. Rita Skeeter to make this matter public..." Hermione curled her lips.

Lewis was not in a hurry to speak. He picked up the Coke on the table, opened the ring with a click, and took two sips. Then he burped with satisfaction. He took a breath, looked at Hermione, and said patiently. : "This is politics, Hermione, not children's play-house where we have to fight over who is right and who is wrong - after all, we are on the side of law, and this is the best opportunity to remove Fudge through serious channels... …”

"I don't understand politics, Louis." Hermione looked at Louis very seriously and seriously: "I don't want to get involved in it. I am not interested in politics. I only care about the safety of ordinary wizards..."

"You are wrong, Hermione." Louis smiled: "Human beings are the sum of all social relationships. We can collectively call the social activities of complex interpersonal interactions between people for maximizing interests as politics. In fact, people In fact, all interactions with people are inseparable from the foundation of political science... Don't have any prejudice against this subject. In fact, it is not as advanced as you think, nor is it as dirty as you think - In fact, we participate in such activities all the time in our lives, which is an inevitable product of social development."

"Taking a step back, even if I ordered Ms. Rita Skeeter's Daily Prophet to write an article about Voldemort's return, how many people do you think would believe it given the Ministry of Magic's constant refutation of the rumors?" Louis Smiling slightly: "Do you still remember the 'four-stage strategy' I told you? Fudge is using this method to delay time - all he can do is to extend his time sitting in the position of Minister of Magic. It’s just time. If the matter is suddenly exposed, all that is waiting for him is to step down - but if he is forced to admit that Voldemort has returned now, he may not step down. After all, the greatest effect will be achieved if there is a sense of contrast..."

"What about the innocent ordinary wizards? And the Muggles? Aren't their lives important enough?" Hermione asked again, frowning.

"Do you have to show off your excessive conscience?" Louis said without mercy: "Are you satisfied with letting Fudge continue to lead the magical world and make it a mess?"

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