"But...but..." Hermione scratched her head. She was a bit left-wing and found it difficult to accept Lewis's point of view.

It should be noted that baizuo is not leftist. In fact, baizuo is an extreme right-wing thought disguised as a leftist. In essence, it still forces others to accept their own views - they, a group of humanoid creatures, do not really believe that What a pitiful thing, just to satisfy my pitiful so-called conscience. In essence, what I pursue is a kind of self-satisfaction and narcissism, which is different from self-realization...

But Hermione...it's actually a bit hard to say. This girl is actually kind-hearted in nature, but in reality, just from the point of view of the vomiting...no, it's the S.P.E.W. Association-that is, the House Elf Protection Association. It seems that she essentially forces people to accept her point of view, regardless of whether the house elf is willing to accept it or not.

The method is too rough.

"It's nothing, Hermione." Louis crossed his arms on his chest, his face a little cold, "I hope you can figure it out, the wheel of the times is rolling forward, and no one can stop it. You are my good brother's girlfriend, and you are also a smart person. Man, I don’t want you to be stupid, after all, rebuilding the order of the new world cannot do without your help.”

"I understand." Hermione nodded solemnly, brainstorming in her mind.

This is actually not her fault. In fact, the European and American middle class of this era are particularly rich in such people, and the general environment is like this.

"Your safety must also be guaranteed, Ron." Louis looked at Ron and said seriously: "The Burrow is too isolated, I hope you can move to a safe place... I hope you can give me some advice after you return home. Aunt Molly.”

Ron was obviously moved. He thought about it carefully, but shook his head in frustration: "No, mom won't listen to me. There's no way she will listen to me..."

"You are so stupid." Louis glanced at the stupid child with pity: "Won't you unite with your brothers and sisters to force the palace? Think about it, if Bill, Charlie, George, Fred, and Ginny still With you making such a request at the same time, can your mother still object? Besides, the four of you brothers and sisters have made a lot of money, and there is a lot of surplus at home, so I don’t believe Aunt Moli will object. "

"This..." Ron thought for a moment.

Louis continued to strike while the iron was hot: "Don't just talk about the moving issue, you must focus on Ginny's safety. It doesn't matter to you boys, but what about Ginny, a girl? Remember to use this kind of language, after all, Ginny is a girl The child is the youngest one, I believe Aunt Moli will not object."

While talking, Lewis always felt as if he had forgotten someone, but after brainstorming in his mind for a long time, he never thought of who he had forgotten.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Ron clenched his fists and pounded his palms, "So, Harry, do you plan to come to my house during the summer vacation?"

"It should be possible. Let's see if Sirius has time." Harry did not refuse to go to the Burrow for a visit. After all, Aunt Molly really liked him and almost accepted him as her godson.

"Where's Hermione?" Ron looked at Hermione hopefully again.

Hermione glanced up, obviously lost in thought. Lewis sighed and planned to recommend some reading to Hermione: "Well Hermione, don't think about it yourself. I recommend you a few books. You can read them when you have nothing to do and learn and use them... "

"Okay." Hermione immediately flipped through her schoolbag and took out a notebook and a pen, "You tell me, I'll remember it."

"Well... Machiavelli's "The Prince"," Louis scratched his chin and continued: "After all, a smart person like you will be a leader in the future, so it won't do you any harm to read this book - Oh, and there is also Siris's "The Art of War", it never hurts to read more, after all, knowledge is power."

"Is knowledge power?" Hermione murmured.

Lewis nodded solemnly and said in Chinese: "Yes, knowledge is power!"

"I understand!" Hermione nodded seriously and put the small book into her arms. She planned to go to the bookstore to buy these two books when she went home and read them carefully to absorb the essence.

Seeing that Hermione was in a daze, Louis twitched his fingers at Catherine, who was sitting opposite him. Catherine raised her eyebrows, not knowing what he meant, so she leaned her head.

"I mean, cheese is power," Louis said softly.

Catherine didn't understand the plot and looked at Louis suspiciously.

"Knowledge, cheese..." Louis said in Chinese, and then said in English: "Hi... In Chinese, knowledge (knowledge) and cheese (cheese) are homophones... It's really boring to talk to you foreigners..."

But he forgot that now he is actually a foreigner too.

These days, there are many fine and fine Japanese elites, but there are not many fine ones - if it were Europe more than four hundred years ago, there would be fine ones all over the place.

At the same time, there was a burst of noise in the carriage, followed by a burst of laughter.

"What's going on outside?" Ron, who liked the excitement, asked curiously. He stood up and as soon as he opened the door, the Weasley twins squeezed in from the outside.

Then, they saw Neville, who was covered in feathers.

"..." Louis forced himself not to laugh. What's going on with this guy? Why is his whole body covered with feathers? Oh... I must have eaten the canary biscuits given by the twins. Wouldn't it be fishy to eat a hundred beans? You dare to eat whatever the twins give you, but you are still not a Gryffindor...

He glanced at Catherine, only to find that Catherine had no expression on her face. She just glanced at Neville and then continued to look at the scenery outside the window.

Well, how could a cold goddess like my sister care about such a little joke?

But the other people in the room were not as generous as Louis and Catherine. Harry and Ron burst out laughing very shamelessly, and even Hermione covered her mouth and giggled. Neville looked at the unscrupulous classmates in the room with a dejected face, so angry...

"You said so too, Neville." Louis sighed: "Everyone in Hogwarts knows not to eat anything given by the Weasley twins. Why don't you believe in evil..."

It’s not that he is engaging in the theory of victim guilt. In fact, that’s the truth. You have to disbelieve in things that everyone knows. Sometimes it’s no wonder they both are.

"I...I forgot..." Neville whispered. The twins never used deceit to deal with him. They simply gave him a biscuit and asked him if he wanted to eat it. Neville would happily accept the twins' "kindness" every time. , and then got tricked.

It's not that he has a bad memory - his bad memory has been cured by Louis a long time ago, but he always has a gambling element, and he just wants to bet to see if the twins will lie to him.

It's a pity that he loses every time he bets. The twins are really not human... they are too stupid.

"And you two, can you please switch to another person?" Louis glanced helplessly at the twins who were laughing maniacally, and snapped his fingers to help Neville take off his feathers, "Neville is such an honest child, and he is beaten every day. Won’t your consciences hurt if you do this?”

The twins looked at each other and shrugged: "Why are you like Wetherby, Louis, you like to preach..."

"Weatherby?" Louis was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that this was Percy's nickname - or it was given by Mr. Crouch, whom Percy admired most, which was quite ironic.

Then he suddenly remembered that it was Percy who he had forgotten when he spoke just now...

Shocked, is Percy so insignificant? But speaking of it, Percy really doesn't look like the Weasley family. The red heads of the Weasley family are generally more easy-going, and there are very few official fans like him.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. I was just talking to Ron about asking him to persuade Aunt Molly to move. Although the Burrow is good, it will become unsafe now that Voldemort returns..."

"This is a good idea." George was the first to say happily: "I have saved a lot of money over the years, enough to buy a good house for my family - a big house, a good house, a beautiful house." The last sentence Fred said it.

"How much money have you two saved in total? Can I ask?" Hermione asked weakly.

The twins looked at each other, stretched out their hands to give high fives, and said with a smile: "Not much, not much, and I haven't saved much money, just more than 8,000 gold galleons..."

"Eight thousand...?!" Ron's eyes bulged. He never expected that his two brothers had saved so much money——

But it's understandable. These two people are as good as one person. They must have saved the money together. Thinking about his own little treasury of more than 3,000 gold galleons, Ron can't understand it.

This is after spending more than 2,000 yuan to supplement the family income for my mother.

"It's time to fight against the rich again." Louis smiled and looked at the twins: "But it's beyond my expectation that you two can save money so much. I thought you would spend all the money..."

"We should save some money. Money comes in and out. In fact, we have spent a lot, but we won a lot in the Quidditch World Cup this year. Now there are 6,000 Galleons out of the 8,000. Maybe I won it at that time..." George and Fred said each other.

Louis remembered that the two of them had defeated the Irish team at that time, but Viktor Krum caught the Golden Snitch first - indeed, this result was indeed unbelievable, and few people dared to do so before the game. Imagine this ending, it is normal for the two of them to win a little more.

"Actually, we were wrong. We should have beaten Harry to win the Triwizard Tournament with Mr. Bagman." Fred sighed: "Now, Mr. Bagman is making a lot of money. He We even pressed our own coffins into it, why didn’t we have such courage at that time?”

"Speaking of which, I heard that the goblins behaved very badly at that time. They didn't want to give him the money at all and wanted to default on the debt - after all, it was a huge sum of hundreds of thousands of galleons. If I were the goblins, I would also default on the debt... ..." George said in a daze.

"But the goblins honestly gave Mr. Bagman gold Galleons in the end, didn't they?" Fred shrugged, "I just don't know what means Mr. Bagman used, but when he wrote to him, he was He kept it secret and didn't answer me at all..."

"Oh, you said this." Lewis smiled. He thought for a moment and felt that there was nothing he couldn't say, so he told them: "Actually, I made a little effort in this matter. You also know who I am. The worst thing is to see a friend be wronged. I sent someone to make peace with the goblins. Of course, Mr. Bagman took the initiative to donate 80,000 gold galleons to the school in order to thank me for helping him settle this matter."

"Mr. Bagman is so generous?" Ron was stunned for a moment, but he remembered that Ludo Bagman's clothes were all old... Could he be a man who was willing to spend money?

"Otherwise, do you think Louis helped him in vain? You idiot..." Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron, unable to see such an obvious thing.

"So, how did you get the stingy goblins to let go?" The twins were very interested in this matter. They were goblins comparable to Eugénie Grandet. They could pull out golden galleons from them. How easy it was to strangle Voldemort.

"Nothing, I just sent the insect swarm guard Hisek and the others to have a friendly exchange with the goblins." Louis replied with a smile.

They thought for a moment, the swarm of insects covering the sky...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but shudder.

This can be regarded as an irresistible reason, right?

"Since there are so many people here, let's play cards together." George's addiction has come up, and he has nothing to do, so he might as well play two pokers.

Anyway, the compartment is spacious enough for them to sit in it. Catherine changed her position and sat by the window on Louis' side, next to Louis, while Hermione sat opposite. The two girls chatted opposite each other and did not delay playing cards.

"Neville, aren't you going to play?" Harry shuffled the cards skillfully and looked up at Neville.

Neville shook his head. Playing cards was not something he was interested in or good at. Besides, if his grandma knew that he was playing cards and playing Coppernut, he would be whipped easily.

Grandma was not a good-tempered lady. Thinking of this, Neville shuddered and walked out of the compartment quickly.

"Did you do this on purpose?" Ron looked at Harry and asked with a smile.

Harry shrugged and said with a smile: "I can't just chase him away, that would be too bad... So why not take a curve and hint to him to leave quickly, and stay here to delay our playing cards..."

"You did the right thing, Harry." George nodded and said with deep sympathy: "It's not that I wear colored glasses, he is actually a good boy...I mean Neville, but he...is a bit unlucky, I To be honest, I'm really afraid that his presence here will affect one of our luck..."

"That's the truth when you think about it..." Harry thought about me for a moment and said with a smile: "Neville does have a bit of an unlucky aura around him... But let's not talk about it anymore. Let's play cards first and watch me show off my skills..."

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