I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 44 The High Wall of Lothric

As a senior who is three years older than Louis, Catherine has always believed that she has to give him a little concession. Even though she usually behaves a bit harsh and venomous, she is actually very indulgent of this child. However, she did not expect that this boy would actually push his limits. Push your nose and face...

Well, boy, you managed to piss me off.

Catherine looked at Louis with blazing fighting spirit in her eyes.

"I'm afraid it's not a gentleman to ask a lady to confess her love to you." Catherine narrowed her narrow eyes and said in a playful tone: "Why do you spend so much time celebrating my birthday? Let me guess... Do you long for friendship? Hmm... That's not right. Beaver celebrated your birthday a few days ago and I didn't see you working so hard... Could it be that Xiaolu-san, you..."

At this point, Catherine's facial expression became obviously unnatural. She forced herself to overcome the shyness on her face, and tried her best to put on a slightly surprised expression: "You have such thoughts about me? But you’re too embarrassed to speak up?”

Lewis’s handsome face flushed slightly, not because he was ashamed, but because he was a little anxious.

Can it still be done properly?

Great, you managed to piss me off! Louis looked at Catherine with arcs of electricity in his eyes.

Just now it was business, now... it's personal grudge!

"This is just a small reward for you, Catherine, who has been practicing magic with me since the beginning of school. No need to make a fuss." Louis' head turned quickly. Hey, I'm so mad at you.

Tom's score has also been changed, this time it is a classic - "Unexpressible Love".

The melon-eaters and the two protagonists present all had the slightest bit of stomachache.

"Who makes us good friends?" Louis added.

This confrontation between the two ended in a draw.

The next day, Principal Dumbledore personally deducted fifty points from Slytherin House because Louis planned, premeditated, and organized the team's night out.

At that time, Snape's face was so long that those who didn't know thought James Potter had faked his body.

In the Room of Requirement, Louis and his senior were discussing Dumbledore.

"This bad old man is really bad. I even treated him to eight-treasure noodle soup..."

"You really must give him the blame." The senior looked helplessly at the silly boy in front of her and stretched lazily.

The senior sister was wearing thin clothes today. Although it was cold outside, the temperature in the Room of Requirement was still quite high. She was only wearing a thin white shirt. It doesn't matter if she stretches her waist. The tight shirt can't cover up her beautiful figure. That A4 small waist will definitely be criticized as a bitch and worried about selling in future generations.

Lewis even saw two shallow waists, which were really...

Senior's waist is a murderous knife.

Under the moonlight, the senior sister's jade-white skin was even more radiant and translucent, and Louis was slightly absent-minded for a moment.

Catherine didn't notice Louis' eyes, leaned on the table and asked without looking back: "How are you preparing for your monthly exams?"

"It's not bad." Louis shrugged and said nonchalantly: "I didn't review either. Who knows what I can do in the exam?"

All he could think about was his senior's waist.

I regret it. If I had known earlier, would I have stopped using the electric skills and the Eye of Grifon? Can that thing have the fragrance of a senior's waist?

Unfortunately, now it has become a situation where it is difficult to get off the tiger, and we can only look back and sigh.

The system also issued a task on his way back to his dormitory.

*Clean the Lothric Wall

Mission goal: Clear the threat of Lothric's high wall and kill the elite knight: Bordeaux in the Cold Valley.

Mission reward: Rune Amn; Dark Sword x1; Spell: Kallia Swift Sword; Fortitude Ball x1.

I’m surprised, why is there still an option with empty rewards? Louis clicked his tongue in surprise.

But... this task is only completed by himself, which is very embarrassing, and even Tom and Jerry can't go with him.

This time, there was no senior to hold him back.

After returning to the dormitory, Louis saw that Draco was still sleeping soundly, so he accepted the transmission. As they walked, the battle got a little bigger, and the intense bright light shook Draco awake from his dream, but when he opened his eyes, he saw nothing.

"Who am I? Where am I? What do I do?" Three thoughts flashed through Draco's mind before he fell back and continued to sleep soundly.

Cold and damp.

This was Louis' first feeling.

He pushed open the small door on the city gate tower, and a rotten smell of sun-baked mud went straight to his nostrils.

From the first sight, it is dilapidated and desolate. This city has long lost its former glory. Since the civil strife in Lothric, this place has long been an abandoned place.

On the edge of the city wall, there are many tall tree-shaped people with their bodies extending upward. Their arms have almost completely turned into the shape of branches, and their heads are stretched toward the sky, as if they are longing for something.

Lewis took out the crystal sword and walked forward cautiously.

Go down the steps and come to a relatively open city wall. There are still tree-shaped people on both sides, and there is also a circle of humanoid objects kneeling around it.

They were probably living corpses, not aggressive at all. Louis walked over and looked at them. They all looked weird and grinned. Compared with them, Marcus was pretty handsome.

Under the steps at the end of the road, a living corpse holding a lantern came up. He saw Louis, and Louis also saw him.

The two looked at each other for a second. The living corpse lantern was raised high, and when it opened its mouth and was about to howl, Louis sealed its mouth with a tongue lock.

He made roaring movements in vain, and after a long time he picked up the broken sword and rushed towards Louis.

The crystal sword is quite easy to use, at least it won't be a problem to chop away this living corpse.

He continued to walk forward and reached the steps, where he saw the living corpse with his face facing the wall and emulating.

Righteous Backstab +150.

Before he put down his sword, the box in the room was pushed open with a crash. Louis looked over and saw a guy holding a sword and shield.

"Expelliarmus! (Expelliarmus)"

The disarming spell radiated red light and knocked the sword and shield away from the living corpse. It stood there, scratching its head in confusion, as if wondering why the sword and shield that were still in its hands suddenly disappeared.

How could Louis give him a chance to continue thinking? He picked up the sword, dropped it and carried it away, all at once.

There was no treasure chest in the room, so he fumbled for a long time before climbing down the stairs.

After leaving the hut, there are two roads in front of you: one is to go up the steps, and the other is to continue walking forward. Louis knew that according to the original map, there was a big flying dragon entrenched at the top of the castle on the road above, but he searched for a long time and couldn't find where the dragon was.

To be on the safe side, Louis decided not to seek his bad luck...

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