I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 45 Above the High Wall

One characteristic of the living corpses on the high walls of Lothric is that they are very fragile. If they are bumped slightly, the brittle bones will make a cracking sound.

But don’t underestimate them just because they are fragile. In fact, countless people have died at their hands.

After passing through a path full of living corpses, leaving behind broken remains of corpses, Louis came to a room.


A dull voice sounded, and looking where it came from, I saw a heavily armed knight. The thick armor, sharp straight sword, and resolute pace all show how difficult this knight is.

He is a heavily armed Lothric knight.

Seeing Louis, the knight was obviously stunned. He lowered his head and stared at Louis for a long time. He even scratched his head with the hand holding the shield, as if he was curious about why there was such a short Ashes?

Anyway, Louis was offended, and for a moment he was a little bit off guard...

It should be said that for a child who is a little over 140 meters tall, the pressure of the knight who is over 190 meters tall is really too strong...

In Louis' field of vision, the mountain-like knight swung his scarlet cloak and walked toward him with steady steps.

"Expelliarmus! (Expelliarmus)"

The curse hit the knight, and he just paused before continuing to walk towards Louis.

He didn't even raise his shield to parry...

*You gain 50 points of disarming spell proficiency.

"Impedimenta! (Obstacles)"

*You gain 50 points of Obstacle Spell proficiency.

As the spell hit the knight, his movements gradually became slower, as if something invisible was tearing at him. Lewis didn't want to use Shen Feng Wuying, he even put away the crystal sword. After all, after clearing the high wall, the waste can still be used by the students. Now it is time to test the strength.

See if there are any normal, non-dark magic spells that can defeat this devil.

So far, at least there are no supermodel monsters in this high wall. For a little wizard, even the Dog-Father King can be easily defeated with the crushing spell.

Of course, you have to be able to hit it.

"Stupefy! (passed out)"

*You gain 150 points of stun spell proficiency.

The spell hit the knight's helmet, making a snapping sound. It only slightly tilted his head, but did not cause any substantial damage.

It might also be because he was only at level 1 when he was in a coma... Not to mention the low spell power, his proficiency increased rapidly.

After casting several spells in a row, I finally reached level 2 in a daze, but it still couldn't cause any substantial damage to the knight, and it only slightly dented the part where it hit the armor.

Louis just repeated the obstacle spell - run two steps - stun spell, stun spell, stun spell - obstacle spell - run two steps - stun spell, stun spell, the way to practice the stun spell, and the kite-flying tactic made him Play and understand that it belongs.

Don't ask, just ask based on the experience gained from playing as a mage in the game over the years.

Finally, when the stun spell reached level three, the knight was finally able to stagger a few times.

As for students in the fifth grade and above, quite a few of the stun spells used are acceptable.

Should it be said or not, this knight is more advantageous than his senior, this is what the scumbag Louis thought in his heart.

At least he doesn't have to worry too much about the beauty. He can use whatever spell he wants without any scruples, and he doesn't have to worry about which one is too strong.

In fact, the senior sister may also think so. Louis secretly speculated on the senior sister's thoughts very irresponsibly and excused himself.

Catherine, who was far away at Hogwarts, sneezed twice in her sleep.

After using the same method to upgrade the crushing spell to level 3, the Lothric knight finally refused to be humiliated and knelt on the ground to end his fragile life with a straight sword.

Louis was stunned for a moment, "Why don't you throw your sword and poke me with such a high IQ?"

Opposite the room where the knight came out, there was also a relatively hidden room. Louis cleaned out the room, and there was indeed a treasure chest in the center of the room.

There is also a long, iron chain-like thing sticking out from the treasure chest, dragging it for a long time.

Louis sneered and threw a blocking spell, and quickly received a crushing spell.

You bastard, how could I let you lie to me? He thought so.

The treasure box made a sound of "oh hehe hehe" and stood upright in Louis' calm eyes.

The long arms and legs, the thin body, this was the first impression that the Mimic gave to Louis, as well as the treasure box-like head, with sharp teeth like jagged teeth at the opening and closing, and a tongue sticky with saliva hanging out. It looks horrible and disgusting.

The obstacle spell was not very effective against the Mimic Monster. The Mimic Monster blew up a whirlwind, and the windmill danced like a windmill, swinging its teeth and claws and spinning top-heavy towards Louis.

Cyclone Charge Tornado!

Lewis quickly threw out a crushing spell.

*You gain 100 points of Shattering Spell proficiency.

It seems that the Mimic Monster is much stronger than the Lothrik Knight.

The Mimic was not slow to react. He only paused for a moment, then opened his arms and rushed towards Louis, wanting to give him a loving hug.

Louis dodged, and the Mimic stumbled in a funny way. If his hand hadn't quickly supported the ground, he would have fallen.

Looking at his uncoordinated body, a sudden thought flashed through Lewis's mind.


As he guessed, the moment he was hit by the curse, the Mimic became top-heavy and hung upside down from the ground. It struggled in vain, the big tongue in the treasure box swung around, and the smelly saliva was splashing everywhere. It was so disgusting that the mother opened the door to disgust. It was so disgusting that it belonged to it.

There was also a strange whimpering smile coming out of his mouth. I really don't know what makes him happy about being hung up, but this optimistic spirit is worth learning from.

It seems that the monsters here should all have their own weaknesses?

No need to ask, just the osteoporotic physique of the living corpse is 100% weak and broken into pieces...

A Mimic monster hanging upside down allowed him to practice the crushing spell and the stun spell to level 5.

Louis looked at it, wondering what it would look like if the students at Hogwarts ventured into the high wall to experience it.

Miss Know-It-All excitedly opened the treasure box, but was swallowed in one gulp, with two little carrot legs kicking weakly?

Thinking of this, the unique bad taste of Black Soul players came to mind.

I really want to see my classmates suffer!

After taking care of the Mimic, the items falling on the ground attracted his attention.

One is a small stone with runes, and the other is a blue-gray battle axe, which is very mysterious.

[Rune Rune: Ort]: Embedded on items will have unexpected effects.

[Netherworld Battle Ax]: A battle ax transformed from darkness, with dark attribute damage, and has unexpected effects against certain enemies.

The harvest is not bad...the ax should be useless for the time being, but the rune really quenches the thirst, so it is.

After putting his things away, Louis continued on his journey to find Bordeaux in the Cold Valley.

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