That night in the Room of Requirement, Louis was dragged by his senior to review until dawn.

Catherine was worried that if he did not do well in the exam, he would lose face in front of his classmates. Louis didn't know what she was thinking and couldn't refuse her, so he pinched his nose and forced himself to review the knowledge points he was already familiar with, and studied hard with his senior sister.

In the Potions exam the next day, Louis was the first to hand in his paper. Seeing him hand in his paper, Ron, who was scratching his head for a long time, also turned in his paper.

Seeing Louis' paper, Snape nodded with satisfaction. When Ron handed in his papers, Snape stared at him deathly for a long time, then waved his hand impatiently and drove Ron out, who was cold from head to toe.

Ron staggered out of the examination room like a puppet on strings, and saw Louis leaning against the window sill and looking into the distance.

"Oh, I failed the test." Ron said frustratedly.

"Hey, I didn't do well in the test this time either." Lewis sighed after him.

As if he had found a savior, Ron looked at Louis with bright eyes: "Really, Louis, then you are really my good friend. Hey, if my mother knew that I failed the exam, she would definitely criticize me... Now It's different when you are with me. Mom thinks you are an excellent person and always tells me to study more with you."

Louis couldn't hold himself any longer. If you laugh, you're not a friend enough; if you don't laugh, it's quite uncomfortable to hold it in. He just listened to Ron's chatter with a weird look on his face until Harry and Hermione came out.

Harry was still smiling heartlessly like a big fool, looking ahead with a pair of unfocused eyes, giggling non-stop, and it seemed like he had done really well in the exam; Hermione, on the other hand, had a sad look on her face. She grabbed her hair vigorously, and her originally fluffy hair became even more messy after being grabbed wildly by her.

"Damn it, I actually forgot the specific steps for configuring the Forgetting Potion during the exam. I should obviously choose B..." Hermione pulled her hair in blame: "But now that I think about it, what's the use!"

"It's okay, I can't do it either. I'm still with you." Ron tried to comfort Hermione with his tragic experience.

"Who wants you to accompany me!" Hermione slapped Ron's chest hard with a thick copy of "Thousands of Magical Herbs and Mushrooms" in her hand, making a muffled sound.

"You're so rude." Ron rubbed his chest exaggeratedly. This time, his voice was actually a little louder, and it actually didn't hurt much: "I really don't know who will marry you in the future... Oh, I really want to be in advance. A moment of silence for him."

If looks could kill, Hermione's looks would definitely be more ruthless than those of the fully-leveled Shen Feng Wuying.

Louis almost stopped laughing, good guy, why do you still have a moment of silence for yourself?

"Tch, Lewis and I didn't do very well in the exam anyway." Ron pouted and muttered, "It's not like you two are unloyal and betrayed us."

"Butter, bust!" Draco's voice sounded from behind: "Did you take some happy potion and why are you acting like a fool?"

I don't know why, but Draco only made that plosive sound when he called "Potter".

"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry's originally good mood was suddenly disturbed by Draco: "I think you must not have brushed your teeth when you got up this morning, damn it."

"Haha, hurry up." Draco was overjoyed. He first said hello to Louis, then he put his hands in his pockets and walked around Harry twice like a little hooligan: "Let me see, yo, you are blushing. La? Po Te?"

"You really should see a psychiatrist, Malfoy," Hermione grumbled, shaking her head.

The first-year Harry's mouth was far less clumsy than the sharp-tongued teeth he would have in his later years. Now he had little experience in quarreling, and his small chest was bulging with anger as he glared at Draco fiercely.

"Draco." Louis couldn't stand it anymore and decided to come out to help: "Generally speaking, when boys face the people they love, they can't help but want to bully... Is it possible... ?”

Louis imitated Catherine's exaggerated expression vividly, covering his mouth with one hand, pointing the other hand at Draco, and asked in surprise: "Do you like Potter?"

Draco's originally proud little face suddenly turned as red as a cooked prawn. He didn't know whether he was embarrassed, anxious or angry. He hesitated for a long time before he said: "Ghost" ...Only a ghost likes Po Te!"

After saying that, he blushed and ran away.

Louis turned his head. Not only him, but Ron and Hermione also looked at Harry as if they were looking at a new world. After all, Draco's performance was really misleading. Ron didn't say anything, just patted Harry on the shoulder; Hermione struggled for a long time, and finally said with a raised eyebrow and a frown: "Oh... after all, it's not fifty years ago now, you shouldn't have any plans." What happened to the spirit...but, uh, I mean, don’t care what other people think, I’ll always support you.”

After saying that, he gave Harry an affectionate hug.

"Sisters..." Hermione's tone was a little awkward.

"That's enough of you!" Harry said frantically: "Louis! How could you... Oh my God..."

"That's a good thing too." Louis shrugged: "At least you have to see the good side. Draco won't harass you for nothing in the future."

Harry thought about it for a moment, and his idiot mentality made him instantly relieved.

"Thank you, Louis, I didn't expect your good intentions."

Hermione and Ron slapped him on the head, and Harry was hopeless.

The next day, rumors spread throughout the school that Slytherin Malfoy had a crush on Gryffindor's savior Mr. Potter.

The main reason was that Ron told Percy about this while having dinner, and Percy was annoyed by the twins again, so he treated the matter as big news to them in order to make them bother others.

If Gemini knows it, that means the whole world knows it.

Several rotten girls in Gryffindor had been staring at Harry since they were in the lounge, as if they had discovered a new world, even while eating.

Harry was so awkward that he twisted his butt back and forth on the stool while eating, almost making a hole in the stool.

The same goes for Slytherin. Countless seniors expressed to Draco that Long Bao can fly with peace of mind and that his mother will always be with him. They all looked like close friends, but the gossip in their eyes was heavier than anyone else's.

Draco was going crazy. Now he wanted to settle the score with Louis, the instigator, but he didn't dare to offend him, which almost caused him internal injuries.

Finally, he couldn't hold it in any longer, so he stood up in front of everyone, walked to Harry's seat on the Gryffindor side, and said loudly: "Potter! Come with me!"

The entire auditorium was silent, and then a burst of warm applause and whistles broke out, one after another, it was very lively.

"Potter! Potter! Potter! Potter!" The Gryffindor students, led by the Geminis, clapped and shouted while the Slytherins were not to be outdone and were also shouting Malfoy's name.

The two were stunned for a moment. They both ran out with red faces, scolding each other bloody in their hearts.

"What's going on?" Professor McGonagall on the teacher's bench was shocked, wondering when did the school become so united?

"Aha, it's great to be young." Professor Dumbledore sighed, the light of reminiscence shining behind his half-moon lenses.

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