I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 51 Announcement of results (seeking investment and further reading)

Eventually, Harry and Draco agreed to keep their distance from each other until the rumors died down.

But this did not stop the fujoshi's enthusiasm for creating new things. Each notebook was filled with enthusiasm. Snape even confiscated a pornographic article in Potions class.

She was a senior from Ravenclaw, and was deducted fifty points by Snape without any hesitation.

Thank you wizarding world for not being politically correct.

It took a lot of effort to get to Potions class on Friday, and the day for results officially arrived.

Professor Snape, as usual, banged the door open. The students have long been used to it. Even if they don't come to Potions class for a while, they will feel uncomfortable.

"Recently... there seem to be two focal figures." Snape said in a greasy voice: "Let me see, um, Mr. Malfoy, who dares to break the worldly prejudices, openly shows himself to the public in public. Mr. Potter expresses his love, I think your father will be proud of your bravery."

Draco wanted to retort, but was choked by Snape.

Besides, he didn't have the courage to contradict Snape.

"I really hope you can use the spirit of digging out other people's tidbits in your studies, but it seems that you guys look no different from mosquitoes that smell blood." Snape twisted his aquiline nose and looked at it with disgust. Transcript in hand: "Sometimes, you really have to make me wonder if I taught a group of humanoid giants."

"Louis Mountbatten." He suddenly shouted. Seeing Louis standing up, a smile appeared on Snape's gloomy face: "Students whose names are called do not need to stand up. Sit down, Mr. Mountbatten. 100 points."

Louis thought three times in his mind, Professor Snape, you definitely did it on purpose...

Ron was still sitting there waiting for fun, but his psychological defense was completely shattered by this sentence.

ah? Didn't we agree not to review together? Didn't you say you didn't do well in the exam? How did you secretly score 100 points?

"Harry Potter... our savior and most recent heroine... scored 99 points because you spelled the wrong word in your short answer question."

"Hermione Granger." The smile on Snape's face disappeared, and a sinister expression enveloped his face: "Ah, Miss Know-It-All, 98 points."

"Draco Malfoy...98 points."

"Daphne Greengrass...98 points."

"Millicent Bursted, 98 points."

"Pansy Parkinson, 96 points."

"Brace Chabini, 95 points."

"Lavender Brown, 95 points."

"Theodore Nott, 94 points."

"Héloïse Midgen, 93 points."

"Vincent Crabbe, 90 points."

"Gregory Gall, 88 points."

"Okay, here are the three troll brothers from Gryffindor."

"Ronald Weasley..." Snape stared deathly at Ron's face for a long time, and said coldly and slowly: "62 points."

It's okay...passed.

Ron heaved a sigh of relief. It's not just the last place. This damn Lewis... I must settle the account with him later!

"Seamus Finnigan." Snape's eyes quickly raised and lowered: "Well, 54 points. I hope you can use your crackling talent in Potions class in the future, Mr. Finnigan."

"Well, well." Snape finally drawled his voice, and under Neville's horrified eyes, he said drawlingly: "Gryffindor's great genius, Neville Longbottom, five points."

Everyone, including the Gryffindors, looked at Neville with awe.

To be honest, Snape took good care of first-year students. There were forty multiple-choice questions, totaling eighty points; the remaining four short-answer questions, each worth five points.

"I have to say, when I was grading, I was still doubting whether you knew the correct options for all the answers?" Snape's eyes were full of disgust: "Forty multiple-choice questions, none of them were answered correctly. Excuse me, are you? Was it sent by Merlin to torture the professors' nerves?"

Neville was spinning on his stool, his mind was buzzing, and he couldn't hear clearly what Snape was talking about. All he could think about now was his grandmother's yelling letter in two days.

It’s over, Barbie is Q.

Neville thought to himself, and the more he thought about it, the more anxious he became, and he suddenly fainted.

It caused a burst of laughter among the students.

"Quiet." Snape snorted to maintain order. He looked around the classroom and said slowly: "Mr. Mountbatten, ten points for Slytherin."

"In addition, Mr. Potter and Miss Know-It-All each also earned five points for Gryffindor." When he said this, Snape's face twitched visibly.

Giving Gryffindor points was the last thing he wanted to do.

"Two failed Mr. Trolls, Gryffindor will deduct five points from each of you for your grades."

Well, I added it here and quickly deducted it there. It was indeed Snape's style.

Gryffindor breathed a sigh of relief. This was already very satisfying, and it was much better than deducting points.

"In addition, in the first school year, Slytherin ranked first with an average score of 92 points, and Slytherin added ten points."

"Unfortunately, Gryffindor is only third, so there are no extra points." At this point, Snape shrugged and expressed regret.

"Then Professor, will you deduct points from us?"

It was Seamus who asked this question.

"If you wish, I can deduct five points from Gryffindor just because you want to." Snape's eyes narrowed into a thin line.

Seamus shook his head like a blender. If he really got five points deducted from Snape for being a bitch today, the whole Gryffindor would have to deal with him when he went back tonight.

Percy couldn't even protect him.

Gryffindor students now don't ask for extra points in Snape's class. If they don't deduct points, they will get extra points.

"If there are no objections to the results, the report cards will be distributed to all parents tomorrow morning." Snapra said in a long tone: "I wish you - have a happy weekend."

After class, Louis saw an angry Ron waiting for him outside the door.

Don't tell me, Louis thinks that the senior sister is right, Ron does look like a red-haired squirrel.

"Louis! Didn't you say you didn't review! How could you lie to me!" Ron asked Lewis aggrievedly: "We agreed to have fun together, but you secretly studied behind your back! How unloyal!"

Squirrel fried hair.jpg

"Ah, you said this." Louis scratched his head: "I really haven't read the book. If you don't believe me, just ask Catherine. I practice magic spells with her every night."

Speaking of which, he hadn't practiced magic spells with Ron and the other three for half a month.

It was a wrong payment after all.

How could Ron dare to ask Catherine? He asked doubtfully: "You didn't lie to me? Oh, you definitely wouldn't." When he said this, he actually defended Louis: "We are good friends after all, how could you Are you lying to me? Speaking of which, I should study hard. Hey, my mother will be angry when she sees the report card..."

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