I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 7 Sizing up the Situation Draco

After all the students were full, the food on the dining table was quietly removed and replaced with the desserts that had been prepared long ago.

Unlike the other three houses who were chatting happily, the atmosphere in Slytherin was extremely weird. They just whispered in small groups. Louis and the senior sister were even weirder. The two of them didn't even meet their eyes.

He also quite enjoyed this feeling, the feeling of being consciously ignored by others. He was 100% sure that he was able to receive this hard-earned treatment thanks to the senior sister next to him.

In order not to be tainted with favors, Louis decided to imitate Xu Shu who entered Cao Ying, and followed his senior sister to make a fortune without saying a word.

This is falling.

When the dessert disappeared on the table, Principal Dumbledore stood up again, and the auditorium became quiet.

"Oh, now that everyone has eaten and drank enough, I want to say a few more words to everyone. At the beginning of the semester, I want to mention a few things to pay attention to."

"First-year students, please note that the woods on campus are strictly prohibited for students. Some of our old classmates also need to pay attention to this."

As he spoke, Dumbledore's shining eyes swept past the Weasley brothers, "Also, the administrator, Mr. Filch, also wants me to remind everyone not to cast magic in the corridors during class."

"The review of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this semester. Anyone who is interested in joining the college team please contact Mrs. Huo Qi."

"Finally, I must tell everyone that anyone who does not want to encounter an accident and die in pain should not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor."

Only a few people burst into laughter, but most people looked at Principal Dumbledore seriously.

Louis knew what was there on the fourth floor.

"Now, before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school song together."

Dumbledore said loudly.

He flicked the wand, and a long golden ribbon floated out from the wand, twisting and coiling out lines of text above the high auditorium.

are the lyrics to the Hogwarts school song.

"Everyone chooses his or her favorite tune and is ready to sing!"

When Louis finished singing the last verse to the tune of "You'll Come Back Like Lightning," he found that only the red-haired twins were still singing. Dumbledore used his wand to conduct the last few bars for them both, and when they finished singing, he applauded the loudest.

"Music." He wiped his eyes and said, "It's more charming than anything we do here. It's bedtime now. Let's go back to the dormitory."

Big Teeth with swollen eyelids stood up, and Louis recognized him as Marcus Flint, his student in the afternoon temporary class. "Freshmen, follow me," he said.

Louis stood up and followed Marcus at the end of the freshman team. He really didn't know that this guy was actually a prefect of Slytherin.

The portraits hanging on both sides of the road opened Louis' eyes. In his previous life, he had only seen them in movies, but now they actually appeared in front of him. Not to mention, it was quite exciting.

Soon he came to the stone wall of Slytherin. Marcus turned his head and said: "Remember the password I said to the stone wall. Slytherin's password changes every month. Before changing the password, it will be Let everyone know on the bulletin board in the break room.”

After that, he turned his head and said to Stone Wall: "Honor."

A stone door appeared on the stone wall. After Louis entered, the cool aqua-green tones that hit his face made him feel a little awkward.

Unlike the Gryffindor common room in the movie, Slytherin's common room is surrounded by green water. Occasionally, a swimming fish scurried past, its tail tapping on the window, making a clicking sound, making the entire green lounge even more eerie.

Slytherin is quite large and there are many lounges. Generally speaking, two people share a room, and there will not be the embarrassing incident of five people cramming into a room like Gryffindor.

Unexpectedly, Louis and Draco Malfoy were sorted together.

He frowned. In his previous life, whether he was watching movies or reading books, he could never say he liked this person.

A 10% bad boy, but who made the casting choice?

Even if there is only a little kindness left in the heart, it is nothing more than the Fat Tiger's Law. Don't you see, Ron's small mistakes are magnified infinitely, but Draco's small kindnesses are magnified infinitely.

As long as the elder brother is good-looking, it is okay if the three senses follow the facial features.

But that's not to say he's annoying, after all, Malfoy doesn't have any problems with him at the moment.

When Louis' name was called, a flash of fear quickly flashed in Marcus's eyes. He didn't know why Professor Snape, who always doted on him, actually punished him for cleaning up the trash in Potions class for an unprecedented period.

Even if he thinks he can't beat Louis, he is still willing to cause some little trouble for Louis. Well, doesn't this mean that Louis and Draco are assigned together?

Louis, who has been born in two generations and received an elite education since childhood, didn't understand Marcus' little thoughts. He just chuckled and didn't take it seriously.

How can you learn magic well with these insects?

Slytherin's dormitory was quite good, perhaps due to the sponsorship from the pure-blood family year after year. At least the spacious bed made Louis somewhat satisfied.

It's just that without Sister Diana to hold her to sleep, I always feel like something is missing.

Thinking of Diana, Louis felt a little nostalgic. Diana was so good, with her round body and mature aura... none of these mattered. The important thing is that Louis is only eleven years old now. Even if Diana is divorced now, he He can only have pony's ambition in vain.

The luggage had been neatly arranged by the house elves early on. Louis took out all kinds of books from the suitcase and stacked them neatly in the small bookcase on the table.

"Hello, my name is Draco Malfoy, from the Malfoy family of the twenty-eight pure-blood families."

Louis was hesitating where to put the "State and Society" when Draco's slightly arrogant voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Louis Mountbatten, Duke of Cambridge." He introduced himself in a very casual tone, as if he was introducing an unrelated person.

As the favorite godson of the long-lived lady whose name must not be mentioned, Louis was given the title of Duke of Cambridge on the spot at the dinner party on the day he was admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

I'm sorry, my dear Mediterranean nephew, Louis said a word of silence in his heart.

Draco leaned back slightly, the arrogance on his face dissipated a bit. Even though he has always adhered to the concept of "pure blood supremacy", he still knew the status of the Muggle Duke.

More importantly, he had already heard about Louis' one-on-one fight on the train. No matter how proud he was, he could still understand that the person in front of him was at least something he couldn't offend.

After all, Slytherin always assesses the situation.

He thought for a moment and then asked: "Well...is Mr. Mountbatten from a pure-blood family?"

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