I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 8 Voiceless consonants need to be voiced

Although Draco's words were polite, the meaning between the lines was "I have never heard of any pure-blood family with the surname Mountbatten."

Louis chuckled: "My grandfather used to be German, but he changed his surname after coming to Britain - your father should know that my uncle and aunt still have a little power in Britain."

"But... I only know that my parents are both wizards, but they are no longer alive."

A standard template for parents of time-travelers to sacrifice themselves to heaven.

"Sorry." Draco's expression softened, and he finally stretched out his right hand: "I think we can be friends, Mr. Mountbatten. After all, you are not a mud-I mean, a Muggle."

"I hope you can help me keep this secret." Louis held Draco's hand and winked: "I think my next days in Slytherin may be exciting - think about it, noble How could Slytherin allow a mudblood to disgrace the entire house."

Draco was a young man after all, and when he thought about the days to come, he couldn't help but laugh.

"In addition, family background does not mean everything, Draco - can I call you that?" After seeing Draco nod, Louis reached out and stuffed the books into the political category, and said softly: "Compared to family background, For the honor given to me, I want my family to be honored because of me."

Draco nodded. He was still a first-grade child and had strong plasticity. It was for this reason that Louis planned to train him well.

Maybe... this child can be the entrance to the twenty-eight pure-blood families?

"Okay, you should rest first Draco, I have something else to go out for."

Louis patted Draco on the shoulder after clearing the table.

"What are you going to do...?"

"Night Tour." Louis took out the "Low-level Magic Teaching", chuckled and turned around to leave.

He has never denied his ambition. He was always the class president when he was in school in his last life. Even in the game, he still wants to be the president. Even if there is the slightest possibility, he will try his best to escape from the situation of being restrained by discipline.

It was a good thing to come to Slytherin. In the friendly and welcoming environment of Gryffindor, he was too embarrassed to fight for headmaster and prefect. But Slytherin was different. As long as he laid a few traps to lure those pure-blooded guys, he didn't have to worry about them not taking the bait.

But the main contradiction now is to improve one's own strength as soon as possible, so as not to be inferior to others and become a high ground.

What was more embarrassing was that it took him more than an hour to reach the eighth floor.

Lu Chi really can't afford to be hurt, he thought as he stood in front of the tapestry where the troll beat Barnabas silly.

"I want a training room for practicing magic." Louis thought silently in his heart, pacing back and forth three times, and a smooth iron door suddenly appeared on the wall opposite the tapestry.

When he stood at the door, the iron door opened quietly. Louis walked in through the door and suddenly felt enlightened. He secretly called for the panel in his mind, wanting to check his learning progress.

Louis Mountbatten

Level 15 Wizard

Mana: 275/275

Learned magic spells: water creation (level 6), fluorescent flash (level 5), armor protection (level 5), wizard's hand (level 5), sealing tongue and throat (level 3), force release and force release (level 5) Level 3), Upside Down Golden Bell (Level 3), Floating Spell (Level 2), Opening of Alajo Cave (Level 2), Repair as before (Level 2), Stop Curse (Level 1)

*Watermaking: Current level 6 (65/10000)

Mana required: 1

Casting time: 1.5 seconds

Skill introduction: Create a bag of magic glacier water.

Magic Glacier Water: Restores 5,000 mana within 20 seconds after drinking.

Lewis pondered for a long time and felt that he should learn attack magic. He exited the panel and looked into the house.

The six magic dummies stood there quietly, their shadows stretched by the moonlight.

In the corner that he didn't notice, a strand of golden hair quickly caught behind the pillar.

Louis didn't notice anything wrong. He opened the spell book and planned to start learning new spells.

Different from what he imagined, every magic has its own fixed casting gesture. For example, Fainting draws a 75-degree angle from top to bottom, while Expelliarmus draws a 75-degree angle from left to right. Ninety degree right angle.

The difficulty for beginners is not only the accuracy of pronunciation, but also the need to strictly follow the gestures to cast the spell. This is why the floating spell can stump so many novice wizards.

Not only is it difficult to pronounce, but its casting trajectory is also difficult to control.

Unfortunately, even if the system is close to you, there is no cheating scenario where you can automatically learn the spells just by looking at them.

Louis picked up the wand. In theory, the simplest spell, both in terms of pronunciation and movement, should be "Crucio" with a diagonal line toward nine o'clock.

But for a first-grade kid to practice the Unforgivable Curse since he first came up, he is really a bit unique. He is not a born Dark Lord. The water of black magic is too deep, and he thinks he can't grasp it.

It's not like I haven't read those fan fictions in my previous life. I haven't even started a few classes yet, and Avada Kedavra is like drinking water. In the novel, Tu Yile was enough, but he couldn't guarantee whether the chaotic spell would burn his mind.

He leaned forward slightly, recalling the hand gesture of the magic spell. He was calm and calm. His hand was like a lightning bolt. He waved the wand and uttered the spell: "Expelliarmus! (Expelliarmus!)"

The tip of the wand made a "porphy" sound, and now it was Louis' turn to be embarrassed. He looked around and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no one saw this embarrassing scene.

Otherwise, even if he risked his life, he would be silenced.

After testing it left and right, the wand still seemed to be broken. It just made a soft sound and did not shoot any magic spell at all.

He was not discouraged. He put down his wand and picked up the book again, only to find a line of small words.

"Many beginners have no problem with the wand gesture, but in fact they are stuck at the spell level. The spell Expelliarmus - x is /eks/ in the phonetic notation, and after the pronunciation of s, remember to voice the voiceless consonant p as b.”

"I fly eagles every day, and I don't want to have my eyes pecked by little swallows..." Louis was speechless for a while, and then a little embarrassed. He was even glad that he had the Oxford accent of the old London, otherwise he would be the same as the London handlebars. Learn to swallow sounds. Don’t try to learn magic well while swallowing.

Silently thanking Aunt Lilibei in his mind, he raised his wand and finally corrected his accent this time.

"Expelliarmus! (Expelliarmus)"

A thin beam of red light burst from the tip of the wand, knocking the wand from the hand of his target's dummy to the ground.

"Congratulations on successfully learning the disarming spell: Expelliarmus."

"Tip, you can gain five proficiency points each time you release Expelliarmus on the training dummy. If you successfully release Expelliarmus in actual combat, you can gain more proficiency points based on the difference in strength."

Expelliarmus: Current Level 1 (5/1000)

Mana required: 2

Casting distance: 30 yards

Casting time: 1.2 seconds

Skill introduction: Forcefully disarm the target weapon.

After practicing the disarming spell to clear his mana, Louis took out a bag of magic glacier water and took a sip. Louis stood up again and started practicing the disarming spell on the dummy. Just like this cycle of clearing mana - drinking water - clearing mana, the sky gradually became brighter.

One night of training was quite effective, and his proficiency in disarming spells increased to level 2 1150/2000.

After sighing with contentment, Louis quietly left the Room of Requirement.

As soon as he walked out of the door, a stunning figure flashed out from behind a pillar on the side. Louis would be surprised if he saw it. This person was none other than the senior sister who sat next to him when the freshman class at Hogwarts opened. .

Louis was lucky because he had planned to go back beforehand. Because of the onset of his wanderlust nature, it took him more than an hour to return to the dormitory.

He secretly wondered in his mind whether he should have a good relationship with the Weasley twins. The Marauder's Map should be in their hands now, and he could just buy it at a high price.

What? You mean Potter? Let's talk about Potter's words later... The first priority is to solve the problem of his own road addiction. With the guidance of the map, you can save at least more than three hours a day to practice magic. In a month, that's ninety hours.

After sleeping on the pillow for less than two hours, he felt full of energy. He looked at Malfoy who was still sleeping soundly, thought about it, and shook him up.

"Draco, wake up, how can you sleep at your age?"

He didn't really want to ask him to eat with him, but he was worried that he would get lost.

The first-year students' homework is not very heavy. There are three classes of Herbal Medicine taught by Professor Sputrow every week. The two classes are Professor Flitwick's Charms class, Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class and Mr. Snape's class. Potions of the Bat.

The rest is a History of Magic class that is said to make people drowsy, a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and an Astronomy class that is held every Wednesday night from 9 to 11 o'clock.

The reason why the class schedule is so loose, Lewis guessed, may be to prevent students from being late due to getting lost. The lunch break is long and school ends early in the afternoon, giving you plenty of time to acclimate or explore the castle.

It is worth mentioning that the three herbal medicine classes every week are Monday at 3 pm, Tuesday at 11:15 noon, and Wednesday at 9 am.

Each class lasts thirty minutes. Class ends on time at 11:45 p.m., and the class starts at 2 p.m. during the lunch break. The afternoon classes ended at 3:30. Louis just wanted to say that they were more relaxed than when he was in the first grade of elementary school.

Not to mention the senior year of high school from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Louis was obviously still much early. It was past seven o'clock in Hogwarts, and Draco was still obviously drowsy.

After being firmly rejected by the sleepy Draco, Louis felt bored. After a simple wash, he could only walk to the cafeteria - that is, the hall.

After searching around the hall for the senior sister to no avail, Louis just sat down when he found Ron and Harry coming towards him together.

"Hi, Louis." Ron greeted first: "I thought you would sleep in."

"The early bird catches the worm." Louis looked up and smiled gently, using a pen to write down what he wanted to eat on the card provided by the elf. He tapped his fingers lightly on the table, and before the sound could even be heard, the card disappeared.

After a while, the dish he wanted was delivered to him.

He picked up the knife and fork, and as soon as he forked a piece of sausage, he saw Ron's troubled expression. Lewis smiled softly and asked, "Ron? You seem to have something on your mind."

"Yesterday - uh, when we were sorting, why did you end up in Slytherin?" Ron struggled for a long time, and finally asked: "We obviously agreed in the car to go to Gryffindor together, you know, Slytherins are - well, I'm not saying you are either, no, I'm sure you won't be a bad wizard, but..."

"Let me tell you." Harry took over: "We chatted very late last night, and Seamus said it might be because of your own choices... But Ron and I didn't believe what he said, so we wanted to come over and ask. you."

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