I’m The King

Chapter 994: : Huanghuang Hanwei (118)

Qi State, Judu. After standing on the towering city wall of Judu, Qu, looking at the fugitive Qi Jun and the Chu Jun chasing by horses in the distance, he felt proud. Chu Jun was stung for decades. It was the first time to use foreign troops and won a big victory.To this day, Qi Guoju has almost all the important towns, towns and counties have fallen into the hands of the Chu army, only some poor villages and remote areas have not been fully subdued, and some disintegrated Qi army Xiangyong and some spontaneously organized Xiang Yong are still resisting sporadically, but this can no longer change the overall situation.Ju Du will officially merge into the territory of Chu Kingdom from today.

He took off his helmet, held it in his arms, and the wind raised his hair, and Qu felt extremely happy. The one hundred thousand army that Chu Huai handed over to him at the beginning, compared with the Chu army who fought against the Qin army at the border of Qin and Chu, It's completely scum, it's not worth mentioning, but for two years, I have worked hard, cut the inferior and saved the superior, and trained every day. Although I have only 40,000 people now, I can completely compare with the most elite Chu army. , And his own army has set foot on the battlefield many times and has experienced the experience of blood and fire, but the main force of the Chu army on the border of Qin and Chu did not have this opportunity. The conflict with the Qin was in the restraint of both sides. Next, how can some small fights that are always above the size of the squad compare with the confrontation between tens of thousands of troops here?

Today, the situation in Qi is one-third of the world, and he owns the capital of Ju, the second son of Tian occupies Jimo, and the court of Qi, represented by the son of Tian Yuan Yuan, occupies the three capitals of Linzi, Pinglu, Gaotang, or four. It's not an exaggeration to divide the world. The Red Scarf Army who occupied the Gaotang has a warm attitude. Although surrendered to the Qi court, it is like an independent kingdom. Then I don't know what Yingcheng will do? That's it. Hit, or continue to reach out?

According to one's own will, if you continue to extend your hand, you should aim at the second son of Tian Er in Jimo. This person is currently the weakest and has a bad reputation in Qi. Although there are two generals Wang Pei and Cheng Siwei. He supports the facade, but as the situation develops, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and the second son of Tian, ​​who is trapped in Jimo, will be defeated. If you just want to reach out to the second son of Tian, ​​you will inevitably form a formal conflict with the main force of Qi. The strength of the troops is really insufficient.

Qu Wan knew very well that the reason why he was able to seize Judu so easily was really because the main force of Qi State focused on destroying the Second Young Master Tian. How can I help Chu State in this chaotic situation? How about taking greater advantage? The thoughts after the end of the war fell on this one, or to go to the pirate leader. Now the so-called Gao Tanghou is also a good choice. A bandit, if you have milk, you are a mother, who The benefits given are many, so naturally they will go with them. Qi country is getting worse by the day, and Chu country is prospering. This pirate leader won't even have this vision? It's just that Qi country has already sealed him, so what can Chu country give him?

Thinking that I hadn't been appointed until now, I couldn't help but smile wryly. This pirate leader was lucky.

"General Qu, Ying has come to envoys." The deputy general Bian Yang ran over. This is a general who has been hand-drawn after Qu's two years. He was originally a small county lieutenant of a county. He was wronged because of his outstanding military talents. After appreciating everything, he went straight up all the way, and he was now a senior general of the Chu army.

"Huh?" Qu Wan was slightly taken aback. He only won Judu from here. The envoys who reported the victory had not set off. Why did the envoys come from Yingcheng? Is there any major event happening in the country?

"Who is coming?" Qu asked after putting his helmet on, turning around and walking down the city.

"It's the doctor Guo Kuo." Bian Yang said, "There are more than a dozen people accompanying him."

"It's him, old acquaintance, go and meet him, Bian Yang, these big people in Yingcheng, you will hand over with them more when you are fine, it will be good for you in the future."

"The subordinates are the generals with one hand, as long as you follow the generals!" Bian Yang replied in a low voice.

Qu Wan was very satisfied with this answer, haha ​​laughed: "That's what I said, but your future is not controlled by my hands. At your level, I have little influence on you, but those in Yingcheng A big man has the energy to decide your life and death. Whether you look down on them or not, you have to be careful to indulge in it. This is not like us soldiers. The credit is killed with one shot. This Dr. Guo Kuo Guo, the best I like yellow and white things, but this person has a good reputation. He will surely do things after receiving the money. You might as well meet him in private."

Seeing Bianyang's face was stunned, he stopped after he turned his head and looked at his lover who pulled up with one hand, "I know your temperament, I disdain to do this, but if you want to go further, these People are bound to make friends. Qu Zhongqu Taiwei and Huang Xie Huang Shoufu needless to say, but people like Guo Kuo have not done enough, but have more than bad things!"

"Subordinates, thank the general for his teaching!" Bian Yang said gratefully.

"Let's go!" Qu Wan nodded in satisfaction. Bian Yang is a smart man. If he can go further, he will have another helper in the army in the future. He is commanding hundreds of thousands of Chu State's army on the border of Qin and Chu. Lian Yi is already old, and this time he has made a meritorious service, he is the most likely general to replace him.At that time, when he goes there, he must be assisted by a few caring and capable generals.

Judu stayed behind in the mansion, and the soldiers were busy tidying up. The Chu army broke through Judu, and both the Qi state stayed behind and the guards fled in embarrassment. However, there were still many Qi army and Chu army engaged in street fighting. This is the fiercest battle. In the place, although the Qi army who was stubbornly resisting was finally annihilated, the left-behind mansion was not beaten up.There were broken walls and blood stains everywhere, like a tattered garbage dump.

Passing a group of county soldiers who were carrying the tattered outside in the yard, Qu finished walking into the lobby of the left-behind mansion with a flat soil.

"Doctor Guo, long time no see, don't come here unharmed?" Qu Wan laughed and arched his hands at the middle one.

"Thanks to General Hongfu, it's okay!" The doctor Guo Kuo, who has three beautiful beards, smiled in return, but after Qu, his smile was a little unnatural, strange in his heart, and his eyes passed behind Guo Kuo. Among the group of followers, their eyes suddenly condensed, and they almost yelled out, but then they coughed several times and concealed the past.

"General Qu, I came this time with the king's will, can the general find a quiet room?" Guo Kuo asked.

After Qu nodded knowingly, "This is what it should be, Bianyang, can this inside be cleaned up?"

"Back to the general, the room where the general rested inside has been cleaned up," Bian Yang said quickly.

"Okay, take us over."

The area of ​​the left-behind mansion is very large, and the room that the flat soil found for Qu is located in a very beautiful place in the back garden.Here, the noise outside can hardly be heard.

"It's great here, Bianyang, you just stay here, no one can come near." Qu finished.

"Yes, General!" Bian Yang turned around and stood with the knife.

Qu Wan took Guo Kuo and turned and entered the room.To Bian Yang's surprise, Guo Kuo actually brought an entourage into the room, and General Qu did not object.

As soon as the door was closed, Qu Wan no longer had to hide his expression, and bowed to the entourage. "Qu Wan has seen the lieutenant."

This person who pretended to be Guo Kuo's entourage was actually the current Crown Lieutenant of Chu State.

Qu Wan and Qu Zhong, although both surnamed Qu, but there is no half-relationship between the two sides. Qu Wan's current status is several levels worse than that of Qu Zhong.

"Okay, General Qu, no need to be polite. This time you did a great job. I did not make a mistake in recommending you in front of the king. When you have a hundred thousand inferior army in your hands, you will be able to train a four The tiger and wolf teacher of ten thousand people, and also won the Judu city. Not only me, but also Shoufu and Wang Shang are also very pleased. In this troubled autumn, an extra team of forty thousand people can change the situation. One of the strengths of ah!" Qu Zhong lifted up and finished with a smile.

"The final lieutenant Montaigne attaches great importance to him, so dare not try his best!" Qu Wan said modestly.

"If you want to come, you are also surprised how I came to you in this way?" Qu Zhong smiled and sat down, pointed at the seat next to him, and said to Guo Kuo and Qu, "Sit down and say!"

After bending, he sat down straight and nodded: "Yes, the final general is indeed surprised. It must be that something earth-shattering is about to happen, so that you are so cautious, for fear of revealing your behavior."

"Yes, in Yingdu, I am sick and in bed at the moment, and I took advantage of the opportunity of Dr. Guo to come to the army by the order of the king to come to you to interview you, just for fear of leaking secrets!" Qu Zhong said with emotion.

"What is it that makes you so cautious? And Yingdu is our capital. Is it possible that we can't keep the secret?" Qu Wan asked in surprise.

"Do you remember when the Han army sent someone to **** the princess back to Yingdu two years ago?" Qu Zhong asked.

"Naturally remember, at the end of the day, I saw the soldiers of the Han sergeant. They are indeed the soldiers of a hundred wars. That fierce murderous aura, but you can't pretend it." Qu Wan nodded.

"Among the people who accompanied the princess back then were the spies from the Supervision Institute." Qu Zhongtan said: "It was a long time before we discovered this. Later, a few secretly arrested and executed a few, but the most important thing was that. One has disappeared without a trace, and two years later, we are sure that the other party has spread out their network in Yingcheng, but we can't grasp their handle."

"I can't grasp the handle, there are other ways to deal with them." Qu finished.

"Yes, there are other ways, but there is another pass, princess."

"What is the relationship between the princess in this matter?" Qu Wan asked in surprise.

"The princess was wronged by the heavens, and our king was very sorry. When the princess returned from Yan country, Gao Yuan gave her a lot of wealth, and the princess used this money to start the business in Yingdu. Our people believe that there are people from the Supervision Institute lurking in these industries, but they are helpless, because there is no definite handle, and they cannot be moved, otherwise they will provoke the princess." Qu Zhong said helplessly." So this time, I just came out of town in disguise."

"Is it related to the Han army?" Qu Wan asked solemnly.

"Yes!" Bend his head. (To be continued)

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