I’m The King

Chapter 995: : Huang Huang Hanwei (One Hundred and Nineteen)

Listening to Qu Zhong, he almost finished talking about the alliance with Qin in a single word, and Qu's mouth had opened into an O shape, enough to fit a big duck egg. Qin and Chu formed an alliance and conspired with Han, this Before, he couldn't imagine it at all.

"Does the Taiwei think about looking for a skin with a tiger?" Qu Wan asked.

"Of course, the heart of the tiger and wolf of the Qin people is well known to the world, but my Da Chu is not a wood-carved clay sculpture. The king finally cheered up and prepared for battle. The Qin people want to dominate the Central Plains. Why don't I want to dominate the Central Plains?" Qu Zhong laughed. He got up: "The rise of the Han Kingdom made King Qin Wulie feel a great threat. He took the initiative to make an alliance with us to destroy the Han and made heavy terms. What's wrong with agreeing!"

"I'm afraid that there will be no birds, and the good bow will be hidden!" Qu finished looking at the weight, "Or the day of the fall of the Han country, it is the time when we Chu and the Daqin swords met."

"Yes, all this you said is not possible, but affirmative, but at that time, who is the one who will kill, is still unknown?" Qu pointed his head: "After Qu, you tell me that we don't make an alliance with the Qin people. Will the people of Qin come to hit us?"

"It's definitely a fight, it's just a matter of order." Qu finished.

"Yes, there must be a war between the two countries, and before that, what we have to do is to accumulate more powerful forces as much as possible. Do you know what conditions Qin promised us this time in order to make an alliance with us? ?"

"Want to hear about these conditions that made the captain and Shoufu-sama move?" Qu Wan smiled.

"Qin State ceded the three counties of Han Di to Chu State, and let us annex Qi State. They don't want these two places." Qu Zhong looked at Qu with smiling eyes.

"Qin is crazy!" Qu Wan exclaimed.

"The Qin people are not crazy." Qu Zhong shook his head and said: "It's that Qin Wulie Wang feels that the threat of Han is imminent. He wants to solve this suddenly rising country. To be honest, even I am curious, this Han. What on earth is there to make King Qin Wulie lose his patience? We know too little about this country."

"We are too far away from Han country!" Qu finished.

"It's not far now, and we will meet soon." Qu Zhong said: "We have no reason to underestimate the opponent that King Qin Wulie can value, and from the performance of King Qin Wulie, he valued this opponent and even valued us. You understand I mean?"

"I see King Qin Wulie's gains and frustrations. Can a country that has been established for more than two years compare with me?" Qu Wan sneered.

"But you can't say that." Qu Zhong sighed: "Isn't Yan State founded hundreds of years ago? Where is it now? Qi State has a longer history and stronger national strength. Now it has become a pot of porridge and has become a delicacy in the eyes of others. Isn't it Han? The country is worshipped in it? There is also the country of Wei, which has basically become a vassal of the Han country. We cannot underestimate such a country. I have instructed Yusi to use all available power to spy on Han at all costs. All the intelligence of the country."

Qu was silent for a moment: "In other words, are we going to use troops against Han?"

"Yes. The Han Guoqi country looks at it, and will never allow us to take a big step forward after taking Judu. If my estimation is correct, Han Guo Gaoyuan probably thinks that the big fish of Qi State has been fattened. I started to slaughter and eat, so the Han Mengchong Group stationed in Kunzhou will definitely attack Tian Fucheng in Jimo, and then occupy the whole country of Qi." Qu Zhong analyzed.

"The Qi State now holds the Sandu Lord Tian Da, and his strength still exists. It will not be so easy, right?

``It's nothing more than lust. Now the people of Qi are not living, and the exorbitant taxes and taxes are like a cow, and the people have long been overwhelmed.The young man of Tian just wanted to quickly destroy his brother to dominate the country, and then lie down and try the courage.Unexpectedly, his opponent would not give him this time. "Qu Zhong sneered.

"I have only 40,000 troops under my command, and Meng Chong's Han army will not be less than this number, and the combat power is far from Qi's. We don't have much chance of winning this battle!" Qu Wan said honestly and honestly. I have been fighting for more than ten years, but it is not easy to deal with.

"Of course it's more than that. The court will transfer another 40,000 troops to come under your command." Qu Zhong smiled.

"Adjust forty thousand more troops?" Qu Wan said in surprise.

"Yes, our goal is to occupy the entire Qi country. To achieve this goal, we must first defeat the Meng Chong group of the Han army. That's it, if you hit, you must win." The stern face became serious, "After succumbing, can you take up this important task?"

After a moment of silence, "Do your best."

I didn't hear the assurance of the end of the bend, but the weight seemed to be relieved, "Well, I'm really afraid that you will slap your chest and promise me. Then I really can't rest assured. What are you going to do?"

"At first, I was going to clean up Tian Fucheng first. Now it seems that this person is a **** that can be used." Qu Wan thought for a moment, and said: "If Meng Chong's subordinate will really attack Qi and want to win When we get to Jimo, Tian Fucheng will definitely not be able to arrive. At this time, we stretched out our hand to pull him, and he will be grateful if we think about it."

"Tian Fucheng is not a fool, does he think we have no purpose?" Guo Kuo on one side interjected.

"We can throw out the conditions, that is, ceding Ju Du to our Daqi in his name. Didn't Han also play this trick? Let Young Master Tian sign such a document, and Han took it seriously. With this cessation agreement, we went to Yingcheng and clamored, saying that our great Chu had invaded their land in Han?" Qu Wan laughed. "We can also promise to help Tian Fucheng defeat his brother. Now Tian Fucheng is just Like a drowning man in the water, even if he asks for straw, he will firmly grasp it."

"Not bad!" Qu Zhong nodded again and again. "Although Tian Fucheng has suffered consecutive defeats, he still has Cheng Siwei under his command, as well as the two generals of Wang Pei. Four to five thousand horses can still be collected under him. Ten thousand people, they made a decisive battle with Meng Chong in Jimo. As long as Meng Chong's army was defeated, it would be difficult for Han to reach out to Qi, because at this time, Qin's army wanted to come. Killed here. And we have also completed our alliance with the Qin State, and then we will concentrate on managing Qi State, the two young sons Tian, ​​let us all go to Yingcheng to enjoy our old age!"

Qu Da laughed.

In Jimo, Tian Fucheng, as Qu Zhong said, has completely become a trapped beast, and it is a trapped beast with scars. He was completely compressed to the corner of Jimo by the troops of the eldest brother Tian Yuan. On the other side, Chu Jun, who occupied Judu, from time to time brightened his fangs.Although the world is big, he has only enemies and no friends.

"Second Young Master, the only thing we can do today is to beg for peace from the Grand Prince." Wang Pei looked haggard, and was unable to get the slightest chance to rest and breathe after years of fighting. Even when he was a mature man, he was exhausted.

"Begging to him? Do you want me to die?" Tian Fucheng roared and looked at Wang Pei.

"Second Young Master, the current situation is like this. We have nowhere to go. During this period of time, the Han army has been mobilized frequently. The commander of the Southern Army Group of the Han Army, Meng Chong, has frequently appeared at the forefront. They have sharpened their swords. Come, how do we resist? There are also the Red Turban Army and Tian Jingwen. We have already lost this battle." Wang Pei patiently said: "Begging for peace, but you may not die, you and the first man, after all It's a female compatriot. You also know the disposition of the eldest son. What he wants is to unify the country and reproduce the glory of the great qi. Now that we can't do this, we should not surrender and surrender. In an embarrassing situation, the eldest son will definitely ignore the previous suspicions. I think, what the eldest son wants is just that you bend your knees to him. Is it possible that he really killed you?"

"But I just don't want to bend my knees to him!" Tian Fucheng roared.

"Second Young Master, we are not afraid that there will be no firewood. We beg for peace, suspend troops, and stop fighting, but at the same time, we also demand to preserve the current military strength and Jimo's fiefdom as the Second Young Master. Begging for peace, but still retains some independence." Wang Pei said.

Tian Fucheng began to have a heartbeat, "If this is the case, it is possible, but who should be sent to ask him for peace?"

"Second Young Master forgot, there is another person here?" Wang Pei was overjoyed when he persuaded Tian Fucheng.

Tian Fucheng also thought of this man abruptly, "You mean Chen Dai? This old turtle, I will enshrine him deliciously and deliciously, but he takes pleasure in scolding me, really wanting to stab him with a single knife."

"This person has great use right now!" Wang Pei smiled: "Chen Dai's bones are indeed hard, but he is Daqi's humorous minister. He went down and said to him that now we are facing such a dilemma, I want to come Chen Dai will definitely think of Da Qi, and try his best to persuade the eldest son to accept our begging and conditions."

"Chen Dai, this old man, if this is done, I can forgive him for his disrespect!" Tian Fucheng nodded and said: "Go and tell him, I don't want to see this old thing."

Chen Dai had just finished eating and was sitting comfortably in the Grand Master's chair, enjoying the cool breeze coming from a fan of a waiter behind him, sipping a sip of tea, and then raised his head and cursed a few words outside. The dirty words are just quotations from the classics, and the words are conscientious. People who don't understand don't know what he is swearing. People who understand, such as Tian Fucheng, can only vomit blood.

"Chen Liushou is in good spirits!" Wang Pei appeared at the door with a smile.

"Of course I have a good spirit. This unfaithful and unrighteous thing is now at a dead end, right?" Chen Dai laughed and said, "Is there any reason why I am not in good spirits?"

"The second son is indeed in a tougher situation now, but it is not because of the hardship of the older son, but because the Han army is about to fight." Wang Pei said lightly. (To be continued)

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