I’m The King

Chapter 996: : Huanghuang Hanwei (120)

Mu Qiu raised his head, and the slight rain fell from the sky, hitting his face, the coolness swept away the heat, and even the dust on his body was washed away, and the irritable mood also quieted down with the coolness. Walked to the war horse, patted this special comrade in arms, and straightened out the somewhat messy mane. The horse hissed softly, poked his head out, and licked Mu Qiu's rough face with his long tongue. Qiu laughed. In everything, he always loves to get close to his horse. As a scout, a good horse is the best partner. Putting on a saddle for the horse, he roared, "Brother Guys, work!" With his cry, about a hundred scouts came out of the woods with their horses, and they turned on their horses one after another.

Mu Qiu was transferred from Beiye. He has been in the Red Scarf Army for more than a year. When he heard that he was going to take off his beloved Han army uniform and put on the Red Scarf army uniform, he was still unhappy, but Unwilling to return to unwilling, but the military order still has to be implemented, and this time, his position has been directly promoted from a scout company commander in the northern field to a scout battalion commander, which is a kind of compensation.

The scale of the Red Turban Army is getting bigger and bigger, and the big man has also strengthened its penetration and control of this army. More and more grassroots officers of the Han army have been sent over through various channels. Mu Qiu is just one of them. .

After arriving in this army, Mu Qiu found that this place is no different from the Han army. Whether it is training, combat or all the rules and regulations, they are exactly the same as when he was in Beiye, and there is nothing wrong with it. There is something else that makes Mu Qiu dissatisfied, that is, before leaving, the military judge has clearly told them that in the Red Scarf Army, they are strictly forbidden to write letters or bring news at home through any means.

There has been no news of home for more than a year. Mu Qiu missed his family very much. He is in Hetao. He now has a house on nearly 100 acres of land. There is a capable wife and his father-in-law's family. His wife's family is South Korea who fled there. Ren, because he found a son-in-law like him, he now has a good position in the local village. He was elected as the village head. The family respects him very much, because they know that their current comfortable life is the result of Mu Qiu on the battlefield. It's a life-threatening one.

Although scouts rarely participate in frontal battlefield operations, their work is more dangerous than ordinary soldiers. They often go deep behind the enemy, and they may encounter enemy scout teams or be discovered by the enemy at any time. Killed silently, so the scouts are generally composed of the most powerful soldiers in the army.These soldiers are not only excellent in individual combat capabilities, but also proficient in cover, assassination and even escape.

From an ordinary scout all the way to the current scout battalion commander, Mu Qiu's familiar companions left him one by one. The companions who were selected into the scout team at the beginning, as far as Mu Qiu knew, survived, There are no more than three people with him.

"I hope that the war will end sooner, so that I can return to Hetao, accompany my family, grow my own fields, raise some cattle and sheep, and add my own retirement money, so that the family will live well enough. Now." Mu Qiu thought.

"Let's go!" He held the horse lightly with his legs, and the horse rushed forward like an arrow.

He came out with scouts this time to inquire about Jimo Tian Fucheng's military movements. Bai Houye was ready to move a knife to Tian Fucheng, and all the troops were preparing nervously, and might launch an attack on Jimo at any time. Now the Red Turban Army is training. There are as many as 30,000 well-known elites. Although Tian Fucheng still has nearly 50,000 troops, he has lost consecutive battles and morale is low. Second, the army is scattered in several defenses against opponents in different directions. On a single battlefield, The Red Turban Army has already gained the upper hand in a big battle.

"Take advantage of his illness, kill him!" Mu Qiu liked the words of Master Bai Hou very much.

A group of people galloping over the uninhabited wilderness, and from time to time they will see some decaying villages.These places are empty, but judging from the size of the village and the deserted fields around it, it should have been a fairly wealthy village before.

Mu Qiu sighed, what a good land, it was just thrown away. When they were reclaiming wasteland in Hetao, how much effort they took to turn a piece of raw land into a ripe land. The harvest of the first two years was simply horrible. , And now it's finally getting better.

"There is a convoy ahead!" A scout suddenly cried, "It's Qi Jun."

Mu Qiu's heart was shaken, his mother's, Tian Fucheng's army was not all shrunk to Jimo, how could there be here? In the misty rain, as far as he can see, hundreds of Qijun cavalry escorted one. The carriage was walking on a road almost perpendicular to them, and it was obvious that they had also found themselves, and the team was a little flustered.

"Go on, get rid of them." From the opponent's reaction, Mu Qiu keenly discovered that the Qi army's combat effectiveness was not very good, and it would never be an elite scout team like himself.

This Qi State Cavalry escorted Chen Dai to Linzi. He brought Tian Fucheng to Tian Yuanyuan’s begging for peace. Originally, Chen Dai was very unwilling to see Tian Fucheng, and he was very happy to see Tian Fucheng's defeat, but when Wang Pei After turning over the points, Chen Dai changed his mind. Wang Pei was right. No matter what Ertian looks like, it is always an internal matter of Qi. Now it is not only Han, but also Chu. There is a danger of subjugation at any time.Since Tian Fucheng is willing to surrender, Qi State no longer has a civil war, and it is a good thing to be able to unite with the outside world.

But his luck was really bad.After only three days out of Jimo, he bumped into Mu Qiu and the others in the scout team of the Red Scarf Army.

"It's the scout of the Red Scarf Army! Your lord!" The general leading the team was a little panicked, and shouted to Chen Dai in the carriage.

Chen Dai poked his head out and yelled: "What's the panic? Didn't the Red Scarf Army have been recruited by the court? Then they are also the court's team now."

"But Master Chen, we are still at war now!" the leader of the team shouted.

"Tell them I am here!" Chen Dai said coldly.

But Mu Qiu's scout team didn't have the habit of talking to the enemy to show their identity after encountering the enemy. The galloping horses swept like the wind, and when there were a hundred steps left, the feather arrows had already broken through the air. Then, Mu Qiu took the lead, riding on the horse, holding the bow with both hands, shooting three arrows in a flash, connecting and shooting down three cavalry, and then he backed the bow again, and stretched out his hand to pull out the horse. The saber beside the saddle.

"Kill!" he shouted loudly.

The numbers of the two sides are almost the same, but the difference in combat effectiveness is huge.One side is full of killing intentions, but the other side has mishandled. They did not run away in the first time, but they were not ready to fight. When Mu Qiu and his party rushed into their queue At that time, this encounter almost turned into a unilateral slaughter.

The sound of the violent collision of weapons and the horrible howl before his death made Chen Dai a little frightened.Although he was bold, he had never been on the battlefield. Jimo lost his defense, and he was captured alive by Tian Fucheng in the mansion.

The battle ended in a very short time. When Chen Dai lifted the curtain of the car and got out of the carriage with the courage, all he saw were corpses everywhere, and even the generals of the Qi army who protected him to Linzi. He was also beaten under the horse.A few Red Scarf knights were pressing him to the ground, his five-flowers were tied up, and his coachman was scared to shrink in the corner of the carriage, trembling.

Looking at the red-scarred sergeants who were slowly gathering up unkindly, Chen Dai shouted, "I am staying behind Chen Dai in Jimo, you can't be rude."

"Chen Dai?" Mu Qiu was stunned, as if he had heard this face word somewhere, it was vaguely mentioned by General Hengdao, but Jimo stayed behind but was a high-ranking official who caught a big fish, and Mu Qiu was very excited.

"Come here, tie up this Jimo stay, let's scream!" Mu Qiu shouted.

A few red scarf scouts flew up, ignored Chen Dai's scolding, and pushed him to the ground.The four horses were tied together and put on an empty horse.

Chen Dai's face was flushed red, who was he, even Tian Fucheng, even though he held him, he was treated politely.At this moment, he was treated like this by a few soldiers, and as soon as his temper came up, he scolded him again. Mu Qiu was a little annoyed to hear, and swung a knife to cut off a piece of clothing from a dead Qi Jun on the ground, and stuffed it into Chen Dai's mouth in twos or twos. The clothing was still stained with the blood of Qi Jun soldiers. Chen Daixun passed out.

The world was finally quiet, and Mu Qiu nodded in satisfaction.He came out this time and caught a general of the Qi army, and also caught a Jimo staying behind.These are all big fish.

"Back to camp!"

Bai Yucheng walked out of the camp where Chen Dai was detained, his face was a little dignified, and he saw Mu Qiu who was grooming his horse while he stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "Good boy, this time you have done a good job. I heard that You are a blessed general, which is really good."

Mu Qiu laughed happily, "Is this old boy useful?"

"Useful, useful." Bai Yucheng nodded.

Tian Fucheng was about to surrender and bowed his knees to his elder brother. This was in the interests of Qi State, but it was absolutely not in the interests of the big man. After a while, Wei Zhiwen, Hengdao, Hutou, Zhao Yi'an and others gathered together. In Bai Yucheng's big tent.

"Tian Fucheng is about to surrender. This time Chen Dai is out of luck and falls into our hands, but as long as he has this mind, he will send another person. Therefore, we can't wait and launch an attack on Jimo right away. Let's stir the water first!" Bai Yucheng said.

"As long as we attack, Tian Fucheng will be tight, and Tian Jingwen on the other side will definitely not be idle. Under the two sides of the attack, Tian Fucheng wants to surrender, and I am afraid there is no chance and capital. Let Jimo chaos, Meng Chong Only then can we enter the gap. When the time comes, our two armies will work together to eat Tian Jingwen’s main force in one fell swoop. Qi Guo is what we have in our bag. The time for their reconciliation." (to be continued)

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